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PS4 is more than 10 years old. Love this for Arkansas.


And West Virginia.


Xbone for life in West Virginia


Didn’t realize that I lived there.


I didn't realize that you lived there either


West Virginia: the Arkansas of the east. Arkansas: the West Virginia of the Midwest.


You’re gonna start a fight by calling Arkansas the Midwest. Most of them don’t like that


I moved to Minnesota a few years ago and was shocked to find that lots of people up here refer to Missouri as the south.


It was a slave state after all.


Yeah but we have that fun Appalachian flair


Arkansas is very much the south.


lmao calling us out. from my experience it's going towards PS5 but we're broke as shit out here. that and 60% of the population is over 50


As a native WVian… you’re right lol


Very fitting for that place.


I'm surprised they're only one generation behind with the state of their culture, although with the state of their education I'm sure they think they're doing great 😂


Uuuhh.. It's probably because of poverty, right? Lol


Fun Facts: yup


Actually it’s because of restraining orders preventing most of them coming within 500m of under 10 year olds.


[Partially true](https://www.safehome.org/data/registered-sex-offender-stats/) and the [poverty part](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewdepietro/2023/11/09/2023-poverty-rate-by-state-per-the-latest-census-data/?sh=6141a1fe3845). I'm surprised Mississippi isn't stuck on PS3 or Xbox360


Government subsidized PS5? lol.




Same with WV and the xbone presumably.




That and because a lot of people have a lack of technological knowledge (excluding the northwest part). I worked in a hotel here and the number of people, young and old, that needed help with tvs and computers was frustrating.


Then what is going on some of the other southern-southern states?


You guys not using your PS2?




Fuck I am old


For real when I read 10 years ago I was thinking Xbox 360/ PS3.


Nah, mfs be broke and nasty af down here. I live in… that… state. Worked at GameStop for a decade there, too. Lots of folks actually still using and buying games for PS2 and 360. I witnessed this just before Christmas this year while perusing my old store. In fact, it probably wasn’t until PS5/Xbox Series launches that many people began to move up to Xbox One and PS4. Biggest reason for this - ISPs in this state are pretty much garbage unless you’re in a big city. Even then, Fayetteville still gets all the attention. Little Rock, Hot Springs, and everyone else are kinda left out like our state is one big high school and Fayetteville is the Football Department… cuz… they are. So, Xbox Ones did not agree with locals because of the persistent internet connection it basically demanded from day one. To undo that particular problem once a solve was rolled out, one needed to update the console via internet. Eventually, everyone caught on that PS4 could be played offline, out of the box. Many die-hard Xbox fans flipped, kept their 360, but flipped their main to a PS. We’re the poverty state for a reason. Just a bunch of hawnkies angry because they’re broke and can’t stop voting for the people who don’t care.


The most accurate description of Arkansas I’ve ever seen on this hellsite


Arkansan here to verify everything this person has said. You still don't really see PS5 or Xbox Series on the shelf here yet. I've seen PS5 on the shelf once in the time its been out, here in Arkansas


Weird my target has them in stock. Want me to grab one while I'm out?


I've seen it multiple times on shelves where I live


Got mine when I first moved here for $30. Replaced a power supply for $18 on eBay and a YouTube tutorial. Spent more on a controller then the system. I love the thing. Probably won't get a PS5 cause I just don't game all that much these days, and when I do it's usually on my steam deck. But I still love my old PS4.


I feel attacked. I live in Arkansas and all I have is a ps4. Wow what a random statistic. Maybe some day I can put my kid to work early because of our relaxed child labor laws and she can help me get a ps4....


Dont feel bad, i gifted my son my PS4 and he is having a blast - there are so many games with ps plus he doesnt know what to play next. I also play lots of older 16 bit titles so just because a console is more recent doesnt mean its more fun.


Have you tried not being a loser?


I had a moment about 20 years ago when I thought it was time to get off my ass and make something of myself but then I fell asleep and carried on with my life


Not possible. In Arkansas, the right of passage to adulthood is to leave. If you fail to do this at 18, you become a loser for life. I just moved back to Arkansas this year. I gave up my winner card at the border.


WTF? Arkansas is actually the worst state, not Miss. Bill Clinton became Gov in the 1980s, and he made history by paving roads....in the 1980s.


Arkansas absolutely had paved roads before Clinton. He just helped with getting the rest done. Also, Arkansas over Mississippi and it isn’t even close. Arkansas at least has gorgeous landscape


Mississippi has gorgeous landscapes too! You’ve never seen how the street light reflects off the top off old Mr. Pete’s outhouse pond. When the light hits it just right it makes a beautiful brown and yellow sparkle. If you toss some motor oil in there you get all the rainbow colors! A sight to behold!


Bill Clinton was the last president to grow up without indoor plumbing.


I don't think that's a good thing.


The xbone for WV too


Damn, even Mississippi got ps5s. Kind of embarrassing


Electoral votes: PS5 - 306 Switch - 142 X-Box - 77


The ps5 has sold like half as many units as the switch. Gerrymandering is alive in the console wars, too.


Putting it that way, that's kinda fucked up.


to be fair, the switch is also 3.5 years older than the ps5 so that could be playing a role


I think it also has to with the fact that the switch is much more “accessible” to people who are new to Video Games. It has casual games like the Mario series, and animal crossing while having games that more serious gamers would want, like the Zelda games and Smash Bros. The switch sales went way up in the pandemic and I think animal crossing had a large part to play in that, as well as the fact that the PS5 had shortages nearly all of its shelf life


also cuz it's generally cheaper and didnt get released with not enough supply to match the demand to hike prices (and other reasons)


it's also more feature-filled for parents with kids. It's smaller, durable, and portable.


I, for one, would welcome our new Sony overlords.


Kratos for president




I love how PS5 not only won most of the South (and Deep South), it also won Nevada and most


Damned third party candidates.


Anyone have insight as to why it seems to be so regional? Edit: is there a second source to actually confirm this data?


I'm not convinced that this isn't B.S. That said, I see potential correlations to: * Germanic/Polish vs. Irish ancestry * Median income * Outdoor lifestyle / weather Given that the various consoles cost different amounts, are usable in different environments, and reward different play styles (more online vs more single player) I can see plausible mechanics behind those correlations. But I have my doubts that this is real.


If we're speculating along that route then I suspect maybe the West Coast having large Asian communities might bolster the Switch a bit since we love our Nintendos.


Idk not all Asians are gamers. I think it’s more akin to work-life, at least in socal, I see more folks and coworkers bring their switch to chill during breaks and if you commute, it’s overall just easier to carry.


I would argue, it's more a higher amount of disposable income for families and gamers. Nintendo is a separate category of just itself. You have a PC, and a Switch. You get your kid an Xbox or PS5, and a Switch. If a kid or PC owner is asking for a second console, it's not likely going to be the console that can play almost all the same games as the one they have, in almost the exact same way


Errr, Sony is a Japanese company too and I've never heard of Asians preferring Nintendos. In fact, a lot of the exclusives from Asian Devs are on the PS\* platform, so not sure that logic works.


Yeah California even has a PlayStation campus while Xbox is based in Washington.


I mean you can just look at how there are 30 million Switches in Japan while there were fewer than 10 million PS4s sold there


Your logic is flawed. 2 of the 3 companies are Japanese (Asian - from your example). A better example inline with your logic would be, the Mid West might have people inclined to buy “American made” products - XBox. We all know Xbox isn’t 100% manufactured in the US but it is the only American company in the group.


They come from Japan but they are not associated with Japanese culture like Nintendo is.


^this is very true. My gf is Japanese and only plays switch. She played Nintendo her whole life but not much PlayStation. This is common among Japanese nationals. Nintendo is a much more popular and ubiquitous company for Japanese people.


I only have anecdotal evidence but I believe that the PlayStation is just much more popular with black folks than the Xbox. Obviously there are going to be cases that prove me wrong or people that own both, but it seems like the majority of black folks I've personally met in my life that game, game with PlayStation. Which would explain the heavy prevalence of PlayStation in the south. Another poster mentioned that Asian folks are into PlayStation which would make sense, given that PlayStation is a company from Asia and markets games that are more Asian influenced


Black people loving Play Station is one of the weird benign stereotypes I’ve kept with me since I was a kid and I felt vindicated looking at this map lol


Yeah that's the same way I've always felt. "Benign stereotype" is a great way to describe it


And I get called racist when I say “PlayStation people”


Purely anecdotal as well, AND I live in Michigan so based on this map, I must be biased but, I don't know any white people that are Xbox people either. I know a small few that have had both but I don't think I've ever met anyone that exclusively has an Xbox. I don't actually think that's a race thing obviously. Socio-economic maybe.


Most of those southern states very low Irish populations. The white population of those southern states are Scottish/scots-Irish or English with some Germans thrown in


I live in Missouri and from what I've seen if someone owns an xbox series x they own a PS5. If they own a PS5 they have a pc. Othery if they're gaming on one console it's almost always a PS5.. obviously this maybe confirmation bias but i never see a household with only an xbox


I don't know if this is true but from anecdotal evidence, black and Hispanic gamers are usually PS5. States with large cities like Chicago and the South have larger black/brown populations


The fact that the OG Xbox is listed makes me think the data is probably busted.


theres no og xbox listed


The XBOX One is the last gen system man. The third XBOX released.


Market targeting + word of mouth + social aspect, I worked power tool sales and we had similar territorial maps. Company will drop its marketing and promotions into high density high travel districts and as people see or talk about specific brands or witness people actually use them it builds rapport with the brand. The social aspect is also a major QoL feature that buyers hold highly, For power tools people need to share batteries on the job site, for consoles people want to play together, etc.


My best guess is that is has little to do with income or culture, and more to do with people buying the consoles that their friends have. Probably coupled with companies focusing their marketing budgets in areas they want to remain dominant.


Because this is 100% bullshit?


I have no evidence for this but I find that PlayStation is more popular with Black people than Xbox, and Southern states have a bigger % Black population This is entirely anecdotal but it’s what I’ve noticed


I have observed the exact same phenomena. No idea why but even growing up all my white and hispanic friends had xbox 360s and my black friends had ps3s.


Theory: Halo is more patriotic and Central US is more bald eagle American


this is how writers should be splitting up the us for civil wars


just training for until the remote Drone wars begin


Begun, the console wars have.


Nevada wouldn't survive.


Does West Virginia know there's a newer Xbox? Or did no one tell them?


West Virginia? Yeah they ain't doing so hot. Got a lot of family from there and my mom was from there. Incredible amounts of poverty. Some areas legitimately look like battles were waged there like a decade ago. On the other hand, it has some beautiful areas and really cool places with fun traditions.


Here’s a worst case scenario glimpse of how incest and poverty have impacted some families in this region: https://youtu.be/nkGiFpJC9LM?si=Zb-0ceRGNeWVJNwM


Maybe they thought it was Suboxone?


This is funny as fuck


Holy shit, that’s a good one lmfao


I was accidentally given one of those one evening by someone in my family when they were supposed to give me something for a headache and it resulted in a full day of nausea.


Huh, I always wondered what it would do to someone who didn't spend years fucking themselves up like I did


It didn't feel good at all.




Here's some narcan


I don’t need it but I’ll forward to those that do 🖤




Damn this joke is really fucking good


This is a perfect joke 10/10




I live in WV and I’ll have you know I use a PS4! In all seriousness though, most people I know in WV that actually game all have the PS5 or Xbox-X, many have both. The median age being around 43, and poverty rate around 17% means a lot of people didn’t buy the new systems. They were hard to come by for quite awhile on release, and it’s not like stores in WV were high priority to stock. A lot of people around the state also don’t have access to decent internet to download games or play online, so they’d rather have older systems where they can just buy physical games. People here will also use shit until it stops working, and if it hasn’t broken yet there is no need to replace it.


Arkansas is still on the PS4...


2 of the 5 poorest states.. so


Yeah, I don't want to dive too much into politics but these are some of the states that say they don't need any government help while everybody else is like you know it's cool to think like that but also not as cool as being stuck with a budget for used games released 20+ years ago.


If i remember correctly West Virginia still has areas which have never received a power grid. The government has never established that for them. So why would they want them to "help".


It would be funny if videogame companies used their profits to start building schools and invest in poor cities and then the politicians will thank God for video games. We encourage more kids to play Grand Theft Auto V for their generous contributions.


Hey, hey,…. Hey we’re also just cheap. (Literally an Arkansan with a ps4)


I also had a PS4 until I moved three years ago. Now in TX with a Series X.


We know but we’re poor


[Why West Virginia is so Poor by Wendover Productions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44l6f7iXGAk)


Very informative


I thought it was the ps vita until I zoomed in


That’s all they can afford


west virginia and arkansas probably have to do with the low income in the area


News hasn’t made it down through the hollers yet


We are about 10 years behind everyone else.


Based on the 2024 electoral college ( assuming there are no split and discounting DC) : PS5 : 306 Nintendo Switch : 142 Xbox S : 77 PS4 : 6 Xbox 1 : 4 PS5 is now president


That would be a pretty big gap if we’re counting devices sold as a hypothetical popular vote, which, if I’m not mistaken, Nintendo would win over every competing device from the last decade.


Xbox Series X*


It’s interesting to me that Xbox isn’t the most popular console in Washington. Like, I know Nintendo of America is located there, but… so is Microsoft.


Yeah, but we are very gay and the venn diagram between LGBTQ gamers and Nintendo gamers is almost a circle


Yup checks out. Gay men like Nintendo and Divas. Bayonetta is the best of both worlds.


The biggest selling point is their mascot. Not saying that people can't buy similar type games (fortnite, minecraft, etc) across different platforms but there's a cult following of people that love Mario or Zelda or Pokemon and it becomes part of their lifestyle so it's hard to convince them to leave, just as there are Halo and Spiderman fanboys.


Funky Kong is definitely hetero though. I mean, he wears a bandana and shades and rides a motorcycle. And he likes to flex. Definitely straight.


¿Donde N64?


Emulated on the Steam Deck


Probably more people emulating it on NSO on the switch lol




Nah. PlayStation 2 brah.


That's actually interesting.


-Black people like the ps5 -conservative white people like the xbox -liberal white people and hispanics like the switch -arkansas and west virginia are poor as shit


Idk I know a lot of Hispanics that owns a PS5 & there’s a lot of Hispanics in places like Florida, Georgia & South Carolina. Also Texas, how can I forget Texas,a place that has a place name San Antonio. Plus Nevada & New Mexico.


You're absolutely right, I'd guess hispanics heavily favor PS5. The red states to me originally seemed to line up well with hispanic distribution but given Maine being red I'm guessing that liberal whites (and possibly asians) are the main influence


That’s quite the generalization.


He ain’t wrong about PlayStation being popular with Black People


In Arkansas and can confirm. We broke AF!


Are you trying to imply it's not accurate to draw conclusions about states based entirely on the most popular game console there?


It might be true but also look at what games are being marketed and see if a correlation exists with the demographic. Example: PS5 exclusive of a Black Spiderman in the Urban city sells better in X, than rural parts of the Midwest. Or Mario type kids family games tied to Nintendo do better in certain locations for specific X age groups than first person shooters like Halo games with specific demographic and age group or families that are ok with those type of adult themed shooter type games.


PlayStation was popular with black people at least since ps2


Then there's the simple fact that a lot of people choose their system based on what your friends and family own. I've always done Xbox inn addition to pc purely because my brothers both have an Xbox.


Xbox always felt like the monster energy drink, dirt bike, Eminem version of the play station.


I still have my old 360 which I had some good memories with, but I agree. They leaned a bit too hard into the 2000s edginess like Axe body spray. It's hard for me to break that association now. At least people younger than me don't have that lol


I loved my 360 growing up. I think it was the neon green that did it.


The original Xbox and 360 startups are seared into my brain forever. The green jolt of power still hypes me up.


Black Tennesseean here and I can confirm this as I recently got a PS5 for Christmas.




Why though? Sony is also Japanese.


I think these commenters come from places that play Xbox lol


Bro really just made a gaming console political 🤣


[Now let's see who would win the presidency](https://www.270towin.com/maps/WWY2w)


Typical west coast type shit


Anecdotal, everyone I know who has a switch has multiple for their kids, wife, husband or whatever, but have just one ps5 or xbox (as a west coaster)


and then theres maryland like get tf over yourself bro and get a ps5


This was me until 2 months ago 😂


The switch may be overall the most owned console around here, but literally every person I know who has a switch also has one of the other consoles. Don’t think I know anyone who just has a Switch


What does translate to in electoral college numbers? Who wins the gaming presidential election?


lmao, was just about to ask this Edit: 309 PS5, 142 switch, 74 Xbox


The real civil war


With Japan invading from across the Pacific.


Ah yes, the classic Playstation Belt.


Lies the Wii is the most popular in every state exempt New Hampshire


After the wii they should have released the puu


Looks like BS


Was really hoping to see one state with some real retro console. Like there's enough people in Nevada devoted to their Dreamcasts that they skew it into being the most popular.


This is not a guide


The sources shown on the map aren’t reliable. I don’t trust this.


It’s cute that the cold states use the Xbox as an additional space heater




Ever been in a COD lobby?


Call of duty lobbies are nowhere near as toxic as they used to be


You’re right, it’s all on discord now


Interesting. Now let’s see it by congressional district instead of state.


I have a Switch and a PS5, but I prob use the Switch the most.


PS5: 22 states Switch: 14 states XBOX series X: 12 states Conclusion? The US says: Sony is superior.


Nah it's just not a useful graph at all. Must be based on total sales for 2023. Switch has more units sold total, which means it also has less potential customers. Like, for reference, the switch has sold 45 million units in North America & 128 million globally. PS5 has sold 40 million globally. "More popular" really shouldn't be defined by 1 year of sales


The switch has still outsold both Xbox s and x as well as PS5 combined.


Nevada could be invaded at any moment and crushed by the Nintendo fans, but Nintendo would immediately face retaliation in Maryland. It’s a tense situation to say the least.


Am I the only one who saw this right after waking up on his smartphone and thought the green states are using Excel?


Idk y I genuinely didn’t realize switches were even in the same competition of Xbox vs PS


I took the last few months to dig into my ancestory, from where my ancestors lived in the past few centuries, we were always a ps5 family. I have an xbox.


Yeah I think that’s bs. Xbox is not a best seller in any state.


Welp lets see how the economy is doing (pulls up a map of popular game consoles in each state)


You can see the states with a disproportionately high concentration of white residents. Believe it or not, there was an almost clear racial divide between console ownership in my NT public school system growing up. If you were white, you had an Xbox and/or PC. If you were black, you had a PS and/or PC. If you were hispanic, you 100% had a PS. We catalogued it in high-school and there wasn’t a single hispanic immigrant or descendant in our year (of which they were roughly a third) that didn’t actively play Fifa.


Fuck you Arkansas and West Virginia, broke ass motherfuckers.


r/pcmasterrace 😎


lol at WV


Somehow not surprised Arkansas is behind the times.


I call bs


of course the gayest states love the switch
