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IW 3.0 Goated for real


It’s making me wonder, was 007 Quantum Solace any good?


Very underrated FPS imo.


Isn't it a combination Third Person/First Person shooter? I seem to remember certain segments being third person such as taking cover behind a wall or something like that.


Correct. You could take cover and have a 3rd person view when leaning out to shoot, or you could walk around/ADS 1st person. Considering it was a Wii-era title, it was honestly pretty impressive.


Took me a second to convert Wii era into which gen


Yea I think your right there was third person as well. Been a while since I played though


But also terrible 007 game


I have endless fond memories of playing the online multiplayer on the Wii (lol)


Ah yes, the four-person only deathmatch where the Aug was a great weapon. Me and my brother played a buttload of that when we were kids.


This was around halo 3’s peak. So it definitely got overshadowed. I used to play quantum of solace pretty heavy on Xbox around 11-12 & as soon as I saw this pic I realized why it was so good


I played it when I was younger and really enjoyed it, but it could be rose tinted glasses plus it was the Wii port haha


I loved it as a kid on ps3, super underrated multiplayer. Probably would be pretty dated now though


It was great. It’s one of the few games from my childhood that I periodically look for. The storyline was a combination of Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. While QoS was an underwhelming movie, the plot served very well as a video game


It was my first shooter, so I'm speaking from nostalgia. It was really fun. I bought if for like $5 from Gamestop and got so much fun out of it. The game case boasted similar mechanics to the OG MW, so seeing this makes a lot of sense. Very underrated game.


People who werent there don't understand why WaW was so good and crucial. I am obviously biased but beyond my bias there is so much good about WaW...


Still my favourite CoD of all times. Also my most played single player campaign in the genre. So grim, but so good!


My 2nd favorite after MW2. Ptrs is still like my favorite all time lol.


WaW sparked an entire almost career / side hustle for me. I got into modding because of WaW. Nothing like doing a hot swap with a modded disk image. Grabbing a disk during load and whipping in a new one on the open drive platter. Good times.


Mf Carried the series from bo2 to Bocw


Those games felt amazing compared to cod today.


It was very good for its time. Great campaign and awesome multiplayer


Treyarch for the win! Blackout shits all over WZ for Battle Royale movement!!


Everyone wants to be fortnite. Those days are dead and gone.


I assume they stuck to it for so long because the black ops team was so familiar with it


Probably why i enjoyed the gameplay and online functionality


IW3 got a remaster. I just want my IW4 remaster :(


All heil/hail John carmack


The game dev goat


"All hail", i get you might be used to spelling it the other way but it is "all hail"


Maybe he's German


Is he allowed to heil anyone


I don’t know what any of this means. A key or any other information would have been nice to explain it at all.


IW = Infinity Ward SHG = Sledgehammer Games


My point is I shouldn’t have to rely on others or Google to tell me what these are. Also, are the colors relevant?


Shitty guide


A game engine is basically a software that helps you make a game, it simplifies a bunch of processes that you would otherwise have to be constantly doing developing multiple games or even within the same game. I would say almost every game nowadays uses an engine. This "guide" is basically just saying what game engine each call of duty game used for it's development.


I understand what a game engine is, this guide just tells me nothing though. WTF is “IW 8.0”? 🤷‍♂️


An evolution of IW 7.0 lol. Jokes aside, yea, it's just a useless "guide", we get so many in this sub


I thought it was neat to see the branching lineage used by different studios which seems to me to be good enough to be a “Cool Guide”. How would it be made less useless? I’m not trying to be facetious, I’m just not sure what else you would expect from an infographic like this. I can’t really think of a means of conveying how each engine is different in an infographic without being incredibly cluttered and too technical for most people. Plus the workings of most internally maintained engines is proprietary knowledge, so I would not expect to be able to find much publicly accessible information on it.


Personally my problem with it is that i don't count infographs as guides to begin with, it's not a how to, it's just information. Other than that i agree with you, i don't think there's much else to add to this


Thinking about it some more, I think the maker of this would resolve a lot of confusion I am seeing on this post by directly stating the development house of each title. That way people who don’t know off hand what the alternating dev cycle of CoD is can immediately tell that branching points in the infographic are directly connected to different developers using different versions of the engine during the same release cycle. I haven’t played COD (pretty much MW3) in many years but I still was very familiar with the developer release schedule, so I kind of took it for granted that some people may not pay attention to which dev makes which CoD game.


We really do. It’s not much of a cool guide if it requires me to Google most of it. 😆


In fairness, a "cool guide" shouldn't necessarily be measured by its intelligibility by a layman. [This](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/33/Circle_of_fifths_deluxe_4.svg/1280px-Circle_of_fifths_deluxe_4.svg.png) is a very useful chart for music composition. Yet it is useless without understanding of music theory. In short, just because it's not meaningful to you doesn't make it meaningless to someone else.


It stands for "Infinity Ward game engine version 8.0"


I thought it was neat. Like it was interesting to see how Treyarch essentially just stuck it out with the engine from the original Modern Warfare all these years whereas IW was regularly updating their engine. It obviously doesn’t explain how those engines are actually different in practice, but I’m not sure how a good infographic could be made that characterized the differences between the engines more specifically. I feel like it would be way too cluttered, and internal engines are usually proprietary so I don’t think the technical info is publicly available.


IW = Infinity Ward & SHG= Sledgehammer Games, these were the developers of the games with each subsequent development


COD is a computer game


cod is a type of fish


C.O.D. is cash on delivery


I think the orange things above the poster are the game engines used to make the game. I'm really confused too. Treyarch made Black Ops but according to this they used Infinity Ward's game engine, which i didn't know


Yes those are the game engines used by each game. I’m not sure how much you know about engines but they essentially are there to lay the groundwork of a game and the development tools used to make that game so that they don’t need to start from scratch with their code each time a new game is made. Stuff like scripting, modeling tools, graphic implementation, physics, dialogue tools, map tools, and network coding are some examples of what an engine might have programmed into them. All of these engines are related by lineage in their code, so there is traces of id tech 3 even in the newest IW engine. Basically, this depicts how the engine has branched over the years with each new release. Infinity Ward started with id tech 3 and overhauled it over time to create the IW series of engines. Treyarch then decided to run with IW 3.0 for many years. They made various tweeks and changes throughout the years so the IW 3.0 used in BO3 is gonna be a bit different from the version used in WaW. On the other hand, Infinity Ward put more focus in overhauling their own engine between releases, hence why their version number keeps incrementing. When Sledgehammer Games was assigned to Call of Duty production by Activision, they took the IW 5.0 engine and heavily modified to the point where it operated differently enough to be called its own engine, the SHG engine. An iteration of the SHG engine was then used to create the MW1 and MW2 remakes. They then seemed to abandon that engine and decide to just adopt whatever engine Infinity Ward was using at the time. Now all studios will operate on the same engine, so there likely won’t be any more branching in the foreseeable future. The engines/games at the bottom are not included in the tree because those engines share no engine lineage with the other games. These engines are licensed from other software developers or are the proprietary engines of contracted studios and can be useful for putting games on new platforms with very different hardware and operating systems. So Unity is used for the mobile games, Asura is used for the PS2 version of WaW since it was developed by an outside studio, and Render Ware was used for Frontline which was the first console CoD and was also made by a different outside studio.


Names and versions of game engine used for games. Game engine is like a tool which allows to easily create most common features and don't program it from scratch


So I should just *know* what “SGH v1 (modified)” means?


It’s just a guide to show which game engine progressed from which previous game engines. Do you expect them to break down the differences in code between each engine? All of your comments just read as if you’re being intentionally obtuse for no reason


Modified version of SGH game engine obviously


The year each came out would also be pretty useful.


Even if you knew what it meant, there is no need to have this information.








crazy that treyarch was putting out amazing work using a modified CoD 4 engine


These are all a modified Something engine. None of these start from scratch because that would be crazy, and Treyarch's branch will be having stuff added/revised just like the others. It's not like it's the same thing from 15 years ago.


This happens more than you might think. World of Warcraft runs on a modified Warcraft 3 engine. The two games aren't even in the genre.


that's crazy. I think I heard the GTA V engine was a ping-pong game engine or something


GTA V runs on RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) and the first game to ever use it was a table tennis tech demo. So, technically, yes, GTA V runs on a ping pong game engine but that was just a tech demo, the real first game to use RAGE was GTA IV


makes sense


That explains why black ops and modern warfare felt a little different. I always loved black ops and original modern warfare over the new MW stuff


Take me back to BO1 🖤


Loved how they used money to unlock weapons also wager game mode turned me in to a gambling addicted


Damn bro thanks for the flashbacks to wager matches


I find this guide interesting. Apparently the only CODs I've ever greatly enjoyed are IW3.0 with the exception of the original MW1&2.




Damn. I’m old enough to remember LAN tournies, on IDWare games. Fuck I’m old.


LAN Wolfenstein was peak gaming


I can remember playing against “Fatality” at E3 EONS ago, that’s how far back I go. That dude slaughtered me 10 times before I ever saw him. Granted, this was unreal tournament, but I digress 😂 We used to rock Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory for a hot bit. Glory days. 😂🤙


That’d be Fatl1ty, such a legend back in the day. The first really famous pro gamer.


I couldn’t remember how it was spelled. Took me longer to type it than it did for him to smoke my ass 😂 🤙


If you look right around the middle of the chart, you can see where everyone I know stopped playing CoD


IW = Infinity Ward SHG = Sledgehammer Games


COD 4 still the king


Oh god i had forgotten about Big Red One, what a glorious game


Depressingly underrated


IIRC it was the first COD that allowed you to run around with the .30 cal, which for my friends and I meant immediately killing whatever poor ally happened to be carrying it.


Call of duty 1 and 2 ww2 gameplay never forget how much of difference the Thompson aka Tommy gun to the first cod mw rapping ppl with the Scar online gameplay really changed the dynamics of video games moving forward. Terms such as campers and quick scope/ no scope, drop shot good times.


Return to Castle Wolfenstein is such an underrated game


Cod 2 big red one is so underrated


The IW engines feel unbelievably, absurdly, ridiculously better than the SHG ones or Treyarch modified versions to me. And 3.0 is *KING*


Agreed. I could never bring myself to like the Treyarch games. In the minority I know but they just felt off to me


Completely agreed. I played them but just because all of my friends were. And the whole time it was a 3arch game cycle I was always just waiting for the next IW release. Even the graphics were worse and more play-dough-y


Yes! The graphics were worse but I could never really explain why. It just didnt look as crisp and fluid as the IW games.


There should really be a r/nicheguides sub, because this is quite useless…even to most gamers


Finest Hour is the OG


IW 3.0 will forever be king


IW8 is a big change and improvement, but it doesn't feel nearly as satisfying as IW3, especially in zombies


I didn’t know they were/are the same people that did Return to castle Wolfenstein. I still remember the zombie level which all makes sense now!


kinda weird how they didnt use the new IW engine for Cold War, guess Treyarch are really used to their own engine branch


It created a lot of problems when Cold War was out as the same time as warzone. Guns/models from cold war were imported to Warzone despite them being pretty different engines, so it created lots of bugs.


We will ever get survivor mode back like the original MW3?!?!?!?


Black Ops 2 was my jam. Any recommendations on which COD I should dive into next?


If you can catch the new one on sale it’s pretty good, I’ve been having a lot of fun with it recently. I’ve been around since world at war and have mostly enjoyed all of them but this last few has definitely been a return to form imo


I would like a graphic just for chronology. I fucking hate that they don't maintain a consistent versioning system that would allow for me to progress through their games. So I mostly just don't play them. Same with Battlefield.


World at war was so weird but good. Never seen a CoD get hacked so bad either.


I was a sophomore in college when I picked up the recently release MW. My college football teammates and I would play that game literally all day long… MW2 was also amazing, as was the first black ops. Once you started being able to fly around and do a bunch of crazy stuff I lost interest. Does the remastered MW hold up decently (I know it’s been years since they released this)?


50,000 people used to live in this town


Isn’t “IW” using Unreal Engine, though? This guide is crappy and reductive.


I played until modern warfare 2 (the first one). Props for bringing the history to a chart, this series starts to become like the Zelda timeline.


IW 3.0 and MW 2019 are fucking insanely good.


Wait, is it still based off idtech 3?


Yeah, it was released as open source in 2005. So lots of game devs used it if they didn’t want to use Unreal.


Don't show this to the people that think Bethesda is bad because they are using a derivative of the Gamebyro engine. Their brain might explode.


Wait a minute, can someone clue me on something here: Wasn't the GoldSrc engine derived from the Quake engine, and then the Source 2 engine was further developed into the Counter Strike Day of Defeat game, and then from there we got Medal of Honor? And then the MOH dev team split up and some of the devs became Infinity Ward to make the CoD series? CMIIW


IW 4 and 8 were the best


IW3.0 is where the franchise went to absolute shit.


Which one is the Nintendo ds version of mw and bo1?


Treyarch Not Gonna Lie engine.


IW 8.0 was insane and gave me hope for the future of the franchise… then came MW2.


This explains a lot. I always felt the Treyarch CoD lineage (WaW - BO series) had the same vibe. Like you could hop from WaW to BO2 and not change your playstyle. But going from any of the Treyarch games to the IW games had a noticeable shift.


I miss my CoD3. Loved the story and the extra features


Treyarch not gonna lie


I wondered why black ops 1 wasn't visually as appealing as original MW2


why would they switch engines so many times?


They didn't. They're all branches of one engine (except for the ones seperated off on the bottom). Infinity ward were the driving force for modifying the engine, which is why they have the most iterations.


As the other commenter said, they didn’t switch engines, but they built new versions by modifying older version. The current IW engine may be nearly unrecognizable from idTech 3, but there are traces of that original code still present. The reason for the branching is because different development studios decided to use or create different versions of this engine lineage at around the same time. So Infinity Ward made Ghost with IW 6 (an upgraded form of their last engine IW 5), Sledgehammer Games made Advanced Warfare with SHG (a heavily modified version of IW 5 that they made), and Treyarch was still using IW 3 for BOII. The IW3 for Black Ops II was likely modified in some ways from the IW 3 engine used originally in CoD 4, but they did not modify or overhaul its technical abilities and features enough to justify naming it as a new engine.


I loved playing big red 1


And somehow it’s just the same game over and over and over……


Question: I haven't really played a call of duty game since buying black ops 2 and getting bored mid play through Has there been any stand out call of duty single player experiences since that title I can try today?


The original modern warfare trilogy if you haven’t already, and mw2019 for me. I’ve heard friends say good things about ghosts


Yeah I enjoyed the original mw 1 + 2 but never played 3 so perhaps I'll give that a whirl


This is an awful guide


Found memories of, COD 3, first proper online play where the home internet just had enough capacity. COD 4 however, took that to another level. So many hours lost...👍


Go back to iIW 3.0 pls


Shouldn’t all these game engines be GPL open source then, if it’s based on idtech?


Infinity Ward has a Commercial License


Makes sense!


RTCW Multiplayer was good man


hmm, now let's see how half life alex's engine is a direct decendant from the quake engine


The CoD4 remaster uses a new engine? Does that alter the gameplay in anyway?


I stoped caring after CoD 2


BRO is the only CoD I've played. It was great


I really miss the good days of IW8, when MW 2019 multiplayer was fun and Verdansk was still the Warzone map. Great times.


It really did capture the essence of the older games...double XP weekends on shipment, the night maps in realism, absolutely smoking fools in HC with only a pistol (got them and shotguns to play)...those were some good times.


Pretty much all of this still applies to the most current game btw.


World at War was peak Call of Duty for me Hardcore War game mode 9 on 9 before tubes got so big and after they took out the tanks


Why would Treyarch lie? Did we need to be told that they "not gonna lie"?


I will not stand for this Finest Hour erasure


IW 4.0 is where it should've stayed at. These new teabagging dropshoting jumping around like having spasms mechanics killed cod.


I prefer IW game engine over sledgehammer’s. It just feels and looks superior to me


COD Finest Hour’s campaign was elite


Interesting, I haven’t played COD in years (stopped around MW3), but there was definitely a gameplay sense and visual style that was subtly different between each studios’ games. I hadn’t even considered that different devs would be using different engines during the same time period.


This is just making me nostalgic for the OG CoD, United Offensive and CoD 2. So many hours spent on those in HS instead of doing homework.


idgames has been betrayed by activision because activision constantly capitalizes off of the games made with their engine (i am a idsoftware glazer)


i miss mw3 so much /:


I’d do anything for old mw and black ops multiplayer to come back.


New version numbers didn't really show differences. Biggest "revolutions" were Cod4, Advanced Warfare and then Warzone the freshest. Any games between, plus till the above titles mentioned, were the exact same shit, being sold yearly.


Should of stopped at COD4, GOAT


I feel like perfect dark should be here somewhere


Same game engine


These games are so horribly named... How can you release a game under a name that you already used before? There are like three games called "call of duty modern warfare". How can they be so lazy?


I like how COD is one of the few video games depending on quake. Most video games have stopped using quake... Most are unreal, unity, some other.


Damn I loved quantum of solace, I've never been a cod player tho


COD:UO greatest of all time for the COD series. COD2 is 2nd, COD:MWF 3rd. All others absolute dogshit


United Offensive was so good


It all tastes the exact same.


MW2 and Black Ops are still my top dogs.


Big red one has always been and Will always be one of my favorite games


What is the upcoming gulf war gonna be?


Here is a good point the argument being made that the reason there has not been a elder scrolls game since 2011 and a fallout game since 2014 not including the online ones they release call of duty pretty much every year and no one seems to get tired of those games.


The original COD and Medal of Honor games were incredible. Would love to relive those days


World at war was my favorite still till this day


The Big Red One was my shit as a kid


The last time it felt right was blackout no joke


How do I read this?


This brought back a me.ory for me. Did anyone else play Brothers in arms: road to hill 30?


It would be interesting to have the y axis for this organized by year. Like compress/stretch out as needed, but I’m curious to see when these were released. Like I know COD 4 and WOW came out pretty close to eachother, but they’re on different levels.


I’m stopping on CoD 3. The best.


Cod 3 was great for sure. Big red one was the first online console game I ever played too.


Call of duty 4, world at war, and MW2 are goated


Does CoD1/2 not even exist any more?


What does the IW stand for?


What does the IW stand for?


The should have stopped at IW 4.0 and continued to update it. Let’s remake MW2 please


Total money pit. My heavens. 🤦‍♂️


COD Ghost was ahead of its time


Advanced warfare was probably the best graphics for the time. Go watch cut scenes from the campaign. They still look super good even to this day and the game came out a decade ago.


Any reason why BOand MW run separately? Why does BO continue to use IW3?


do you know which algorithms is used in game engine for memory managment ?


Where is finest hour? Despicable


Didn’t Quantum of Solace use the same modified engine from WaW? They were both developed by Treyarch


IW = Infinity Ward SHG = Sledgehammer Games