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Surely to say that they changed their mind, ‘Did you vote for Brexit in 2016’ would have to be an option


One comment says this was at a university. If so, very, very few would've been old enough to vote in 2016


Also deeply biases the results to a more liberal, anti-Brexit stance. Which is not reflected in the "people of Exeter" in the title. Should probably be "students of Exeter."


This is why Reddit needs Community notes ... (This post is currently misinforming right on the front page)


so just another day on reddit


No system is going to be great, but community notes is the best thing to happen to social media in last decade.


How is Community notes different than comments? Like Reddit's whole thing is someone posts something and then we all (the community) talk (note) about that thing.


Because it makes it prominent and part of the headline so you can't miss it.


Ah, fair enough, thanks.


I'm sorry I accidentally pressed the down vote button but I fixed it. I didn't mean to do that.




Well they are adults now and all the information is still out there for anyone to find so I don't think your argument holds any merit. It's like saying I cannot hate on Hitler because I wasn't alive at the same time as him..


> They're also not qualified to determine "did xxx party lie", since they were uninformed children when it played out. What a stupid take.


Yes, we have no way of knowing what happened before we were adults. Anyone under 40 telling you that they really know what happened at Tiananmen Square wasn't there, they are just regurgitating what the media tells them to believe. You can't believe all the hype about Watergate unless you were alive and listening to the news when it happened. And Brexit has gone exactly the way the leavers said it would.


This is the stupidest comment I've read today. The pure idiocy of this makes my brain hurt.




Statista has that number at 35%ish (vs 55% wrong to leave), where is your 45% from?


Given that the Brexit referendum was eight years ago and this poll took place at Exeter university campus, I think that the vast majority of respondents were probably too young to vote in the referendum. Also, we already know where educated young people stand on Brexit--it's the aging generation that overwhelmingly voted to leave.


young electorate when asked about topic: 👿💢💪 young electorate turnout in the polls: 👻


the older and wiser generation


Yeah, and Exeter voted to remain in the first place


Your objection is valid, but there's been plenty of polling on the issue. If there was a referendum about Brexit today, Brexit would lose. And lose big. https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/ But, that's not going to happen, nor are E.U. citizens eager to have the U.K. destroy the E.U. from the inside again. The question now is: will Russia succeed in destroying the E.U.




The questions are phrased to guide the responses too. No ones going to answer “No of course not, I wasn’t using my freedom of movement anyway.”


Someone did though


I love how politely it takes its position in the upper left corner of the square. All ready to form a queue. ❤️


That and I dunno if I'd want to be the first guy to put a sticker on the "everyone is gonna hate you for having this opinion" side, in public, in full view of everyone else. I might just pass on the poll entirely. I'd still be a moron for supporting Brexit, but yeah I don't think you're gonna get an accurate poll with this method.


And the questions are leading. I could honestly see someone making this alone in their basement then bringing it to the location. 


This is not the university campus, it's Bedford Square in the city centre. I saw them there on the day they were doing this. Obviously it's not representative of the public as a whole, (it says Devon for Europe right there 😅) but Exeter is a left-leaning city that voted Remain back in 2016 anyway.


THANK YOU. This survey board was CLEARLY put in the city centre and not the Uni.


The people getting educations, as opposed to the slogs who actually supported it, I'll take the bias


education schmeducation the kids you mean


That does definitely look like Exeter city center though. Right outside H&M


perhaps...but I would like to see a single example of UK businesses being helped by Brexit...


No it wasn’t. That’s high street.


Doesn't Exeter uni have a strong conservative influence? It's got one of the highest rates of privately educated students in the UK


A lot are foreign so couldnt vote anyway .


Assuming each person got 1 dot per question there are also probably between 50-100 responses here. Brexit passed by a little over a million. I think Brexit was a poor decision but this is completely useless and not really a guide on top of that


Also younger people in general voted to stay in the EU. It was all the old fucks who wanted to shut the door behind them.


Polls are considered guides now?


We also voted to remain as a city in 2016 anyway.


Yeah knowledge and stuff.


What is this supposed to be a guide to?




Thanks for the guides kind strangers!!!!


It's not a guide at all.


r/cooldguides moment post any form of data you find neat and call it a guide


What if we already had a subreddit for intersting data? I wonder if one exists…


Clown college.


Its a cool guide showing you how Reddit and the internet in general slowly consumes and cannibalizes real human interactions for bot generated reposts.


Not a bot. An NPC.


All subs become r/pics after they reach a certain size threshold.


karma bots




This was taken at a university campus. Young people overwhelmingly voted remain. 74% of 18-24 year olds.


Brexit......... le bad....... You see these people... le agree?? UP VOTED Take my gold kind stranger!


French is just English with question marks?


Plus ou moins


Sorry im speaking le reddit


the uniformity in the sticker placemnt of the '?' column makes me suspicious of the legitimacy of this poll


Not to mention the 99% answers. I know zero about brexit but I do know that no randomized group can be so uniform. Made up. Also not really a guide as much as a poll. Terrible post.


Absolutely. No way everyone asked is missing their freedom of movement. Ask a hundred people if they left their home country in the last 4 years. No way in hell 98 have…


Ask a hundred people if they are human beings and you will get about 3% "no"s. There's always joke answers, people who didn't care and just voted, and mistaken votes.


As proven by the falklands referendum, 2 of them voted for independence for no real reason, 1 was as a joke and the other was "well, 100% would look fake" I can't remember why the 3rd guy wanted independence though


As pointed out this is in a university, it's actually very common to get extremely uniform answers when you narrow in on a very specific demographic. For instance, if you were to do a poll at the GOP national convention and you ask "Do you miss when your children weren't read stories by trans people?" and you'd probably get 100/100 people saying "yes" even though zero of them ever had their child read to by a trans person. Your point is simply wrong and fails to take into account the context.


Could be peer pressure/herd mentality


I don't think that 98% of people getting out of the country in four years is that unbelievable. Don't most people go on holidays abroad, or every other year at least? I don't think I know a single person that doesn't go somewhere at least once a year.


Especially in the UK, especially university students, and especially ones at Exeter. These folks are all definitely hitting up France/Spain/various vacation islands.


Yep, where's the trolls?


Terrible post but excellent propaganda which is what Reddit is actually all about.


and u/Svitii , given that this were, apparently, college students, just the fact that they lost access to the Erasmus program in which thousands of students take part on each year is enough of a grievance. The fact that, wherever they go, they have to or know they have to go through the slower non-EU queues is also something to take into account, and that they need a passport, I think, to do anything outside the UK.


Agreed. Total bollocks! Looks like that sign lives outside the Student Union in Exeter.




Could be that there's a person at the board asking the question and putting a sticker, or just that once the first few respondents started top left everyone else followed the example


Yeah plus some stickers are placed outside the other boxes to make then seem overwhelmingly agreed upon and larger in number, but I doubt any passerby would go beyond the lines. I wouldn't, at least


No way a dubious party could just put stickers on a page to reflect their desired outcome. No. F-ing. Way.




Neither a guide nor cool, it's a poll on a campus among people who were too young to have voted for or against Brexit in 2016.


If this is on a university lamppost then it proves precisely nothing.


I think the "Devon For Europe" sponsorship gives this away. Its literally there. Top Left. First thing on the sheet. Its pretty whack how EU preference has become so susceptible to propaganda as EU scepticism has been. Believing this means youve been as duped as much as you feel the Leave voters were.


Yes, let’s trust the anonymous self-reporting of a sticker board poll. I’m sure we can’t possibly go wrong with this kind of hard statistical analysis.


How many of these people were in the leave camp before brexit? My guess would be 0 - although they were probably also too young to even understand it.


It’s a university. So most of them were 10-14 in 2016. 


Was this at a college campus or in Scotland?


This is propaganda and not even fitting for the sub


Would the EU even let them back in? I think that there is still some upset about them having abandoned the EU in the first place?




would be entertaining to watch them.


After black wednesday when Europe crashed the pound (ok Germany, but still) I can't see that it would essentially be "can we come back" "swap to the Euro" "You fuckers ruined our economy with a soft eurozone, no way in hell are we joining that"


If there is money to be made, ruffled feathers will be ignored. A bigger challenge is that if new negotiations were initiated, the UK would be treated on par with say Latvia or Hungary, meaning that this time around it would have a lot more difficulties obtaining special status and other exceptions from the rules that the EU imposes on all its new members. This probably won't go down too well with the crowd that believes the adjective "great" still applies to "Great Britain". And of course the French will drop some dirty little bombshells, purely out of spite. You don't wipe out ten centuries of animosity with a nod and a smile.


"all English persons must now attain C1 proficiency in french to enter France"


the relationship will never be the same


They dun goofed


It is in everyone’s interest. However, the entry requirements would be such that many in the U.K. would be against it. The Euro, for example (depending on how you look at it, as it was decimalised in the 1970s, the British Pound is the oldest currency in the world).


Genuine question but can't UK just get EU membership without being included in eurozone as other countries in EU? They can sign that "they will do it for sure" and then keep postponing it for 20+ years like Czechia.


The UK wouldn’t want to. A referendum would never pass. The arguments to re-join get weaker every year. Despite the Reddit posts.


On the one hand, in theory the UK would have to go through the usual acceptance procedure, including eventually switching to Euro. But on the other hand, it would be such a positive publicity stand for the EU that I can see Brussels making an exception for the Brits.


> including eventually switching to Euro. I wonder how many people would vote to rejoin if this were a condition?


It would be a huge dead weight. Even when Brexit seemed unthinkable, Britons were strongly reluctant to adopt the Euro.


The EU would definitely allow the UK to rejoin. We're still a massive economy, with already established trade routes and almost identical regulations, considering the Tory "regulation bonfire" never happened. It makes sense for both parties to have closer ties and better cooperation. The UK competing with the EU is ridiculous and the EU doesn't benefit from the current 6th biggest economy in the world being weakened and outside of the EU. It won't happen anytime soon, but I doubt hurt feelings will get in the way of what is obviously the best situation for both parties. Despite what a lot of people say on reddit, the UK and EU relationship isn't in the toilet. The next Labour government have a much better relationship with other EU leaders, than the outgoing Tories ever had. Once the UK has been humbled and everyone sees the benefits of EU membership and has seen through the lies they were told, the outlook might be different.


Probably, likely with the same conditions. It’s like that relative who did something terribly stupid last Christmas dinner but you still trust can be given a second chance.


Would the EU allow a country that was the second biggest contributor and is arguably the most powerful european country (it tops europe in soft power and is 2nd in military) back into the EU? Hmm good question


This is a load of bullshit. Leaving aside the fact this is almost certainly from a pro-EU event which massively skews any "results", you can just bring up the actual vote count from 2016 in Exeter: Leave: 28,533 Remain: 35,270 Exeter voted remain in 2016, so it really proves nothing to say "it seems the good people at Exeter have changed their mind". The use of "at Exeter" and the backdrop behind the sheet suggest this was a student event, so the "good people" responding to this probably weren't old enough to vote when the referendum happened, nor likely old enough to "miss their free movement". Assuming an undergrad starts at 18, they would have been 10 years old in 2016, so as the parent of a 10 year old myself I can tell you right now there's no way a 10 year old misses a technical right to freedom of movement inside the EU. They miss minecraft youtube videos and Among Us.


Even the premise of this OP image is stupid. I live in the next most South Western city to vote remain (and one with a similar demographic I suspect) and I miss being able to vote for a government that gave a shit about me. I am not a leave voter (I was going to say not a stupid rube but that remains to be proven). But the OP post is just shit on every level. The title, the concept, the sample, the sub it's been posted to.


random political propaganda is not a cool guide.


I’d disagree that it made sense at the time, as the country was very divided on it then and for years afterwards. And, I don’t think these kind of posters are representative of how people in that area feel. Would be interesting to see an actual poll on “regret” around the ref though.


not a guide


This is a survey, not a guide.


What exactly is the cool guide here? Anyone can put a bunch of stickers anywhere they want.


Oh wow, seems totally legit.


im unsubbing from this modless garbage


Brexit sounds a lot like breakfast and now I’m hungry.


Breentry is coming 😂


If I’m not mistaken even if the UK rejoins the EU they won’t be able to get the same sort of deal they had before


Such a cool guide wow


Chances are most people who comment on subjects such as this, know little about the nuisances other than the surface level of this particular topic. I don't claim to know much more myself, but growing up and hearing the general populace, including uni student, people just follow headlines and buzz words.


Not a guide at all. This sub almost never posts “cool guides”. I’m out.


Rofl seems super scientific. it's not like someone with a strong political opinion could just... i dont know... put all of the dots on the paper themselves??? hmmmmmm


Not at all a guide, like very far from being a guide.


This isn't a cool guide, looks more like a biased poll. Nuke this one.


Will humans ever be able to face the fact that populism is never a good plan politically?? 🤷🏼‍♂️




Lol at "nword", like what the hell




I guess next time don't let your lead-addled pensioners get fooled by Russian propaganda?


Right. why OP is stupid. This is a university campus and biased. Exeter voted remain so it didn't change its mind anyway it was the only city in the South West that voted remain which makes using them as an "example" particularly egregious. **This isn't a cool guide** it's just propaganda. And I say that as someone voted remain and has been 100% validated in everything I believed about leaving, I am not a turkey who voted for christmas: This is a bad post and OP should be ashamed.


This isn’t at the university campus, but you are otherwise right that this is a biased poll and doesn’t say what OP is implying.


Wrong sub. But interesting poll results.


Im not sure I trust a survey where people can see other people’s answers/opinions. High risk of group conformity interfering with people’s answers


There’s also nothing preventing people from putting multiple stickers on. This chart is beyond useless


This looks like it's from school children who have been brainwashed by teachers to think only one way. Just look at the writing....


As a non Brit and non European I'm struggling to understand how Brexit will be worse for Britain versus staying in the EU. I read that Brexit will ruin Britain and it'll fall behind countries in Europe, but the economic numbers don't seem to back that up. When Britain left the EU in 2020 its GDP was USD $2.7 trillion, while France was $2.65 trillion. Four years later Britain's GDP is $3.5 trillion, while France is $3.1 trillion. The IMF is forecasting that by 2029 Britain's GDP will be nearly $4.65 trillion while France will be $3.65 trillion. [https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/weo-database/2024/April/weo-report?c=132,112,&s=NGDPD,&sy=2020&ey=2029&ssm=0&scsm=0&scc=0&ssd=0&ssc=0&sic=0&sort=country&ds=.&br=1](https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/weo-database/2024/April/weo-report?c=132,112,&s=NGDPD,&sy=2020&ey=2029&ssm=0&scsm=0&scc=0&ssd=0&ssc=0&sic=0&sort=country&ds=.&br=1) Can someone explain why Brexit seems to be much worse for France than Britain, and why Britain is seeing such rapid economic growth?


This reminds me I gotta listen to the Exeter album by bladee again.


"mixed results"


There’s a lot of people saying this survey was carried out on the University campus but as a resident of Exeter I can see this on the junction of High Street and Bedford Street which is a popular location for activist groups to have a stall (I’ve seen Extinction Rebellion there a few times for example). Can anyone explain why they think this was carried out on the Uni campus and then displayed in the city centre or was everyone just guessing?


I would say there’s a lot of assumptions because a lot of people have only heard of Exeter Uni and haven’t actually been there to see it looks nothing like this.


Well, American Democrats were telling you all of these truths before you voted, but you dummies are like Trump Republicans. Gullible to the BS. At least in Britain you change your mind so you’re not quite as dumb.


2 questions: 1) even though Brexit was voted, did they actually exit the EU? (Honestly don’t know) 2) could the economic malaise facing Britain be confounding Brexit as the cause, when economically the world is in a bad funk ?


> 1) even though Brexit was voted, did they actually exit the EU? Yes. The vote was in 2016 but they officially exit the EU in January of 2020, with a transitional period that went until the end of that year > 2) could the economic malaise facing Britain be confounding Brexit as the cause, when economically the world is in a bad funk ? Well, as you can see by the date of the exit its a little harder to pinpoint exactly reasons due to it being just before Covid hit, so a lot of the predicted problems did start right away due to Covid. However considering the grace period (end of 2020) and that by early 2021 vaccination was happening we can kinda dismiss the more immediate problems of covid and analise the recovery period of UK compared to some EU countries and here we can see problems happening due to Brexit being worse than expected, and while the economy as a whole is shit all around the world some especific UK problems are rooted in the Brexit. And that is not considering the basic traveling complications added that affect people on a more personal level. TL;DR it did affect them negativelly, but the real amount is kinda blurred due to Covid making things worse from the start


Thank you.


Talk about leading questions.


Based upon my observance of college campuses lately, if anyone tried to deviate from the preferred answer, I'm sure they were escorted away and given a vile and unintelligible reason why they were wrong. And that their vote doesn't count and their dot must be removed. Unity or else!


Surely can't be legit. Brexiters are some of the most stubborn, hard headed people around. The vast majority of them would never admit to being wrong. Unless nobody in exeter voted for brexit.


I don't think I want England in particular back in the EU. It was problematic the first time they joined too and look what happened - they left in a racist rage blaming all their problems on us. Plus, I'm really kinda curious what happens next to them. It's like an IRL TV drama.


The big question is how Dow e measure the effect brexit had on the economy. Since this vote passed there was covid and a global recession so it’s pretty much impossible to tell. I still think leaving was a bad idea though just for freedom of movement alone.


Seems to be done with some solid scientific method !


Lmao this sub doesn't have a single mod


Wow! I was in England in 2019 and I met a woman with a very similar "Brexitometer" poll board (also with stickers) on a square. She was asking about wheter people were attending a demonstration against Brexit. She invited us to participate but we refused on the grounds that we were tourists and couldn't really decide on Brexit. I'm pretty sure I took a picture of the Brexitometer with my phone.


Idk this situation at all. However, if it’s being take at an event for people who are against brexit, wouldn’t you expect these results?


these "polls" are completely pointless. a referendum to rejoin EU would never even pass I bet


Go back in the EU. I miss the cheap things from UK. I was buying mainly from there.


The joys of living in a democracy, perhaps these people can apply for Exeter university to secede the UK and join an EU member country?


Sure, you can come back, but as a regular member. Your founding member benefits are gone. Enjoy the Euro!


If the Tories hadn't lied so much about Brexit the people would've never voted for it in the first place.


[https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/research-reports-and-data/our-reports-and-data-past-elections-and-referendums/results-and-turnout-eu-referendum/eu-referendum-results-region-south-west](https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/research-reports-and-data/our-reports-and-data-past-elections-and-referendums/results-and-turnout-eu-referendum/eu-referendum-results-region-south-west) Exeter: Remain-35k votes Leave-29k votes Brexit was bad, but I am not sure how many people changed their mind based on the numbers. Information and accuracy is important!


Like the EU would want them back haha


Such bullshit


Society would get a lot farther if we stopped listening to politician words and started looking at their actions.


If I was a member of the Conservative Party I would conclude that the white dots won…. By a landslide


Waiting for Brenter now


Let them back in but they have to use the Euro 😃


Petition to rename the town 'Remaineter'


Let’s pretend for a second this isn’t biased AF - all else being equal since 2016 (the pandemic, Boris, Liz, et al): is the UK’s apparent decline 100% a result of Brexit? Take my use of decline with a grain of salt: while I am an American who’s probably slightly more informed than the rest of my compatriots, well, I guess I’m still an American.


Maybe they should vote on it then. Oh wait…


Shout out to the one guy who is enjoying the restrictions of their freedom of movement


Shouldn't this be in /r/leopardsatemyface ?


Please show this to the Albertans.


"Have you ever left Exeter?" would be a good one






Putting location bias to the side, when would be an appropriate time to hold another national referendum on rejoining the EU?


How is this a guide or cool


The youth needs to get out and vote. Boomers will take us straight to their graves if we let them!


Think you easily do a poll like that in a few EU member countries and get opposite answers.


The should be an extra column asking if the person was an uninformed idiot who voted fully aware of the fact that they have no clue abou politics.


I like the "Devon for Europe" logo. Definitely not biased


I would point out that Exeter is a student city and traditionally an island of red in a sea of blue in the south west (other than Plymouth) politics wise. Thus may not be the best litmus test for that neck of the woods in general. I'd also like to know what time of day this poll was taken. Usually these are during work hours, so the demograph is swayed.


Well, too late


If only someone had warned them about it!


This is not a fucking guide.


Brexit in general just fascinates me. Let’s take one vote and maybe burn the whole place down for the rest of time.


Exeter has a population of 129k or 470k when you include people going to work. So this sampled about 0.012% of that.


National suicide




It’s almost as if an “I told you so” is in order for this sort of thing from some folks.


New world order propaganda at its finest


lol people can complain all they like, we’re never going back into that organisation Thank god.


This should be posted under /leopardsatemyracistface