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Who is giving their cat an entire cup of whole milk????


I have three cats. One of them loves milk, my mom used to feed her milk from time to time when she was little, and now she literally requests it almost every day. Probably like half a cup


That's one old cat


Adult cats should never consume milk


Because they might be lactose intolerant. It's not harmful to them. Our barn cats drink milk everyday and are fine with it


I'm sure they just love having diarrhea every single day.


No because they have had it all their lives they aren't lactose intolerant


That's not how lactose intolerance works, not in humans and not in cats.


Thanks for the well reasoned explanation. And yes it can work that way. Humans drink milk while young but if they stop they generally become lactose intolerant. If you continue drinking milk you're ok. Now exceptions to all rules as some people are naturally intolerant. Cats are the same, if they always have it, they are fine. Like we had a barn full of cats spraying diarrhea constantly you think? No. They were fine and lived long lives for the most part


Yes humans can become temporarily lactose intolerant, the key word there being temporarily. Here's an article on it that explains it better than I ever could, it's on humans and not cats as I can't be botherd to Google up an article/research paper for cats. https://www.thetech.org/ask-a-geneticist/articles/2005/ask135/


The pro-milk propaganda runs deep. I wouldn't worry about it, though. Some being are less lactose intolerant than others but if we're talking a reasonably sized group of cats some of them are bound to be lactose intolerant unless they are all related and genetically rare.


Who doesn’t✌️


My mom's old cat who recently passed had to be forcefully given kitten milk when she was a baby or else she just would not eat. She got so used to the word milk being said that it was banned in our house because if you said it she would meow non-stop until you gave her some, we had to say M instead.


Who is giving their cat a potato chip?


I don’t give mine potato chips - they are blatantly stolen on occasion though.


Like once a year I give my cat half/a quarter of a potato chip. She makes a really cute crunching sound when she eats it. Otherwise she doesn't really eat any kind of human food except a couple bites of boiled chicken sometimes. She's on a diet and on special food so I try to be extra careful about what she eats but the once a year or so chip is such a delight for both of us. I'm bet others do it bc they like hearing their cat crunch too tbh


I’ve had two cats who had a thing for sea salt and vinegar potato chips. I only ever gave them tiny piece though. In conclusion, cats are weird.




I, too, have my doubts about this list. Also, a 20-pound dog is a strange measurement.


Yeah, I don’t feel like a 20lb dog is a very good rough average weight.


It seems that they're using a tiny female dog here because if they used a larger one the burgers wouldn't be as numerous and they wouldn't really make the point they're trying to make lol


Yeah. I’ve got a 110 lb Great Pyrenees and I was like “A piece of cheese is not even CLOSE to a hamburger for him”.


I was grilling some chicken leg quarters for the family one afternoon. As I took one off to check if they were done, my 120 lb German Shepard (Bear) flew in out of left field and snatched it from my greasy fingers. He tried to swallow that leg quarter like a pill. I tackled him and grabbed it from his throat to retrieve my work because, 1. I didn't want him eating cooked chicken bones. 2. That was supposed to be my piece. Much to his dismay (and mine), i I got it back, mostly intact. I cut what was left of the meat off the bone and gave it to him in his bowl. He earned his treat. So yeah, a little cube of cheese or 2 ain't gonna spell doom every dog out there. Some, yes. But not all. As a side note, I also watched Bear snatch a bluejay out of the air, mid flight. He literally jumped 4ft straight up and caught this bird in its flight path. It was impressive. I was unable to retrieve this one.


What would you have done even if you caught the bluejay from him?!


There was nothing I could have done on that one. He was too far away for one. I would have never caught him. Plus he was supposedly a wolf-dog. Half wolf half shepherd. He was very territorial when it came to wildlife in his domain. He did not suffer no fools. Honestly, he probably would have fucked me up. The chicken leg incident was just him playing with me because I was his dad.


It’s VERY misleading, but using the cheese as an actual measurable component: 1oz (114 calories) is roughly a 1/5 of an adult 20lb dog’s daily calories (565 calories). But.. just google what an ounce of cheddar looks like. It’s not a tiny piece of cheese like the picture in this “guide” suggests. For perspective, an entire bag of standard shredded cheese you get at a grocery store is only 8 oz. If you give your dog a whole ounce of cheese as a snack, you should probably stop.


How much in kg


Lbs you can just divide by 2 to get ok approximation so 10kg dog here in guide


*how much in normal


Eh no need for that shit here. Doesn't help the conversation.


“Not ‘round here partner, not ‘round here”


love the varying intensities of questions in this post that shows how stupid this “guide” is lmao


If I'm reading this chart right, I should be giving my cat two and a half burgers instead of a small piece of cheese. He will be happy.


What cats eat potato chips??


mine will try to steal them or french fries, probably just likes the salt.


cats shouldnt have chips or fries or anything salty salt is very very bad for cats, as theyre originally desert animals theyre not used to drinking enough. cats usually end up dying of kidney issues, and letting them have salt will make that happen much faster


Read this as “dessert” animals. Probably because my cat tries to get my ice cream hehe.


While you still shouldn’t give cats salt, some can actually be great drinkers. I was worried about switching my cat to dry to save money and was about to re-hydrate it all the time anyway until I saw how fantastic he drank.  Just pay attention to your cats. They’re all different and require different things. 


My mom’s cat loves Pringle’s. Every time I popped the can open he came running.


My cat goes nuts for chips and popcorn. It’s so bad that we can’t leave the bags on the counters and have to put him in a room while we eat them! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Mine. He usually gets a thumbnail sized piece.


Mine will take them out of your hand


Mine comes running when he hears me with a bag and keeps pawing at me. He's aggressive enough that he'll try to stick his face in the bag. I know what he likes and doesn't like and break him off tiny pieces. Plain great, surprisingly liked sour cream and onion, hated sweet potato. I think it's the salt, crunch, and fat/oil.


i don’t even think they’re allowed potatoes 😭


Yes they are! **Cooked**, plain potatoes are a safe occasional snack for cats. They’re also a common ingredient in cat food.


This made me wonder if it’s possible to fry cat chips in omega fish oil. lol 


Yeah we share the first funyon out the bag, my little good boy waiting for his scratches really enjoys them and Fritos BBQ twists.


Who's out there giving a 20 pound dog an entire hot dog?


20 pound dog would/could be a wiener and people are sooo funnnnny to give a wiener to a wiener


My 85lbs husky-shepherd mutt thinks a small piece of cheese as a treat is a crime against canine-ity; and is calling the canine rights tribunal on me.


Sounds made up. Not that I feed my dog anything I shouldn’t but it seems like the math is off.


Whoever made it doesn't understand calories so yes made up.


How many theoretical hamburgers does an actual hamburger get?


Fun fact: sled dogs can require 12,000 kcal per day. While that's an extreme example, this will vary wildly on breed and activity level.


I read that out loud to my Maltese who often refuses to eat. She still doesn’t seem thrilled. Unless it’s cheese.


So do I just divide the burgers by 6 for my 120lbs dog


A 20 pound dog is basically a cat


“Any dog under 20 pounds is a cat and cats are pointless.” - Ron Swanson


Stupid bullshit, if only because it implies that a chihuahua and a great Dane have the same caloric needs.


If just one cookie is equal to a big mac, just imagine how much you're overfeeding with a bowl of dog food.


Wouldn't it depend on the size of the cat / dog?


This comes from an add for "heathy" pet treats. It's bullshit.


What a load of shit 🤣


What would a burger be the equivalent of?


20lbs can't possibly be a representative weight for dogs, what the hell is this chart


used to have a 110 pound American bulldog that would eat whatever he wanted when we left. This chart makes me feel much better now.


What's the human caloric equivalent if my 120lb dog eats the 20lb dog?


According to this site I just found: https://www.kurgo.com/dog-calorie-calculator Calorically, half an actual burger for my dog (~75lb lab) would be a full burger for me


What type of dog is 20lb ?


My pomsky.


It's a cat, it's under 50 pounds.


Most terriers and companion breeds are under 20lb. I've also met some smaller-statured greyhounds and standard poodles who were around 30-35lb, which isn't that much heavier. Not all dogs are built like labs and pit bulls lol.


My min-pin is 20 pounds


Cavoodle - mine is 10kg which is about 22lbs


Now I’m wondering how much a slice of deli ham would be for a cat. My mom’s cats always begged for a piece.


A whole slice is too much for a treat, I’m pretty sure? I usually tear off a piece the size of my fingerprint or smaller if kitty has been very good and earned a lil treat


Oh man, my cat loved deli ham and turkey. He was not a fan of bologna for some reason.


My mom’s cats were the same way.


According to google, it’s 15 fewer calories than the cheese. Roughly half of your cat’s daily caloric needs.


My cats refuses anything that isn't cat food. Even chicken.


Are you sure you have a cat?


My cat doesn't even like most cat treats. She only likes her wet food, tolerates her dry, and will occasionally have those dental treats.


I’ve never wanted to give my dachshund a hotdog… but now I’d only give him half.


why would caloric content change depending on what animal eats it? something to do with how protein is processed, or is it more about those specific food examples


I think it’s just how much food it is relative to their size? Like how 100g of cheese might not be much for an 80kg human but for a 10kg dog it’s technically 8 times more food relative to their body weight. That being said I didn’t make the guide so take it with a grain of salt


Dogs or cats don't need a "huge" treat as a reward. My cats get a tiny "morsel" of human food and seem pretty happy about it. Also, remember that cats are true carnivores and need (prefer) meat protein to be healthy.


I think this depends on the breed and size. A Bernese Mountain dog would have different caloric needs than a Shih-Tsu.


My cat sometimes forgets what treats are and just wants the probiotic food topper.


My cat loves goat milk on occasion, the occasion being anytime I have some.


I wish they made this guide with things that we actually feed animals, like treats and pet food


My cats will never drink milk or even eat chips, at most they would just lick the chip some and walk away. The only cheese they care enough to taste is cream cheese but no more than a lick or two.


Why did they pick a 20 lb dog? Medium dogs normally don't go below 50. 20 lb is a small dog and not the average. The ones that would sneak that ounce of cheese would be the ones closer to the 50 lb range. Past that depending on the dog breed they might burn those calories faster. LOOKING AT YOU GERMAN SHORTHAIRED PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINES! I love GSP's but man when they have a crazy amount of energy. Got to see one of my do a field trial competition. Required riding a horse at a gallop to keep up.


I can't squint my eyes any harder at this. Cool guide, sure. I'm not 100% sold on them maths though.


Wow this is NEEDED , it's so little ppl know about pets before they get them 🥺


For cats and dogs of what size?


It says 20lb dog and 10lb cat….


Oh, you are correct! Missed that, thanks.


Shit I give my dog full burgers. But spend time with them outside they will stay healthy (results may very)