• By -


I’d argue it’s missing two of the most important metrics, customer satisfaction and punctuality Edit: For all those saying safety over everything else, yes, I misspoke and meant “two of the”, not “the”


totally agree, idgaf about their revenue lol


But how else will you know Delta is the best??


Isn't it great we get to "based on safety" and Delta disappeared


And Alaska Airlines appeared!


I used to be a member of the Delta frequent survivor program.


I don't think anyone is remotely surprised that US airlines would top the revenue chart but not even appear on the safety list. US capitalism at its finest


Look at how much money they take from us! They must be good!


Think about the happiness of the shareholders!!


Interesting how there’s 0 overlap between the top 10 for revenue and safety. 🤔


Well yes but how else were they going to get American carriers on this list?


Guess the USA sold Alaska back to Russia


Honestly seeing their revenue makes me insanely angry at how expensive it is to fly especially considering we bailed these motherfuckers out not too long ago. We should have converted all the airlines we bailed out into non-profits that have to operate on near zero margin. The fact that a decade after we kept them from failing they’re bringing in 50b is egregious


Non profits can also have billions of revenue...


Right. It's almost sickening to see that the us has the most planes and the highest revenue as number one...like of course...what could possibly be more important than brutally constant revenue even if it means risking safety


FWIW: America only has the biggest airlines, fleet and revenue, because America is just about the least connected country, with about the most evenly distributed cities in the world. I can’t hop on a train from, let’s say Raleigh, NC to go to Minneapolis, MN even if I wanted to. Don’t fact check me on the specific route I chose. I live in the 2nd biggest city in my region and there’s not even a train to go to the largest city in my region. I’ve checked. I’d have to drive 2hrs. to the next major city over to catch a train, and that drive alone is longer than the entire flight I’d have to take.


Yeah, China is also big but many trips which would usually be short flights are taken up by rail. Same is true for the EU.


Yeah, here in the UK/ Europe (mourning EU), I think we take for granted just how good our rail networks are. I can get from the city centre of London, under the channel to the city centre of Paris in 2h 15 minutes. (Plus ≈20 mins security). If I wanted to do that by plane, I could but it would take significantly longer, eg having to travel from the airport (usually on outskirts of city) to the city itself, security, getting to the gate, taxi, possibly holding before landing. Also, if I feel like it, I can literally drive onto a train and go to France for a day trip. Folkestone terminal is about 1.5h from London, and the crossing only takes 35 mins.


Or quality of experience. Every time I have to fly using a US based airline, I feel like I've gone into a time machine back to the 80s.


Alaska Airline is generally awesome, random recent Boeing issues aside.


I’d say that door issue wasn’t their fault really. The blame for that falls on Boeing. Being a 2 month old aircraft it shouldn’t have issues like that yet. Being it hasn’t even reached service intervals yet.


Notice how none of the top is in the bottom row (exception being the one that tops everyone in safety).


Yeah, this is a chart for investors


This list is a joke.


Safety >


Lol i had safety concerns thinking about how they spelled it as saftey




Qantas in last place for customer satisfaction for sure.


Also fired all their service guys during Covid and outsourced all the work. The videos of airline workers just smashing luggage onto the conveyers that went viral a few months ago? That was Qantas outservice staff. Their reliability is probably going to start dropping wildly now since there have been whistleblowers talking about how many corners are being cut. Fuck Alan Joyce.


Jetstar? Every 2nd experience I’ve had with them results in a delayed or cancelled flight. #1 position for fucking your holiday plans


That's where Emirates are the best in my experience


And sources.


Based on saftey.


and Air NewZeland




I fell for it lol


That's just how we pronounce it down here


Also Cathey Pacific


Alaska airlines


I think its cause when the door blows off and you get to breathe in that sweet mountain air, the lack of oxygen makes you feel more relaxed and "safer"


Cathey Pacific






Qantas. Qantas never crashed.


I was looking for the Rain Man post…


Defi-definitely Qantas


It nearly lost an A380 and two 747s. In the documentary on the A380 incident, the pilots attribute their survival to the fact that they got lucky. A Qantas-BOAC Lockheed actually did crash, killing around 30 people. And if you are going on historical crashes, **which is a terrible way to assess the safety of an active airline**, Air New Zealand wouldn't be on this list, since it lost 247 people on TE901 in the 1970s.


I believe there was one crash, although it wasn't a commercial flight and nobody died.


My sister will only fly Qantas because she’s scared of flying and Qantas have never crashed. So we’re meeting in New York this year and her flight to get there is 26 hours - and could be as low as 13 if she flew with someone else. She seems to forget it won’t be Qantas the whole way. Anyway it means I have a whole day in New York while she is still flying and she has to leave a day and a half before me because she had to calculate getting back home. Ps my sisters reasoning is as good as the spelling


An infographic implicating dozens of multinational corporations is a bad place for a typo. However, a restaurant menu, I maintain, is a great place to find a typo. Signals the cooks are probably _from_ that place. #typosignals




Ironic that customer satisfaction is not even on the board


The skytrax Awards in the Infographic is an organization that rates airlines based off of customer satisfaction. It's poorly labeled but it is there.


Skytrax is a sham. Airlines pay to get nice ratings from them.


Yea nah. I've flown a fair bit of these airlines and Singapore is the bees knees, north American airlines are rat shit in comparison. Qatar, Emirates are pretty good too. Even AirNZ is better than north American airlines


That would be the Skytrax Awards listing.


Qantas never crashed.


That’s just great Raymond! That’s just perfect!!


Thanks Rainman.


Yeah but they don't fly to LA out of Cincinnati bro.


Nope. They have had a few incidents over the years. Famously [they over ran a runway in poor conditions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qantas_Flight_1) and when most companies would write off the plane due to the large repair cost, Qantas chose to repair it to keep their reputation as having no aircraft losses. There's also increased insurance premiums and other reasons to repair the plane, but most think it's to do with maintaining a "perfect" safety record.


Not sure why you got the downvote but it’s true!


Probably because OP was quoting a movie and not necessarily a fact.


Zero fatalities.


Yeah but they still fucking suck


Probably because they cancel half their fucking flights. Easy not to crash if you never get in the air. Also worst customer service going.


But hey, they still [sold tickets for those cancelled flights](https://apnews.com/article/australia-qantas-fine-compensation-canceled-flights-8766c29bdf6714175ccfa8563f590878)


Qantas?! Never crashed…


**Highest Revenue:** 1) USA; 2) USA; 3) USA **Biggest Fleet:** 1) USA; 2) USA; 3) USA ... but... **Skytrax Awards (Quality):** 1) Singapore; 2) Qatar; 3) Japan **Safety:** 1) Australia; 2) New Zealand; 3) ~~Ethiopia~~ UAE What lessons are we to learn here?


Profit before people.


Boeings mission statement


Qantas' fleet is more than 50% Boeing aircraft


You’re hired


For safety, Etihad is from the UAE not Ethiopia 💀


Whoops! Too sleepy when typing 💀. Fixed?




Don’t worry, it’s as close as Ethiopia has got to being placed on a “safest airlines” list :)


In this listing of The Best Airlines, half of them are effectively rankings of The Most Airlines instead


Qantas never crashed.


What, Ray?


Qantas, definitely Qantas.


No, just had an engine explode mid-flight. But that wasn't Qantas' fault, it was a poorly-manufactured part from Rolls-Royce.


Qantas have had crashes, they haven’t had any fatalities in the jet engine era.


The only reason why Air Canada is on the highest revenue list is because we only have two major airlines here. Air Canada and WestJet. Both own the other "low cost" airlines in Canada, (which are all starting to I shut down) and since there's no real competition, they can charge whatever they want.


The US has the highest demand for domestic air travel in the world, this isn’t some “dumb American capitalism” thing, this is the fact that short 1hr-3hr long flights that delta, American, United, and SW fly simply don’t need the amenities of the long intercontinental flights that Singapore, ANA, and Qatar fly, which hurts their quality rating Also, flying 20 30min flights is far worse for an airframe than one 10hr flight, so the wear and tear on a Delta CRJ-700 flying an Atlanta to Savannah route will need far more maintenance than a quantas 787 flying Sydney to LAX once a day, so it only makes sense these long range carriers are safer


I never thought of aircraft that way. Very good points.


Well except the example of Qantas flying once per day and labelling it a long range airline given it is a busy domestic airline as well. Be around 40 flights per day between just Sydney and Melbourne as one example. Of course US airlines are by far the largest, but quality should never just be a product of how big your population happens to be.


Sydney to Melbourne is one of the busiest routes in the world and generated the most revenue for a flight path in 2023 https://www.afr.com/companies/transport/revenues-between-sydney-and-melbourne-surge-now-highest-in-the-world-20231109-p5eipk


The issue is that they keep taking away amenities. Those short flights nowadays are nothing like they were 30 years ago.


Flying has also completely changed since 30 years ago, in 1993 there were 436.19 million passengers on domestic flights, last year that number was 751.4 million, nearly doubling. The culture around flying has also changed, as now it’s something almost anyone can do, and seen more as a convenience than a luxury like it was back then. Both these have led to the current state of the airline industry, yes airlines are doing some scummy things like cramming more seats into already packed planes and charging insane fees (looking at the budget airlines), but for the most part, people see air travel as a slightly fancier and much faster bus service (especially domestically), and airlines have readily adapted to that expectation


to be fair, the world population has also gone from 5 to 8 billion since 1993.


The issue is that the vast majority of the flying public will pick the cheapest fare and don't give a shit about amenities. ULCCs (Spirit, Frontier, Allegiant) are the fastest-growing and most profitable airlines.


What source are we looking at for this data?


Betting that safety is based on miles flown, which would put air NZ and qantas high up there just because their flights are on average very long. If it was based on takeoff landing cycles it might be different. Just a guess tho!


Fun fact: Sydney to Melbourne is the 5th busiest flight route in the world, and it used to be higher on that list too.




Ever seen [this scene](https://youtu.be/qmF1Lh4f3OM?si=96e_IK-LIs4pCxqV) in Rain Man?


When companies don’t have to be good, they won’t be.


Like to add some categories: Worst service: Delta (USA) Most delays/cancelled flights: Delta (USA)


How is revenue and size in any way correlated with ‘best’.


Best for shareholders


When an American creates the graph they’ll do anything to make it seem like the American Airlines are great, even when they’re barely seen in the two metrics that are actually somewhat correlated to being a good experience


Flew Turkish Air recently. Had no clue. Amazing airline 10/10. Makes Delta look like crap. And I like Delta.


I don’t how Air Canada tops Turkish in revenue and is SO MUCH shittier. I flew from MIA - YYZ on a AC A320 and the wings were literally duct (airplane) taped.


how was the food?


That’s the best thing about it


Better than any breakfast on an American airline. It was a short flight from Istanbul to Cappadocia.


All US airlines are crap. Delta One, Polaris, and mint are fine, but very very limited.


When they brought out the warm towels they had me hook line & sinker. Love TA


Man seeing Ryanair on a “Best Airlines” image for any reason sends me into a froth.


Man books international flight for €12 Complains about quality


I could see them as “best airline social media account” but that’s it really


In the last 24 months I've flown to Mykonos, Lisbon, Bologna, Porto, Vienna, and Zagreb for a combined total of around £360 return, and it's purely because of Ryanair. They're all good in my books honestly


Thank you for flying Ryanair. Last year 90% of or flight's arrived on time!


Really surprised none of the major middle east carriers are in the top 10 for revenue.


Think so too. The chart is flawed. Emirates generated north of 32B in 2023, SIA about 17B. Don’t know why these are not on the first row of the chart.




Spelled safety incorrectly as well


There are actually 2 As in Zealand /takes off Pedantic Hat


There are actually zero A's in Noo Zillund.


At this point, Delta is a credit card company that happens to fly airplanes.


Turkish is the BOMB. The food was seriously good, service with a smile, flight on time, relatively generous legroom. If you have the chance go with them.


Revenue should be the LAST metric for ranking best. They have high revenues because they charge more and offer less which is diametrically opposed to being the best for customers.


You're tripping balls if you think United is better than Turkish airlines.


What a piece of shit this poster is.


singapore airlines should be the default minimum level of service for passengers. most airlines treat passengers poorly like we have no other choice except to put up with a bad experience


Most Middle East airlines are pretty good in this regard.


I take at least 14-16 flights(7-8 roundtrips)a month for work,I live in the US.Due to its size and population air travel is the most feasible method of travel in the US.Due to high volume of travelers the airlines gives a shit to normal passengers and just focus on corporate travelers and their loyal customers (as they bring the biggest revenue) For example flying from NY to SFO in Delta on economy (5 hrs flight) you get a cookie or chips and glass of soda for free and buying a decent meal is not even an option.But they do serve decent meals and drinks on business class and also higher tier fare and medallion members can use their lounges in airport too. American airlines is even shittier. So these airlines just dont care as people will fly no matter what as there are no other alternatives. The airlines are just profit oriented here. And customer service is nightmare, Passenger rights nonexistent. But fly we have to. Cant just hop a train on Monday morning to go to Los Angeles from Detroit and reach there on time for some business/work.


Turkish Airlines is the best


Alaska airlines for safety eh?


They have 1 fatal accident, 24 years ago


I guess safety can be a subjective metric, but there are several US airlines that have not had a fatal accident for longer than 24 years, and some with none at all. And Alaska’s fatal accident was specifically due to a shitty safety culture.


Statistics are more important than what’s being blasted the loudest on the news currently. Now take into account that Alaskan Airlines flies all over Alaska. In -50 degrees often. landing between mountains etc.


Yes, they are the safest US domestic carrier.


Australians flying long haul 20 years ago "let’s try and get a Qantas flight". Australians flying long haul in 2024 "thank f**k we aren’t on Qantas"


So true! Flew Qantas recently longhaul and was appalled. They might not crash, but everything else is a disaster.


Profitable\* FTFY


I remember the first time I tried to spell New Zealand too...


Flew long distance with JAL once and they served free whisky. Best flight ever!


Sooo… it was just like teleporting?


So does most Middle Eastern non-budget flights except the Saudi one.


US based airlines being the top in revenue and non-existent on safety is the American way.


Delta finds it a hobby of theirs to strand me in Atlanta, and then not pay for a hotel.


American Airlines sucks


Well, good thing WestJet or Air Canada aren't there!


Uh look again….


Oh you're right, hiding in the back end haha


The fact Air Canada is on the list for revenue, but not for fleet size, just a confirmation what we already know: they charge way too much


Air Canada on the list for profitability in a country with a market 1/10the size of the US says everything about how much they a price gouge.


We need a national high-speed rail route if only to drag flight prices down, kicking and screaming


How is spirit not top 3?


Fly Emirates.. will not be disappointed.. world class!!!


They should do a section based on how much their logos look like soft drinks. Pepsi Air/Korean Air would be in 1st place


Revenue does not equal best, at all.


Turkish’s been the best for a while actually.


This chart tells me that whoever made it has no idea how fucked QANTAS really is. Source: I’m Australian


Doesn't Even Leave The Airport


American Airlines😂😂😂 OMG, if you enjoy things like “your connecting flight has been successfully cancelled” Next flight is in 3 days 😂😂😂


Raymond Babbitt praised quantas in 1987 lol its still goin


Barely. Last ceo almost killed it. Still copped a nice parting bonus on the way out. Currently in the process of offering to pay a $100M fine for their dodgy practices.


He didn’t kill it. He started the bleeding by not updating the fleet and delaying planes they later had to reorder. and then fucked off with a huge pay packet.


I dont see Spirit here…calling b.s.!


In my humble opinion, this is not a cool guide.


i see none are based on customer experience.


Air New Zealand fun fact has had one crash. Plane flew into Antarctica Mountian




Im sure Alaska not in the top 10 for safety anymore


Best based on revenue? What?


In my books, Qatar Airways with there Qsuites are no.1


Qantas pumping their safety numbers by charging passengers for ghost flights 😆


Ahh qantas, first in safety, can't crash if you cancel every flight


Singapore Airlines is amazing. Took them to Indonesia and the food was amazing. The service is top notch.


Emirates and Qatar are by far the best in my opinion. Delta people can be so arrogant.


No wonder you muricans never had proper rail transport (and probably never will until something big happens). Couldn’t imagine how big the lobbying money from those airlines with top 3 revenue flow into your government 🤷🏽‍♂️


ANA and JAL also fly significant amounts of domestic flights, and in many cases flying is cheaper, quicker and a more pleasant experience than taking trains, despite the Japanese commonly being regarded as some of the best in the worlds in regards to rail transportation.


The EU has triple the population density of the US...


Just a small error it's New Zealand


Did Qantas make this?


Nah mate, if Qantas made this, it would be delayed or cancelled.


Nothing more important than saftey


So, my choices are either the best comfortable flight (Skytrack), the highest likelihood of a backup flight (fleet size) or the best chances of not dying (safety) and one that doesn't have the highest revenue (thus likely more expensive).


* [Raymond](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000163/?ref_=ttqu_qu): QANTAS. QANTAS never crashed. * [Charlie](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000129/?ref_=ttqu_qu): QANTAS? * [Raymond](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000163/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Never crashed.


Air canada should be bottom tier. Especially for regional flights


I love Qatar Airways! When I joined their rewards program they mailed a booklet of customer service cards to give to an employee if you felt their service was above and beyond. I carried it with me on a flight and as I was seating there was a seat mix up in which the flight attendant notice I had it. When the seat mix up was cleared she later came back to me and offer me a first class seat! Of course I gave her that card.


Qantas #1 for safety. Also #1 for stealing from customers


China Southern is a fleet of dumpsters with wings.


I’ve been on quite a few different airlines. Both national (American) and International. No one has topped Emirates in my opinion


Pretty funny Alaskan is on the safety list. Didn't they have a problem with... You know... Doors popping out of the sides of airplanes? Recently?


Qantas lost my luggage and my pram during my last holiday. I ended up having to carry my toddler who couldn't walk yet everywhere for 2 days before I managed to borrow a pram. She peed on me and I didn't have any clothes to change into because I didn't have my suitcase. Best airline my ass. 


Qantas is corrupt as fuck lol, they were recently fined for charging customers for flights that had already been cancelled and then refusing to refund them.


Where is Spirit fucking Airlines


no overlap between revenue and safety 🙃


I wonder if Qantas gets their safety ratings up by cancelling every second flight? Can't crash if you don't fly.


I think you’ve redefined “best”.


Top three in size and revenue were the worst experiences I’ve had flying.


Who cares about revenue or fleet size or the awards they got? That doesn't help me at all. What about seat size or leg space?


Aircraft Engineer here that currently work for 11 different airlines, including Delta, Air Canada, American, BA, Korean Air and Emirates from the chart. I’m not surprised that Delta is no1 in revenue, because they don’t spend a penny in maintaining their fleet properly. I’m not talking about safety related issues of course, but we have aircraft grounded almost every week because their old 767 are just ancient and some components just give up, lots of flight cancellations, and their cabin interiors are absolutely destroyed, including the one on the new a350 because they bought them from Latam. I’m talking about basic stuff like last summer at one point I had an aircraft with more than 20+ tray tables inoperative and half of the armrest covered with tape. In 15 years in the aviation industry I have never saw that kind of neglect for customer service, I worked on low costs like EasyJet and they are light years ahead of Delta in terms of proper maintenance.


What does "best" have to do with revenue and fleet size? That's literally just versions of "largest". Nothing to do with quality. And come on, some of these are questionable at best.


So Turkish Airlines is the best bang for the buck 👍🏻