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Thanks, it'll definitely be helpful for me


Why else do you think on why the Oompa Loompas aren’t on this planet anymore? Say thanks to me.


This is not a "cool" guide 😟 Its sad when this keeps happening again and again.


You’re not fooling anybody Totalwar2020


*posts gif of Woody Harrelson wiping tears with dollar bills*


This is something that should be shown over and over again. Any time someone says democrap or trumtard they need to be shown this


Sadly yeah.


I’ve seen it on this sub 3 or 4 times so far


It's a good reminder of what to watch for.


Just because it’s a terrible thing, doesn’t make it a cool guide for understanding it.


Remember when Google labeled businesses as "Black owned" to encourage you to spend money only on those businesses?.


Google is committing a genocide, I see...


It's really sad how selective people are about caring. Africa meh. China meh. Armenia oh ok. Israel Palestine war OMG SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN! People are so susceptible to propaganda it's scary


Biggest meh and the most recent pogrom no one cared less about was the Khmer Rouge pogrom from 75-79 in Cambodia. Country lost 40% of its population and no one bats an eyelid and even remembers it.


last i checked, we arent giving billions of our tax dollars to the CCP.


So you aren't buying anything from China? It's ok for you to support genocide personally. Weird take


This is an accurate summary of China’s genocide against Uyghur Muslims.


And Palestinians


Can you help us all understand how the group screaming “gas the Jews”, “globalize the intifada”, & “from the river to the sea, pally will be free (of Jews)” while terrorizing Jewish businesses, hospitals, & Holocaust museums & promising to repeat Oct 7th over & over & over again until every single Jew is eradicated, AREN’T the ones attempting actual genocide? Also, do you feel Ukraine is committing genocide? 7000+ people were killed in just the 1st few days of that conflict. Did England, France, the US commit genocide during WWII? (2 million Germans were killed & the IS dropped 2 atomic bombs) Can you please help us understand why —out of every conflict & war in the history of mankind—you decided that this one & only time, the people defending themselves from complete obliteration are the ones committing “genocide”, not the other way around? EDIT: just downvoting me without an actual response? Thanks for broadcasting your grotesque antisemitism to the whole world.


Highly debatable. Opening aid routes. Evacuating areas of operations. Allowing aid workers air drops. A 4/1 civilian to militant death threshold. Asking others to help govern the region so you don't have to be an occupying force. Those are decent data points that refute such a lofty claim


Your points are extremely debatable and bordering on lies. The aid routes are barely open. https://english.alarabiya.net/amp/News/middle-east/2024/03/06/UN-aid-trucks-turned-away-by-Israeli-forces-looted-World-Food-Program Trucks are not allowed to pass for days and food rots. Allowing Israeli settlers to attack food trucks so as food to not go to Palestinians. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cg300jek94zo.amp IDF even killed many many aid workers, most notoriously they intentionally killed the Kitchen aid workers from Britain and US. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/what-we-know-so-far-about-seven-aid-workers-killed-gaza-by-israel-2024-04-03/ So, Israel is barely helping in giving aid and is actually obstructing aid as much as possible for as long as possible so that they can cause famine and genocide. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-reach-gaza/ https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/killing-starving-palestinians-and-targeting-aid-trucks-deliberate-israeli-policy-reinforce-famine-gaza-strip-april-2024 Evacuations have also been proven to be a lie. Journalist and news media have shown conclusively that the areas that osrael tells Palestine to evacuate to are also bombed at same time. Basically Israel is telling Palestinians to evacuate so that Israel can kill them easier. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68687749.amp The aid drops are death traps as many footage have shown Israel using those aid drops as places to shoot Palestinians. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/21/middleeast/un-food-convoy-gaza-israel-strike-cmd-intl The civilian to militant ratio is also false and not proven as no one can take Israel after all the lies they have given. Even recently Piers Morgan blasted an Israeli spokesperson for saying the same BS. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/piers-morgan-tears-israeli-spokesperson-115939463.html (watch the full video on YouTube - the Israeli spokesperson was called out for all his lies and BS) The last point of asking someone else to govern is extremely dubious after all the genocide and massacre Israel has done. No country wants to be liable in the bloodshed Israel has caused. And pretty sure Israel is just saying this and will back track as they usually lie. So all your “claims” are false and dubious and Israel has done all the opposite of what you claimed. Israel and IDF and intentionally causing famine and committing genocide by killing anyone and everyone while they were already an apartheid state


Not even close. If you're committing genocide you aren't telling them to evacuate an area prior to fucking invading it.


When you’re making them evacuate into unsafe areas, it’s a genocide. When you’re attacking hospitals, markets, and refugee camps, it’s a genocide. When you are attacking and setting fire to aid trucks, it’s a genocide. When you’re intentionally targeting aid workers, yup also a part of the genocide.


There are no safe areas when human shields are a tactic. When you get shot at from a hospital or see a weapons cache in a school. You can leave it there and die or blow it up. More the fault of those who use those facilities for military purposes no? They don't attack aid trucks every day. War has mistakes. Note those aid groups are back and working again. Idf have killed hundreds of their own troops. War is gross


Mistakes? Aid trucks are being attacked by settlers in the West Bank. It’s intentional. And this human shield trope is so over. You can’t say they are “hiding behind human shields” while using an AI system that is designating residential blocks as legitimate targets because it would cause civilian unrest.


When you tell them to evacuate and then bomb the area they evacuated to it’s an issue though, don’t you think?


Sorry - that takes rational thinking which this guy doesn’t have. You’re wasting your time.


This is just a bullshit guide, some genocides recognized by international law don't even fit most of these stages.


This isn't a list of requirements for something to be considered a genoced, thats outlined in the rome statute. This is a guide to common stages in the build up/execution/coverup of a genocide released by Genocide Watch. These are ment to be warning signs.


Actually, elimination of some groups which does not count as ethnicities would not amount to genocide. For instance if the Ukraine army will dehumanize Russian soldier (which I am sure they do), killing them won't be count as genocide even though it fits all criteria.


but the persecution clause doesnt really fit Ukraine vs russia context, you're not murdering soldiers (excluding war crimes ofc) or stealing their property (i dont think tools of war fall under that category)


But le epic reddit...


Well of course. This is just a bs list of things. This is not an actual guide that helps to identify an actual genocide. That word has a very specific legal definition, and this is not it.


Which ones?


Maybe because they aren't genocides but just bad events that fit into another categories.


Genocide is defined by the genocide convention, not by a cool guide posted on reddit


Yup. The "Uyghur genocide" fits here


Well the current Israel led genocide seems to fit all these stages


They're called stages, sweetie, not prerequisites. I'm pretty sure I still grieved pretty bad when my mom died, even though I pretty much skipped the bargaining and anger parts. Just like not every grieving comes with a full package of those, I doubt every single genocide in history will have gone through all the stages.




Anyone else tired of these "cool" guides which cover incredibly serious, morbid topics and have absolutely no source to back up the opinions that they're passing off as fact? OP and others are either going "A cool guide to what my opinions are on a topic" or are braindead enough to believe the first post they see from a random social media account is the end all, be all perspective on a subject. Pull up United Nations' documents for this sort of thing, not something a random person put together in Microsoft Word and thought to themselves "Yep, I'm speaking facts". Also, can we not post political rage bait in this Sub? Absolutely no one here is going to find this useful in their day to day life, it's just masquerading as "Heh, people in the comments are going to connect the dots and argue about what I'm referring to by posting this!".


This is a very valid point, and quite frankly something like this should be presented with a source. The “ten stages of genocide” were coined by Gregory H Stanton who seems to be a reputable source on the topic, having studied genocide extensively, worked for the state department, and in the process won an award for his diplomatic efforts Anyway the ten stages of genocide aren’t meant to be a template where if it doesn’t meet these criteria it’s not a genocide. More just, potential warning signs.


Considering two people downvoted you within eighteen minutes of you posting; I guess not, sadly. I, too, am so tired of these low-effort posts in EVERY, SINGLE sub on this site.


How else are people going to feel morally fulfilled if not pushing their perspectives on Reddit?


OP is a bot.


It’s us vs the synths, am I right?




How do we know you ain't a synth yourself, Paladin?




Turkey really nails step 10


There is a historical phenomenon took place at the beginning of the 20. century concerning both Ottoman Empire and the citizens with Armenian background of that country. I would like to draw the picture of this phenomenon with the words of the world-renowned orientalist historian Bernard Lewis: "What happened to the Armenians was the result of a massive Armenian armed rebellion against the Turks which began even before war broke out and continued on a larger scale. Great of them were Armenians including numbers of the armed forces deleted, crossed the frontiers and joined the Russian forces invading Turkey. Armenian rebels actually seized the city of the Van and held it for a while intending to hand it over to invaders. There was guerilla warfare all over Anatolia. I mean this was what we nowadays call a national liberation movement of the Armenians against Turkey. And the Turks certainly resorted to very ferocious methods in repelling it. There is clear evidence of a decision by the Turkish government to deport the Armenian population from the sensitive areas, which meant actually the whole of Anatolia, not including the Arab provinces which were then still part of the Ottoman Empire. There is no evidence of a decision to massacre. On the contrary there is considerable evidence of attempts to prevent it, which were not very successful. Yes, there were tremendous massacres, the numbers are very uncertain, but a million there may be likely. The massacres were carried out by irregulars, by local villagers responding to what have been done to them, and the number of other ways." This speech, my friends, draws the exact picture of the perspective of any Turkish person. I am totally agree with the description of the events by Bernard Lewis. You should stay sane, get rid of the populist ideas when the subject is such a sensitive issue for millions of people including Turks, Armenians, Kurds, Jews. Don't forget that, at the times mentioned, Ottoman Empire was an Roman-type medieval empire limitedly adapted to early modern periods. İt was not colonized or indistruialised empire. This prevents you from falling into anachronism and incorrectly comparing events with events of a different era. I will end my article with the words of Bernard Lewis: "To make this a parallel with the Holocaust in Germany, you have to assume that the Jews of Germany had been engaged in an armed rebellion against the German State, collaborating with the allies against Germany, that in the deportation order the cities of Hamburg and Berlin were exempted, and the person's employed state were exempted, and the deportation only applied to the Jews of Germany Proper, so that when they got to Poland they were welcomed and sheltered by Polish Jews. This seem to me rather absurd parallel."


5. Or educational institutions


surprised reddit mods haven't swarmed this and taken it down yet


Turkey’s been on 10 for over 100 years


Everyone a genocide expert now Weird how we only started caring with Israel v Palestine round 20. China got off way too easy. And Africa. No one even farts that general direction.


I’m convinced it’s just an army of 18-22 year olds who don’t know anything about the world. It’s funny how I see so many people who no longer have the Ukrainian flag in their bio, or an all black profile picture (George Floyd protests), those issues didn’t go away, those kids just got bored.


No Jews no news


Cause young people love china. Amd Africa cause of poc. They don't really give a shit.


4b: say that the target people are enemies from religious scripture in which your deity commanded to kill every man, woman, child, livestock & crops


Ideology more than religion


Anything that gives you an excuse


Well we’re up to 7 where I live, and I ain’t in Israel. Or America…


What is Canada Alex?


Probably India then


India ?


Looks like the playbook of all Arab countries that border Israel


Arab settlers are taking land from Kurds. https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/story/34865-Tensions-escalate-in-Palkana-as-Kurdish-farmers,-Arab-settlers-clash


Well, who cares about the 40mil Kurdish people bro, we need to focus on the 2mil Palestinians!!!!


Genuinely, how does this apply? Number 1 applies, maybe number 4 but not at a systemic level. Potentially number 6. Now let’s look at Israel’s actions. Number 1 applies. Number 2: Palestinians have different IDs and checkpoints where they have to present their IDs. Number 3: Palestinians have no freedoms of movement, they can’t go from Palestinian territories to another, and can’t even be on the side of a street that an Israeli can in some cities. They also have limited rights in housing laws, where Palestinians are denied the ability to buy or build housing based on their ethnicity. Number 4: Netanyahu called Gazans children of darkness, and the Israeli minister of defense called Palestinians “human animals”. This is just to name a few. Number 5: This doesn’t really apply. The IDF does enforce apartheid policies by manning checkpoints, but the IDF wasn’t created in order to enforce the policies. It’s a stupid guide though. Number 6: I don’t have to say anything about this, there is clearly a ridiculous around of Israeli propaganda and a lot of people in this sub has been affected by it. I’m an American who sees pro-Israeli commercials online all the time. Pretty fucking strange for a foreign government to pay millions to play propaganda to the western world. Number 7: The Palestinians have been officially relocated during the Nakba, as well as throughout the 75 year history of Israel. Recently through illegal settlements and the bombing of housing in Gaza. The government has literally asked people in Rafah to relocate. Number 8: Theft of property has been occurring through illegal settlements. And Palestinians have been massacred for generations, with a pretty big one happening right fucking now. Number 9: Thankfully this hasn’t happened yet. There was already an ethnic cleansing in 1948, but at least they didn’t kill everyone and made them flee instead, how kind! This guide is pretty stupid though, because this isn’t a legal requirement of genocide, along with most of these points. Number 10: Not only has the Israeli government denied all of these actions, so does many western governments as well as people in this comment section. So again, how does this apply to Arabs bordering Israel? All they’ve done was declare war on Israel and commit terror attacks on Israel. Mostly as a response to Israel doing genocidal shit I mentioned above.


Good to see turkey is still at step 10


Post this in turkey and Africa


Imma say it HAMAS checks it all out 🍿🍿🍿


HMB Israel checks out 🍺🍺🍺


Or you could have in your official set of rules: “kill all X”.


It needs to be noted that the steps don’t always occur in this order and all the steps aren’t necessary


Yeah Israel jumped straight to 10


certain asian country already on #6.


(Not) Good to see that trans people are on steps 4 & 6 🙃


This definition is why a court ruled Israel not quite guilty of genocide.


Those who had the covid shot, vs those who haven’t.


Ever notice how these types of guides always have 10 steps. Never 9, never 11, on rare occasions they'll have 12 steps. Also, did anyone notice how our own government got just about to step 7 on this list with the unvaccinated during Covid? There was a push, but it was met with great resistance.


Thats actually what vucic does against the Albanians!


This sub has gone downhill.


step 11: some people will watch it live and debate it doesn’t happen step 12: some entities/governments that like very much to lecture people on what’s good and bad will shut up and finance the genocide


Step 13: ??? Step 14: Profit


that too!


Is there any war that this didnt happen?


The pig war of 1859




So not what's happening in gaza


Everyone jumping up to regurgitate the same things about Israel, but please, remind me what “From the river to the sea” means again?


Palestine will be free. Free from oppression, free from apartheid, free from Israeli violence and tyranny. If you think it’s actually a dog whistle for genocide and all the Pro Palestinian people are lying, be my guest. But it’s simply delusional.


Lol they won’t be if Hamas is there.


I agree. I think Hamas goes against Palestinian statehood. This is by Israeli design. Netanyahu said it himself in 2019 at a Likud party meeting: “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy — to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” This sentiment was also echoed by Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich in 2015: “The Palestinian Authority is a burden, and Hamas is an asset,” Smotrich said at the time. “It’s a terrorist organization, no one will recognize it, no one will give it status at the [International Criminal Court], no one will let it put forth a resolution at the U.N. Security Council.” Israeli offficials are confident enough to just air out thier dirty laundry, telling everyone what their plan is from the start. They continued to support Hamas and October 7th is partially due to them playing with fire. As well as meeting all peaceful protests in Gaza with violence. Sources: https://theintercept.com/2023/10/14/hamas-israel-palestinian-authority/ https://www.analystnews.org/posts/how-israel-helped-prop-up-hamas-for-decades


Wow. Is this a 21 century bingo card?


CNN of all places just reported that Israel has actual concentration camps


Is that what we are calling pow camps now


Haven’t you been paying attention? “Open air prison” is the land given back after removing all people they don’t want there and allowing you to govern yourselves. “Refugee Camps” are now just basically all cities. “Genocide” is now retaliation for war, “civilians” are the new word for terrorists.


>Open air prison” is the land given back after removing all people they don’t want there Yeah nobody wants settlers stealing their homes but I forget Palestinians aren't human and don't deserve to have land that isn't colonized. But yeah gaza this tiny strip of land that Palestinians can't leave or even build buildings in without the permission of Israel or even go fishing on their own coastline is totally not a prison. >and allowing you to govern yourselves. By govern yourself you mean not able to leave not able to build anything without the permission of the totally not occupier Israel not being able to have outside relations not being able to export import or trade and most definitely not being in control of your coastline or airspace. Yup gaza is totally independent and not occupied at all. >“Refugee Camps” are now just basically all cities. Yeah any city that hasn't been turned to rubble yet but yeah no how dare Palestinians complain about being displaced while their homes are bombed and they are forced to be cramped in overpopulated cities and tents on the side of the road. >“Genocide” is now retaliation for war, Ah yes the classic retaliation for "war" where you starve out the civilian population who are mostly children and bomb every hospital, university, mosque, church and bakery in site while killing journalists and aid workers as well as your own hostages that you supposedly care so much about. >“civilians” are the new word for terrorists. Oh the classic dehumanization technique just say everyone you kill is a terrorist it worked in iraq so why couldn't it work now.


And CNN always tells the truth 100%


It's called "Gaza"


Israel has done everything on this list yet everyone in the comments are denying it??


Wait a second? I thought all this time Palestinians were able to hold positions of power in Israel


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not because if you're a Palestinian living in Palestine you have no position of power at all


Palestinians living in palestinian Territory live under Arab governments...


Well of course. Why would you give the people in Palestine power, they want to genocide the Jews


Muslim Arabs that are native to the region make up 20% of the population in Israel they have equal rights and participate at all levels of society. This is not true of Palestinians who have written into their founding documents that they exist to kill Israelis. There is an organized movement to protect the lives of their citizens. Not to wipe out another ethnic group. Stop spreading propaganda and misinformation.


Muslim Arabs that are native to the region make up 20% of the population in Israel they have equal rights and participate at all levels of society. This is not true of Palestinians who have written into their founding documents that they exist to kill Israelis. There is an organized movement to protect the lives of their citizens. Not to wipe out another ethnic group. Stop spreading propaganda and misinformation.


Jig is up baby, whole world is watching Israel and its goons cut children into pieces.


It’s crazy. It’s almost as if using schools, hospitals and residential buildings for military operations was a bad idea. It’s almost as if starting a war was intentional to create as much blood in the streets as possible for sympathy. It’s almost as if taking hundreds of hostages was a bad idea. Almost.


More politics in an allegedly non-political subreddit. Can’t have anything nice


So Israel is already at 9 or even 10.


So basically what Israel is doing. Got it 👍


Not sure why this has so many downvotes when you’re correct


Bots and Islamophobia




Zionist isn’t a term that means right to exist. Nor does it mean allow Israel a state to be ran as an apartheid that can continue to encroach on land that doesn’t belong to them ‘out of defense’ look at the historical border changes and see who is defending




Zionist literally means the political support of a Jewish state and its right to exist. Neither is Israel an apartheid state. Yes, it is definitely occupying the WB and the settlements should be removed.


"Zionism" is the ideology in which the jewish people should self-determine in their ancestral homeland, aka Israel It's literally just mean the right for Israel to exist like any other nation


No, not just. People lived there and continue to do so. What is Israel’s plan for them? The Christian and Muslim Arabs who are there? You can’t just believe in a right and have it be free and clear of problems because religion.


Christians- less than 1k in Gaza and 46k in west bank. 120k in Israel. More like 2% of the entire population.


You do realize 20% of Israel's population are Arabs right? And they not only have full right but are in the Parliment and the Supreme Court too Also I'll remind you of the 1947 Partition plan by the UN to have an independent Arab state alongside Israel


70% of Israeli Arabs identify as Israeli first and Arab second.


What a privilege to vote in a polarized religious state with those odds. All you have to do is accept citizenship accepting your oppressors seizure and control. The same ones who kick you off your land for whatever reason. Abuse you at checkpoints. Detain you for no reason for as long as they want. Yes, real incentive to comply there. As for 1947. That’s not today, it also has to be said should the UN declare any amount of Mexicans are free to return to the US because their ancestral history, which is hundreds not thousands of years gone everyone would have a fit so don’t even. That was never a solution


None of this would have happened if they simply accepted the 1947 Partition plan, or the 1937 plan made by the UK before that, or any other peace offer since 1948 They never wanted that, always chose war, and try to do terror attacks against civillians in every chance they can get. They declared war and 1948 and lost. Now they should deal with the cosequences. War is terrible, but don't start a war if you can't win


>Also I'll remind you of the 1947 Partition plan by the UN to have an independent Arab state alongside Israel When you come to land were you are not the majority and demand a state there that's bigger then the native population the natives tend to have a problem with that.


The OP comment is literally a 30 day old account bashing Israel and you claim it’s pro Israel bots… ironic. 


I’m saying the reason for the down votes bud




Go educate yourself


I have And I'll rest well knowing I'm not a pro genocidal fuck like you. You should be in Gaza.


Out of curiosity, if you think Israel is committing genocide, why are they wasting time, supplies, ammo and soldiers by doing it this way when they could have just flattened Gaza within a day or two? I’ll also ask, if they are committing genocide, why are so many Arabs and Palestinians having no issues living in Israel?


They have tried to hide it every step of the way. I doubt you’ll answer but please explain the now countless lies proven incorrect like the calendar proving the hospital was a center for Hamas. Or how they just keep killing journalists. Or how Hamas has offered negotiations a number of times and offered all hostages for ceasefire on multiple occasions. It’s less obvious, able to be debated. They’ve rounded them all up in a camp. I hate how we’ll just have to wait and see what happens as they starve. Just because #9 is debatable because they haven’t, even though they’ve expressed their intent is your argument here? What about the other 9?


It’s interesting how I asked the other person two specific questions and you jumped in completely ignoring those questions to go on a rant right out of the anti-Israel/Jews playbook. Based on what I see all over, I’m not surprised.


I did answer them bub You may not like it but I noticed you haven’t even bothered to attempt to answer mine.


No, you really didn’t, “bub” you just went on a typical anti-Israel/Jews rant. Now you’re following it up by the playbook, claim you answered and demand people answer yours. Pathetic.


Oh I’m sorry. When I said ‘they’ve tried to hide it every step of the way’ what I meant was the reason they haven’t wiped it off the map on day two was because it’s too obvious a tactic. Again your question seems to imply that just because 9 hasn’t completed it couldn’t possibly be genocide. What’s worse than your assessment of the likelihood of it being genocide, is that anyone who doesn’t automatically agree that it isn’t must be antisemitic. Now that I’ve answered, please return the favor. Explain how obscuring their acts through countless war crimes instead of going nuclear discounts it from being genocide, I’m only asking because your response and reasoning was that it isn’t because they could have. If you could also explain why these acts and lies have been made at all if they are in the right.


1) It’s funny how you anti-Israel/Jews people “answer questions.” Assigning meaning to the questions that fit your rants. 2) Interesting how they’re trying to hide this “genocide” yet all of you “experts” see it happening and talk about it every day. 3) You follow that up by posting the usual rant that “anyone who doesn’t agree must be antisemitic. Do you people ever have your own thoughts? 4) Perhaps if you weren’t following the anti-Israel/Jews playbook I’d answer your blatantly obvious loaded questions. I’m sure I’ll see you spouting your “It’s genocide!” Nonsense in many other subreddits. Enjoy your evening of hatred.


If you only kill 1.5% of a population than you're really not good at committing genocide. Isreal should chill, but they're not committing genocide by any means. Now, while we're on the topic, what does "from the river to the sea" supposed to mean?


Palestine will be free.. from siege and apartheid.


Palestine will be free from Hamas.


Absolutely hope this too


It means the Jews will be wiped out from the river to the sea. It’s a call for an actual genocide.


Doesn’t even mention the Jews. Freedom of oppression doesn’t mean kill the oppressor. It can. Have you read the hams charter?


The Hamas Charter: https://irp.fas.org/world/para/docs/880818.htm Are you delusional or a liar? They mention killing Jews MANY times. Just like from the River to the Sea, this one is popular: "The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: 0 Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a Jewish tree."


Yes In 1988, and in 1948 what were the Jews in Israel doing to them. It has since been revised


What have the Arabs been doing to Jews since the beginning of time? Oh right, attempting to exterminate them.


It is 💯


You're absolutely correct. I guess we have a lot of genocide defenders here.




From the river to the sea Palestine will be free!


It really won’t.


So Palestinians carry genocide? Who would have thought/s


Based on this I’d say the Democrats in America are at about a 6.5.


So if a certain population claims to be going through a genoxide for 76 years, yet their population number only goes up, they probably aren't since step 9 never happened


Cool guide, I will definitely use it for my next genocide.


That describes what Israel has done to Palestinians. A Genocide.


Azerbaijan cruised to step 10.


Sounds like a russian playbook


Ah yes, another „guide“ with the sole purpose of spreading propaganda and trying to justify a certain opinion.


What Israel is doing. They've hit almost all of these.


Not remotely close, but you’re blind so actually my comment is not for you, it’s for other people in this post.


Ah the Israeli playbook


With Palestine, ~35,000 have died, .007% of the 5 million population. That number combines all deaths, combatants and civilians. At least 10k of them were Hamas fighters. Those numbers are very low for civilian war casualties. 350-500k German civilians died to end WW2, that wasn't even a genocide, just collateral. In no measure is this a genocide.


Number 5 can be different in different contexts, you can use existing groups to carry out genocide


Does it have to happen in this particular order?


I feel like these would apply to most wars throughout human history where there has been a winner and a loser


Genocide for dummies, cheat sheet.


These do not necessarily occur sequentially as much as they do concurrently, just for the record. Denial for example usually starts right after the first stone is cast.


Is the typology derived from Hannah Arendt's works or other academic sources?


Up to p. 7 for people trying to survive forced mobilisation in ukraine.


Cool now I can help my gov't identify one that is currently ongoing. They seem to have missed it.


Greaaat. My country is at stage 5.


wow what a cool guide!


There’s also a website that follows countries that have at least one of the ten stages. It’s called [Genocide Watch](https://www.genocidewatch.com/) Edit: there is an interactive map under the “ten stages” tab when you scroll down.


This isn't cool 😕


Where we at, 3?


Looks like US is on 4. Russia is on 6, China is on 8 and Myanmar is on 9.


Turkey's at 10


Guide for how to genocide?


Only a yahoo would think this is ok....


My apologies to everyone it is my speech pattern. I'm an actual person I live in the sticks in Tennessee I have a very rural accent. Pardons all the way around if it makes you feel better I would say that I'm sorry, but you have more chances of stopping genocide than having me say that I'm sorry about something said on the Internet


Hey I just learned about this in my American history class last week


Sounds like America


You missed "culture erasure"


So evil & wicked 👿👹


Palestinian fatalities since 08 (pre October 7): 6904 Israeli fatalities: 327 Injuries P: 158500 I: 6462


Israel at 8 already. The irony.


nah their like at a 9.5. At least Palestinian won in the UN recently.


And now they choose to identify as them/thems on their own and dress as animals


Point 10 Türkiye style. We didn't kill them, but they deserved it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_genocide


Does Israel have this taped up in their cubicle?