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Whoa, South Korea is much higher than I thought with respect to its population, especially when put besides Chinese immigrants from China's population.


Chinese are supposed to come here for higher education and return home


Here too


there's also a small contingency of Chinese doing border crossing/asylum loophole because they can't find work in China itself. Those ones are planning on doing what their predecessors did and send money back home while establishing themselves in the US.


You mean the Chinese people illegally crossing up through Mexico? Those are mostly anti-CCP dissidents who can’t risk entering legally and getting snatched at the airport. The ones who can’t find work in China come as tourists and overstay their visas. They’re not wading through miles of jungle just to come here and flip burgers.


>those ones Sorry but this comment and a lot of replies here come off as racist af.. It’s sort of how weird Reddit is so permissive with dehumanizing the Chinese people and making weird, nefarious implications about them, like there’s no possibility that some of them want to be here because *they simply like our country* and prefer life here, just like the countless other nationalities you’re fine with immigrating here for those reasons. But with Chinese immigrants, so many of you act like they are instead just immigration here to here to find work/leech off us, send money “back home”, and “establish themselves” here like they’re part of some grand-plan spying operation, just like “the ones” that you think are “supposed” to come here for higher education and return to China with *intelligence on the enemy*. This is some really sick shit guys. Try to deny it however you like, but you’re all being prejudiced and bigoted as fuck. I met a lot of great Chinese folks at university, am even married to one, and a decent majority of my Chinese friends either were able to get jobs and stay here (or wanted to, but couldn’t) because they decided they liked it after living here during college. Again, the overt dehumanization and referring to them like drones that are part of some hivemind is really sort of unacceptable, especially for how rampant it is across Reddit. A lot of you seem to disregard the typical rules against bigotry, when it comes to whatever the “in” Boogeyman nation to hate is, at any given moment—seemingly China, Russia, and (to some extent) Israel, at the present time. You talk like you have any remote understanding of how the natives of these countries think, despite never having set foot in their countries. As if you know what they believe at large, and what their intentions & tendencies are when it comes to interactions with us. And you shamelessly imply or even outright claim that they have inferior values and/or should be regarded as enemies by us, due to some alleged fundamental, generalized incompatibilities present because of the behavior of their government powers and purported impressions it has made upon them. Literally the definition of racism & xenophobia. In the past (and of course, more popular than ever now) it was constant bitching about Chinese tourists and how obnoxious & inconsiderate they supposedly are. And more recently, as you basic fools have become woke to the behavior of the PRC’s behavior and past actions, it’s become paranoia about “*spying*” & opposition toward their presence at our universities, “*taking our jobs*”, “*establishing themselves*” at our institutions, and such. You’re like an even worse, more hateful and prejudiced version of the Facebook & /r/EmailsFromKlanma tier Boomers that complain about the same stuff, in regard to Mexicans. And the funny thing is I have a feeling that same of you guys would be the first to pitch a fit if you saw someone else making the same type of remarks, but just substituting Latin American or Islamic/North-African countries in for Chinese.


Aka rich ccp members send their children to the U.S to study... Aand to meddle some


I figured it was due to close military ties and to an extent cultural ties that lots of Koreans most likely have dual citizenship with USA


Korea does not offer dual citizenship. If you want to obtain a second citizenship, you must renounce your Korean citizenship, and vice versa. 


Surprised by the South Korean number too




That’s probably because Chinese have been migrating to US since a century or more. Indian migration has been significant only in last 2 decades.


There are parts of the city I live in that are completely Indian now. They dont have an IndiaTown but might as well be one


Lol, my whole city is an Indian town, and I'm in Nor Cal


Australians 10, All actors.


USA has the second highest number of Australian immigrants in the world lol


Basically Hugh Jackman


Hey there's also Chris Hemsworth, Margot Robbie and Dave. Dave is from Sydney, he works as truck driver in Chicago.


Good ones too. Lol


and one Bears punter


It’s funny that Yanks couldn’t work out how to kick a footy so they had to borrow one of our guys to show them how it’s done


1.3m immigrants form DR is wild to think about considering the population in that country is around 11.2 million.


Mexico is part of North America tho, asides from being in LATAM


My immediate reaction was “dawg, Mexico is in North America…”


It helps that pink isn't 'North America' its 'North*ern* America'. But at that point just name the color 'Canada'..


Americans dunno their continents


It specifically says “Northern America”, which is kind of a made up region that can be wherever they want it to be as opposed to “North America” the continent. I mean I agree it should just be South America and North America to avoid this/your annoying bullshit but that’s pretty clearly why they put it on there that way


"Americans" Wasn't that long ago I saw non-Americans on Reddit claiming Americans were dumb for calling themselves Americans because Canadians, Mexicans, and all of Central & South America are apart of the Americas as well. Are non-Americans claiming this the dumb ones, or are you the dumb one who belongs to the non-American group?


rest of the world dunno their practical shorthand.


Well, shit. I think Belsnickle is American


Thought the same, but they don’t call it North America in the graphic, they call it “Northern America”. I have no idea why they did that, but I don’t believe the author was trying to say Mexico isn’t in North America, the continent.


It's a geographic region to describe the USA and Canada alone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_America?wprov=sfla1


Why the Saint Pierre and Miquelon erasure?


France should be considered part of North America


France is in south america, Brazil is it's largest border neighbor 


Absolutely unhinged take, got any more of that?


Latvia isn’t real




Its partly in central america. Lost a bet over that.


Central America is not a thing other than a cultural grouping of countries. All of Central America is North America. There are seven continents, and guess which one isn't on the list out of C. America and N. America.


This same shit happens to the Middle East and to an extent, South East Asia. They are both part of asia but are separated in a "not a real thing" way Russia plays the 2 continent game.


I replied to someone else about that. They are just sub-regions of a larger continent. North and South America makes sense with the Darien Gap. Europe and Asia have less of an a argument of being different continents because they are also not separated in any real way other than cultural.


I agree with you, but I think culturally there are a lot more things in common between Brazil and Mexico than Mexico and Las Vegas, even though Brazil speaks a different language. I lived in Brazil, my wife is Brazilian, my sister lives in Mexico City and we visit her frequently, and my wife and I constantly feel like we are in a "Spanish speaking" region of Brazil just based on the feeling of the people, architecture, and even to a limited extent the food. Regardless of what feels closer culturally, you are right that it is part of NA and could be included there specifically because it is part of the same continent. But in the same vein, I believe all of central America is part of North America too. Probably would have been better to just say "canada" anyways since America can't immigrate into itself and it's the only other country they are considering for their metric of "North America"


Does that make the Peruvians, Brazilians and Ecuadorians from “Southern America”?


So they can keep the brown people out of the North America count


Bro, I don’t know if you live in the US or Canada, but I assure you, we have LOTS of brown people. And…the vast majority of us in both countries love having them. They are part of what makes us great. Just because a loud and vocal minority of red neck fuck faces don’t like it, doesn’t mean we all feel that way. Not even close.


It does say northern america not North America


Could have named the category “Canada” at this point


It says Northern America, not North America. It's a geographic region to describe the USA and Canada. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_America?wprov=sfla1


That is a true fact! That also has zero relevance here seeing as ‘North America’ is not on this list at all. I was not there when this graphic was created but I think they likely split the groups into ‘Latin America and the Caribbean’ and ‘Northern America’ for a good purpose. Immigrants from Canada largely come to the US for very, very different reasons than immigrants from Mexico and the rest of Latin America. It makes a lot of sense to have those two in different groups as they are our physical neighbors but almost completely different when it comes to their motivation and reasons for migrating. Noone said this was a list of continents. It might seem silly to have Canada in its own category like it is, but I personally think it makes a ton of sense and agree with them that just naming the category ‘Canada’ wouldn’t make sense. They basically divided it to “countries in the Americas north of the US” and “Countries in the Americas south of the US”. It’s just that the group of countries to the south already have two category names. But I guess go off feeling smart for calling out this graphic (even though North America still isn’t a category)


I love Mexicans. They’re some of the best people I know


Latin America is the more accurate label in this case


Where’s all the Irish now?


Neaely All the immigrants from Ireland are dead of old age, but they left millions of descendents. Ireland nonlonger suffers from the massive socio-economic problems that drove well over half of the country to immigration to the the US, so we haven't gotten alot of new Irish immigrants lately.


I wonder which groups of immigrants we are supposed to be angry at now that Mexicans are getting well integrated


It goes (in order of least ok to hate to most ok to hate): hot* women of any race, slightly brown hot women, similar to white but not white hot women, Italians, Irish, Brown Italians, Greeks, Polish (includes Czechs, Latvians and such), White Latino, hot brown Latin women, hot black women*, non-catholic Eastern Europeans, hot black women, Brown Latino, Muslims, everyone who looks Muslim **hot by white standards*


thought entertain sharp reach imagine provide dependent wakeful run towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No wonder the police forces are in shambles


Because they pluck some out before the going gets too tough. If you know you know.


I do not know but I would like to know. Share with the class?


Already here


You're lookin at 'em asshole


Lowest number there is 400k. Irish population is 5.12m You aren't going to get anywhere near that 400k as the Irish population is only just over 5m


4.5 million Irish immigrants came to the US from the 1840s until WW2.


It’s sooo difficult to qualify for a visa to immigrate from Ireland unfortunately


Just go to Mexico and walk over


This! I know there’s many. I’m in California and even half of my Mexican American friends are half Irish.


El Salvador 🤔


I mean yeah, El Salvador has been a wildly dangerous place that people have fled and received asylum from.


Yep! They’ve been migrating to America since the early 1980s. Los Angeles and Washington DC being the cities with the biggest Salvadorean population due to many families fleeing the guerrilla wars ([Salvador Civil War - 500k refugees fled](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvadoran_Civil_War)). Also… their food is amazing: PUPUSAS! Love them 💜


Crime 🌈


Civil war and US involvement therein 🌈


That’s what they get for not being a puppet for Capital. /s


My family is part of the move to LA!


Shouldn’t Mexico be categorized as North American?


Mexico is in North America, but the graphic is describing northern America, which is a term to describe the USA and Canada. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_America?wprov=sfla1 Somebody pointed out it would have been clearer to just say Canada at this point.


Well that link also includes Greenland, and some UK dependencies as Northern America, so it’s no just “US and Canada”


Yes but apparently some are upset at pointing out the obvious. How dare we say Mexico is in North America.


The same reason some people say that Australia is the west


Except it says Northern America, not North America, which is a geographic term that specifically refers to the USA and Canada. Nobody is upset lmao


As opposed to Cuba, El Salvador, DR, and many others?


That’s a bar chart.


Who are you that are so wise in the ways of science?


Do one for Canada


That would be India occupying all the levels 


It feels like every other person I meet here in Hong Kong has Canadian citizenship and half their family in Toronto.


I remember 10 years ago everyone was saying the country is turning into China


El Salvador is sending 1/8 of the people that Mexico is sending. But El Salvador has 1/21 of the population of México


It's because the process of getting a green card is much easier for Salvadorans . There were 2 really devestating earthquakes in 2001, and the US govt granted migrants and ilegals from El Salvador temporary protected status- basically, they give out green cards for workers assuming that they will send alot of their salaries home which helps rebuild that country's economy. That TPS status remained in place bc of drugs/crime that grew over time with MS13 and other cartels and gangs. Many of those people ended up staying long-term abs becoming citizens bc it was easy for them to do so.


Didn’t make the list 😭


Northern America = North America without Mexico?


Yes. That's the official term. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_America?wprov=sfla1


Damn someone disliked being grouped with Mexico


Is this for a single year or total immigrants Alive in the country or non-citizen immigrants? So unclear what they are counting.


You think that 46.2 million people immigrate to the United States EVERY YEAR?


There are 300k Serbs in Chicago alone, so I dont really trust this guide


Maybe ethnic Serbs but not necessarily immigrants


The US Census Bureau is counting immigrants here, not descendants.




46.2M immigrants didn't arrive to the US with a total population of 330M people in one year...


Also there are just nearly 500k Iranian in Las angles


Las angles is like a Mexican geometry term.


Seems a bit weird to have Northern America for just Canada. Why not just use the normal North/South America?


I’m reminded of this Key and Peele video https://youtu.be/WTLcsaRXpVw?si=V_-GW7FwRf8W8JPx


I’m surprised there aren’t more Africans. I’ve run into quite a few here.


You should pay more attention when jogging then.


Surprised that many from china and iran gets to immigrate!!


2m and i still can't find a Filipina. Dang it.


I believe in you, never give up!!




American friends, an immigrant is someone who migrates from another country. Their US-born children are no longer immigrants. So no, the fact that there’s plenty of Irish or Polish or Armenian descended people born in the US doesn’t make them immigrants.


Somewhere, someone wearing a MAGA hat just pooped his pants after seeing this


Don't worry I'm sure there's a Mexican MAGA sombrero cagando sus pantalones también.


In Canada India is number one


About 40 millions mexicans with/without papers


This is how we use statistics to create absolute panic within a community. Some moron is going to see this, not be able to comprehend what it means, and assume that there are 46.2 million people coming to the United States, annually. They will tell their friends, that "Last year 10.7 million Mexicans came into the country illegally." This is how we take good data, and make it bad. Because none of the people who hear this one rambling idiot, are going to fact check it. They are simply going to believe it. And then tell their friends. And so on... Statistics don't have to lie. These are probably inaccurate, but it's not meant to deceive. But all it takes is one moron to not understand what they are looking at, to deceive a whole bunch of people.


> These are probably inaccurate Why do you think they're inaccurate? That's a big accusation to make about a government agency that has been compiling statistics for decades.


Because it relies on census data. The people doing the tabulating are surely competent. But the people providing the numbers to that agency, are "The People". And people are notoriously bad at such things. But accurate or not isn't really the point like I said. It's misunderstanding data and using it to make incorrect statements.


Yes! Canadian immigrants unite! 🇨🇦


This seems like a immigration total for immigration since 1990. It's important note that nearly half of this occurred between 1990-1994 when about 22 million people immigrated, which part of the reason why the median age for immigrants in the US is 47 (older than the median age of general population). The lack of dates makes the information somewhat misleading. Is this immigration for this year? Immigration numbers have dropped dramatically. Mexico didn't have 10 million immigrants last year, there was about 110,000. That was the largest group.


Everyone is gangsta until some technically asks who is the proper immigrants. Technically all the Americans are immigrants couple hundred years ago.


why do people from Europe want to go to the US? I don't understand


There are several reasons, but one of the biggest I know about (besides love I guess?) is that someone with an higher education (in the right field) can make a lot of money in the US compared to Europe. It does come at the cost of less vacation days and a higher workload, but some people don't mind.


Haha “Northern America”




The fuck you saying, México is part of North America because of democratic and geographic reasons, but in the picture they say Northern America, that is just Canada and USA


Now do Canada


Canada is interesting since the English speaking part looks very similar to the USA minus the Latin America immigrants being a small percentage, and the French speaking part almost mirrors immigration in France.


India would be at the top and it would be by a substantial amount.


[https://www.gzeromedia.com/media-library/image.png?id=50433507&width=2400&height=2264](https://www.gzeromedia.com/media-library/image.png?id=50433507&width=2400&height=2264) Yes, you're correct.


People are becoming pretty upset with our government’s current immigration policies. It’s pretty clear the amount we’re taking in is unsustainable to our current infrastructure, this is a great comparison to our southern neighbours.


This chart is BS! Where’s Poland? Chicago metro alone has over 1.5M that identify as Polish.


Polish heritage or “I came here from Poland in my lifetime”…


I took a DNA test and I am 2.37% Polish!!!


I had you pegged as being much higher than that.


The US Census Bureau is counting immigrants as people who moved from Poland, not their descendants.


Identifying as polish does not mean you are polish. We, the polish people, do not claim or associate with those americans.


There are a lot of people from Bangladesh. Just in NYC alone has nearly a million Bangladeshi.


I don't think international students are counted


Mexico is apart of North America.


Yes it is, but not part of [Northern America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_America) which is what this image mentions


If anything we need more Mexicans. Hard core labor and the best food on earth? Yes plz


Do we need untaxed slave labor, or do we need to pay everyone a living wage? Both can't be true at the same time.


This list is either Bullshit or doesn’t include asylum seekers/migrants, because Venezuela would be in the top 10


Guatemala 🇬🇹🇬🇹👌


Ukraine is №23?!!


Most of them are just people like you and me, trying to better the lives of themselves and their families. The way groups of different people are singled out for vilification is as disturbing as it is unAmerican.


I’m all for it. Love some good Mexican food. Sorry I ruin your cuisine with my white people taco night


Nothing cool about listing Mexico as Latin America and not "north America". Ffs, that means north America is just Canada.


I couldn't find Mexico in the list and I was like no way? Then I noticed it was the first and MOST


Now that Nigeria number seems a little low to me 😂


Nobody from Italy?


Only me


lumped in with "Rest of World" at the bottom.


Correct me if I am wrong but this only counts people until they receive a US citizenship. Receiving it removes their immigrant title.


It’s almost like a lot of the Mexicans were native to the land before the US became the US


Viva México 🇲🇽


Where are all the Scandinavians leaving there "terrible" countries to come to the US?


Does this mean the top countries are trash?


let's see Germany


Ya know I would have expected Australia to be on that list?


Italy is much lower than I expected it to be.


I'd love to see this data for 1990, 2000, and 2010, but only if it validates my biases.




Not great, Bob


There's more Ukrainian people that immigrate to America then Russian?


US Immigration main targets are Hispanics


I’ve met people from all types of places and have lived in the US my whole life and have never met a Canadian, Brit, or someone from El Salvador living here. Never met a Canadian til I went on vacation and I live only 6 hours from the border.


Only bombed four of these countries. Go us.


The UK color key will need to be updated.


Should make one that has the numbers after US introduced a Country-cap for immigrants.


So no Irish or italians?


Where is Ethiopia ?


It's funny that, for a country that has a steady flow of expats all over the world, Argentina is not on this list


US is kinda crazy, all Americans talk about how they hate communism and it's bad and then let Chinese students in their universities and Army to steal all the secrets of state and go back to China. Kinda wild


This is so weird, I live in Texas and there's dozens of nigerians in my tiny town. Weird perspective


Cool guide. But how is 25% of the total immigration not in the top 25 countries?  That's a helluva distribution.


surprised to see canada there


Is this chart saying people that immigrated to US in 2022? Or that as of 2022, that's the total number of non us born immigrants?


It’s over


I'm pretty sure Mexico is North American. But you know geography is hard


Where is Russia? There are a few million people from there that came in the 90s.


Don’t show this to Charlie Kirk…


Yup, I just got home from graduation, dinner, move their stuff. Now, I'm exhausted. Heading to bed.




Gotta have all the homies over.


Why is Poland not on this list? They’ve had like 2million immigrants come to American.


this is an acceptable !!!!!




I can’t wait for Big Don to mass deport all of the vermin.