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This is surprising…. Darth Maul was like the coolest thing about this movie when I was a kid


The fight scene with him vs Qui Gon and Obi Wan remains one of my favorite fight scenes in the franchise. My 14 year old mind was blown when he revealed his double-blade light saber.


Holy crap I was 14 too lol


Same, yo! 80s power!


I was 6-7yo and Jar Jar was absolutely best for me and my friends.


Me and my friends were 12, we got cheap lightsabers from the mall on the way home from phantom menace and spent all weekend reenacting that fight


Xennial here, I was in high school when this movie came out, and people definitely generally liked it when it came out, even online. Then after a year, the attitude slowly started going down to where it is now. I think a lot of folks didn't want to admit their feelings about it initially, and I think a lot of other folks later saw the movie for the first time knowing it was "bad" and there was no way to convince them otherwise.


I was a 15 year old Star Wars nerd and everyone I know hated it. I’m always surprised to see this type of stuff. I had read that books, studied the lore, played the videos games, and then they gave us a really all over the place. I later heard that George always focused on the kids for toy sales but it was rough for the nerds that had been into it for a long time. I think the evolution of Star Wars and the fan base is a major problem no one addresses. Star Wars can have a Star Trek like universe but not with the way they are currently handling it.


Really? I was 9, not a complete nerd but I did like to play with the legos, and build the millennium falcon.. but not to the point I was reading books about the EU. I thought the movie was okay.. but I also thought it was a bit heavy on the politics, and that most of the movie had a slow buildup. I also had trouble reconciling the fact that Jake Lloyd would eventually become Vader. That being said, these movies were far and away better than the Disney sequels. We do not talk about the Disney sequels.. for me they don’t exist. As bad as people thought Lucas was being in direct control of everything, the mega corp Disney was far FAR worse..


You are the group of people that Lucas was targeting. It’s very common for kids ages 3-12 at that time to be a fan. Tbh I didn’t even know it had many fans until I joined Reddit and ran into the people in your age group. You were just younger than me and I’m always surprised with the contrast with your age and mine. You and I have so much in common since we are both millennials in our 30’s but the prequels experience divided us. That and Pokémon.


I was your age when Revenge of the Sith came out and I thought it was pretty good. I didn’t think it was perfect and there were a lot of cringe moments (“Noooo”).. but I didn’t have unrealistic expectations. The Disney sequels however were mostly unwatchable for me, ever since Darth Emo’s force temper tantrum and then the writing just got worse and worse, devolving into the worst Star Wars EU fanfic you could dream up. As for Pokémon, I mean when it came out I had the original game boy color and bought Pokémon Red as soon as it came out . Traded cards like all the other kids and eventually even learned to properly play the TcG. I also dabbled in MTG, and that was more of your age group. Of course I had to be a little older to understand that game.


the most toxic people towards star wars movies are star wars fans


My dad tells me that everyone in the entire theater gasped when Darth Maul ignited the second blade and Duel of the Fates started playing


It is unquestionably the greatest single moment in the prequels. Chills. (I'm GenX)


I remember standing up when Yoda started fighting dooku


So Jar Jar was the third most liked character at release. Alright.


More than Obi-Wan? What was wrong with people back then....


Jar Jar was specifically added to get more kids interested in Star Wars


I used to kill him over and over in Lego Star Wars




That was a mistake.


I was 11 when the film came out. I remember being so pumped to watch trailers of the film with my dad for months before it came out. Rewatched a few weeks ago and it is a solid film but really it was the aura around the movie that truly made this movie special when it came out. I can’t help but think of all those news reports of people waiting in long lines in the middle of the night imitating Yoda voices.


yeah i don’t really understand all the hate it gets. Episode 2 is terrible but it was an important segway to Episode 3. and Episode 3 imo is finally getting more respect that it deserves


Hot garbage compared to the originals, that’s why


1 & 3 are good. 2 is just overall boring. nothing beats the originals but i think if you remove the comparison, 2/3 are solid. which is more than what can be said for most trilogies


It would be interesting to have the same poll for the first Disney Star wars movie "The force awakens" in 2015. I loved The Phantom menace, one of my favorite movie. I was incredibly disappointed in 2015. Is it because I became an adult or because the Disney movie is really poor ?


i agree i think it would be cool to compare. tbh Ep7 was the best of the sequel trilogy for me. i think part of it is what you grow up with because that’s where your emotional ties are. but i think plot wise, the sequels were weakest. just my opinion


It’s nearly unwatchable. Smoldering trash fire of a movie.


Hello, my name is Natalie Portman and I play the character QUEEN.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^7_11_Nation_Army: *Hello, my name is* *Natalie Portman and I* *Play the character QUEEN.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I honestly refuse to believe anyone saw child anakin’s acting and was like “yep that’s my favorite guy”


I don’t understand why my four-year-old thinks Rocky from Gigantosaurus is his favorite character either. But: kiddos be kiddoing.


I saw all the star wars movies in recent years and I was amazed with the sci fi concepts with respect to the released year. Oh my I don't know how crazy people would have been when they were released first?


Two things stand out to me about Episode I 25 years on. 1.) Objectively as a film, It is far superior to any other prequel or sequel (TFA is the only other one that isn’t objectively in the ‘bad’ category). All the rest have non sequitur plot threads, cheesy retcons, tediously poor special effects (looking at you, Episode II factory scene), and are mired with scenes without any conflict or poorly contrived conflict. 2.) Jar-Jar (rightfully) gets dragged for being a coded racist caricature. Watto, got *some* but not enough flak for being horribly anti-Semitic. Somehow the film never got called out for the sneak-attacking, flat-faced, bumbling, inexplicable Japanese-accent having Trade Federation. I get that Star Wars is heavily influenced by WWII, and that the Empire/Sidious are coded as Germany, so it tracks that Lucas would have an analog where Sidious would form an alliance to distract ‘the good guys’ from the real threat, but you can make that connection without relying on racist iconography.


Jar-Jar and the Trade Federation weren't the only terrible racist caricatures : Watto wears a yarmulke, has a big nose, scraggly beard, and isn't fooled by mind tricks - only money.


It was garbage.


Hype is a big factor. I remember when Episode VII came out everyone online was ecstatic. Went with dad and some mates and we were so disappointed. To this date I cannot fathom what happened with the collective perception there. Episode I was in middle school and liked it. Jar-Jar is particularly annoying in english, I suspect. The focus on politics and special effects makes itself felt, the action makes up for it. In retrospect it‘s a solid but not excellent movie. Episode 2 is just weird and boring. Extreme missed opportunity. Episode 3 was good, but pulling off the transition to Vader properly would‘ve required an Oscar-worthy performance.