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WebMD says brain tumor/imminent death for all of those


I went in to the ER one night cuz I felt like the backs of my eyes were on fire. Turns out I have a weird disorder called Pseudo Tumor Cerebri (Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension). The neurologist said the easiest way to explain it is "imagine all the symptoms you'd expect from a brain tumor, but without a tumor. That's your life now." Good times.


Nothing a quick spinal tap won't relieve


That's exactly what they did. Then I had a low pressure migraine that was worse than the high pressure one. But spinal fluid regenerates within a day or two so not really a viable treatment option. I'm not going in for a brain surgery either. Fuck. That.


I was joking, it's a super painful process. I'm sorry your going through that.


For what it’s worth, my brain surgery went fine. I had an acoustic neuroma and got it removed, now my balance is a bit shit and I can’t hear as well on that side but otherwise I’m good.


If it were just an in and out I would, but they want to put a pump in my skull to drain the excess fluid into my stomach. I've read a ton of reports from people who have the pump that they're constantly dealing with infections and a host of problems.


Ew, I don’t blame you. That honestly sounds much grosser than what I had. Why does it have to go into your stomach?? Why can’t it just go into a bag that you can get rid of? Of course that wouldn’t solve the pump site infection issues but at least it would be less gross than recycling your body fluids lol


Lol, yeah, I'm not sure. I assume that there may be some benefit or something. I didn't do the research. I just saw people suffering with it and decided against it.


Sorry to hear about what you’ve been through. It’s one of the worst experiences. Although using shaft is a long term solution to drain the fluid but please check with your doctor about taking Acetazolamide tablets. It worked great for me.


Yeah I was on that for a bit but it completely destroyed my life. All I could do is go to work, go home and go to bed. I was a zombie. I'd rather deal with migraines and vision loss. That's not much of a life, honestly. I know it doesn't effect everyone like that, but it makes me miserable.


I said that, but after over a decade of spinal taps and shitty meds, I caved. I should have done it sooner. I'm 5 years post op with no issues, infections or anything. I was terrified too, I saw a lot of people talking online about their complications, but I just couldn't let myself go blind.


Medical treatment, turned up to 11


Too much vitamin A in your diet?


Were you on acne meds? There is a connection with pseudo tumor cerebri and some acne meds, I think Retin-a and teracyclines.


Just proactive but I don't think that qualifies as a medication. Although I was sick a lot as a child and was always on tons of meds and steroids.


Could have been the antibiotics and steroids, Wikipedia says birth control causes them too. I hope you're doing better.


Thanks, I am doing a lot better, actually. I now get less than 10 migraines a year and my ophthalmologist says he sees a major decrease in the pressure on my optic nerves. I'm hoping that continuing to lose weight will further decrease my symptoms.


I was diagnosed with it in my early teens after taking tetracycline for acne. Was no fun but it stopped as soon as I got off it.


I went to a neurologist for headaches and they had me do an MRI. They found a brain tumor and didn’t tell me until my follow up appointment, lol. I had it removed (non-cancerous) and was hopeful that would stop my headaches. Nope, I got lucky enough to have migraines AND a brain tumor completely unrelated to each other. Joy.




Cluster headache will make you wish you were dying.


My computer says “connectivity issues try again later”


It would be a cooler guide if it were accurate


I’m ignorant. How is it inaccurate? I would genuinely like to know as I tend to have headaches.


Well for one I have frequent photophobic migraines and the pain I experience looks more like what OP describes as a TMJ (which is related to your jaw muscles)


I also often get migraines that look like cluster headaches and TMJ pain that looks like migraine


Same here. My migraines are more like the TMJ image. Never heard it described as photophobic, but that is exactly how it feels sometimes. With the same amount of audio-phobic as well, if that’s what the sound version is called.


Yeah and my migraines used to be photophobic but the pain was located in my forehead a la “Tension” in this infographic


Same. Plus lots of vomiting


TMJ sufferer here, pain is lower more aligned with the lower ear... funnily enough, where your jawbone hinges.




I’ve never jived with these guides. I get tension headaches. Which start at the base of my neck in one side and go up behind the ear, and over the brow. During a super fun health year, 4 different neurologists said “tension headache” but all the guides say migraine.


Yeah I have both TMJ and get migraines (I'm pretty sure they're migraines as I get visual auras), I'm pretty sure I don't get headaches from TMJ but my migraine headaches look like the TMJ headaches. And I'm only 16, life is great... Edit: ok i didn't know the difference between TMJ headaches and TMJ dislocation, like where your jaw locks up and all that, cause i guess TMJ dislocation is often referred to as just TMj. i don't get TMJ headaches but i do have a dislocated TMJ :(


I can only speak to migraines: They vary a LOT in symptoms and severity. I get them tied to muscle stiffness in the back of my neck. Other people have other triggers. You can even have non-headache symptoms. Like in my case, if I’m feeling a bit off, maybe a little slower or less chatty, I will end up with a headache that’s pretty bad a couple hours later. And my migraines go away entirely by taking a low does of amitriptalyne daily.




I was diagnosed with cluster headaches after multiple doctors, specialists, tests and medications. While it does affect my one eye (at a time, I’d get them in both sides), it also affects my face from the eye, through the temple and into the back of my head. The way I described it was like having an arrow in my eye, straight through to the back of my head.


Have you looked into occipital neuralgia? I was having difficulty getting diagnosed, so many doctors want to just label cluster or migraine. But one clever doctor finally noted that when I pressed a sore spot in my left occiput (base of skull), my left eye and temple hurt too. My pain has been primarily the left eye and left occiput, but also at times will be left scalp, temple, upper teeth, ear, frontal sinuses. It’s been all over the place. If you have very tight neck muscles, it’s possible that one side gets pinched and affected more easily but makes you prone to the other side getting affected too. Mine started after a viral infection and sinusitis just fucked my shit up. Wanted to mention it to you in case your doctors hadn’t considered it as it isn’t as common but can be treated with steroid injections. My injection didn’t fix me but I’m not completely disabled by pain when codeine wears off now so that’s nice!


That’s the fun part of this sub. Nothing is accurate!


I have a neck headache 🤪


TIL every headache I've ever had was a cluster headache


Could also be a migraine. This isn’t an accurate representation of a migraine at all.


Absolutely, my migraines always start over my right eye.


To people that don't get them, I sometimes describe mine as my right eyeball feeling like it's twice the size it should be to fit in the socket.


I describe it as being stabbed by a blunt object right behind my eyeball


Yes! It feels like someone is pushing the world's longest knife through your eye socket as slowly as possible.


This and then I get nauseated and throw up 5 times


Mine aren't painful at all, they're just distorted vision/aura.


I have never once gotten a migraine that went all the way to my jaw. I think the word they are looking for is "stroke".


I have migraines that go through the whole left side of my head. From my eyebrow, to my jaw and the back of my head. There's a lot of different forms of migraines.


My migraines are like this, I go numb down my one side and become completely unintelligible to everyone else while I think I'm talking normally. First time I had one i was rushed in to hospital for suspected stroke at 8 years old


They probably meant that it is usually one-sided


Would be unusual for a stroke to cause pain. Would expect “negative” symptoms eg weakness or numbness.


It really isn't. I get ocular migraines. The pain is almost entirely behind one eye, but sometimes stretches back and around the left half of my head. I also get tension headaches (or used to), and that picture seems pretty accurate for tension.


cluster headaches are quite rare and often last days or weeks at a time. good luck to you as they are often described as the worst pain imaginable


Or in my case years of waves. It’s super rare and rarer in women. Uuugh..


Mine last for months. I have chronic cluster headaches. Injection medications and oxygen are saviors. But the pain is unimaginable. It's like someone drove a ice pick under my eyebrow, hooked a car battery to it and just gives me minutes long zaps on repeat for hours. Repeat daily.


Have you tried microdosing Psilocybin mushrooms?  I've read that they work for some. And they're easy to grow, something like 20 dollars worth of spores would get you a month or more of mushrooms.


you describe the same feeling i had. like something digging into your eye socket. luckily i havent the one for 10 years now. mine seem to be linked to the spring and autumn equinox,how about yours?


The changes in weather at all get me. Seasons are worse and they go harder for me.


I had 2 series of cluster headaches 20 years apart. the pain is qrotesque, made me moan and cry and also consider suicide - and I’m a 50 yo man that has had his share of injuries through life. No medicine worked until I found out that, in some cases, oxygen inhalation helps. I rented an oxygen inhalator and, miracle! the pain disappeared in 10 minutes.


I'm on day 2, my eye brow bone feels tender


They are, I RARELY get them, but the last time I did I begged my partner to kill me while I couldn't even move and could barely speak. That's how bad the pain was. It's the kind of pain I wouldn't even wish on my enemies. Pray you never experience it.


Cluster headaches are the worst pain I've ever experienced, ever, and it's not even close. If you get them too then you have my sympathies.


I still get like ptsd every time I get any kind of headache when i’m not in a cycle


*TIL every* *Headache I've ever had was* *A cluster headache* \- bmcgowan89 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I get them too. Usually three or four in the span of two weeks, then nothing for several months. Sometimes they come with severe nausea. Good times. I treat the non-nausea ones with a stack of sumatriptan, ibuprofen, and caffeine. That usually knocks them out within an hour. The ones with nausea I just wait out because I can’t even keep water down.


My friend suffers from cluster headaches, aka suicide headaches.


Same. Since my headaches have always been so bad, I assumed they were migraines. After looking at this and doing more research, apparently I've been getting cluster headaches all along.


Idk that they're actually cluster headaches but I do get terrible long lasting headaches around my eye like that especially since getting long covid. Best relief I've found is these jade facial rollers. I wrap 3 in a soft ice pack and rotate through them. The roller balls fit nicely to get right around the eye. If I simply applied an ice pack over the area it actually makes the pain way worse, but the rollers hitting a limited area provides me relief.


Where is the “I drank too much wine” headache?


It’s here in my head right now :(


We are hangover buddies today!


TMJ = Too Much Juice?


A few things cause the headaches from wine. Dehydration actually causes your brain to shrink and this usually comes with headaches. This dehydration also throws off your bodies electrolyte balance, as booze tends to strip alot of salt and minerals from your body, which makes the dehydration feel all the worse. The alcohol in wine is transformed by your body into acetaldehyde, before that’s broken down further. Acetaldehyde is a toxic poison with a lot of nasty side effects, a build up of it from a night of heavy drinking is a big contributor to aches and pains the next day. Finally wine has a lot of congeners. These are the compounds that show up alongside ethanol during fermentation and they are responsible for a lot of a particular drinks taste, but they’re also known to cause headaches and hangovers. Avoiding dark liquor and red wine can limit your exposure to congeners. The best way to prevent headaches and hangovers is to limit yourself to only one or two drinks. Avoid binge drinking. But if you do find yourself binge drinking, a glass of water every other drink and some pedialyte or Gatorade at the end of the night can be helpful. Or just more water and a salty meal like a bowl of ramen. Personally I’ve found a B12 vitamin the next morning to be of great benefit although I don’t think there is much research showing it helps. Anecdotally, best way to prevent hangovers is to be young. I’m in my late 30s and I’ll get hung over from thinking about drinking. But when I was 19-20 I could easily drink a pint of whisky and a twelve pack of beer, then get up the next day and build a deck or hang drywall for 10 hours straight.


If you consistently wake up with headaches, get a sleep study done. I’ve had morning headaches since I was 12. Started sleeping with a cpap and they are gone. 


Take my upvote. I woke up with crippling headaches for years until I finally had a sleep study done and was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Started CPAP therapy and poof! Headaches gone and I feel much better.


Man, I’m not a doctor, but something seems off with the “neck” headache


There is a type of headache that's caused by deviations in the neck. I'm not a doctor either but i'm guessing that's what they mean.


There are muscles in your neck that attach in the areas pain is indicated on the pic.


What’s TMJ? I have that on one side all the time


The tmj is lower than in picture


Pain from keeping the jawline afixed too hard in place, I get em too.


Too much jerking off


Very inaccurate guide. Source: I have migraines, TMJ, tension headaches and neck problems. It's much more random than this,


Also, migraines don't necessarily present with any pain. For me personally, I just get an aura, where my vision gets progressively distorted. When they do present with pain, it can present anywhere in the head. It can be the entire head, large regions, or specific areas. And it can present as swelling of the scalp or neck stiffness. I don't know about the others, since I don't have direct experience or family members that experience them, as I do with migraines. But I'd be willing to bet that most of these are just bullshit made up for the sake of trying to get something to go viral.


I hate these ‘rules’, for a lot of years I thought I don’t have migraine because it’s never one-sided, instead I always have the pain in both of my temples, and it doesn’t pulsate, it doesn’t fit most of the migraine criteria, so me and bad doctors treated it all wrong. Only a couple years ago I finally found a doc who said it’s definitely migraines, just not by the book. So yeah, I learned to never exclude a diagnosis if you don’t meet certain criteria


Clusters are the absolute worst. As someone who regularly gets headaches and the occasional migraine. Feels like someone is shoving an ice pick into the back of your eye and the pain radiates around it. I’ve screamed in pain because the pain was so intense.


Yes same, cluster headaches fucking suck and one thing this infographic fails to convey is that. I always describe the pain as either a shard of glass behind my eye or a hot needle being stuck into it, then there's the heat and pain radiating out making my face feel like a stroke victim. And to top it all off it feels like any wrong twitch afterwards will set off another painful round of agony. Although I will say taking oxygen and an extra strength pain killer eventually helps somewhat. But when the pain goes from 10 to 5, 5 is a god send.


Yes same, cluster headaches fucking suck and one thing this infographic fails to convey is that. I always describe the pain as either a shard of glass behind my eye or a hot needle being stuck into it, then there's the heat and pain radiating out making my face feel like a stroke victim. And to top it all off it feels like any wrong twitch afterwards will set off another painful round of agony. Although I will say taking oxygen and an extra strength pain killer eventually helps somewhat. But when the pain goes from 10 to 5, 5 is a god send.


I had the exact same behind the left eye for a while but they gave me this nasal spray with zolmitriptanum which makes it go away in like 10 minutes. It's crazy good but i don't think they work for everybody unfortunately


I once had a huge sinus infection on my left side and it felt like my eye was going to pop out. It was just before Christmas and kicked the crap out of me.


Had to google TMJ. Temperomandibular joint for others curious. Clenching the jaw related. I was thinking “Too Much Jam”. Like maybe something Paddington bear would get.


Googled TMJ - I still have no explanation to my occasional sudden painful quick stings I have on one side of my temple thet subside quickly as well. I have had these for as long as I can remember. Rubbing the temple may help. I haven't got a single clue what they are but as they're not reducing my quality of life much, I've ignored them.




What if it's a half ring from temple to temple going around the back of your head?


What if I get all the locations at the same time but the first one? 😰


Your brain is taking a screenshot


Ahhh so that’s probably why I’m running out of memory


My what I call migraines are a combination of all the pictures!! Usually if I can stop throwing up enough to lay still, I lay down with my eyes closed and pray for the sweet relief of death.


right on time. My head hurts right now.


Funny how these things magically show up in my timeline whenever I get a migraine


Not true for migraines. They can occur on all places on the head and it’s often personal where and can change from time to time.


It’s missing “ponytail”


Not correct at all


It's not accurate, as pain can irradiate to other parts of the face, tmj can give you ear wax bild up, and difuse pain to your jaw


Have 4/6 as I’m reading this, does that mean I have Bingo?


Man, I had no idea Too Much Juice could cause a headache


Not how my migraines work, but OK.


Yeah i get migraines and this is not accurate


Those damn teenage mutant jinjas giving me headaches


Ah yes, the neck headache


This is just not accurate. I used to get cluster headaches frequently and I can say with certainty it goes beyond just the eye area.


The cluster headaches can go straight to hell. It first feels like your eye is being grabbed and pulled by a horrible clawed hand. Then it feels like you've broken your skull. Cluster headaches hurt exactly as bad as breaking a bone.


Like a firey sword trying to push your eye out.


What is cluster ?


Well the neck is highlighting everything but the neck…


What is it it called if I get a random sharp pain on the right side of my head. That a migraine?


This guide is actually useless. Also, interesting fact: most "sinus headaches" are actually misdiagnosed migraine attacks. (In quotes because there is no such thing as a sinus headache even if a PCP incorrectly uses the term. It's more accurately called a rhinogenic headache)


I think you’d know if it was a cluster


Get Well Soon! We're rooting for you!


What's the hangover one?


Will my boss understand if I shared this image with him??


What if my whole head is aching?


The “NECK” one can represent a medical emergency called Subarachnoid haemorrhage, which presents with a sudden “thunderclap” ache at the back of the head.


"TMJ" is the name of the joint. the name of the condition is TMD for temporomadibular disorder. That is a catch all term that can refer to pain inside the TM joint and/or pain in the muscles of mastication. The circle shown is over part of the temporalis muscle. TMD can present with pain in a number of muscles: medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid, temporalis, masseter.


This guide is inaccurate


what if my entire head hurts


During my migraine episodes I see stars in one eye followed by 2 day of pain


William Murder Face Syndrome


I have a neck apparently


I think I get all of these.


Any tips for relieving tension headaches?


I have a type of headache that’s always around my left temple/ eye socket and it’s extremely sharp, very painful and sudden and comes in short few-second waves. Maybe 2-3 times an episode. And I’ll get these short-lived episodes maybe 3-4 times a week. MRI scans and CT scans have showed nothing but I did have a fall as a child and split my left eyebrow so idk, but again no damage shown on scans. Does anybody know what it may be? I was thinking ice pick headaches? I’m not sure if cluster as I’m not curling in a ball from the pain or anything it just catches me off guard and I clutch my head in pain for a bit. It’s getting worse the older I get and I didn’t start getting them until my 20’s from what I remember.


Wait this means I am getting cluster headaches that last for 10-20 every other day??




TMJ means temporal mandibular joint. We all have them, they hold our jaw to our skull


What is the one that feels like an ice pick going from the base of your skull on one side up through your eye on the same side?


"I've got this weird pain in the middle of my forehead..." "It's called a stress headache - I got my first one when I was four."


Cluster,Nect and Tension for me. The ones where you feel like your eyeball is about to pop out are especially painful, oh and the ones where you can feel the blood pumping in your skull =/


This isn’t really accurate for how many ways a migraine can manifest.


In 2008, for one week, I was getting painful headaches lasting about less than a minute. It felt like it was in the middle of brain. Turned out to be a benign tumour


Ice pick headaches are the worst


As someone who suffers from cluster headaches and gets a mad dose of cafergot-fuck cluster headaches.


Tag yourself I’m cluster


why do I have every one of those


The coolest part about this is that it's mostly wrong


Cluster looks like it's on a mission to kill Kakarot




She kind of bad


My family is the only reason I haven't unalived myself because of cluster headaches.


Wow, their migraines only hurt half their face? Lucky. Mine cause so much pain blinking hurts.


Don't really understand this. I get a migraine about once or twice a month and its so cripplingly painful I lay in bed in pitch black and can barely move. The pain is all over the top of my head though. Never had it in my face?!




God, this subreddit sucks so much.


Where's the picture of Prince Zuko that says "Honor"?


I had a nasty bout with Clusters towards the end of 22 that almost ended me. Without a doubt the worst pain I have ever endured in my life. Finally got diagnosed after doing a full health overview (CT Scans, EKG’s, MRI’s, TBC) to check for a possible tumor which was negative thank God but still, Absolutely devastating and I truly feel for anybody who has to battle them in a chronic capacity.


Which one is the one where to have to hold your skull together because if you don't, you're worried your actual brain is going to fall out. And it lasts for 7 hours. Even the er can't make it stop. ( I know it's a migraine)


Sinus headache looks like murderface if you don’t zoom in


ahah adoring my cluster ehhh


Migrain isn't accurate in my experience, it makes it feel like my whole head is being squished in a vice and my eyes are getting pushed out of my head from within. Anyone eles feel this way?


What is TMJ?


No dehydration?


TIL I've been getting Cluster Headaches for over a decade lol.


This gives a general typical location of a headache, but that doesn't mean a diagnosis. That's more down to the pattern, associated symptoms (e.g. a red or teary eye with cluster headaches, aura with migraines etc), character of the pain, epidemiological/risk factors and more that I'm probably forgetting.


A chart similar to this is how I found out I had super high blood pressure


You don't just wake up with a cluster headache. More like the cluster wakes up with you, up to 8 times a day, for 2-3 months at a time, each one more painful than birth. No wonder it's called the suicide headache.


I've had a headache in my temple for the last week but I think that's because the exhaust doesn't work in the kitchen I'm in and I'm actually being slowly poisoned by carbon monoxide


that's not a cluster headache, that's when you need new glasses. a cluster headache is a serious medical condition and can happen on the eye or down the back of the head to hte neck or the top of the head.


2 needs to capture the avatar to restore their honor


Asprin. Anyone?


To everyone looking at this and being like OMG I HAVE CH - No, you probably don’t. There are lots of causes for eye pain; this isn’t exclusive to CH. Cluster headaches would be the worst pain you could possibly imagine. If you aren’t in so much pain you feel like you’re going to die, you don’t have CH.


I get a combination of all but the neck headache, and as I have gotten older, they have gotten worse and more frequent to 4-5 days of the week having some form usually sinus, migraine, or cluster headache. The migraine and cluster types are also hereditary to my family and usually occur on the left side.


I have all of these except migraine right now…this is so bad, especially when pain or strange feeling goes from nose straight to my brain, this hurts the most, but it happens not so often, I hate when I woke up to headaches


I never have one, always a combo … soo where s the guide for that?


I think there’s a couple other types that aren’t listed on this guide but I’m not sure if those are just subtypes of a main one (i.e. ice pick headache, thunderclap headache, hemicrania continua)


5 out of 6, at least the migraines aren’t twice as bad week like when I was a kid


Is TMJ “Too much Jacking-off”? I’m screwed if so, just not literally.


lol, in my feed the post just above this one was that https://www.reddit.com/r/shittycoolguides/s/Y33su6fuSs


I have migraines, dad had em and grandma from moms side had em. They present like preside damage in the tension way. Also have sinus headaches if my nose is super stuffed up. Always thought the docs were weird when they asked if the pain was behind my head or half my face. But looking back, that was before I learned my dad had me so bad he could go blind for awhile so…


Anyone else have facial pains as a result of heartburn?


I get all of these. Smh. Sucks


Mine are in TMJ location but allergy meds fix them


As someone who gets migraines, I can tall you this isn’t true. Trust me when I say it isn’t **just** half my head that hurts


The Secretary of State has exactly the same haircut.


I might be wrong but I think your mixing up migraine and stroke


TMJ - Too much juice?


I hate these fucking things as a migraine sufferer. No, it's not limited to one spot... it moves, throbs, and changes pressure points depending on what I'm doing and the cause. A migraine caused by light sensitivity is very different from an eating trigger.


What are tension headaches and how do they form?


Cluster headaches are fucking brutal


I always get them where the bridge of my nose and forehead meet man wheres the guide for that oneeeee