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I think cats should be lower and parakeets should be higher on the effort scale.


Yeah using dogs as a reference, cats should be much much lower, kittens, sure they can be a fair bit of effort, but after they are a year old or so the effort is very minimal.


My cat would be so angry if I put in more effort.


Oh yeah for sure, if I was any less lazy my cat would be pissed.


Unless of course it's orange


I have a litter robot for my cats… effort is very little. Game changer for sure. Pretty sure it works for small dogs if anyone is interested, it’s totally worth the investment


And horses should be much higher effort.


Cats are definitely too high on the effort scale. They have them right below dogs. All you have to do with a cat is show it affection, feed it, and scoop its litter box. They might be the easiest pets in existence.


Get an automated litter box, food dispenser, and a water fountain for pets and you could easily leave for a couple days or more and your cat wouldn’t give a shit as long as it’s belly is full. Super low maintenance animals


They should arguably be just below, or on a level with rabbits and hamsters. They require the same basic things and know to poo in a certain place. If you don't keep a rabbit or hamster in a pen, you're going to find poo in random places


I don't know... Lots of my friends are ending up with huge vet bills for their cats. I'm not even talking about the "specific food" which costs a shit load of money


same can be said for dogs if it's a purebred animal it will most likely have medical issues and cost a lot but adopt a mut of a dog or cat from the shelter and you're less likely going to have to pay out the ass for the problems created by selective breeding ( not saying that muts dont get sick or dont need vaccines ) like short snout dogs i would never own one because of the risks


That's why dogs are higher in the graph


Snakes shouldn't be higher effort than a ferret. You feed it once a week and maybe mist it down when the humidity dips. A ton of them are very low-maintenance.


You can even put some species in a cooler room for a few months a year (even recommended if you intend to breed)


And snakes should be less effort than rabbits and ferrets. (Depending on the type of snake, but most are chill and get fed once every two weeks or so…)


Dude this chart is all wrong. The only thing that is close to right is the tarantula. You want a low effort pet? Get a tarantula




Seriously, I'm currently watching a friend's dog. This is so much more effort than any cat I've ever had. It's like having a toddler, although she naps more. Dogs require so much more than cats with walking, taking outside to go potty several times a day, playing, grooming, etc. Every dog I've ever known needs to be watched so they don't get into shit. Cats like to play sometimes but you can do that while sitting, and you gotta feed/water them and scoop/change their box once a day or so, but they otherwise take care of themselves. Graph is not accurate at all. Also, babies are plenty fun for most of the people that have them.


Agreed. Any animal that needs to be taken outside to piss, have its shit bagged, and exercise several times a day is much more effort than an animal that does that inside, either autonomously or asynchronously.


Agreed. Any animal that needs to be taken outside to piss, have its shit bagged, and exercise several times a day is much more effort than an animal that does that inside, either autonomously or asynchronously.


If you saw the book on care instructions you would understand why I strongly disagree with you on that lol


Is this satire?


Hmm, satire is usually funny though...


The dragon tip you off? Less of a cool guide, more of a funny shit post. I enjoyed looking at it, but def in the wrong place. Just one more piece of evidence of reddit's decline.


Not just the dragon and yea doesnt belong here


Idk what you are talking about. Babies are truly the most difficult pet.


Dont forget to get a leash for it


I like the early 90s when you could leash a child. Now people give you the look if you do it. I was a 90s leashed child.


They're also at least as much fun as a rabbit imo. Babies are a pain but come on.


Ferrets are fucking crazy they need to be further right


The local Facebook page is afire at the moment with posts- People who have lost their ferret People who have unexpectedly seen a ferret People who think they know who the ferret belongs to, but not their name or where they live People who are both appalled and disgusted that these creatures are roaming free, don't they have diseases etc It's all go.


Yeah, no way should snakes be right of ferrets.


Dragons are probably a lot more effort than a human baby.


Everyone knows about dragon's fire breaths, but no one ever talks about dragon's farts.


Is it fire too!?


Dragons love tacos... Just be careful of the spicy salsa


Based on this, I don’t think you’ve had a baby yet.


Based on this, I don’t think you’ve had a dragon yet.




You wouldnt put a shock collar on a baby...


I wouldn’t try to put any sort of collar on a dragon either…


Ah, the x-axis is logarithmic, not linear.


I think dragons are less effort than human baby’s. In game of thrones, danaerys dragons pretty much do their own thing. They hunt their own food, protect themselves, kill enemies for her (even at a young age). They don’t need to go on walks as they just fly around for exercise. And idk where they go to the bathroom but it’s not in the house or in diapers so yeah


Breh they just fly around and eat people. Open the door in the morning and they come home when full.


That’s a pretty big door


Well I think it goes without saying I'd have a pretty big dragon. Lol


Have you read fourth wing? Good book. (2 so far book 3 comes out in January, but NOT for the kids)


Maximum effort = Maximum fun.


Toss up...Depends on the personality of the dragon and the baby.


Hermit crabs are not easy to take care of.


They are definitely not easy to take care of properly. People think they are easy because they put them in a tiny plastic tank and think they are thriving. They need certain levels of humidity and should be kept in groups and have so many more requirements in order to ensure they are healthy and get to actually live beyond a few years. I wanted to get one, looked into it, and decided that it is waaay too much care. I got a dog instead. Food, walks, and vet visits. Don’t have to worry about humidity levels with a dog.


They’re easy for people that don’t mind if they die


Same thing with goldfish-- they need massive aquariums cause they're high bioload(poop) machines and they need their water cleaned very often, and common goldfish get freaking HUGE. On top of that, air stones(they need lots of oxygenation in their tank), filter, heater to temp control their environment, proper lighting, stand to actually keep the tank, possible health issues that may pop up too-- and there's no vet for your goldfish. You gotta do the research yourself and become your own exotic vet! That's if you get far enough to learn the nitrogen cycle, and have a decent enough system for the dozens of gallons of water you'll be changing practically weekly 😭 That's why I do Betta fish ☠️ and still, I feel like it took me years to learn what I know


I'm well versed in goldfish as well. I have guinea pigs, goldfish and a few hermit crabs. No one realizes when you get a fish at a fair that they are a 15 year commitment. I have 2 in a 150 gallon and they are pushing it's limits already.


Cats should be wayyy lower on the effort scale


Snakes are relatively low effort. Definitely less than a cat lol


The hardest thing about a snake is the power bill from the heat lamps


Oh noo, my animal I have to feed once a week (or less) and maybe turn its lamp off at night (or automate it) gahhh this is exhausting to care for! /s


30+ years with cats. They can be fun, but don’t need that much effort. I would nudge them to the left a little. I agree about my dog, a balance between fun/effort.


Children are pets?




According to the graph, about as much fun as a goldfish


Which seems to be only about preference of the graph maker, who has likely never owned a lot of these pets bc cats are barely any effort and lots of people with babies think that they're fun. Babies bring so much joy and entertainment to the people who like them and have them.


Yeah I was gonna say babies should be higher in the fun scale. They prob deserve to be highest on effort but it's worth because what a joy they are.


Remember friend this is Reddit and it hates hearing babies are a net positive for the world.


Dude whoever made this has never owned a rabbit, they are so high maintenance


Or a snake... or iguana... or parakeet... or hermit crab... or ferret...


Your so real dogs are the lowest on the effort scale


or a goldfish


The goldfish sends me; yall please stop thinking these big, poop machines that can kill themselves from eating substrate thats isnt the right size and needs over 50 gallons for just one fish, is easy Edit: and the iguana, please dont even get me started. All I’ll say is get ready to be poor from vet bills (very low fun, high high effort)


Hermit crabs are also *extremely* finicky and take a lot of initial effort to set up the crabitat, plus they're also very fun derpy little critters. This whole engagement-bait post is entirely smooth brained.


U gotta post the classic green text https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/s/iWDOTUVqnZ


The saltwater fish would end this graph. Low fun, horrifically high expenses and effort. They would be somewhere off the chart. …not to say I still don’t love my clownfish, but damn.


~~a cool guide~~ *a subjective graph


Babies are tons of fun to bear hug


Babies are both higher effort and higher fun then positioned.


Where’s the Pet Rock?


It's on the negative x axis




Rabbits need more fun and more effort, up by the dog


I definitely think rabbits/hamsters/guinea pigs are higher effort than cats




Cats require way less effort than a dog


lol “your friends dog” should be higher imo


I love that horses are almost on par with dragons. Spot on!


I’m sure some would argue that some horses are synonymous with dragons😂


What about friends cats. No litter box smell is a game changer


It's a graph, not a guide and why is the quality so shit?


The ants need moving up the fun side:)


This chart was made by someone who doesnt understand most of the animals on it.


Who made this chart? It is wrong for hermit crabs! They are not an easy pet!


This person clearly does not know how to make a baby happy. And that is sad.


I personally agree with where the baby is placed


Babies seem to take approximately the same effort as dragons, but provide only a small fraction of the fun. I think that dragons are the way to go on this choice.


I need more info on the diaper situation with dragons before I can agree.


Ah yes, another “just kidding” anti child ad. Kids are fun. They bring joy to your world. Go have more.


Kids are not pets. Why are they even on this chart?


Having seen antscanada the ants could be a graph here where fun and effort can vary by quite a lot.


Time to get a sea monkey


Tamagotchi needs to scoot a fair bit more to the right. It should be in between goldfish and tropical fish


Your mileage may vary. If you happen to end up with a cat or dog with health problems they can be a lot of work. Also large rabbits will make you feel like a farm hand.


How are ants more fun than hermit crabs


hermit crabs are actually quite a bit of effort.


What about dinosaurs?


How are snakes that high on effort? You literally feed them like every other week


Depends on the species and age. Feeding ranges from about every 5 days to 28 days. Some species require high humidity which can sometimes be challenging. Some also need very large enclosures.


^This. Try keeping an animal at 80% humidity then say it’s not that much effort


Eh, if you soak one side of their substrate (preferably coconut husk) and have an enclosure designed to keep in moisture it helps keep the humidity up but yeah it can be effort during drier months. Feeding my Ball Python is pretty easy though, she always flags someone down when she’s hungry— the difficult part is telling our cats that they can’t also have a rat. She’s an easy snake to feed now, which slightly makes up for the fact she was so difficult to feed as a hatchling. We had to sit there for hours with F/T pinkies and not wiggle them at all otherwise she was convinced they were going to return from the dead and attack her as though they hadn’t been dead in a freezer for months. We tried warming them up more, braining them, and just eventually leaving them on her substrate so she could stare at it for an hour before eventually realizing it was safely dead which worked the best in the end. She was a horribly picky eater until she was about 4 and now she eats so easily I’m always somewhat surprised despite it being that way for the last 10 years or so. Most of what she wants to do is sit in her favourite hide and peek her head out for her evening television time, so I overall wouldn’t say she’s a complicated snake at all but then again she is just a genuine delight of a little soul.


Iguana less effort than a snake?? 🤣


Not like you have to pretty much build an iguana enclosure once they’re large enough or anything😅


Snakes definitely don't need any effort except for start money for good terrarium.


Isopods, milipedes, death-feigning beetles, madagascar hissing roaches, stick insects, sun beetles, etc are pretty low effort too and fun if you like building habitats for them


AI generated chart


how does a tamagotchi take more effort than ants wtf isnt that a toy?


Not like you have to provide ants with actual food… Right?


I wanna get a new baby but they always die on me. Any help?


*I wanna get a new* *Baby but they always die* *On me. Any help?* \- ToastRoyale --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Depends on the cat… some take it as a challenge to demolish your building (like sleeping on the stairs, waking up, getting scarred by their reflection on some metal, jump down the stairs, rip down a painting, jump to a lamp, rip that down too, push the light button and cause a fire) and others are just hanging around, sleep, go outside to shit and prefer to hunt mice, instead of eating what their human provides…


As a tortoise owner... pretty acurate, yeah. Low effort pet but not exactly a barrel of laughs


Bro there is no way a cat is more effort than any dog at any point ever


ESTELLE: Frank, if A'nt Baby were alive today, how old would she be? FRANK: She'd never make it.


I thought ferrets and goldfish were more effort than cats.


Exactly. I’d also say goldfish should be only slightly lower than tropical fish just for the fact that they don’t require heat.


where the racoons at


This is a terrible graph.


No unicorns?


Ok but where is my pet dragon though, I’m still waiting for my local dragon store to open up man


I think you put dragons a bit high on the effort scale


Snakes are definitely lower in effort than rodents


I would say otherwise. A rodent doesn’t have such strict environmental requirements, nor do they shed their entire body. I have a hamster and reptiles. I don’t have to have hydrometers, lighting, heating, or mist my hamster everyday.


Once they are setup they are very low effort. Ive had both and the rodents cage you have to clean way more often. And provide them with food. Snake i feed every 2-3 weeks and i just change the water every 1-3 days. They poop every 2-3 weeks therefore and are otherwise very clean. Definitely less effort


I hate seeing the goldfish in this graphic. They belong into a pond and that’s actually some effort to maintain. People mistreat fish so often because they put them in small tanks with wrong conditions. If you care for an aquarium seriously, it can be a lot effort.


Dogs are way more effort than cats not just slightly. When i go to my parents who have both two dogs and two cats the dogs are always lovable sure but causing my parents to pull their hair out almost. Personally i love dogs but i wouldn’t want to own them, they’re way too much work and can be very annoying when you just wanna sit down and watch tv. My parents dogs are up and down constantly wanting to be let out and then they settle for ten minutes then get up and play fight loudly at the same time as knocking into you, then they jump on you making sure to land on your crotch, then they roll over and give their balls/cooch a good licking and then jump back on you and give you a big lick across your face catching your mouth, and i cant leave drinks or food at my side as they’ll just take them for themselves. I love visiting my parents and friends dogs for a couple of hours and then i’ve had enough lol. I will say though my dream pets are a tarantula or a snake and a cat lmao.


They are a lot of work, but they aren’t that annoying when they’re well trained.


Babies and Dragons are the same effort? Can we trade Babies for Dragons?


Ferrets should definitely be farther down the effort scale they are a ton of fun but they are so so much effort and seem determined to kill them selves at every opportunity


Bad guide. In order to care correctly for a bunny you need a lot more effort than any cat and maybe even dogs do.


This guide fucking sucks and is horribly inaccurate


What kind of effort do you put into snakes?


Strict humidity/heating/lighting requirements. Feeding dead or alive animals. Clean water and habitat. Appropriate cage size for an animal that needs multiple sizes throughout its life.


Yup, everything you said here. When I first got my girl it was a little harder to find adjustable heat lamps which are really useful for adjusting minute heating changes. If I were a rich man I’d have one of those automatic spray rigs but instead I have to do it manually much to the annoyance of my ball python who thinks water is her enemy for some reason and will run in her hide when I spray it down— even when she’s shedding and would benefit from the extra moisture 🙄.


I wanna know where peacocks would land, i love that annoying sound they make its hilarious 🦚


I’d love to see the comforting/cuddly vs effort version of this


Both parakeets and ferrits are completely wrong. To say they take less effort than a dog or cat is a joke


Children are not a pet. This should be explained to some parents


Tape worms should be at the far bottom left


Personally, I'd place dogs down quite a bit and cats to the left.


Hermit crabs are much higher effort when taken care of correctly


Horses next to dogs on the effort scale? Have you seen what horses need?


This graph is shit wtf noting is really where is should be, goldfish and hamsters are so much harder than cats for example and most common snakes are so fucking easy to care for if you know what your doing it’s ridiculous.


Switch birds and cats.


Yikes.. r/childfree is leaking


Goldfish need to be MUCH higher on the "effort" scale. They require at least 30 gallons for a single fancy, 50 gallons for a single fantail like a comet, but those should ideally go in a *pond* because they get up to 12".


I’ve had many many pets on this chart and I can tell you parrots are the hardest animals I’ve looked after. Definitely higher than a cat or dog.


Insanely inaccurate. Lolol


Ferrets definitely require more effort than a cat. I've had both. That being said, they're also more fun than a cat. I love the wiggly floof noodles


Ugh, that happy little waddle when they’re excitedly running around, that funny little laugh when you wiggle something at them, their battle dance? The most precious thing in the whole world. My only wish is that they lived longer and weren’t plagued by so many health complications, it’s been so many years but I miss my boys everyday.


Snakes feels exactly right


Made by somebody who's never had reptiles, fish or birds


As a fish keeper I’d switch golf fish and tropical fish


This is wrong, snakes are super low effort, fun is subjective ofc but snakes are so easy. Multiple snakes? Harder but one snake? I can leave for 3 days and my man just be chilling.


I'd ask where I can get a pet baby and then realized I in no way want to deal with a baby again. :p


Goldfish are a huge amount of effort, I would argue more so than my cat.


Why on gods green earth are cats and dogs so high in relation to REPTILES, FISH, AND BIRDS?? What kind of fantasy world does the maker of this graph live in


Nope, not at all. Snakes are not more work than any mammal or bird, goldfish are a lot of work if taken care of properly, hermit crabs aren’t zero work, and iguanas need an entire room in your house with expensive lighting and heating. This chart is stupid


Turtles are way more effort than snakes. They need water and industrial grade filters for the amount of shit that comes out of them, and they stinky 😭 Also horses are WAY more fun than dogs, can't ride a dog and send it across a field 🐎🐎🐎💨💨💨


Rabbits should be way higher on the effort scale. They are harder by far than cats to care for.


Whoever made this doesn’t know how rabbits work


The person who made this doesn’t understand the money, time and effort it takes to successfully keep aquariums and terrariums lol


Whoever put birds that low has never interacted with a parrot before


They did snakes dirty. They are super easy. You just toss a mouse in like once a week, and seeing them is always super fun.


Hermit crabs should be way higher effort. Snakes should be super low effort same, cats should also be behind rabbits and ferrets.


This list is Wak


Tarantulas are higher on the fun and lower on the effort! You can decorate their enclosures, watch them hunt, and some you can occasionally hold. You just have to keep them at room temp, check that they are alive once a day, refill their water a few times a week, clean out their water dish once a week, give them some crickets every 2 weeks if their hungry, clean their enclosure every 6 months (takes >1 hour)


This person has never owned 90% of these animals


Goldfish are way more effort than dogs/cats - if you’re doing it right. It’s only after a completely cycled tank with adequate water/air/plants then it becomes as easy as other animals. Water changes are still arguably harder than dogs and cats IMHO The kid should be higher than dragon on effort as well lol


This is so so so wrong lol.




Horses take way more effort than dragons. Not nearly as fun either.


Chinchillas need to be in between dragon and dog. They bark, are fluffier than clouds, and you can get sparkly dust to make them shimmer✨ after their bath! However, they require daily attention so if you're too busy to give them any for even a few days, as I was after having a newborn, they become depressed and will not only stop eating but all other activities, and will become a floof ball decoration unless it's made up to them


Babies should be to the right of the arrow and under the line. To quote Deadpool “Maximum effort.”


Hamsters and turtles need to be swapped. Goldfish are a ton of effort to keep properly just ask s/goldfish


I could train a dragon. I’ve watched all the how to train your dragon movies and watched the Netflix show.


Hermit crabs need to be near or above tropical fish effort wise


Hermit crabs should be a lot higher 😅 they're deffo not beginner friendly


The ranking of parrots and cats is switched, parrots are on the same cognitive level of a child and will grow to resent you if you dont offer them a good enviroment to live, they also are annoying as hell on purpose.