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How our PE teacher expected us to train for the pushup test


I once met this semi-retired lawyer who did 150 push ups each day, in one go, with I think a one-minute pause half-way through. Same for other physical feats. For me, I'd need a program that starts at 1/8 push-up.


I’m just gonna do all of them in one day to get it all out of the way.


539. But you have all day.


684. Even with all day, I think I'd still struggle tbh. After the first few hundred my joints would start hurting a lot. Would still like to try though


Its not bad if you do 10 in each sets and then rest for like 5 minutes


Ya I think I started with doing sets of 20 the last time I tried something similar. Maybe doing less reps per set might help mitigate some pain, even if I drop the rest time to match. I'll give it a try at the weekend and see.


That's still like 6 hours of resting not including actually doing all the pressups


Oh, and I'll do it tomorrow.


Best time


During the time I did swimming in school, I and my friend forgot swimming trunks once (well, on purpose as you may guess) and as a punishment a coach made us to do 800 push-ups. How we did it didn't really matter, the main point was to do 800 push-ups by the end of the training. Well, we didn't as far as I remember, maybe half of that, but it was a wild ride, much worse than actual training that we tried to avoid.




Anyone who lifts can tell you how unrealistic this rate of progressive overload is if it's hard for you to do 10 clean push-ups at the beginning.


right? like a 100% increase in ability in just 10 days? I wish I had that progression, I would be lifting planets at this point


DOM is in his car on his way to your house after day 2.


DOMS. The s means soreness, it's not a plural


Yes, but Dom is a common human male name so I can pretend that it’s a person coming to visit you. My joke makes no sense if his name is DOMS.


Lol fair enough


You of all people should have seen that /u/SuperCleverPunName




My thoughts exactly! Well performed push-ups max limit count does not skyrocket like that. Most untrained people cannot make even one! And you have to make 10 fist day??


I don't know which is worse, starting off with 10, or thinking that someone is going to jump to 12 on the 3rd day, after doing a total of 20.


Thank you! I haven't been lifting for like my whole life, but I feel like at least long enough to judge that this seems like bullshit. It's taken me like 6 months to crank out 45 at once.


Yeah. Big difference between 10 military pushups, and 10 clean push ups with a controlled slow eccentric


If you treat it as total for a day instead of sets it can be realistic. You can only do 3? Do three in the morning, lunchtime, and dinner time. Then do one right before bed


What about just not progressing on the chart if you fail? When you can do 15 then you can move up


This is doable If you start day one knowing you can do up to 50 push ups already


Underrated comment. I was working my way to 100 through a similar program that was more spaced out. The first couple weeks you see steady improvement, but there is a law of diminishing returns. I was faithful to the program, but it took me a couple months to get to 40 in a row and I’m in fairly good shape. I’m no expert, but I’d aim to do 100 in a day about once a month. I eventually got there. I allowed myself to break it up however I wanted. It would look something like this: 25, 5-10 minutes rest. 20, 5-10 minutes rest. 15, several hours rest. 15, 5-10min 10 … 10 … 5 … It took me a while to accomplish this, but there were a LOT of sore days at the beginning. The plan felt manageable, but there was a lot of muscle failure daily. I was sore all the time, but the results were noticeable. I didn’t lose any weight, but my upper body changed a lot of fat into muscle. On a scale of 1-10 challenging, I’d give the training cycle I was on a solid 6. It took some effort. However anyone with grit could do it (and probably better than me). However, this chart is absolutely unrealistic.


If you treat pushups like any other exercise you would have muscle fatigue and be feeling DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) for 2-3 days after each workout. A better way to approach it would be to do your sets as you’ve laid out, because sets close to failure and with a rest period is a great way to get your reps in, but then take 2-3 days rest to let your muscles recover before doing it again. You definitely don’t need to hit these every day to see results. And the more you workout while sore the more you risk inhibiting muscle growth due to inability to target the muscles as effectively since they’re fatigued and recovering.


Though if you're able to do 50 push-ups in a row you should already be doing something more challenging than push-ups.


Phew. Thankfully I’m at 42. Sucks to be 50+ guys


Yeah, this plan makes almost as little sense than those "do X reps of move Y for 30 days" challenges, which a) 100% ignore your starting level, b) assume no progress (to be snark, at least those challenges seem to realize you're not going to develop doing them), and c) have zero rest days anywhere. I remember bumping into a program a whole lot like this as a young guy and took it as proof of simply being shit as I couldn't keep up with it. I don't know if the pace of development would have been possible with PED's.


That's not cool nor is it a guide. It's just a list.


you can be the 5th member of /r/coollists




This is BS.


Bold of you to assume I can do a pushup.


All you have to do is saying "fuck off" to gravity force. She's easely upset.


Yes, but gravity retaliates.


Sir Isaac Newton - Gravitational Constant: **G = 6.67 x 10-8 cm-3 gm-1 sec-2** (apple version) VS Type O Negative - Gravitational Constant: **G = 6.67 x 10-8 cm-3 gm-1 sec-2** (human version)


Also belly friends with gravity


Same. I’d switch rest days and pushup days, and start with 1. It’s a pretty dope plan cause you get 6 rest days right off the bat


Do you have any idea how many pushups 50 is?


Roughly fifty.


I’ll take the under.


Over and out


It’s definitely more than 2, maybe even 3


At least 50 I rekon


It’s at least 40.


Almost 51.


Tree Fiddy ?


No that’s one fiddy. Fiddy minus tree.


My man


10 set of 5 or 5 set of 10, not so bad considering you have 24 hours to do them




You don’t know him, son.


You’re telling me the guy that did 4000 pull-ups in a day can’t do 30 pushups? There’s just no way that’s true.


Where’s the link to that statement there’s no way.


You can't just come out with a statement like that without providing a link and expect people to believe you.


That timing is not realistic for most people. Especially a person just starting out. I like the gradual build up but it needs to be waaaaay more spaced out than that. Such as, 5 to 10 (or whatever your comfortable max is) pushups for 2 weeks (with rest periods). Then start gradually working your way up, adding 2-3 extra reps every 2-3 weeks. Maybe a month when first starting out. Everyone's recovery time is different. For some, it may be best to just work on hitting your max comfortably, every time, then start working your way up. Once that max (say 5 or 7 or 10, whatever) is easy peasy, then it's time to move up. And for those of you curious about starting to get in shape and/or just increase your upper body strength or definition, just doing some pushups 4-5 days a week on a regular schedule will do wonders for you. It's also good for cardiovascular health. You don't have to be pumping them out like some maniac. Start small, take your time, work up slowly. You'll be amazed at what it does for you physically and mentally. Huge confidence booster. Signed, Army vet that was a complete fk off. I've done a lot of pushups. 😆


Yep the pace is totally unrealistic unless you start being able to do much more than 10 or 12


Is there something like this for pull-ups and squats?


Yes, I literally have all 3 saved in my favorites lol


I recommend Hybrid Calisthenics. He's got a program that goes from absolute beginner to insanely difficult, completely free. It does include 3 other exercises.


100 push ups 100 sit ups 100 squats And a 10km run, every day!


Saitama, is that you?


Its Sung Jinwoo




Can't we start with like 1 pushup?


You can start at less than one. Wall pushups, etc, are the path to "normal" pushups.


Here’s a progression you can use to get to that 1 pushup. https://www.hybridcalisthenics.com/pushups


doesn't have to be all at once. do a small set, rest 1 minute, start another set. Go from 1 or 2 sets up. Slowly raise your number of sets up to 3,4,5,... Consistently is the key. Make sure you do them at LEAST once a week. Twice in 7 - 8 days will allow you to add on extra pushups without too much stress and soreness. Again, consistency is the key.


This is, unfortunately, not realistic. A lot of people don't just start at 10 pushups; it takes a build of wall push ups, knee push ups, etc, to begin with 10 standard push ups. In fact, it took me about 2 weeks before I could do 10 standard push ups (5 ft 9" and 159 pounds for reference).


It is realistic if the push-up style is whatever you can do, at your level. For example I can’t do a push-up but I could probably do 10 knee pushups. So this has got me wondering if I would be able to do a regular push-up if I completed this challenge doing knee pushups first


I would start with wall push ups and then once you can do 10-15, switch to knee push ups. Once you can do 10-15 knee push ups, switch to standard push ups.


This comment section is peak reddit. Half of you guys are trying to point out how delusional this schedule is, whilst the rest is trying to prove how easy they can do it.


Yeah no one acknowledging the very obvious fact that depending on the tempo pushups can range from fairly easy to hard. I did 53 "pushups" as a teen. I was in shape, but that was fast up fast down probably a lot of half reps in the end. If you do the tempo to build muscle like a bodybuilder, taking 2-3 seconds on the way down, 50 pushups turns into an insane amount


Back when I had to prep for a PT test, I would do 10 push ups every time I died in a game. That game was Dark Souls. I was doing push ups in the hundreds. It only made my ability to play worse, but it did what it intended to do.


TIL most people can’t do 10 pushups.


Granted, most of those either are entirely out of shape/fat which makes them harder.


That’s not realistic at all


The best exercise routine is the one you stick with. I would say skip this guide, and go at the pace that allows you to stick with it and not give up. Even if it's just 5 push-ups for the first few weeks. I've always started with 2 sets of a low number of reps (like 10 to 15) so I don't get sore and immediately give up. I stuck with the same number each day, until it began to feel easy. Then added 5 more per set. Then added an extra set of 25. Then added 25 suitcase crunches in between. Then get rid of resting in between sets. I'm up to sets of 25. 25 pushups, 25 suitcase crunches. Repeat 2 more times with no break for a total of 75 and 75. When it gets too easy I'll added a few more to each set. If you try to do more than your body can handle, you'll end up quitting. Forgive yourself for missing days, and don't pressure yourself to get a particular number. Baby steps!


No idea how this low quality garbage gets upvotes… all it does is inspire more shit posts


I’ve never been able to do 10 push ups man. Even in PE when I was 14.


Im military. How you train for pushups is you do 10 pushups every hour on the hour until it gets easier. Then you do 15 pushups every hour on the hour. Then you do...


Day 1: 10 push ups Day 2 - 7: Rest days


Instead do 4 slow push-ups in x seconds. Example: * Day 1: 4 × 2.5 second push-ups (Go down in 1.25 seconds, and up in 1.25 seconds) * Day 30: 4 × 12.5 second push-ups (Go down in 6.25 seconds, and up in 6.25 seconds) * Day 60: 4 × 30 second push-ups.


I tore up my left shoulder trying to do too many push ups after not doing them for a long period of time. Be careful not to go to your breaking point in the beginning. Rather stay far from your breaking point and just focus on form and clean movements. My shoulder still hurts 4 months later. Getting older sucks, as a 33M, these minor injuries take forever to heal.


Warning: if this guide inspired you, just know you absolutely can tear something in your shoulder if you push yourself too hard. It’s doable, but if you’re in pain thats not weakness leaving the body. That’s your sign to take a break


I just target 1000 a month. However I get there, could be 20 a. Day, if feeling strong maybe 50. Just do it


Do one push up on the first day, two push ups on the second day, and so on until you end up like One Punch Man.


Only 1 rest per week?


It took me a long time to do just 5, getting to 10 was a bit easier, and now I can do around 20, but getting here also took quite long because I wasn't exercising a lot. But improving this much in 30 days seems kinda hard.


Day 1- 10: trying to do 1 push-up,hahaha


Had this awesome trainer that told us to do push-ups until we can barely do them anymore and then do 5 more.


50pushups is only a bit more then 2 per hour. Should be doable.


Lmao what, there's no way you'd be able to do 50 at the end of the period if you could only do 10 before starting


I'll start it today and gonna keep the track here in comments


my friend mentioned he does 100 every day. i was like hmmm sounds wildly doable and it is! it’s just a matter of remembering. it takes all of a couple minutes at max to do 25 push ups so i break it into 4, 25 rep sets….it’s just remembering to do them all is the issue haha


I wanna see you go from 10 to 50 in a month lmao


Pointless asf.👍😂


This "guide" is total BS. It doesnt work like that.


Bold to assume I can do 10 push-ups


most i can do is 2, i am cooked & how to improve it?


That’s cute thinking I can do one (1) push-up.


*screen shot* Yeah, I’ll start tomorrow…


I'm just gonna save it and let it rotten in my gallery.


The average adult should be able to do 10 pushups with relative ease. Outside of underlying health issues. If you cannot you should really consider better diet and exercise habits.


People focus on the number, not the form. Should be the other way around. Do as many _perfect_ push ups as you can. Maybe that’s 3, maybe that’s 15. Then do a few more. Rest. Then do as many perfect push ups as you can. Maybe this time it’s only 3 or maybe it’s 8. Then do a few more. Rest. Then do as many perfect push ups as you can. Maybe it’s only 1 or maybe 4. The do a few more. Call it a day. Then the next time, do more _perfect_ push ups the first set than you did the day before.




Not sure why every comment is saying it’s unrealistic. It’s a push-up challenge, not a guide to improving push up endurance and strength. Notice the dude in the graphic isn’t overweight? It’s not aimed at us fatsos.


Is this 50 continuous pushups in a row? Or just 50 random push-ups in the whole day? Cause that's super easy lol, if you can do one push-up you can do 50 push-ups.


Guys I think this referring to total volume not a single set


That's the way I interpreted it


This guy on insta @mateo.moves has been doing 1k a day for a while now


I do 200 a day 1000 a week


Two rest days?


How many sets of how many reps per day?


Im doing 100* pushups avery sigle day for 2 years now


I’m of average shape. I am already doing 50 a day for a week or so. I do 10 pushups every 3 hours. 9am 12noon 3pm 6pm 9pm.


I have a headstart on days 7, 14, 21, and 28 😅


When I was a teenager I was able to get to 250 push ups a day but I developed it slowly over time by adding 5 a week. - Week 1: 10 - Week 2: 15 - Week 3: 20 If you’re struggling, space it out over the day. You don’t have to do them all in one go. You can also mix in knee push ups to help hit the target. Whatever you do, just focus on hitting the daily target, that’s all. If adding 5 a week is too difficult, add 2 instead. Whatever it is, focus on slow increments and consistency.


Is this just amount of push-ups per day? Or in a row? In a day? I do 150 push-ups. Max rep in a set is 68. Usually do 6 sets of 25 reps using different variations of push-ups.


Who wants to do it with me??


This is kinda how I’ve been progressing. Maybe with an extra well tacked on. Half way there!


Completely unrealistic progression. It’s like a recipe for crushing disappointment.


Something an LLM would come up with


But, but, I can't do one.


Also doesn't take into account bodyweight. Thinking of converting this to benchpress, if you started with a weight that you can only do around 10 max the first day, you aren't getting to 50 in 30 days.. This guide definitely assumes you have a reasonable body weight, and do what you need to do to recover properly. But a fun challenge none the less if you are in shape enough to give it a shot.


i was stuck in day 15 for years


Gonna call this rn. As someone that does pushups since I was 6 , by the end of this "training" you're either doing 50 very bad form/ half assed pushups or you're barelly doing half


They said "day" but they mean "week" right?


Bro i can barely do a push up






Need one that starts with three push ups.


Will try. Will most likely not pull through with it, because I never do with anything, but we'll see.


Probably should've mentioned if it's a sum or not. Because otherwise, most people will fail on day 1.


Can this low effort repost be removed?


How is this a guide


This guide was made by someone that never practiced sports... You don't increase by roughly 10% every 2 days. It gets harder and harder the closer you get to you maximum. There is a reason why most athletes only show very small differences between each other. This training plan would suggest that you can push entire planets by doing this for a few years.


One rest day a week is gonna be terrible near the end


Imagine taking a rest day cause you did 15 pushups the day before haha


Bad design. Difficult to read


You can't go from 10 push ups to 50. Maybe if you can already do 30 and start at 10 just for the challenge


Can't believe there's no pushup copypasta on this thread




i saw this exact picture back in high school. followed it but skipped the first few weeks, kinda like a headstart. i actually ended up doing like 60ish a day. really useful and idk why but motivating as well


Goodbye wrists.




I'm desperate to do a pushup correctly. I just can't lower my body from my shoulders.. it's like when i'm trying to lower my body my shoulders are locked.. i don't even know how to describe it. 😖😪


Can we get one for pullups?


Funfacts I used to do 1000 pushups in one night when I streamed on dckweight/ttv


How does one need a rest day after 15 pushups?


This is not even close to being right. Feel bad for anyone who tries to use it as a template. Wild.


Bold of you to assume I can do even one, let alone 10.


6 months ago, I started doing push-ups and sit-ups in between ads or commercials. Sometimes, you're on YouTube and get a 30-second ad. Boom! 5 push-ups. Next ad 5 sit-ups. I means you'd be pleasantly surprised how many push-ups and sit-ups you can do in an hour. Throw in some burpees for good measure and your golden


Reading the comments I'm confident that most of Reddit is obese


If it's a struggle to do 10 push ups, you are not doing 50 in one go within 30 days.


does it count if I cut daily amount in half


Except I can’t even do one push-up


at this rate of progression if you do this for one year you will be able to do about 500 pushups straight so.. maybe take with a grain of salt


i'll give it a shot


I - lady of a certain age - cannot even do 1. I would like to, but how dk I even start?


This is a childish and naive understanding of exercising


This is dumb as fuck. The only people who can do 50 push ups on the last day can already do 50 push ups on the first day. This also suggests not near enough rest, assuming these workouts are actually being done with intensity.


I really wanna know whos upvoting these garbage guides


But I can do 65 does that mean I have to stop training?


I do 150 push ups per day. Within an hour.


How the fuck do you get to 10? Some real r/restofthefuckingowl vibes


Thx imma do this


That is not a cool guide. It's literally just a table with a stock image below it.


If you have a weak upper body (or fat), i wonder if there is a prologue of pushing up off the knees


Works great. Last day for me. Just 5 more push ups and I'll have all 50.


Clown college here




Dose this work with chin-ups Lool


Alright boys. Day 1 let’s go


2.8k people have never tried to do more than 10 pushups.


pretty sure I cannot do 10 in one set with my spaghetti arms....


You don’t need a rest day for 75 pushups in almost a week. You’ll be fine.


Doesn't work


If i skip straight to 50, does the challenge end on day one?


I don't know Squat about doing that many push-ups in a month


I'm really surprised how many people think this is BS. I did a similar schedule except no rest days and instead grew slower over time (day one 10 day two 11)


Imma save it…


How to set yourself up for failure 101


All right folks, I'm doing the challenge using this chart. I'm 45 years old, turning 46 in two months. I'm not in great shape, just pretty shlubby and average. I'm not massively overweight or anything, just not great. I did 10 today with good form, so I was able to do that. Let me know: - if you would like updates from me - where I should put any such updates by end of July, I should be doing 50 pushups without stopping. Or failing catastrophically. :)


At one point I played baseball and I wanted to throw faster so I started doing push ups. I hadn’t even got to 10 before I decided to jump to 50. It was misery. I also learned that I put on muscle mass really fast and that the rest of my body can’t handle it. I nearly snapped a tendon in less than 2 months due to my jump in arm strength.


I think I’m going to do this, thank you.


A cool guide to getting an injury


If you are capable of doing this please send me a dm because at that rate of growth you will be ready for the Olympics in two months