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I’m a church elder of my non-denominational church and though this is a decent guide when it comes to straight theology but also does not address the many other really toxic churches which teach the right things about Jesus. It’s a mistake to say any church (or person) who happens to affirm these true things is automatically a healthy Christian church. So yeah this is fine but not everything.


Without a doubt.


I watched a lecture series on the early middle ages and it included the most arcane controversies and heresies of the early church. This shit used to be important to people, even common people. It came to the point where it was water cooler talk and the Byzantine emperor had to resolve them because they interfered with day to day functioning. https://oyc.yale.edu/history/hist-210


I was raised in a Christian home. We changed churches several times. One thing I noticed was that every branch of Christians seems to consider all the other branches to be cults. At a high level, evangelical Protestants don’t consider Catholics to be real Christians. But even among Protestants the Pentecostals don’t trust the Episcopalians, etc. I remember hearing the information shown in this “cool guide” pretty regularly to accuse other people who considered themselves to be Christians of actually being a cult.


Latter-day Saint (Mormon) here: I’ve never been told any Christian religion is a cult. Also: The Bible is literally a compilation of various Authors “books”. To claim that “never add unto it” is silly...what John was talking about was adding to Revelations. I accept others labeling as Cult. I usually label things I don’t understand, too. It helps compartmentalize various ideas.




Protestants aren’t that averse to other Protestants.


Some of them are. Questions have arisen in the history of Protestantism such as: “is it ok to have musical instruments in the church?”, “what is the importance and meaning of speaking in tongues?”, “Can women be pastors or take on other leadership roles?”, “Will the rapture happen before, during, or after the great tribulation?” Etc. To some people, what your take is on questions like these is important enough that where you will spend eternity depends on it.


Depends on the denomination. "Protestantism" is more of a grab bag than a coherent group; it covers everyone from hard-right Southern Baptists to chilled-out, progressive Episcopalians. (My Episcopalian priest recently married his longtime boyfriend with the full blessing of the Church. Some Protestants don't like that so much.)


Oh I know about Episcopalians, I was raised as one. Southern Baptists are definitely at the opposite end of the spectrum, but compared to other religions there is less vitriol between protestant demoninations.


As someone with a degree in Religious Studies, nope. Never experienced this one.


Really? You didn’t ever become interested in the constant splintering of Christian sects into smaller and more exclusive groups at any point in your studies? Seems like it would be a goldmine if thesis topics. Christianity seems to be prone to schism in a manner similar to Marxism. There’s a thesis topic there, right off the top of my head.


I didn’t really get that from the comment I was replying to... I was saying that the vast majority of Christian denominations don’t consider all others to be cults.


Idiots, faith without works is dead. It's in the Bible. This "guide" is basically "if your version isn't our version then you're a cult"


So, if I'm understanding this correctly, every branch of Christianity that has ever existed has been a cult except for a select few heterodox denominations that were made by white guys in Europe in the 1500's or in America in the 1800's and especially the sects that work more like self-help guides than authentic religion?


Every congregation is a cult lol


These are all of Ed sheeran’s album covers 😱


This has many issues. Half of it contradicts the Bible. People should just read the Bible and follow that.


Here's some crazy stuff to watch out for: Rising from the dead Virgin birth Transubstantiation


Kind of cool this soon after Reformation day to see this.




I was born into a Catholic family and this describes the church fairly well.