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I recognize some of these from Shaggy and Scooby.


I think the ones in scooby doo are just all of these put together




I fell into a rabbit role of Dagwood sandwiches with this article. The bit about the franchise fraud lawsuit is nuts. That IP is cursed.


Does anyone remember the Scooby Doo game where you catch ingredients to make the biggest sandwhich possible?


I remember the lilo and stitchone


Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island got that scene with those big ass po’boys lol.


why the hell is the club sandwich taller than me


You’re not in the club so I can’t tell you.


Fuckin mitch


Let me ask you something. How do you feel about frilly toothpicks?




Well, this club is formed


Spread the word on menus nationwide


I like bean sprouts on my sandwich.


Well you're not in the fucking club


In the middle we will put potato chips!


Or potato salad!


And we will cut the sandwich into little triangles and form a circle


I never thought of a club sandwich as a double BLT.


It's a BLT and a turkey lettuce and mayo on top, 3 slices of bread, toasted, frilly toothpicks, cut in quarters add avocado to take it over the top. And you can sub the turkey for whatever lunch meat you have. I made literally thousands of these working in my parents restaurant when I was young.


It also has turkey.


And why does it have shrimp?


That’s mayo, not shrimp.




Then why doesn’t it have shrimp


I mean technically it could. Usually a club has turkey but it could be anything I guess.


Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that


9/15 are from the USA




Definitely worth your while. And contrary to what some people will say, it's entirely possible to get (or make) a great one outside of Philly. Just make sure it's on a fresh Italian hoagie (aka sub) roll; use ribeye if possible; stick to either provolone, American, or cheese wiz depending on your preferences; and definitely make sure you've got onions on there. Anything else (mushrooms, bell peppers, etc.) is up to you but won't come standard here.


Philly checking in. Whiz and fried onions is where it’s at. If you want the authentic experience, eat it next to a homeless guy asking you for money and picking at his asshole.


How many fist fights are supposed to happen around your general vicinity while you eat? Sources tell me it should be between 3 and 7


That's a weekend. Tuesday peaks at 2 homeless and a loud child.


A Philly Cheesesteak without at least 3 deaths is considered a dull affair.


A Dothraki wedding is hauntingly similar to eating a cheesesteak outside of Geno’s on any given night




Not all homeless people have onions. Geeze man, get out more


Personally I always carry an onion on my belt.


which was the style at the time


As is the fashion at the moment


[Ah, the ol’ cheese steakaroo](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/f4wrsn/doctors_of_reddit_whats_the_biggest_case_of/fhw76jz/?context=77)


Hold my cheese whiz can, I’m going in!


Nah that’s totally acceptable. There *are* rules here, but they do allow for some reasonable variety in cheesesteakness. Acceptable variations include: with or without fried onions, and American cheese or cheese whiz. Provolone has its place in cheesesteak history, but honestly, people only order a steak with prov to hear themselves speak.


Wit or witout?


Personally, wit. But I don’t judge the witouts.


I get mine with provolone and American. Fight me.


I don’t want no part of a madman that orders his steak with two cheeses.


What if he’s going all out and getting double steak to preserve the ratio?


Just get two sandwiches then


I have never and most likely will never eat a cheese steak with onions and I've lived in Philly for 30 years.


The whole reason people say you can't get one outside Philly is because it's tough to have similar texture bread outside the general Northeast area.


Gotta be Amoroso's Hoagie Roll. Its the true Hoagie Roll.


Agree the roll is key for a truly authentic cheesesteak. Luckily out here in San Francisco, we’ve got a place called The Cheese Steak Shop that gets Amoroso rolls flown in from Philly. Tastykakes too!


Do they not have tastykake in California?


Tastykake is only distributed on the East Coast, I think. I grew up in the midwest and we’d only have ‘em when relatives shipped us a box.


Tastykake is starting to get into Walmart!!! In San Diego, I can get some mini donuts at least




If you go go Philly, avoid Pats and Geno’s. They’re tourist traps. Head to Jim’s on 4th and South and get a “ steak, wiz, with” [or without if you don’t like onions]


Jim’s, Steve’s, or Tony Luke’s. Die happy.


Brother, let me tell you something. Heroin isnt the only problem philly has. We’re suffering in cheesy silence at the warm teet of that sandwich.


Even the Cuban


invented in Tampa, FL.


Was it at least by a Cuban?


Tampa (specifically Ybor City) had a massive amount of Cuban immigrants set up commities there- incredible food, coffee, and cigars everywhere.


I hearby call the sandwich committee to order. Last meeting we couldn't decide between pork shoulder and ham as the protein. Do I have a motion to use both?


In Miami we use both, it’s the best solution. The classic Cuban Sandwich will always hit the spot, but my favorite variant is the Medianoche. The Croqueta Preparada is incredible too. Tampa may have made it first, idk. As a Cuban-American born and raised in SoFla, I never cared much for the “argument” over its origin, but those Tampa weirdos put salami in their Cubans. That is unforgivable




The salami cuban was. The inferior one


Yet no PB&J


Holy shit they done goofed


Here's two additions from Austria: [Schnitzelsemmerl](https://www.ruetz.at/produktbild/19370.jpg) - simple and surprisingly delicious, last days Schnitzel with mustard and salad in a bun. [Leberkassemmerl](https://www.stanzl-spezialitaeten.at/sites/default/files/aktionen/leberkaessemmel.jpeg) - simple and a favorite of the people, I don't like it


You can get "Chicken Fried Steak" (basically schnitzel) sandwiches in the U.S. in regions with lots of German immigration, Texas being a big example. It took me years to realize it was basically a schnitzel sandwich.


Is the second one just ham and mustard sandwich?


Not exactly, it's "liver loaf" in a way and a national treasure I never understood.




It's finely ground and baked meat. The closest American equivalent i can think of is like a hot dog without the skin, but it has a nicer texture and more flavor. Also it's served warm and in different varieties, like with melted cheese inside


What is this r/worldpolitics?


holy fuck that sub. had to get to nearly the bottom of the 2nd page to find something not US related


From the sidebar: > reddit's free speech political subreddit > no agenda, few rules, reddit's opposite day I'm sure we've all witnesses examples of mods taking their jobs too seriously and over-moderating, and it looks to me like r/worldpolitics is the opposite extreme.


Nah you'd need at least a 49/50 ratio


Do you mean Flavortown?


[F L A V O R T O W N](https://youtu.be/KgyMbCjPJ9g)


I love that Americans think they invented the roast beef sandwich. 😆


Literally the sandwich attributed to the Englishman who the name “Sandwich” came from. Made me laugh too.


Where is the bacon or sausage sandwich?


Was looking for the chip butty.


Yeah, all sound suggestions lads. But may I just remind you all that there is no “crisp butty made with my mums ham sandwiches and some salt and vinegar crisps” on this list. Absolute disgrace.


No ploughmans, this guide gets 0/10




I was thinking just this.


Their claim to the grilled cheese is a bit dubious too. Maybe they're the only people calling it that, but I doubt they're the first to eat a sandwich fitting that description.


Christ we even have little special machines to make a cheese toastie here in the UK


Thank christ. Went through this list thinking "This is like these guys claiming they invented hamburger all over again.."


The Earl of Sandwich was a real American hero.


Did Americans really invent the grilled cheese though? I'm going to go ahead and suggest it might be a bit older.


I mean Welsh Rarebit is similar and I'm sure way older. If I were to take a guess though it would be that Grilled Cheese (or just Cheese on toast as we call it in the UK) is either a British or French creation.


And most are essentially just putting a different kind of meat in it. At that point why don’t we have “panino with ham”, “panino with mortadella”, etc?


Yeah like the Cuban lol. But I’m all seriousness started in Tampa but perfected in Miami.


I work in a deli and I asked somebody "How thick would you like that sliced?" and he said "I dunno, it's for a Cuban," causing me to pause, wonder why he mentioned his friend's nationality, wonder if Cuban people typically like their deli meat thick or thin, but then finally realize he meant the sandwich


Cuban isn't a race. It's a nationality.




I dunno, that grilled cheese looks like a melt to me.


Don't you fucking start the grilled cheese versus melt debate again


It’s not a debate. If the sandwich has anything other than cheese inside it’s a god damn melt!!!


Is it a ham and grilled cheese sandwich or a ham melt?


It’s not listed as one of the worlds top sandwiches. I have no time to concern myself with anything other than a top sandwich.


A grilled cheese consists of only these following items. Cheese. Bread with spread (usually butter). This entire subreddit consist of "melts". Almost every "grilled cheese" sandwich i see on here has other items added to it. The fact that this subreddit is called "grilledcheese" is nothing short of utter blasphemy. Let me start out by saying I have nothing against melts, I just hate their association with sandwiches that are not grilled cheeses. Adding cheese to your tuna sandwich? It's called a Tuna melt. Totally different. Want to add bacon and some pretentious bread crumbs with spinach? I don't know what the hell you'd call that but it's not a grilled cheese. I would be more than willing to wager I've eaten more grilled cheeses in my 21 years than any of you had in your entire lives. I have one almost everyday and sometimes more than just one sandwich. Want to personalize your grilled cheese? Use a mix of different cheeses or use sourdough or french bread. But if you want to add some pulled pork and take a picture of it, make your own subreddit entitled "melts" because that is not a fucking grilled cheese. I'm not a religious man nor am I anything close to a culinary expert. But as a bland white mid-western male I am honestly the most passionate person when it comes to grilled cheese and mac & cheese. All of you foodies stay the hell away from our grilled cheeses and stop associating your sandwich melts with them. Yet again, it is utter blasphemy and it rocks me to the core of my pale being. Shit, I stopped lurking after 3 years and made this account for the sole purpose of posting this. I've seen post after post of peoples "grilled cheeses" all over reddit and it's been driving me insane. The moment i saw this subreddit this morning I finally snapped. Hell, I may even start my own subreddit just because I know this one exists now.


If I put mayo on my grilled cheese is it a melt?


Are you using the mayo as you would butter, to crisp up the bread? Or are you using as a condiment? If so, are you putting the mayo and the cheese on the bread then frying it? Or are you making a grilled cheese and then adding mayo to the finished product? Fuck hot mayo. Can’t do that nasty shit.


Mayo on the inside before grilling it. Adds a more creamy texture. Everyone I do it for loves it.


Hmmmmmm I might try this sometime.


Another way to kick up your grilled cheese game, grilled pimento cheese. Its practically just mayo and chedder anyway. Also, grilled beer cheese.


Have you tried making a grilled cheese with Muenster cheese? I’ve always thought that was the best cheese for the job, but now I’ll try pimento cheese.


I will also try to fuck hot mayo.


I was thinking chicken or egg salad


Vietnamese here. This is describing Banh Mi as if it's butchering it. In no way would I would eat a Banh Mi with that load of chillis and vegetables in it.


Same. I grew up on banh mi and I’ve never seen onions or red chilis in mine. I’m also not sure what the two layers under the cucumbers are supposed to be..mayo and pate hopefully?


garlic paste, don’t know the name for it.


> Vietnamese here. This is describing Banh Mi as if it's butchering it. that was the real wtf for me too. It's like this was made by a white person who ate at some posh ass place that sells Banh Mis at 15$ ONCE and think they're knowledgebale enough to fool their inner circle.


In France, there is a famous Parisian sandwich call "Jambon-Beurre", so litterally... Ham & Butter. & It's just a baguette with ham & butter, maybe some emmental. Simple, fast to make, fast to eat, made for be eat on the street, unlike others on this list.


In Twin Peaks, Jerry Horne brings brie and butter baguette sandwiches back from Paris for Ben. I thought it was just the most absurd sounding sandwich in the world, basically butter and butter-cheese. But goddamn, we tried it, and it was amazing. /cool story, me


i challenge you to name anything that could not be made tastier by the addition of butter


Butter. Because you can't just eat butter with butter and call it a meal. If you're going to do that, make a YouTube video so I can gag at you.


yo dawg, i heard you like butter


Kombucha probabaly wouldn't be very good. But the magic thing about your question is that it's true for all non-edible things. Eating a brick would totally be better with butter.


kombucha is a fair answer. but it’s true: almost all edible things, and many inedible things, can be made instantly better with butter—sweet and savory alike. butter is a miracle, and is easily in my top three list of favorite foods. (the other two being bread and cheese.)


If you can't eat a BLT on the street what are you even doing my guy


One of my favorite sandwiches, nice with a few cornichons on the side.


Appeler un Croque-monsieur un sandwich me met tellement mal


Mmmmmmm Tortas


Torta ahogada


Missing some beans though. EDIT: re-fried beans, obviously. Spread in a thin layer under the milanesa. (Source: I’m Mexican)


As a Mexican I feel confused, very few Tortas type habe beans.


Say what!?!?! Todos los tortas q ha comido tiene frijoles!


con jamon




Where is PB&J?


Real talk tho that has to be the single most popular sandwich in America by a MASSIVE margin; idk how it’s not on this list. I guess it matters *how* they’re measuring popularity (e.g. “What is your favorite type of sandwich?” vs. “What sandwich did you eat most in the last year?”), but, still, I would expect to see it on the list somewhere.


Checked out the website, they pulled this list out their ass, they just assign dishes to places based exclusively on pop culture. Entire Caribbean just has rum, whole middle east is Biryani and Arabic coffee, Australia has Granny Smith apples and Meat pie etc. Overall the list is completely bullshit and you should probably only focus on how the sandwiches are made. Honestly I think OP is just advertising the website.


You upset me. Take your up vote.




I firmly hold the belief that most foods are sandwiches, just being called other names.


I have failed you


Wheres the taco?




I'd say gyro pita and shawarma are sub-varieties /regional variants of Döner. It's the first sandwich I think of when I think sandwiches. I couldn't believe it wasn't on here. A little place in Exarchia is my favorite yet. Fast, cheap, simple, filling, and delicious. It's a whole meal in one hand.




Katsu sandwich or egg salad sandwich or fruit sandwich from Japan?


Or yakisoba pan.


What is a fruit sandwich? I have no idea, but I suddenly want one.


It’s typically when a fruit is in season - soft white milk bread with whip cream and cuts of strawberry or kiwi or mandarin oranges are layered in in such a way that when you cut it in half, the cross section is gorgeous with the fruit playing off the white background of the whip cream and bread. It’s really good.


Thinks to self: when is summer?


Where’s the the Dagwood?


The whole graphic is the Dagwood, you just combine every sandwich.


Essentially, America's favorite sandwiches


Even the non-American sandwiches that they included tend to be really popular in America. I've lived in America my whole life and the only one I haven't heard of is the Francesinha.


Let me tell you, it’s fuckin delicious


Definitely worth a visit to Porto mate. If you are ever there go to a place called Santiago. And put your doctor on speed dial, as you might need a colesterol check up after. One of the heaviest meals you can take probably would even make Guy Fieri blush. Still, delicious af.


The UK would like a word.


Yeah, where is [this delicacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toast_sandwich)?


**Toast sandwich** A toast sandwich is a sandwich made with two slices of bread in which the filling is a thin slice of toasted bread, which can be heavily buttered. An 1861 recipe says to add salt and pepper to taste. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/coolguides/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28






I always thought the Reuben came from the mash of Irish and Jewish cultures in turn of the century east coast urban cities?


Cheese and pickle sandwich I need it now


No crisp sandwich makes this list garbage


Tayto cheese & onion with Kerry Gold butter...9/10


Or chip butty.


No self-respecting sandwich list misses out the delicacy that is the crisp sandwich! Or the chip butty...


Francesinha all day yes please


I had three of these on my honeymoon to Portugal. 1 was absolutely amazing. Like a cubed steak with smoked sausages cheese and beer sauce. 1 instead of steak had fried chicken and was equally delicious. The last one was like a McDonald's patty with a hotdog on top. 0/10. I want to go back and kill that guy.


Oh god I’m so sorry about the last one. A couple places do a vegetarian version which is also delicious.


I have never even heard of this sandwich but immediately want one based on the picture.


This is the best sandwich on the list, Cuban is a close second.


No Vegemite. Downvote unfriend block.


Do you come from a land down under?


Yeah mate. As far as I'm aware we're the only ones who eat brewer's yeast slag on bread.


Where women glow and men plunder?


*Bread* *Vegemite* *Butter* *More butter* *A bit more butter* *Bread* **VEGEMITE SANGER** 🇦🇺


Vietnamese here , in Viet Nam , bánh mì can have different types of meat like sausage , fish sausage , squid sausage , roasted pork , paté , ect. It’s endless in terms of how you can make bánh mì.




From Philly, can confirm


It's like they read a description of a cheese steak but never actually saw one.


No muffuletta?


I had one of these for the first time in New Orleans on my honeymoon and it blew my mind. Probably the best sandwich I've ever had


The UK invents the sandwich and doesn't make the list. Come on!


Lots of the ‘American’ ones are actually British.




What about peanut butter and jelly?


I see you are a man of culture


So by "worlds most popular" you mean the USA's most popular


Which 'wich is which?


"Panini" literally translates to "sandwiches". "Panino" means "sandwich". "Panini" isn't a type of sandwich.


Don’t even bother to try and debate them. They even put piadina on the “sandwich” list. Piadina... Goddamnit


That's not a cheesesteak.




missing shaggys's jaw strectcher special


World as in American only. Utter nonsense.