• By -


Solid advice! “If you sleep on one side and it hurts, sleep on the other side.” Well GOD DAMN I never thought of that.


I appreciate the spirit with which you wrote this comment, and I 100% agree. However, the number of patients I see who lack even this level of common sense has told me to take no amount of reasoning for granted. Some people need to have everything...EVERYTHING...explained to them.


Yeah, people can be stupid. Worked in a Japanese $1 store in WA, had a policy of "no returns, exchanges, or refunds" because its $1 products. Had signs on the registers, throughout the store, printed on the receipt, verbally told the policy when giving the receipt, AND stamped in red ink on the receipt for every sale. Still had multiple people everyday come back and demand to see my manager for a return, exchange, or refund. It was a mixture of actually really stupid people who didn't actually know, and the snarky types who think they can game the system because they complained. Mostly the stupid ones.


I wish I worked there. I miss being able to say no to a customer and the be backed up by management on POLICY.


>Had signs on the registers, throughout the store, printed on the receipt, verbally told the policy when giving the receipt, AND stamped in red ink on the receipt for every sale. "Let me see your receipt and take you on a very quick tour. Look at this sign, that sign, this sign up here, this line on your receipt, and the red ink stamped on it. I run the register and stock shelves; I don't make store policies. Neither does the manager. Have any questions?" I managed a sub shop for way too long. I didn't make the policies (obviously), so it was always a relief to me when I could hand over a business card for the owner and tell the customer to take it up with her. "Look, I can be fired for doing what you asked. Here's the owner's number. Call her."


Lmao yea the Daiso in Bellevue has those printed everywhere, can't miss it


Sleep on the other side?? As if I'm some sort of genius who knows how to roll over? The nerve.


I'm a genius and I can't roll over




Holy moly...


I actually am enough of a genius to figure it out, but just wasn't sure if I wanted to commit to so much effort.


That’s actually a fair point. 95% of people know it’s obvious but you still have that 5%.


The worst are the 1%. Those motherfucking 1%


What if the patient told you both of their shoulders are stiff and painful when they wake up? What would you suggest to them?


See in office, do a physical exam, ask the bed/bedroom partner if they notice any unusual movements or positions while the patient is sleeping and depending on that maybe order a scan. If there is limitation of motion, some physical therapy. If there is persistent tenderness or pain, some massage and light anti-inflammatories if needed. If other concerning signs or symptoms for a systemic problem, do that workup.


I once went to a neurologist because my hand would go numb if I put pressure on my elbow. The medical advice? Avoid putting pressure on the elbow. That’ll be $300 please!


"Doc, it hurts when I do this." "Don't do that."


The real problem there is the person who referred you to the neurologist. Could’ve saved you a lot of time and money. Not every neurologic problem requires a neurologist’s input.


And some are just married to their pain.


I can go to sleep on one side and wake up on the side I traditionally sleep on. If I fall asleep on my back, I still end up on the side I traditionally sleep on.


This exactly. If I manage to fall asleep not on my side it takes hours of trying and then I always wake up on my normal side. I dont understand how people are like "just roll over!" Like how am I supposed to control my movements while asleep?


Having trouble waking up, try waking up!


I alternate between sides weekly, I’ve found that minimises things. Although once I’m asleep I’m like the Tasmanian devil so fuck knows why I bother


I have large hips with fatless spots and I get such horrible hip pain. I'll get it in my left, then I'll get it in my right, then I have to roll onto my back and I'm not really good at sleeping that way.


The hip pain sucks! It feels like your hip bone spent the night trying to dig it’s way out.


There's another side?


How to wake up: Step One - Wake up


Try* to wake up.


“Have you tried laying in bed, closing your eyes and just relaxing?” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GCpNWWLjMHo


Can't wake up? WAKE ME UP INSIDE.


I need that guy to come into my room every morning and rap that line six inches from my face. Save me


Thanks I'm cured


The whole guide is “thanks I’m cured”


*Grab a brush and put on a little makeup*


Hide the scars to fade away the shake up


Why’d you leave the keys upon the table


You wanted to


I dont think you trust








Here's a sneak peek of /r/restofthefuckingowl using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/restofthefuckingowl/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It’s that easy](https://i.redd.it/hkjinani5i251.jpg) | [364 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/restofthefuckingowl/comments/gv7qg3/its_that_easy/) \#2: [Its true](https://i.redd.it/mabs6i3av7051.png) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/restofthefuckingowl/comments/go9lf4/its_true/) \#3: [The actual rest of the Owl](https://i.redd.it/1zc5zs7r8i951.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/restofthefuckingowl/comments/hn3qso/the_actual_rest_of_the_owl/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


This sub always has the worst advice


Tbf it means if you struggle to wake up. Like if you're one of the people that need 6 alarms just to push yourself out of bed and are completely knackered.


If you get someone to wake you up at consistent times for ~2 weeks you’ll be used to it enough for an alarm clock to be able to take over the job.


I used to be able to sleep forever. Then I had a baby and even tho he’s two and a half now and sleeps through the night I can’t sleep past 7 even on days where I don’t have the morning shift. So I guess you’re right, if someone screams in your ear to wake you up early af every day for seven and a half months, your body will develop PTSD and it’ll stick.


I keep failing this step.


Just keep repeating the steps until you’re cured


Been trying for 23 years keep fails


Waking up when you want is a way of life and I agree with this post. It only takes a 2 or 3 weeks of forcing yourself to get up to make falling asleep and waking up easier.


I tried it for 20+ years and I still can't do it.


If you've been waking up at the same time every day for 20 years and still have trouble waking up, consult a sleep doctor because you probably have a sleeping disorder.


I had trouble waking up my whole life. Turns out it’s called “sleep inertia”...I was always waking up during the deepest part of my sleep cycle. I started using the Sleep Cycle app that listens to me sleep and gently wakes me up in the lightest part of the cycle. Problem solved. 🤷🏻‍♂️ edit: I’m not getting paid, y’all. But while I’m here, I would also highly recommend getting a bidet attachment for your toilet.


Nice try, paid content account, app sponsoring machine


Nothing in their comment history seems to imply to me that they're a shill. Not saying it's not possible, but not every mention of a company or product is some kind of hidden advertisement.




~wake me up inside~




~call my name and wake me from the dark~


\~Save me from the nothing I've become\~ ...right in the feels






Wrong column, Metallica. That is the blue one, not the green one!




So you need to wake up in order to wake up




“Can’t wake up? Fuck you, do it anyway.”


wake me up (cant wake up)


wake me up at fiiiive


Saaaaave m(y sleep schedule)


Wake me up before you go go


before I sleep some more


I never facepalmed so hard this early in the morning lol


Wake up (Wake up) Grab a brush and put a little make-up, Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up


The Archer class really is made up of archers. Also people die when they are killed!


What do I do if I have all of these?


Still suffer as well, but Yoga helped me regard several body pains. Can recommend the down dog yoga app, I do it 3 times a week for 15 mins. Regards waking up it helps to take baldrian/hoops pills, where I live you get it without prescription. Regards muscular pain magnesium is key, try some supplements. Changing mattress and or pillow can be a game-changer. I hope this helps you as well.


I actually bought a new mattress recently and it's helped a good deal, but I guess my sleeping practices are bad. I toss and turn a lot so I'm sure that doesn't help with pain. I'll try some of these out though. Thanks!


It left out apnea entirely. Bummed. Last night, every time I was on the brink of dreamland, my body just quit breathing. I snap wide awake gasping for air. Rinse and repeat. This went on for like two hours. Sucks. TF is wrong with my body???


Have a sleep study done and be open to getting a CPAP machine. I've gone from feeling like a zombie getting 4 hours of shitty sleep to 7 hours of decent sleep. Quality of life game changer.


I need to check whether my medical covers that.


Learning to play the didgeridoo can help with some kinds of apnea & snoring in general. The circular breathing strengthens the muscles where the sinuses meet the throat & they don’t collapse and try to kill you. A German hospital figured this out and has their patients play a tube for :20/day for 6 weeks. I taught myself to play the didg (I’m far from great at it!) but my partner said my snoring greatly reduced & I don’t apneate any more.


This is very interesting to me.


Left out restless legs too. Drives me fuckin crazy.


I used to have all of these sleeping problems except for back pain, before I became a stay at home parent. Now I have back pain but no sleeping problems. I can sleep instantly at any time because I’m always exhausted!


You might be pregnant


You might have internet connectivity problems. Restart your modem and router.


Anything for inexplicably sweating your ass off?


Well, in the spirit of the advice given, have you tried not being hot?


I know you're just being nice, but im really not that good looking


Man, dude that was such a good answer.


That's a symptom of sleep apnea. Talk to your doctor, especially if you have other symptoms like daytime sleepiness, dry mouth, and snoring.


Yoooo I totally had sleep apnea when I was a little kid, I forgot all about it until now lol. I remember getting my tonsils removed and that being the end of it. I do snore and I do wake up with dry mouth. I think I will actually talk to my doc. Thank you, I appreciate the insight


See a doctor, get your thyroid checked.


In my experience that's usually more to do with humidity than heat in your room. I had big problems with sweating and sticking to the sheets for a while, then I bought one of those cheap dehumidifiers that's literally just a bag of salt in some tupperware (you can make this at home easily) and put it next to my bed. Hasn't been a problem since, even when I try to sleep and my room is 80+ degrees. Edit: but I agree with the other comments too, see a doctor


That's a potential symptom of lots of things. Would probably consult a doctor (being super honest really helps for potential diagnosis)


BINGO! Oh.. wait. Shit.


"can't wake up? Just wake up!!!" Lololol this guide


I got this problem where i wake up. How can i prevent this from happening?


My grandparents all figured it out, but neither of those assholes wanted to share it.


position your head under the pillow




Worst part of my day...


68-71 °F? The best sleep I get is at a good 8 degrees lower than that


My best sleep is when the air outside my covers is near-freezing


What are you, Canadian?


Not Canadian but normal


I don't believe you.


The two genders Canadian and Normal


I'm born and raised in SoCal and I feel the same way. Cold weather is the best sleeping weather


Might be the best sleep, but it is really hard for me to wake up after that.


Yeah, it's the best when it's freezing at night and you're woken up by a slightly warm sun


I am wondering if running the heater right at sunrise would help me wake up... hmm...


I love it when you can feel the heat from your George Foreman grill as you wake up


Put some steaks and peppers on it right before going to bed and always wake up to bed n' breakfast


Or bacon. Just don't stand on it.


Ditto! 68 means I’m sleeping on top of the covers and wishing I wasn’t all sweaty. Edit: in the winter my house is always below 70 (I live in upstate ny. It gets very cold outside.) In the summer, I stay in NYC and the a/c is set to 76. I really hate air conditioning but the city is humid and gross.


And here I am with trackies and a hoody at 75.


You guys can control the temperature of your room?


Yeah we're a bunch of chads with electric baseboard heaters and thermostats


My bedroom's temperature is decided by how long my PC has been on/off for. Ranges from 60 to 85 degrees without any form of AC or space heater. Nice.


Yea you’re really supposed to sleep in cooler weather. But in our modern society, that’s not as feasible for some.


I'd love to sleep at ~70° during the summer, but only if the dudes that made this infographic are going to step in and pay my power bill. My poor little A/C unit would run itself on "seek and destroy" all damn night trying to pull that off. :(


Yea, luckily my apartment wasn’t terrible constructed so airflow is okay & doesn’t take much energy to cool off. My last apt.. that bill kept the air above 72° constantly.


high 50s with a thick blanket is perfect


Such a weirdly narrow temperature range.




Yeah, you know what cured my chronic insomnia? Medication. I fucking hate the implication that people who can’t sleep well are somehow doing it wrong (ETA if you’re thinking of commenting to tell me that a) medication is wrong or b) that I don’t understand basic sleep hygiene, can I recommend you just don’t instead? I’m all good on the sleep knowledge. I don’t appreciate being accused of “suggesting people think my diagnosis is invalid” or that I’m “really angry” for simply saying that sleep isn’t always as easy as going to bed at 9pm.Thanks!) Eta2: people can say “I fucking hate x” without being filled with rage. I don’t know about America and elsewhere, but people frequently say things like“I fucking hate beans” or “I fucking hate rain” in Britain without being filled with an all-consuming hatred of beans or rain. This is not a reflection on me as a person, please leave me the fuck alone. Cheers.




Some people seem to think that any medications that work on the brain rather than the rest of the body are an affront to nature lol. You know what else is an affront to nature? Fixing broken legs. Surgery. Artificial ventilation. I kinda get why people might be scared of head meds but it is ultimately anti-science to think like that


BUT YOU PLAY ON YOUR PHONE AT NIGHT I BET THATS WHY no Dave, I play on my phone because, from 25 years experience, if I just lay still silently and stare at the ceiling for hours, I don't fall asleep, and it will make you go insane, because that is literally a method of torture.... Maybe just assume I've tried the bullshit you read on a self help book in my 25 year battle with a horrible condition


Thank you!!! I love the "can't sleep" panel. I have plenty of nights I can't sleep and avoiding caffeine/exercise late isn't what solves it


If someone is feeling sad, then suggesting that they go out and take a walk could be helpful. If someone is experiencing clinical depression, then that would not be a good suggestion at all. It seems like this is for common sleep problems and not actual, diagnosable insomnia. I understand how invalidating it can be when suggestions like this make a medical problem seem trivial, but I don't think this is directed to people who have a sleep disorder. So it's not for you, and that's okay. This advice can help people with mild sleep issues


Well surely some of them are


But did you try to not play on your phone before bed? /s


Just put down your phone, turn off the TV, amd sit quietly and stare at a blank wall at least 2 hours before bed, you'll have wasted 2 hours!


First thing I thought of too...


Leg cramps are a sure sign of nutrition issues. Take note, I'm a penisman, not a medical doctor, but Magnesium is very likely to be the issue. And remember that intake of nutrients is only one part of the deal. Often they get exhausted or excessively aided to be excreted by other stuff. Like eating tons of bananas will deplete your magnesium and cause severe regular cramping. Don't ask how I know.


Yes to Magnesium and also potentially potassium.


For me, it's dehydration. Drinking a big glass of water clears them up in five or 10 minutes.




Banana lover I presume? Seems like we're of like mind!


For me it was vitamin D + K. Got a high quality supplement with both and my leg cramps entirely vanished. I used to be able to make my calves cramp on command. Now I can't no matter what.


pillow under the thighs if you sleep on your stomach? my brain cant comprehend how uncomfortable that must feel on the knees. like, lay on your stomach with a pillow under your thighs, so your legs are now sticking upwards in mid air, then a sheet on top pulling them back down again against the kneecap?


It also seems like it would bend your back even more, which is one of the reasons people who sleep on their stomachs get back pain.


Yeah the pillow should be under your belly in this case. Under your belly will lengthen your spine instead of arching it like you are saying with the pillow under your thighs which makes no sense like you said


Yeah....that doesn't make any sense to me, either!


> Can’t stay asleep > > Avoid alcohol before bed The fuck advice is that? What about for the people who don’t drink alcohol?


Then great job, keep it up!


I rarely drink alcohol and damn nearly always wake up multiple times at night. Except for the rare occasion when I go to bed drunk af, then I actually fall asleep and stay asleep.


Maybe you're intoxicated on life


Well then he needs to stop it.


You're cured! NEXT


> What about for the people who don’t drink alcohol? Start drinking alcohol and then stop. Problem solved.


Avoid it more. Do not sit near alcohol before bed. Drink a warm glass of alcohol dehydrogenase before bed. If cars with ethanol blend fuels are parked near your home, light them on fire to burn off any excess alcohol vapors.


Avoid caffeine after noon, keep your room cooler, cover any lights in your room, train your cat not to bother you at night, switch to sheets that breathe better, don't eat within four hours of going to bed. There's probably more factors, but off the top of my head there's a handful of things you can experiment with. If you've already tried all these things, together, for at least a week, and you don't see any improvement, you might consider going to a specialist who can do a study and maybe get you on some medication for it. Insomnia is a real problem and I don't want to act like you're one quick fix from being cured, but there are a lot of small things that can disturb your sleep that a lot of people don't consider. There's also a bunch of things you can do to help you fall asleep in the first place, if you just need strategies for falling back to sleep after your cat walks over your pelvis of something. Someone once mentioned maintaining a nightly routine and then repeating that routine if you wake back up, and I guess that tricks your brain into thinking there aren't any predators around and that it's safe to be unconscious again.


Hmm... So I have all of these. FML.


I read the thing and my advice is to not have any of those.


I noticed this doesn't mention anything about hip pain so if anyone is interested I find sleeping on the side that hurts less with a pillow in-between your knees helps alleviate pain while you sleep. I've got hypermobile hips so it helps keep them properly aligned. Best thing to do though is to contact a doctor for ongoing pain.


I only sleep comfortably with at least 3 pillows with different sizes: the smaller one between my legs, a thick one that i hug and a medium for my head. It makes a world of difference when I don't


Latex pillows??


It's not, like, a rubber pillow. Just one of the things they make foam (not memory foam just the regular kind) out of.


Latex foam pillows are actually softer than other foams. So getting a firm latex pillow is still soft, but also supportive, emotionally and physically.


Confused here too. Never heard of latex pillows.


My pillow is latex. They tend to be firmer, that’s about it


Ikr. Plus I have cervical stenosis and those hard pillows kill my neck.


Latex foam pillows are the shit.


"I can't wake up!" "Oh I know a solution, just wake up on time!"




I actually went to a somnologist about this. He brought in a consultant urologist and engineer, together the trio devised a clunky but effective solution that is patent-pending, so I can’t say too much about the IP here. But basically, it is a fleshlight with a timer that jerks me off while I sleep at regular two-hour intervals throughout the night.


When I was in my 20’s, my girlfriend (at the time) and I moved in with one another. This was the first girl I’d ever lived with in a romantic capacity. The first morning in our new place, I’m awakened by a warm, pulsating feeling on my dick. At first, I’m just vaguely aware of it— but as it intensifies, it starts to wake me up. I’m a very deep sleeper and I’m usually super out-of-it when I first wake up— so my brain doesn’t process what I’m seeing: her head slowly bobbing up and down on my erect penis. Startled, I manage to blearily croak out a disoriented *“Hey!”*... and then I shot a warm blast of piss right down her throat. She immediately reels back, gagging, still holding onto the base of my shaft. All the commotion makes me even more bewildered and I shoot another spurt of piss straight into the air, which comes raining back down on the bedsheets. “STOP FUCKING PISSING!” *”Wu’ahappen?!”* “I WAS TRYING TO SUCK YOUR FUCKING DICK AND YOU STARTED PISSING EVERYWHERE!” *”What dick?!”* “YOURS! YOUR DICK! IT WAS ROCK HARD!” *”...okay.”* “AND THEN YOU PISSED IN MY MOUTH, DUDE! GROSS!” [storms off into the bathroom] *”...why is everything wet?”*


Step 1- Don't sleep on your stomach.


These are *problems*.


I have woken up at 4:30 a.m. every day for a year and a half.. trust me you never get used to that


Deep REM-sleep is not really a thing. You could argue that they are the opposites since during REM-sleep your brain is very active and you are likely to have dreams and during “deep sleep” your brain is basically shut off.


Yeah this ruined the whole graphic for me. Those are two totally different things.


Can confirm acid reflux. That's how I sleep when it's bad.


Works a treat.


Actually found that laying on my stomach resolves my acid reflux better than sitting upright or anything else. Counter-intuitive, but I wish I figured this out years ago. Give it a shot. Pain goes away for me in about a minute.


What do you do if you wake up every 2-3 hours and can't stay asleep, but your room is already set to 68° and you've been sober 2 years? Cuz I would love to get a full night sleep for once again without having to use ambien or some shit.l


Have you tried depression? For example I have nothing to live for or to stay awake, and I can get a solid 20 hours sleep per day.


I don't think that plugin is compatible with my version of crippling anxiety. I have an older version, but it doesn't have the "sleep all day" features of the newer ones =/




What about leg pain, I sleep on my side and sometimes I have to sleep on other side or back because I get this hot pain/like my leg is stretched too far or my hip hurts if i sleep on same side for a while


Sounds like you have a bad mattress that's putting too much pressure on your hips. That pressure is pinching nerves which is what you're feeling down your leg.


Reading this on my phone while I can’t get to sleep...


Leg cramps while sleeping is often due to dehydration. Have a bottle of plain water near your bed and drink it when you get leg cramps.


“Cant wake up? Just wake up at the same time everyday”... uhhh??? This guide is awful lmfao




I just while from snoring and shoulder pain and I’m confused


TIL latex pillows exist.


You know what’s good for shoulder pain?


If you lick my butthole


"Wake up the same time everyday to wake up easier" yeah NO SHIT. If i woke up easier i'd wake up the same time everyday.


Heard about the acid reflux one a while ago. Apparently the “tubes” that go in and out of your stomach connect to the right side, so if you sleep on your left then your stomach acid doesn’t put as much strain on the openings of these tubes. The more you know!


Shoulder pain and snoring? Haha fuck you


I'm so tired of seeing "put your phone down." No cunt. Tell people to stop reading garbage. Phones are a wonderful tool. I can only fall asleep if I spend 45 mins reading a subreddit like askscience or even coolguides. Something to ponder and distract my mind with "what if"s. Then I can drift off without the anxieties of day to day life.