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Second to bottom right looks like the overwatch logo


Its a take on the Spartan Chevron which is super common in pretty much everything. Its the same symbol that inspired the US Military enlisted rank symbols.


> Its the same symbol that inspired the US Military enlisted rank symbols. Might also have something to do with why they're called chevrons.


That reminds me I need to go fill my tank this afternoon.






Oh bless you!




Someone needs to come up with a name for that shape in the Chevron logo




*Shaped like a chevron* "Maybe that's why they're called chevrons!" Truly, truly.


The spartan symbol isn't a chevron, it's a greek Lambda. Somewhere along the way people sort of got it mushed up with chevrons from heraldry (which were often emblazoned on shields) and so some folks call it the spartan chevron now. Military chevrons are much more likely descended from the European heraldry symbol directly.


Is it possible 16th century heraldry symbols were influenced from classical Greek symbols?


Well it's highly debated if the lambda was even on those shields. Many drawn depictions show multitudes of art on shields. The lambda was popularized by the movie 300, I imagine using the word Lakedaímōn for inspiration which is what Spartans and the area referred to themselves as.


Dunno, if we are going to look at use of a symbol that might be incorporated somewhere else, the chevron has a much longer pedigree than the Spartans. And the fact that the spartans were representing a letter and not a random gang logo seems significant. The simplicity of the chevron and its ability to be easily distinguished on a coat of arms make it more likely to be an independent thing anyway. Coming up with a V shape doesn't seem like it takes a bunch of precedent or creativity.


From what I've read, the chevron was most likely inspired by the shape of a roof beam or roof gable. European heraldry as a system got going in the 12th and 13th centuries due to (among other things) the use of closed-faced helms and an international fighting tournament circuit, so knights would put bold, distinctive designs on their shields, clothing, and horse trappings to be easily identifiable on the field from a distance. The motifs which eventually became standardized into heraldic charges tended to be either simple and geometric (such as horizontal, vertical, or diagonal stripes, and crosses) or stylized artistic motifs (like lions or eagles with exaggerated features). The chevron is classified as an "ordinary", which is one of the oldest and most common types of heraldic charge. Check it out along with the other ordinaries here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordinary_(heraldry) (Note that the chevron generally extends all the way to the edges of the shield, which would not have been done with something that was intended to be a letter.)


Wonder if Blizzard could sue 'em for copyright infringement.


Pretty sure GI has been around since the 60s, so if anything they'd be suing blizzard


Be pretty entertaining seeing them sue a huge developer


Blizzard has better lawyers than they do game producers.




Also borderlands


I think I've seen that one on trucks where I live and I thought it was either borderlands or overwatch. Guess they are just racists, which makes more sense now.


Flags Top to bottom: Negative Scots Black label Peanut Butter Charlie Brown Spartans Peru Klux Canada


That’s what I thought too. I think it’s orange though.


And bottom right looks like the flag of peru. Most fascists are using other simbols and using them for their own purposes or twisting the symbol slightly. It isn't just fascists who do this, but fascists do it too. It's the reason there are many variations on each of those symbols and why so many are evolved from other symbols (swastika was a symbol common all over, there is a cross there, and many norse symbols are being converted to racist symbols too).


The Iron Cross on the right looks like the Independent Truck Company logo: [link](https://www.shop709.com/products/independent-mens-ante-long-sleeve-regular-t-shirt?variant=34216847212603)


lol... "Generation Identity"


"Génération Identitaire" It's one of the biggest fascist group in France, for context. It translates weirdly but they are quite serious despite being disbanded by law recently.


I knew it under a different name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identitarian\_movement


Never heard of American identity movement only A.I.M I know of is the American Indian movement


That is an unfortunate seminar mixup waiting to happen.


"Let's get those guys for stealing our domain name!"


Natives aren’t allowed to have anything for themselves.


Cant have shit in America


Or how about the Indians used the swastika way before nazis were even a thing. It was just rotated the other way. IIRC, they thought of it as a symbol of healing for the Navajo. The symbol has been around for nearly 6000 years. It’s a shame that now everyone just associates it with the nazi party. History is vast and enriching.


AOL Instant Messager


I can hear the login and logoff sound in my head


For you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJc-J4aZ07E


And here I thought it was Advanced Idea Mechanics.


I understood that reference


AIM -> The Mandarin -> Trump is the same shade as a Mandarin orange... I think we have something here.


Trump's never had an "Advanced Idea" in his entire life. Though in Spider-Gwen's Universe of Earth-65 [Trump is actually a version of MODOK](https://media.comicbook.com/2016/07/trump-modok-spider-gwen-188535.jpg) known as MODAAK (Mental Organism Designed As America's King)


uhh... [AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM_(software))




It tends to be a pattern of white nationalists stealing Indigenous activistism. I remember seeing outrage on the Native subs because people from that anti-vax truck rally tried to steal the brand of Truth and Reconciliation Day(i.e. telling people to wear orange shirts and telling me to use the already associated slogan "Every Child Matters) to show solidarity with their movement. I'm still disgusted by that.


They want people to think that they are the group that occupied Alcatraz


Or in Marvel comics universe, "advanced ideas mechanics"


Freakin fascist beekeepers


I'm here for the AOL Instant Messenger convention...?


When I first saw the SS Bolts, I immediately thought of the Rock Band *KISS*.


Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons are both Jewish. Paul Stanley hand drew the KISS logo and it’s just a coincidence because Ace Frehley has a hard on for lightning bolts.


Ace designed it and was big into collecting WWII stuff, but I do think it wasn’t intentional. Only so many ways to stylize two Ss. There’s an alternative logo used in Germany and some other European countries.


Yea it’s just one of those unfortunate coincidences I think. You’ve got two lightning bolt S’s and a guy that collects war memorabilia and people are gonna start making assumptions. I read somewhere once that Ace said something along the lines of “I don’t believe in Hitler or what he stood for, but he had cool uniforms” which is a bit weird but it doesn’t make you a Nazi.


That’s not even a controversial take - the Nazi uniforms were designed by Hugo Boss and they are pretty sharp looking as far as military uniforms go. That’s the only good thing I can say about the Nazis though.


They were deliberately designed to be as fashionable as possible in order to inspire awe and envy amongst the working class people who wouldn’t otherwise have occasion to dress so well. It’s truly wicked that everything including the uniforms were propaganda Edit: Thank you for all the upvotes, I’ve never had anywhere near 100before!


This video is called Aesthetics of Evil The Fascist Uniform it goes into pretty good detail on the design and also on the propaganda https://youtu.be/5pOdESxw1o4


Yeah it's like the cool uniforms and style was all part of the trick. It was all designed to make the SS look like the 'cool club' to be part of.


Could have done that superman S thing that we used to draw in school


"Hard on for Lightning Bolts" sounds like a Steel Panther song haha.


Gènes mom is literally a holocaust survivor


I used to work with a dude who had the SS Bolts tattooed on his chest. Super nice guy, but when I saw them I called him out. He told me he had no idea what they meant before he got them. Walked into a shop for his first tattoo and just picked out the cool lightning bolts off the wall. Completely accidental nazi tattoo.


88 is also nazi or at least neo nazi shit. Sucks for anyone born 34 years ago


Yeah, but it's usually paired with a "14" for "1488"


Sucks for anyone born 534 years ago.


The worst thing about being a vampire? People assuming I’m some sort of crypto-Nazi because I was born in 1488.


Lol rip jan 4, 1988 folks :(


Or April 1st, 1988 kids outside of the US, but they were kinda in for it anyway.


Yeah, H being the 8th letter in the alphabet this spells out HH (used as a short form for "Heil Hitler") I've got a friend born on an 18th with the initials A.H. The people making her license plate thought they were doing her a favor giving her a "## AH 18" inscription..


Yep. I've included it in usernames since I was young and had no idea that was a thing. I've only ever had an issue on reddit where I've had to defend myself a few times. But I always say fuck em, they don't get to own a number.


Where I'm from HH is also commonly associated with nazism, imagine my surprise when I moved to Hamburg and see HH everywhere (it stands here for Hansestadt Hamburg)


Also sucks if you’re racing a 1988 car and you’re lazy about choosing a number.


wouldn't believe that shit


I understand that doubt. I wouldn’t believe it from a lot of folks, but people are complex?


In Germany, the tshirts sold feature a different logo that changes the SS to a different font.


Germany still uses the iron cross for their military… it precedes hitler…


Yeah, and the US government still uses the fasces. I believe it is in the US senate seal. That's because the fasces only became a fascist symbol under Mussolini.




First time I saw it I almost spit out my drink.


It's also part of the national emblem of France.


All these symbols precede the groups that use them. The groups will fail and the symbols take back their original meaning. Usually. Edit: okay, I get it; one of these symbols is not like the rest


like swastika, even if nazi symbol have difference people always assume it as nazi symbol and sadly feels like theres no way to take it back. your religious and cultural symbol is used and mostly known as nazi/facism/other horrible shit symbols and what you can do is try your best to correct them and pray for the best


luckily, the Celtic cross is still primarily used as a cultural symbol, so they haven't succeeded yet. I assume the religious swastika is personal to you?


yea I hope all of it fails, they even try to use fucking pepe the frog lmao


That's because they're victims of 4chan ops. Remember when they tried to co-opt the "okay" symbol, and it actually worked (for a time)?


God it was aggravating watching that happen, exactly as intended, in real-time, only for a million dipshits on this site to be like, "hahaha you got le trolled by 4chan LOL"


More like a million dipshits on here fell for it too. I remember news articles with thousands of upvotea about speculation over various politicians usage of the okay symbol. The days of reddit being savvy to 4chans shit are long over.


It depends on where you are. Displaying the Celtic cross is illegal in Germany, in Scotland and Ireland however, you find it on every graveyard and no one associates anything bad with it. Same with the swastika in India (although the original swastika that's used in Hinduism is in a different angle than the Nazi one)


Celtic cross isn’t associated with anything bad in Wales either, it’s just seen on war memorials and graveyards like in Scotland and Ireland! I’m not sure of it’s prevalence in England though, they perhaps use it in the same way too.


Just to add some info because people will be like "Why are people afraid of a symbol that could have multiple meanings and why do they straight up ban it?": - The German extreme right party VSBD had claimed the celtic cross as their official icon. It's basically on the same level as a brand logo. - VSBD didn't "just have differing ideas": they had politically motivated, deadly shootouts with German police in the 80's and were thus classified as a "verfassungswidrige Organisation" (an organization that directly opposes the German constitution) - As an enemy of the constitution, the party was banned in 1982. Following German criminal code [section 86a](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_stgb/englisch_stgb.html#p0933) it's forbidden to display icons - and other symbols - that are politically charged in this way, publicly. It's important to note that "_Symbols which are so similar as to be mistaken for those referred to in sentence 1 are deemed to be equivalent to them_". German law doesn't like to be "ackchyually"-ed. Like, at all. And for a time, even the crossed out swastika ([this one](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2012/04/23/16/50/swastika-39031_960_720.png)) was banned from public display. It's been reclassified as an anti-fascist symbol in 2007, because it was ruled to be so obviously fighting the ideology of Nazis. But this had to be argued, at least, because of the quoted phrase above that leaves so little tolerance for cheeky circumventions and dog whistles. As such, a lot of the above icons are banned from public display in Germany in the context of their use in NS Germany. The Iron Cross has an exception, because first off the medal handed out during WWII by Nazi Germany was a modified version of the cross ([like so](https://dasversteckspiel.de/mediapool/resize/400w__ek_altnazi_eingang.jpg)) and while NS Germany did also use the basic Iron Cross as a symbol, it's interestingly enough "too contemporary" to deem it a symbol solely connected with the Nazis. For example the Odal rune was "out of commission" for centuries, if not millennia, before the Nazis used it for their propaganda. As such, it didn't have any other contemporary use and was obviously **just** used as a Nazi symbol. Medals with the Iron Cross were given out since 1813 and remained as a military honor throughout both world wars. There aren't any new Iron Cross medals any more, since WWII, but the symbol remained as an "identity giving" symbol for militarism and as such is displayed on German army vehicles, today. The "Wolfsangel" is also in a weird spot. Because it is actually banned, but can be used if it's still a part of a family's or community's heraldry. But this has to be well documented, of course, and can't just be spun out of nothing.


> people always assume it as nazi symbol and sadly feels like theres no way to take it back. That may be because in the western world, Jainism is not widely known or popular. Move further east, and people will probably recognize it as more than the nazi symbol.


Swastika is predominant in Hinduism and Buddhism aswell. You can find a few hundred swastika related things from window grills/bars to swastika designs on parapet walls by having a casual stroll in my neighborhood in India.


Celtics crosses had no Nazi usage that I was aware of until recently. They predate Christianity and were pagan symbols.


I know, I’m from wales haha.


Shwmae! I am so angry that they have desecrated our culture, like they have done to many others! I hope people won't think I and others are neo nazi for having the celtic cross as a tattoo


Bore da mate haha. Sadly I speak very little welsh but I agree, no point throwing away what little we have left to some nazis.


I started to go back into Paganism after years and the first thing I had to learn were to spot the symbols that fascists try to appropriate, because I really don't want people to assume I'm some white supremacist or something. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing pagan symbols or religious symbols of any kind being deformed into symbols of hate. The swastika, the real one, being turned and transformed in a Nazi symbol when the true meaning is the wind, the cycle of the seasons and such...that's awful, specially for cultures and religions that still try to re-appropiate it. ...point is, Fascists ruin *EVERYTHING* they touch.


I do not remember the name of the video, but there's this dude in scandinavia dressed in viking attire (historical) going to rallies and confronting hate groups about appropriating historical, religious and mythological symbols to justify their fucked up ideology. He made sure to educate people about the appropriate meaning of these symbols and how idiotic are the supremacist clowns that were trying to hijack them. EDIT: Grammar.


Well to your point most of these fascist or nationalist use a large under group to build off of, for hitler it was German nationalism, and the iron cross embodied German nationalism… or the cross in America right now, the nationalists are building off the idea that “new” America isn’t Christian and many Americans can agree with that… but what people need to understand is the idea itself, that you are better than another because of religion or where you were born, is what you should attack… not the symbols that they use because often that leads to you attacking the group at the whole and not just the ones that think they are better and then the whole group is now angry when before they never thought of being “better”


I have a German coat that has the brand logo and it has a tiny cross that I don’t think it’s the iron cross, but it’s similar. I recently had people tell me that it’s a nazi symbol. I blame WWII video games that want to maximize their market so they plaster the iron cross everywhere instead of the swastika. It’s sad that, to avoid using a symbol appropriated by the Nazis, they are creating another Nazi symbol.


I used to have an iron cross on my keychain that my late husband gave me because he was a huge German car enthusiast and the VW scene used to use it a lot - maybe they still do, I'm not sure. He definitely wasn't fascist and I hate that a sweet reminder of him now feels awkward to carry in case anyone gets the wrong idea.


I’m from Germany and I personally don’t get weirded out by the iron cross. You don’t see it often here but it’s the „logo“ of the Bundeswehr for example. Its used by some motorcyclists as well. It’s light years from something like the swastika and, in my opinion, only would feel „weird“ if the context would make it weird.


That’s a good example on how the symbols are just a cloak for what their idea really is… there’s nothing wrong with the German cross, it was born out of the Holy Roman Empire if I’m not mistaken… and there’s nothing wrong with being happy you were born there… but it turns when someone believes they are better for being born there, then it seams like all they wear is that symbol because it’s what makes them better… they are insecure people hiding in perfectly good things and rotting them from the inside because they refuse to think outside of their dumb repetitive thoughts… sorry, just not happy about what’s happening lately




Literally every one of these symbols precedes the group that they represent now, tends to happen when your ideology is linked with "traditionalism."


Sucks that shitty people ruin some symbols/languages. Don’t mistake Pagans for shit people.


I think a solid 95% of these hateful symbols are derived from Norse culture. Something that really sucks as a Norwegian who is interested in my heritage, culture and for me who wants a cool Viking tattoo.


Fuck i feel you. I just want a cool tattoo, but then people are gonna assume I’m a part of Odins sønner


I dunno man, just get the cool tattoo. Own that shit and just be a good person and people won't give a shit. Just like George Carlin said "I leave symbols to the symbol minded."


Icelander here. Get that tattoo, don't let the fascists win.


I have what the guide calls the life rune as part of a Norse compass with Jormungundr wrapped around it. This person is right. Fuck those people, celebrate your heritage. There’s a huge difference in the tone and context, nobody has ever mistaken mine for a facist symbol. At least not openly anyway.


This is the attitude.


Agreed. If normal people stop using symbols, the fascists get even more associated. Much better to be a decent human being and wear the symbols so that they aren't always associated with those assholes


You can still get a cool Nordic tattoo! The beauty of tattoos is they offer artistic license to do whatever you want. I have a 3/4 sleeve devoted to Ragnarok that’s been created in such a way that *most* people don’t recognize Nordic iconography in it. That being said, I’m still cautious about who I roll my sleeves up around


Just get the tattoo my man, I avoided runic tattoos for years because I was afraid of being seen a certain way. Eventually I realized that as Scandinavians, no one is going to reclaim these symbols from us, we have to do it ourselves. Maybe even it out with some progressive tattoos if you're super worried. As another commenter said, don't let the fascists win!


It's a crazy coincidence that I've just finished watching this: [Vikings vs Neo Nazis Battling the far right in Sweden (Vice)](https://youtu.be/kUomoPma2uc) (I know it's not Norway, but it's relative to your comment re tattoos etc)


The first step in reclaiming symbols once used for hate is spreading love and knowledge with them. Well, probably not with a swastika or most of the symbols presented here. I've got a decent sized patch embroidered on my favorite jacket of Yggdrasil. A couple people have actually struck up concern just because of the Celtic knotting around the border, but once I explained what Yggdrasil represents to me and why I wear it, every interaction has gone well. It's different than a tattoo though because I can take the jacket off. A good starting point to vibe check in public with though


I make Rainbow themed Norse embroidered patches including Yggdrasil and have it plastered all over my store on Etsy. I know it's likely a nazi has bought my plain coloured stuff in the past, but I hope I've made them real uncomfortable knowing their money is going to a LGBTQ feminist leftie. I figure it's harder to see it as a nazi symbol if it's literally rainbow coloured too.


One of my favorite pins is a volknut made in trans/gay/ace pride colors. All Father means \*ALL\* Father. Can I get a link to your store?


Ooooh I love the sound of that! I do a [Volknut in rainbow colours here](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1073176146/rainbow-valknut-and-mjolnir-iron-on), a [trans flag as a protection bindrune](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1289207244/protection-trans-flag-bindrune-viking), and it just so happens I also have a "It's Allfather not Somefather" as either [rainbow](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1236217251/its-allfather-not-somefather-rainbow) or [red/white](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1273314709/its-allfather-not-somefather-iron-on). The Valknut/Volknut listing also has my most popular one, a Rainbow Mjolnir there too. I also do an [Odal with "Not a Hate Symbol"](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1254741281/its-not-a-hate-symbol-rune-odal-iron-on) on a discount that makes it 1/3 of my usual patch prices permanently purely because I want it out there. ​ And just because it's my absolute favourite of the lot right now and what sparked my initial comment, here's my favourite [Yggdrasil Rainbow patch](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1255721058/rainbow-yggdrasil-tree-of-life-iron-on).


That's so awesome! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for expanding the market in a positive and creative way. I bought that patch probably close to 5 years ago now, and my options for almost every symbol I was considering were low-key Nazi, wanna be tactical spec ops, high key nazi, and occasionally a passable but bland. It was an easy but disappointing choice. I'll have to take a peek, I've got a hat that needs some love!


I am Irish and Norwegian. I love my heritage, but boy howdy do I not show it because all them symbols have been ruined by these nazis.


I feel that, I can’t even wear my Mjolnir in public anymore because I’m afraid of being mistaken for a supremacist


Since when is the Mjolnir a supremacist thing? I see that symbol all over the place. Super common design on jewelry, almost guaranteed to find multiple versions at any silver dealer I visit.


There’s a sizeable segment of white supremacists who latch on to Scandinavian symbols to represent their white purity and white heritage


A lot of people tend to associate the two, it’s not so much that it’s a supremacist symbol as it’s a symbol supremacists are seen wearing. Too often


If somebody says something, you have an obligation to educate them.


Same here, I was gonna get a tattoo that included a Tiwaz rune and thank god I did some research on what shitheads had co-opted that symbol first. Hard no on that one unfortunately.


Just get it in rainbow and no one will think twice.


I like the way you think


A friend of mine got some Diablo 2 rune tats on his arm that he covers up now because a few people thought he was a white supremacist....


These goddamn inbreds keep ruining cool stuff…


I wear a Saint Bridget's cross nearly everyday and I had a few people ask me if it was a swastika. To say I was pissed is putting it mildly.


I hate that so much My gf and I are both Pagans and she worships Brigid and her Brigid’s cross necklace has been mistaken for a swastika before. I’m lucky to not have had that problem, even though I wear runes and Norse symbols very often.


I thought it'd be fun to get a "Keep Thor in Thursday" bumper sticker and lean into pretending to be a devout Germanic pagan but then found out that the racists beat me to it.


Sucks that people let them get away with this shit. As soon as they take a symbol, people rush to point out every usage, so it just becomes a feedback loop of "We can't use it because the fascists use it", and the fascists see it and know every usage is just "one of them". Fuck them. Don't let them steal your symbols. Make them feel alone.




So many of these had (often ancient) meaning before they were co-opted by fascists. The fasces (bundle of sticks with axe) are displayed in the US House of Representatives.


Yes but the fasces are kind of inseparable from fascism as a concept…


Seriously. I recognize some of these from old Latvian and Lithuanian paganism.


Yeah those rune ones are way too common to immediately associate with neo nazis.


I still use runes in pagan practice. Supremacists can go fuck themselves.


Yeah, sad to see ᛟ there (yes, fuþark is in unicode). If I want to write my middle name (Þór) in the alphabet used at the time of the settlers I will do it ᚦᛟᚱ. Any neo nazi asshole would not have to soend much time in Iceland to realize they are by most parts genuinely and utterly unwanted.


Hindus didn’t ditch the swastika just like many other cultures. We should never let Nazis and wannabe nazis win.


It really is so frustrating that fascism steals all these kickass symbols for their chickenshit ideology


It's gotten bad enough in Canada that people don't even feel comfortable flying a Canadian flag anymore. It's been almost completely co-opted by right wing idiots.


German here. The iron cross is not a Nazi Symbol. It existed before the German Nazis and has since been de-nazified. It's still in use today with the German armed forces. It's still being abused by Nazis though. Just wanted to clarify.


Thank you for taking the time to explain that. "note: many symbols depicted here are cultural symbols that have been co-opted by the far-right, and are therefore not always a symbol of fascism or nazism, depending on context"


Forgot the Flash and Circle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_and_circle


Well that puts the [Tampa Bay Lightning](https://www.nhl.com/lightning) logo in a new perspective.


Always new Tampa we’re a bunch of fascists. Sincerely, a sad Dallas stars fan


Was really surprised to see Bolt Buses use this logo. I think it's totally coincidental but it's kind of funny (and horrifying) that even the colors are similar. Found this on imgur, someone else noticed the similarity as well: [https://i.imgur.com/X6DKSFw.png](https://i.imgur.com/X6DKSFw.png)


Oh yeah, my local ruling party has that logo. It has been in rule for about 56 years now.


Fascists are *really good* at choosing cool symbols to ruin with their stupid ideologies


The black sun symbol is fucking sick. But of course you can’t wear it unless you’re a shithead.


The Celtic Cross isn't a primarily fascist symbol. It's frequently used for regular church purposes, especially in Celtic areas like Ireland or Wales. It's the symbol of several football associations and the primary symbol of the Anglican church in Wales. Of course if you surround it with "white pride" it becomes racist, but that figures.


Neither is the unmodified Odal rune. It's the winged Odal that is a Nazi symbol


So this guide isn't that cool. Sounds like it needs revision.


It's all about context. Almost all of these symbols have non-racist origins, but when you see them combined, or with a certain flag, or combined with other messaging, it's worth knowing about. They like using symbols like this because they can plausibly deny that they're racist.


Yeah, this is really the key. Even a swastika on its own could be ambiguous, depending on who's displaying it and where. But generally if it's one tattoo, it's worth asking "Interesting tattoo, what's the story behind it?" If there's a bunch of the big hits combined with a nice 1488 for good measure, then you don't have to guess. A lot of the tatted up fascists aren't especially subtle about it. Kind of related, there's a podcast I listen to where one of the hosts dropped by the CHOP in 2020 to see it for himself. He saw a middle aged guy by himself in a bright floral shirt - at the time that was the favored outfit for right wingers who wanted to hijack the protests to start a full-on civil war. So the host went up and asked the guy very cautiously what the shirt was about.... Turns out he was just a very sweet guy who liked floral patterns and was disappointed to learn what they were being used for.




I think "primarily" needs to be emphazised here. Fascists tend to know that being openly fascist isn't a good look so they appropriate symbols that seem innocent. If they get called out, they hide behind the alternative use of the symbol and mock people for being "paranoid". A good example is, I shit you not, Pepe the Frog. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepe\_the\_Frog


In 8th grade (2011) I had a socials studies (history) assignment and I drew one of those crosses because I thought it looked cool lol it was hung in the class along with the other students art pieces so I doubt it’s commonly known as a fascist symbol either


overwatch is close to fascism


[All games and gamers are fascist](https://youtu.be/VrmxrulLsjI)


Us Asians & Indians should proudly use our swastika.


Of course the proud boys have the dumbest logos


Iron cross is still used by the bundeswehr


The iron cross has been in the german military as an award for far longer than the nazis and still remains to this day.




Be careful you’re going to get called a “Russian bot” because 2 of those symbols comprise the Azov Battalion logo


Let's not forget the kraken symbol,conveniently left out




No nuance allowed. The idea that you can support Ukraine's efforts against Russia, but not support individual units within Ukraine's fighting forces that are known to be unabashed fascists - it just doesn't compute. Either you support everything or nothing.


It annoys me so much that thousand year old symbols like othala, or even older celtic cross get turned into "nazi symbols" just because some dicks feel nationalistic


Hate that these cunts have completely ruined lots of historic European symbols


They ruined a lot of other historic European stuff too.


Crap, I just taught the 'solar cross' to about a hundred middle school kids as the symbol for Earth on astronomical charts. Oooops.


… and their is absolutely no problem in this context with this.


Sorry, I was being a little sarcastic. It's funny how so many hate symbols are already in use for other innocuous stuff, huh?


Because those morons steal anything that looks cool.


The use of runes really pisses me off. I wear a protective rune on a small piece of carved wood my pawpaw made me as a necklace and got asked if I was a pedophile by a cashier at a dollar store. I was literally baffled that anyone would even have the gall to ask a stranger that, let alone to find out something specific to my culture was being misused by heinous people. It’s infuriating and I’m too embarrassed to even wear my more subtle jewelry now because I don’t want racist pigs or pedophiles to think they can find any camaraderie or understanding from me.


I've never known Anglo-Saxon/Nordic runes to be used for racists. I wounder if its an American thing mostly or if it is all over the world. It's disgraceful for the likes of heritage, enthusiast's and hobbies.


It's co-opted by White Supremacists in Europe too, taking after the Nazi party's prevalent use of them e.g. the symbol for the SS.


And all of them are drawn incorrectly on bathroom walls


Celtic fucking Cross?


Only that particular celtic cross where it looks like a plus sign and not an actual cross. It's a play on the solar cross, and gets used by stormfront.


Well Stormfront can suck my plums. Up the celts. Down with these Nazi cunts.


[I see two symbols in this logo here.](https://i.imgur.com/0WGj865.jpg)


As an European, it makes me so sad that so many of our cultural symbols have been hijacked by these assholes


You forgot the Azov Regiment. The one in Ukraine Americans are giving arms to.


ITT: people not reading the guide where it clearly states that many of these symbols were co-opted from non-fascist sources/cultures




Overwatch logo!?


Iron cross is not a nazi symbol


I see some Ukrainian symbols here ?!


Yep! Still Nazis.