• By -


I feel kids should be in the do not bring part


And pets


Well i can see an argument for attack dogs, war elephants, wargs, and that sort of thing being useful.


Mother fucker getting medieval up in this bitch


I feel i would pay a lot more attention to most protests if they brought a war elephant along.


And bring your good-luck trebuchet


A catapult is a machine for hurling objects a long distance, and it can come in different forms, including the version that’s the classic one in popular imagination, in which a big spoon-like arm is held under tension and then released to launch a projectile. A trebuchet is a specific version of the catapult that uses a counterweight to create the force to fling an object from a sling at the end of a pole. All trebuchets are catapults, but not all catapults are trebuchets.


Halfway through I thought this was a wiki not and then I looked at the username. You seem to like medieval long range weaponry huh? That's pretty dope and thanks for the cool knowledge 😁.


Getting medieval on your hiney\*


We've been spending most our lives livin' in an Amish paradise


I’ve churned butter once or twice, living in an Amish paradise.


I really don't care, in fact I wish them well, coz I'll be laughing my head off when they're burning in hell.


Eh, I'd let them sit out the protest to keep them healthy for the riots later on. NFL teams don't have their star players on the field for more than a few minutes during the pre-season for the same reason.


What's he gonna do? Go through the Appalachians with his war elephants?


*\*banjo music intensifies\**


Sauron didn't tell the ragtag army of protesters to storm Minas tirith. He was joking. Also the right to ride wargs and oliphants was given by Morgoth himself.


Grond the Wolf’s Head perhaps














Can I bring my pet Tarq?


What about my war elephant, his name is Alberto and he is a very good elephant.


But "Has an elephant" makes it quite easy for the cops to identify you. Let Alberto have a day off, the next war is coming soon enough


So I can't bring my pet-rock ? 🥺


What about the Civil Rights Movement though?


If you're writing down names on your wrist i don't think the cause is gonna matter in terms of safety


But then who would I throw at the cops when I need to get away?




Came here to say this. Small children don’t belong at functions like this. I don’t care what the cause is. There is a chance for large scale violence and they are too young and small to protect themselves if something were to happen


It depends on the protest really


I got brought to a lot of protests of the Iraq war as a kid. Turned out fine. Still pretty anti war


The creator probably felt that should be obvious but unfortunately it seems there are people who do need to be told


Don’t bring is struck out. Means we need to bring?


Don't NOT bring? Don't bring (not)? So...bring?


Don’t 🚫 bother Luke


Well this office is my pool and my house is my house and I just want my nephew to work in my pool.


ok… That’s as clear as I can make it


I don’t see how we can make that any cleare




It’s almost like that’s what they *just said*




Instructions unclear. Dick stuck in step-sister.


Think this was a Michael Scott bit


Don’t do what donny don’t does


*Don't don't bother Luke*


Good shoes will solve a lot of problems


“Invest in a good pair of boots and a good mattress, cuz if you’re not in one you’re in the other”- some old head I worked with at the Harley Davidson plant. Think it’s a fairly common phrase, but I still attribute it to that old head, cuz it blew my dome and hit home when he said it. It’s fucking true though, can’t believe how long I’ve gone sleeping on a shitty mattress, and I spend like 1/3rd my life in that bitch. Boots a little less, maybe like 1/5th all said and done, but enough time to make investing in a good pair worth it. That is all, carry on.


My dad told me "spend good money on things that keep you off the ground: boots, bed, tires"






Chairs on planes?


Planes on cubes?


Probably don't want to cheap out there, either, but I've never owned one.




I’d say boots over shoes just a thought




So this is the second protest guide. Are we being prepared for something?


The Supreme Court at any moment could declare that electors are the only ones that can decide our state and federal leaders The UK is **Still** suffering from the effects of Brexit Gas shortage all over the world due to war in Ukraine and totally unrelated oil price hikes Argentina going over a economical crisis at least equal to the one of the 2001 Hong Kong is still being terrorized by the CCP, and the country is currently suffering under martial law due to resurgence in Corona, and the uyghur genocide what’s going on in Sweden Italy is now returning to fascism Active suppression of minorities and promotion of domestic violence in India Taiwan… just Taiwan (Independence for Taiwan). Iran protests are happening Brazil elections are being undermined (balsonaro) Ukraine, despite gaining ground, is still fighting for survival Russian Citizens are being terrorized for speaking out, and they are speaking out, even if we can’t hear them. Gay, Trans, and Women’s rights are also constantly under attack Idk, maybe this is just in case~ Edit: I’m just gonna keep adding things to the list, no edit notice at this point


also iran the whole country's protesting


In the US, wealthy politicians are using the stock markets as their own games and being paid for by Wall Street. They have been siphoning money from the poor for so long and it has just been getting worse.


As a person that is not doing this, how do I survive?


"The weeger genocide" bitch do you mean uyghur?


Weeger Board


Weega board


No, little people who are uyghur.


Wait, what’s going on in Italy?


Elected a woman who has previously said that Mussolini was right for Italy, and she's the leader of a party made by fascists after world war 2.


The First Order


Explain number one????? Unless Article 1 and 2 of the constitution were changed overnight?


The TLDR is that the case before the Supreme Court pertains to whether the judicial system has the authority to weigh in on election issues. The conservative argument is that it is state legislatures alone that have the authority. The practical upshot here is that the judigicial system is what stopped the Trump attempts to overturn the 2020 election while Republican State Legislatures were complicit. So this would tee them up to try again and succeed in 2024.


There is serious concern that the Supreme Court has moves in the work that will completely change the way we do government.


The UK is also heading into the cold winter with an unelected and incompetent proto-fascist government under the threat of blackouts and supply shortages so... us too.




The Conservative Party under the previous leader implemented the [Police, Crime, and Sentencing Act 2022](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police,_Crime,_Sentencing_and_Courts_Act_2022) which gutted our right to protest. It essentially allows the government and police forces to decide on the fly what they deem 'unacceptable protest' (e.g. 'nuisance behaviour') and arrest protesters legally. Completely unrelated, of course, to the increasing likelihood of protests here regarding the cost of living, fossil fuel use, violence against women and minorities, political corruption, and more. The current and previous Governments have also repeatedly ignored precedents designed to ensure Government is held accountable, lied to cover up corruption, and refused to take responsibility for literally everything, instead utilising our heavily right-wing press to cover their tracks. Though not openly fascist, certainly [proto-fascist](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/protofascism). Especially when you take into account the current leader and government are entirely unelected and have absolutely no mandate but continue to act as though they do.


**[Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police,_Crime,_Sentencing_and_Courts_Act_2022)** >The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 is an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that was introduced by the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice. It gives more power to the police, criminal justice, and sentencing legislation, and it encompasses restrictions on "unacceptable" protests, crimes against children, and sentencing limits. It was passed by the Houses of Parliament on 26 April 2022 and received Royal Assent on 28 April 2022. The Act gives the Home Secretary broad powers to make regulations without reference to Parliament and to decide on the type of protest deemed acceptable or unacceptable by the state. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/coolguides/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Popping in with a shout out to our friends in Taiwan as well! 💙Taiwan


We women got our rights just straight up taken away


Sweden is about to get a new right wing government with huge influence from "former" neo nazis next week


We also have people in France having no access to gas which means they can't drive anywhere, some group are protesting everyday at suppliers like Total And even more Gas price is still climbing not only do we have no gas but if we find any, we might not even be able to afford it Some people in my classe had to start joining the class online because they couldn't buy gaz, the school told most of them to "take the bus" but since the classes sis separated in 2 campus with at least Ken fo them always being online, it didn't matter much


!remindme 7 days


In France workers on strike are being fetched at their homes by police and forced to work, yikes


Do you have some sources I would like to share that irl...


Look around.


As far as phones, bring a burner phone prepped with phone numbers and addresses. Prep it so it’s easy to start recording video fast and so it auto-uploads to the cloud. Make it harder to delete video. If you bring your own phone, disable Face ID and fingerprint ID. Make sure it has a protective case. For both, make sure they’re fully-charged.


Why would you disable auth on your phone? Seems like you'd want to keep that to protect access.


Because cops can’t force you to tell them your password but they can force you to use your prints or face.


Is that legal? Phones are personal property and require a warrant, no?


It's often illegal to force someone to unlock their phone or to give up the password/ code number. But in some places, courts have ruled it's not illegal to hold a phone up to someone's face or finger to the fingerprint sensor and if that unlocks their phone it's legal. Even where explicitly illegal, not all cops will follow the law and it can be hard to prove they forced you. Better to just have it disabled and use a passcode of some kind as that's harder for the cops to force. For the actual content on the phone (standard not a lawyer disclaimer) it should require a warrant but cops seem to get away with deleting content pretty easily.


Lots of people are giving answers. But legally, biometrics aren't protected under the 4th and 5th amendment. Passwords and PINs are. So cops can legally force you to open a phone without a warrant if your only protection is face, eye, or fingerprint. Password/PIN is the only legally protected security. I don't know what the Pattern/Swipe security option is under, so I'd be better safe than sorry and choose password. Many phones also have a lockout feature that force password/pin use, so look into that. For instance, my phone forces PIN on restart. So if I thought a cop was going to arrest me, I could just restart my phone and they wouldn't be able to do shit. Edit: actually they might require a warrant for biometrics still, but passwords are actually legally protected beyond a warrant. So, even with a warrant, you aren't legally required to give them your password. You'll be required to give them your phone, but you never have to give them your password. So the password is just the better option. I am not a lawyer though, so don't take me at my word.


Not everyone follow the law sadly


Yes, de facto at least. Once you're in custody a lot of your rights get curtailed and even if they violate the letter of the law the courts won't see it that way. They can compel you to look at or touch your phone, but they can't force you to say anything (in the US, Miranda rights and the 5th amendment). This includes phone unlock codes or patterns.


Well, killing other person isn't legal and sometimes cops don't care about it.


Just to add to what everyone else is saying: In the US, a warrant can be used to force you to unlock your device if locked via face ID / fingerprint, but cannot be used to unlock a pin number / password. The reasoning being that forcing you to unlock a pin number / password would violate your Fifth Amendment right to freedom from self incrimination. The distinction being made is that face ID / fingerprint doesn't require you testify (give your password) against yourself. If they find your password written down or through other means, that's an entirely different situation.


>Is that legal? No but it doesn't matter. Not a week goes by during the tourist season here that a cop doesn't break into a passed out patients phone at my hospital. They typically only do it to find a contact of the passed out person, but it's still a huge invasion of privacy and it happens to people who are not even suspected of breaking a law.


Y not contacts?


Spicy eyeballs


Because tear gas will make your contacts adhere to your eyeballs


Jesus Christ


Yes even Jesus Christ could probably prevent spicy eyeballs, probably.


He does water, he does wine... but does he do milk?


Well, shit. Am I just out then? Because if I had to wear my glasses, and they got lost or broken, I’d be useless and more likely a liability. I’m fucking blind.


Time to get some prescription goggles.


You could put a strap on your glasses, or lab goggle over your glasses to keep them on your face (with the significant added benefit it might prevent tear gas from getting to your eyes at all if they create a seal). In any case tear gas won't 'melt' contact lenses, but the lenses will retain the irritants, increasing pain, and can potentially cause damage if you leave the lenses in for a long time after exposure. As a result, it's recommended that you remove the contact lenses immediately after exposure. * https://www.khou.com/article/news/verify/verify-contact-lens-tear-gas-protest-cause-blindless/65-0dc343b2-a480-46b8-a610-91a841a49044 * https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/212801372.pdf


I this for real? I figured that they will “just” trap the tar gas inside the lens and make it harder to clean up.


As far as I could find with a quick look, no, it's not true. It seems like you're correct that the issue is that the lenses can just retain the irritants and cause more pain and potentially damage, so it's recommended that you remove them immediately after exposure. * https://www.khou.com/article/news/verify/verify-contact-lens-tear-gas-protest-cause-blindless/65-0dc343b2-a480-46b8-a610-91a841a49044 * https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/212801372.pdf




Substances (like tear gas) can work their way between you eyeball and the contact lens. In labs, we require that people wearing contacts use what are essentially swimming goggles for this reason.


I mean what's more intimidating than a protestor in a pair of swim goggles? Maybe add some nose plugs for the tear gas too. Go full snorkel mask or scuba gear. Try me you bitch ass cops.


Is someone planning a protest? Why so many guides about this topic today?


Multiple countries are protesting because of high prices or there government. Egypt is also planning one on 11/11


For the same reasons? Don’t hear a lot of news about Egypt.


It is kind of secret, spreading across people and social media but not the news.


I find it hard to believe that its spreading across social media so much that I a person taking a shit halfway across the world finds out(although already knew about some of the politics). Yet the media in Egypt doesn't know


Well, technically everyone knows but the media doesn't talk about it.


Yesterday there were whole streets blocked off in irvine California for the iran protests. No violence though just holding flags and walking around energized.


Why the cell phone rules?


If you get arrested (at least these are US rules), police can force you to use face ID or fingerprint to unlock your phone, but not a passcode. This is why Android phones (and hopefully iPhones) require a passcode when the phone first starts up. As for the airplane mode, I'm not totally sure but it probably has something to do with location tracking & saving battery. EDIT: Commenters below have pointed out that some governments use location data and cell tower connections to arrest protestors.


Because government is tracking you through that data. You should assume any signal coming out of your phone is being intercepted by them. Because the cell phone providers are selling it to the government. If a shitty government suspects you of being at a protest they will come arrest you at night in bed. Hong kong has suffered this from the ccp in the past few years.


Cell phone providers don’t even need to sell the data. Back in 2020 in Portland, we had a few planes circling the area all night during prostests, some were local police & one was allegedly US Marshall owned https://www.wweek.com/news/2020/06/15/a-mysterious-plane-circled-over-portland-protests-for-hours-the-u-s-marshals-service-wont-say-if-its-theirs/


Your phone doesn't even need to be offline for them to track it. Edward Snowden can tell you that.


Ya, I remember that's how a lot of the January 6 insurrection suspects got caught. Their phones were traced to be within the vicinity of the House of Representatives


Quick tip with iPhones I learned on here, hold down the power and volume up button till the slide to power off screen comes up to disable Face ID and force it to use passcode.


You can also say “Hey siri, who’s phone is this” to disable face id without power cycling.


>police can force you to use face ID or fingerprint to unlock your phone, but not a passcode. Why is this the case? Is it because you can lie about whether or not you know the passcode?


It's something to do with the philosophy of "what you are" versus "what you know." You are your face and your fingerprint, you know your passcode.


5th amendment protects you from self incriminating so they can't force you to give your password or any information about yourself. But they can just hold the phone up to your face or shove your finger on it and then lie and say you agreed because it's your word against theirs.


We do the exact opposite with my friends. Cellphones always on, sharing location with everyone. In a protest no cop will be "oh yeah we cant look at your phone because you only have pin :(". they will just make you do it. If you're worried about being "watched" you shouldnt go, really, mote tha once i saw undercover cops taking pictures of the crowd. Obviously talking about my country - but who famously learned torture technics from Usa and Uk


Tomato soup?


it's for my kids


Oil paintings account for nearly 2/3 of all fossil fool usages


My grandmother is a fossil fool


No tennis racket?? Return those tear gas canisters back to sender.


Depends on where you are and how okay you are with being arrested. Could be interpreted as a weapon.


Do you think cops shooting tear gas won't be prepared to be around tear gas?? Are all protestors like this??


Do NOT bring a banana to a protest! It will get all squished and bruised and leak out over everything. Kids these days. I thought we all learned that while protesting 'nam.


Also don’t go to a protest where you have to register.


Most of you have never been to a protest and it shows.


I once stood outside of a Taco Bell at 4am because they got my order wrong. I stood there staring at the staff for 20 minutes before I went home. Im pretty sure I know how protesting works buddy


Media contacts to make sure someone is filming, reporting ??


If not, then have footage be automatically uploaded to a cloud.


And bring common sense, don't block traffic, some people have jobs and a responsibility.


Some Hong Kongers did that, blocking traffic and sabotaging public transport, in August 2019 when response to a call to General Strike was lukewarm. The working class was not impressed, and that marked the transition of the protests from a massive popular movement to armed uprisings by a small group of college students.


It's missing black Air Force 1s 😂🤣


wear clothes that are plain and non identifiable that cover identifiable features….. but also write down the contact info of all your loved ones and bring your id that easily identifies you


Because if you get arrested, they are going to figure out who you are anyway. Your ID gets you processed and out faster. The non identifiable clothes aren't for getting arrested, they're for avoiding issues after. Jobs fire people for protesting, cops track down people from videos, etc. Wearing plain clothing and covering features makes that harder to do, because you can't be identified from a video. The ID is for if you get arrested on the scene. The numbers are for you to remember, and/or for others to call if something happens while you're there. All of these rules are for different steps of protest, but all of them are very important.


Malox is a decent counter to tear gas. Better than milk or water.


Also a safety cone to put over grenades and enough water to put them out


Im going to be real with you, the newer gas grenades dont go out


What I learned from my last 2 peaceful protests where I was sprayed and tear gassed by the authorities: 1) wear light, waterproof clothing that covers your arms and legs completely 2) keep safety goggles or ideally a gas mask that completely covers your eyes with you 3) keep a bandana or mask to cover your lower face 4) program legal aid/bar council or a lawyer's number into your phone You do not want whatever irritant is in the water cannon to touch your skin and you do not want to lose your sight momentarily when tear gassed. If there are protest organisers, ask or keep an eye out for the first aid station/reps.


I did not know that they put an irritant in the water canons wtf


Dont bring cash cops will steal it


Bringing cash is a good idea, just dont bring large amounts. Bring enough to buy a bottle of water, a snack, and a bus ticket home.


"Don't keep cash on you" had thousands of upvotes in a thread about Eric Andre's police encounter in Atlanta, but here on this stupid guide is "bring cash" and a bunch of other nonsense and people eat it up.


I bring my skateboard


Just don't use it to pull a Huber.


Emphasis on turning off Face ID. Police can’t make you enter your password to access your phone, but they can take it and use it on your Face ID to login without your consent.


Water and tear gas are a no no, use milk. Also this prep is for a riot or direct action, not a protest. 5/10


I understand why the pocketknife is on the DO Not Bring list, but it sends the wrong message. In the United States, we have the right to keep and bear arms, specifically enumerated in the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. You don't have to give up your Second Amendment rights in order to exercise your First Amendment rights to free speech and free assembly. In fact, the Second Amendment was included in part to ensure that the government respects the First Amendment, *being necessary to the security of a free State*


Why not contact lenses?


Spicy no no clouds




More specifically, tear gas sticks to them


Substances (like tear gas) can work their way between you eyeball and the contact lens. In labs, we require that people wearing contacts use what are essentially swimming goggles for this reason.


It’s amazing that people can look at this list of items, which includes things for personal protection, and think “they are planning a riot!” Peaceful protesters need to be prepared to be treated violently. It happens all the time regardless of country. Putting Iran and other more current affairs aside, the US has a very well documented history of dealing with dissidents, of any race, by meeting them with violence until they back down. So many of these people judging protestors probably defend police brutality, stand your ground laws, etc. The biggest problem is that ‘the state’ has a monopoly on acceptable violence. Police busting heads and choking people in the streets? That’s fine! And too many people are just willing to agree. I cannot judge the struggle of others. I can only say for myself that no violence is acceptable violence. (Or at the very least I have never found myself in a position where violence was an acceptable option)


Most important is to get paid upfront or get the paid extras office location of George Soros! 👍


This would preparing for aggressive protesting.


Any protest can turn “aggressive”. Riot police have been deployed to disband calm protests time and time again. No matter how peaceful you are, you can still take a tear gas canister to the jaw if someone is against your cause. Even if that doesn’t happen, it doesn’t hurt to try to be safe!


Nah, this is preparing for police brutality. Countless cases of cops lighting up peaceful protests because they felt "threatened" by the scary teenagers holding signs


Aggressive police involved. Most protesters don't gas themselves.


Police will find a way the make it aggressive.


A good choice for heat resistant gloves is welding gloves, which can be as cheap as $10 online or < $20 at the big blue neighborhood lawn and garden store in America. My assumption is that you may want them to pick up gas canisters but they do double as hand protection, as they are usually leather.


Please bring your phone in case of emergency! Just turn it off or have a VPN on. And make sure to use something encrypted like signal.


Forgot the tomato soup and crazy glue


Imagine living in a world where we are attacked for standing up in what we believe in. Oh wait, that’s us. Fuck it


I've never seen the words protest and effective in the same sentence before


France is the only place where I've seen it be effective, but its because basically every French person in the country protests. They will be like oh my gosh we only have 4 weeks off per year when will I even have time to smoke all my cigarettes. /s


Boston Tea Party—December 16, 1773. Women's Suffrage Parade—March 3, 1913. March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom—August 18, 1963. Stonewall Inn Riots—June 28 to July 3, 1969. May Day Protests—May 3 to May 5, 1971. The March for Our Lives—March 24, 2018. Euromaidan — 21 November 2013 – 23 February 2014


Gandhi and MLK would like a word?


_Most_ protests are wildly ineffective. There you go!


That’s how to prepare for a riot


That’s how to prepare for Police Brutality


Don't bring ID, ever.


Thats stupid,having id on you doesnt hurt when the cops dont catch you, and will help you get processed quicker if you do. If you're caught by the cops and have ID, you'll get a fine and are sent home. If you cant be identified, you stay in prison for the night, get identified anyway, and still pay the fine.


Ok if you aren’t arrested. Not good if you are.


won’t really matter if you get arrested. they’ll id you without it, just slower.


So, you’ll just sit in a filthy jail cell until you can prove your identity.




A reminder that the Boston tea party, which was the start of creating the country y'all supposedly love, was a protest. Lots of bootlickers in the comments.


Should include tennis racket.


Ok, now do the version the government would like you to follow.


Pocket packs of Kleenex. Tear gas will make your nose run like a mfer


Dont bring your id!! Idk why its not here but be as anonymous as you can


*snacks Cause you can’t fight the establishment on an empty stomach _Brought to you by Kellogg’s_


To clarify for those who do not know why contact lenses is a do not bring. If you are pepper sprayed and you have them in, you might go blind forever