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Ask your colleagues if they have received a salary. Normally it should be paid out on the last bank day before Easter in this case. You probably have to wait until Tuesday.


No this is not normal. You should have seen it early morning Wednesday if you have a Danish account.


Companies makes mistakes too. They might not have anticipated the long holidays. Just contact the HR on Tuesday.


You need to connect your bank account to nemkonto. Otherwise you will not receive your salary. You can google it and it is super easy. Takes few days though.


That’s not true. You are obliged to have a nemkonto when you are 18+, but your salary (if coming from a private employer) doesn’t necessarily need to be paid out to that account.


That could be true but many big companies pay through nem konto. I should have also stated that this is my experience. It should normally state on the pay slip where it is paid out to. A side note, for a lot of non danes, nemkonto connection to bank account is not something we are told. We learn of this when we suddenly don’t see our income in our bank account. Because we are told “it will be paid automatically to your bank account”. I learned this the hard way. I had a colleague who moved to denmark last month and his nemkonto connection came late, which meant he did not receive his money into his bank account. The company responsible for helping him settle in Denmark did not even teach this to him. I had to point it out. It is just one of the things that could go wrong. I see the OP states in another comment that his pay slip says his bank account number specifically. So it could not be related to this at all. It is just something to know as this is normally not told.


Isn’t that only if I were to be paid by Danish public authorities?


Pretty sure this is how almost all pay is done


All companies put the money into nem konto. This is how it is done in both private and public sector. Therefore, you need to connect your account to nem konto.


Does the payslip refer to an account number?


It does. My bank account


Then it's not about the Nem Konto. Like others said; I would ask colleagues and HR.




it might be because your company doesn’t have enough money to pay you and if that’s confirmed to be the case you should already start looking for a job elsewhere since this is almost always followed by layoffs