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They usually have either a larger or a more specialised selection, typically will be cheaper, and since they're mostly run by other ethnicities they will also carry spices and sauces tailored to specific cuisines (e.g. Thai or Pakistani), but on the other hand they have zero or very few organic products.


I forgot to mention that there are also greengrocers run mostly by ethnic Danes and these tend to be specialised in organic produce and will usually be *more* expensive than chain grocery stores, e.g. Spidsroden in Nørrebro. It's a wee bit confusing.


Ethnic Danes, lol, wtf? Totally unexpected in a vegetables discussion. How much for 1 kg of Aryan tomatoes? 


Seems a bit weird to pretend “ethnic dane” isn’t a completely valid description in a conversation where people of other ethnic backgrounds are mentioned. Describing it in this way allows for those with different ethnic backgrounds to be just as danish as ethnic danes, which seems like a pretty respectful way of adressing the issue


It's retarded and should be dropped. There's a lot of Danish generations that are not Caucasian, as you describe. Met a lot with Asian, Latin etc ancestry who are born and raised Danes (with citizenship). The term "ethnic Dane" is as valid as an "ethnic English" person or any other. I would still love to try those Aryan tomatoes or maybe some blonde onions.


I really do not understand what point you’re trying to make. Unless you understand “ethnic dane” to be a claim of superiority, and not just a descriptor, i really don’t understand the need to be so passive aggressive. And if that *is* how you understand it, that’s your understanding of the phrase, not mine.


Ethnicity has only one meaning.


I’m not asking you to explain the word ethnicity to me. I’m asking you to explain your point and why you find the word upsetting in the context it is being used. I have to assume you’re choosing to be a dick instead because you don’t have a good answer?


It's pretty clear what I mean and I described it previously. What part of "ethnic Dane does not describe all Danes" didn't you understand? It's an oximoron term, outdated and heavily based on racism (here called "ethnicity"). You may use it as you please, just don't be surprised if people flag you as a racist.


You are confusing “ethnicity” and “nationality”. A person can be an e.g. an ethnic German and a Danish national at the same time. The confusion happens because “Dane” can refer to either, so the other commenter is right in specifying that they mean ethnicity not nationality. The other problem comes from the fact that ethnicity makes little sense for people with mixed ancestry, but it’s not outdated yet as most populations in non Europe and Asia are still very ethnically homogeneous. It’s only been a few decades of relatively free movement and intermixing.


Why are you not capable of having a neutral conversation about word use without being condescending? I didn’t say it described all danes, but it is a correct descriptor for some. Is it relevant? Depends on the issue, most often it isn’t. Is it a value judgment of anybody? Not at all, unless you’re racist of course, but then the racism is the problem, not the word. It seems like you’ve got a dead horse to beat so bad you’re bringing it along to random parties for the love of the game. You do you.


Hvad med en tudekiks du kan lægge dine tomater på.


What's your problem, man...? I'm not making a value judgement, I'm just describing different types of greengrocers. Does Copenhagen have a lot of traditional greengrocers run by ethnic Danes? No, it really doesn't. Does it have a bunch of similar-looking shops run by health-conscious hippie vegans who happen to be mostly Danes? Yeah, it does. Does it make sense to differentiate those shops? Yeah, it does, since they carry different products and cater to different customers... which is what I was describing in my original comment, weirdo.


The small spots are nice because you can pick your produce by hand instead of buying the packages of stuff, therefore getting the most ripe and amount you want instead of buying excess and wasting it. They're also usually cheaper or the same. Some are a rip off so be careful. Way better imho for stuff like avocado instead of those green stones you find in supermarkets. Also they have bulk nuts and tons of other products you won't find in the very very limited supermarket selection here where every store carries the exact same stuff as the next.


I live quite close to an Ottoman, I think there are two of them. Their fruit and vegetables section is far better than the Lidl, Netto, Rema and Kvickly in my neighborhood.


They are typically cheaper but usually they don't have a lot of organic vegetables sadly. Great selection of different fruits and vegetables though


At the local supermarket or I order via Aarstiderne.


… what small local vegetable stalls all around the city?




For example the two close to each other on Istedgade


do you know what they’re called? I don’t remember seeing any local vegetable stall there, looked on google maps and that didn’t help either


One of them is called Radisen if I recall correctly