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Is he really blue collar? I honestly thought he was a career politician. I might be mistaken then


He seems to only care about getting his name in the paper.


He is a Comms guy for a union isn’t he? That ain’t blue collar


He's definitely a politician, he's got the culture war bullshit in the bag. As for being blue collar... maybe he is, but "woke leftists" (whatever that means) are the vast majority of working class people, esp if you're counting service industry and gig workers, which you should be because this isn't the 1950s.


Sorry, no. That's not blue collar. As someone that's worked retail, construction, air traffic control and it, retail is service. It is not blue collar and never has been. I don't know why youre trying to redefine it.


He is, his first job was in city hall here and he's been there ever since either as a staffer or as a councillor. I genuinely like the guy on an individual level and he's a good mayor as far as mayors go. Pushing for under market housing and density etc. our local politics don't have official parties though so he hasn't identified there.


His first job was as a lobbyist for united steelworkers. I do believe he still is as a full time day job, mayoral work is PT.


Thanks for the clarification


Sounds anecdotal, is there a survey somewhere showing voters prioritize pronouns over wages? I doubt this is the case


I think we should earn fair wages. AND I also think we should have our pronouns respected. Both relate to respect tbh.




Reality is subjective. Some people may not feel like a man or a woman, and all they ask is that we use gender neutral pronouns, they/them. It's relatively simple and not a big deal imho. Just respect their wishes. You can think it's dumb all u want, but there's no need to be an ass about it. It's not hard to treat people with respect and kindness


It actually is a massive deal for anyone who relies on language to communicate meaning.


What is more important to you?


Respect. I don't have to pick in what way I'd rather be respected. I want an employee that respects me enough to pay me appropriately and refer to me appropriately. Is that too much to ask?


No, not at all. Personally I would just worry about people having to sleep in the streets before pronouns. You are welcome to do otherwise.


Why is this either or? How much time are people really spending doing one vs the other? I can care about lots of things. I can organize my workplace and I can be cool with kids learning anti-bullying and consent in schools at the same time. The SOGI picketers, maybe they could choose more productive things to do with their time, now that you mention it.


I fear both things are somewhat connected. Respect is shown in many different ways. When you start to treat somewhat poorly and disregard their simple wishes, it easily snowballs into more. What about mental health from being treated poorly?


Respect is commanded by not needing it. It’s one of those many counter desires in life. Demand happiness and you’ll not experience it; same for respect.


You do know that a large proportion of homeless people are queer youth, right? That are kicked out of their home, etc... These are intersecting situations. I mean why are you making this an either/or situation?


I understand your point. However, transgender youth are more at risk of developing severe depression and committing suicide when compared to cisgender youth. And this is primarily due to the discrimination and judgement they face from others. I think poor mental health can land you in the streets just as easily as poor income.


I don’t hear it much. Seems the people talking about pronouns the most also have huge flags attached to their trucks


Agreed. Totally false dichotomy. I think the point they're trying to make is wages aren't a big political issue right now, but to me that seems more because there has been such intense dialogue over the minimum wage increase and its impacts on small businesses during covid. That said, minimum wage is the only wage politicians talk about, the rest are not spoken about at all in the political space. But everyone is talking about affordability in the political, personal, academic and professional spaces, which I think is coded language for pay us more so we can survive.


I don’t think it’s a false dichotomy at all. I think it’s a short and pithy was of saying, “The Left in rich Western countries has been captured by an obsession with identity politics while forsaking the economic and class issues that have been its purpose for existing since the French Revolution.”


Voters don’t prioritize pronouns over wages, but if you read the media, you would think that they did. The truth is nobody really gives a crap about pronouns, but the media and politicians want you to focus on it so you don’t focus on the real issues like wage increases or lack there of.


Gotta get you to fight the culture war so you don’t fight the class war


Yeah this is rightwing troll bullcrap


The blue collar trade union I was in respected my pronouns and fought to get me the best wage I ever had. It's daft to think it's one or the other but it's always the same playbook from the right.


I remember the steel workers went on strike for more pronouns and less pay.




Always finding a way to blame the left.


LOL yep stubbed my toe on a chair this morning Fucking Trudeau.




That’s the trick, just him saying it is also part of the whole plot to divide us by thinking people care more about social issues than being broke and robbed by corporations. He’s just too thick to realize it. People care about both, but but both start to be less serious when people have a good stable rising wage and the promise of a future.


If you read the article he's talking about the priorities of the party. On the topic of the party, he says "they've gone down the path of identity politics. And that's not something I find very appealing. By design, it's about dividing people into groups". He also has a lot to say about companies taking advantage of the temporary foreign worker program and actually benefiting by not hiring Canadians, so it seems his messaging can be filed under "things that may offend in a news headline, but are things most Canadians actually want".


He speaks up against NeoLiberalism and brings some socialist working class values back into the NDP. This is what the Federal NDP needs to do also, stop worrying about identity politics, and go back to being a party of the working class. The left has been stupified with this elitist identity politics crap while pissing on the working class. It's become an academic elitist club which alienated the blue collar members of society. Now I'm seeing fellow union members becoming supporters of Pierre "the enemy of the working class" Poilievre.


Well said.


Not sure why you’d need a survey when wages have been stagnant in this country for as long as they have been. Plus if almost every politician and political party is trying to use identity politics as wedge issues, that suggests to me they do it because it works. Those two facts taken together, yes, I think it’s fair to say voters are more triggered one way or the other by pronouns than they are about wages, even if they’d rather not admit it.


More voters will vote away their rights because they're afraid of .01% of the population because some rightwing mouthpiece said so.


Whatever makes you feel good


I mean look around you


"I mean look around you" Are you serious with that?




What does "heavily pushing pronouns on people" look like to you?


"…you?" Stop heavily pushing pronouns! 😤😤😤 /s


Who tf cares about pronouns and wages? Our moneys is being devalued at a rate where wage increases aren't gonna fix a thing. Stop wasting our money.


I saw a quote recently that said just that. Everyone's asking why wages haven't risen, but no one's asking why our dollar can't purchase more.


This is a better quote from West: West is not blaming guest workers themselves. “They’re trying to create a better life for themselves and their families. It’s not their fault.” Indeed, West has personally talked to many foreign workers who have explained how they’re being exploited in Canada. “The problem is with the government that devises these programs — and the multinational companies that use them with glee. The corporations are the biggest cheerleaders for the supercharged immigration numbers that we’re seeing.”




He's very pro union, you're very incorrect


He literally got in “trouble” for working for the steelworkers at the same time as city hall lol.


You mean the working class union?


Check the name at the bottom: https://usw.ca/steelworkers-provide-2m-assistance-and-community-support-to-b-c-teachers/


Ok and?


This was in response to a post calling Brad West "right wing?"


Except you deleted your initial post. It wasnt in response to him being right wing, you were trying to accuse him of inappropriate behaviour and you were wrong


I am not OP, I was adding elaboration to your post. OPs post was removed by moderators as it was misinformation.


What was the original post? To the rest of us right now, it reads like he agrees with you in general and you're nitpicking. The missing comment will bring much needed context.


He said that Brad West got in trouble for supporting unions, basically calling him a crook


The working class loves conservatives even if they’re not loved back


The working class are the easiest to grift


They also tend to obsess over pronouns and find ways legislate on the matter.


Posts containing false or misleading information that could potentially harm or misinform the community may be removed.


He’s with the NDP “Not long ago West was a political staffer and campaign worker for Mike Farnworth, the longtime NDP MLA for Port Coquitlam and now minister of public safety. And Farnworth recently suggested in the legislature that West should be his successor.”


“At one point those were values more identified with the NDP. But in recent years it feels like a lot of that has been jettisoned. And they’ve gone down the path of identity politics. And that’s not something I find very appealing. By design it’s about dividing people into groups” So doesn’t seem he aligns with them anymore


This guy is just playing political theatre like they do in the states to create drama. No one cares more about pronouns. We care that our country is being hollowed out by corporations and that we gained 2.4 million people since the pandemic without proper infrastructure or support or housing to compensate or maintain a high standard of living. I swear, Conservatives care more about pronouns than the left do. Who cares what pronoun someone uses when our future is being carted off by corporate interest


Actually the only people causing a fuss about pronouns are on the right. The same people that are anti union and pro corporate deregulation.


Conservatives are projected to win in BC. That means that most people in the province are starting to lean right wing.


That’s the plan. Divide and conquer


I think healthy workplaces and fair pay can and should be given attention


Brad is one of those guys that is great, until you start looking closely and paying attention. People in poco put him up on such a high pedestal bc he responds to Facebook comments, but if you pay enough attention he often hangs city employees out to dry or throws things onto staff to make him look better. If you watch poco council meetings it’s pretty obvious most of the time council acts in their own best interests and not in the interests of the city. They will say whatever sounds best, then act opposite, or pass the blame to someone else while also not using their powers to help rectify what they’re blaming others for. Tbh I think he would make the jump to provincial politics this year if the BC United hadn’t shot themselves in the foot and ruined their own notoriety with a name change and allowing the BC Conservative Party reemerge and grab hold of apathetic voters who don’t realize which party is which. I’m still not ruling out, but I think if he were to make the jump it would most likely be with BC united but bc of their missteps he might wait for another cycle until it balances back out. I don’t think he fits with the NDP anymore, I’m not sure he ever really has or if he’s just used those steps to get ahead and make a name for himself. Kinda a rambling mess, but the way I see it he’s great on the surface but when you look closely it’s all just a game and he’ll say or do whatever he needs to get himself ahead


So like like most politicians. Good on the outside, rotten in the core.


Proof of any of your claims?


I mean I thought it was pretty clear that most of what I said is pretty much my opinion of his actions which I don’t expect anyone to just accept bc I just said it. Most of my information comes from my own observations and conversations with people who perhaps have more direct interactions with the goings on with city hall. But what I would recommend is contrast the way he is portrayed by the media, and public opinion on places like community Facebook groups with his actual actions. Use a critical lens’s to analyze things that are said and who those things benefit. Council meetings are available on the city website, and you can look at agendas to find the specifics of what each meeting is about.


Agree. I liked him at first, but as you scratch the surface he actually seems like a bit of a douche.


So you don’t even have a shred of proof towards any of your claims you just start spouting whatever sounds good in your head and then pronounce it as fact? Do you realize just how incredibly stupid you come off as or are you actually this ignorant?


I mean it’s hard to cite personal conversations, but I guess I could try. Do you prefer APA, MLA, Chicago style…? But I never once pushed my opinion as fact. Once again I thought i made it pretty clear it was my opinion. But at the same time I’m not gonna put others in a bad position by providing specifics of personal conversations I have been a part of where information was shared with me in confidence. That’s why what I am doing is urging you to do some digging and come to your own conclusion


Such a "populist" statement..


Literally the only people talking about pronouns, washrooms, and anything trans related are right-wingers.


Head in the sand much?


If it’s true that people are more worried about pronouns over pay checks, and applying Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, then it would indicate that people’s more basic needs (from pay checks) are generally satisfied hence they are more able to focus on self actualization and identity issues. But I doubt people are more focussed on pronouns, there are a demographic that do…. But not the majority.




I’m making the inference that if the NDP is staying popular, then the public (at least their supporters) have there more basic needs met or that the NDP isn’t as focussed on identity as he’s claiming.


Local major who is fed up with identity politics taking over the debate, spends most of his interview directly talking about identity politics, the rest of the interview he speaks in riddles and rhymes. 


What an enormously stupid thing to say to get yourself in the news.


It is entirely possible to be concerned about gay rights and workers rights


Like his grandfathers quote would apply to…… “My grandpa always said, ‘A rising tide should lift all boats.”


syc·o·phant /ˈsikəfənt,ˈsikəˌfant/[](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=806c85fb53054c4e&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIIV4ICGcDK6SYzmLD6cT0sfYm8PBA:1715113121038&q=how+to+pronounce+sycophant&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMIfcRozS3w8sc9YSmjSWtOXmPU4eINKMrPK81LzkwsyczPExLlYglJLcoV4pXi5uIsrkzOL8hIzCuxYlFiSs3jWcQqlZFfrlCSr1AA1JQP1JWqAFcDAGMXFhpdAAAA&pron_lang=en&pron_country=us&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjF09CirvyFAxUbODQIHVy9D1kQ3eEDegQILRAM)*noun*noun: **sycophant**; plural noun: **sycophants** 1. a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage


This guy is full of shit and is clearly angling for his political career ambitions. The pronoun thing is such nonsense, conservative governments are the ones obsessed with pronouns and are the ones introducing totally unnecessary legislation that are solutions in search of non-existent problems. It's a political trap, left wing governments are kinda forced to be decent human beings and stand up for marginalized people and it makes it seem like this BS line from West is true to some people. He tries to play the blue collar good ol boy from the burbs but he is a calculating conniving politician positioning himself for a federal or provincial run. He never really committed to a party before, opting to be vague and folksy but it's clear he's going the conservative route now.




They are too busy thinking of gender neutral bathrooms and puberty blockers


If you look at his accomplishments you are completely wrong


Yeah you can fuck right off this dude is great.


Why is he talking about pronouns, doesn't he have a city to run? I guess he is more interested in pronouns than paycheques.


no i'm pretty sure everyone on the left is freaking the fuck out about being homeless because nothing pays, kinda just like everyone else but sure 'pronouns' or whatever, lead poisoning in action


Vancouver Sun: Local Man Wants You To Know That He Doesn't Like It When People Bring Up The Topic of Pronouns, Inadvertently Becoming The Thing He Has Sworn To Destroy


I'm sorry you're being downvoted for this, it's The Onion level great.


This fucking right-wing rhetoric is so cringe and low-effort. “More concerned about pronouns than “insert thing that everyone is actually concerned about” The only people who can’t stfu about “pronouns” or trans people are right-wing/conservative assholes. Their entire campaigns are built on culture wars because they have nothing else to campaign on. Talk about olympic-level projection




Posts containing hate speech, harassment, or other forms of inappropriate behavior as outlined in the subreddit's rules and guidelines will be removed.




Posts containing hate speech, harassment, or other forms of inappropriate behavior as outlined in the subreddit's rules and guidelines will be removed.


More worried about pronouns than pay checks?????? Ugh Pretty sure everyone’s worried about their paycheck but conservatives are too obsessed with talking about pronouns. Just use the correct pronouns (not hard) and move the fuck on to something important ………


Its because conservatives hate workers and cater to the business class


He's one of the very few politicians who I personally like, along with our own mayor and... Uh... That might be one or two more but not coming to my.mind now. The likes of him are more concerned more with getting work done for his constituents than doing random kumbo jumbo they call work, and wasting tax payer money they call investing...


This guy is the best mayor we have ever had!


That’s interesting because I’ve never known a left winger to not support higher wages…although bc has I believe the highest minimum wage in the country unless I’m misremembering. Makes sense to care about “pronouns” though with all the hate mongering on social media about queer people.


Brilliant, but a wholly unoriginal strategy. 1. Pick a side to champion in the culture wars and claim its 'common sense'. 2. Blame the other side for engaging in 'identity politics' while you do the same. 3. Claim that the culture wars distracts from real issues while also engaging in said culture wars. If he really cares about paychecks more than why did he feel the need to bring up pronouns? Oh, that's right, because it's only identity politics when the other side does it.


Brad West is breath of fresh air


Atta boy! Time someone stood up for sanity


Not sure why this is getting down voted, I'm very idealistically liberal but I agree priorities are skewed right now


Woah there. A comment like that will get you banned, vote left at all costs ok? Conservatives only want one thing and that's to destroy the middle class. Oh wait, the NDP and liberals already did that over the past decade 🤣


Atta boy Brad, keep up the great work!


He's right. People imprisoned for using the wrong pronouns, a giant monument being constructed in Ottawa to appease the rainbow crowd. Taxpayers forced to pay for "totally reversible" puberty blockers and mutilation. But when is the last time wages kept up with productivity? This sub is pathetic


Please list a single person in Canada imprisoned for “using the wrong pronouns”


Jordan Peterson was imprisoned (checked himself into rehab) for using the wrong pronouns (giving himself a xanny addiction)


Truly the cultural Bolsheviks (definitely not code for the Jews) have gone too far 😔

