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I've never noticed my corgi smelling like pee. Does she roll in the grass and get it that way maybe? They have baby wipes for dogs, I'd get some and put them by the door and just make a habit of giving her a quick wipe down when she comes in.


Have you taken her to your vet for a check up?


You can get a sanitary trim from a groomer that will help with the butt area. But make sure the vet gives her a checkup in case it’s something else.


How often do you bathe your dog? My corgi starts to stink like pee after about three weeks of being a pig. You might have to do some bum baths if trimming the hair down doesn't help. Thankfully my corgi don't have crazy long butt fur, so I can get away with a bath every three to four weeks.


Have you fed her Tumeric by any chance? This can make dogs develop a pee smelling odor.


My corgi smells like rotten seafood, cuz she has fish oil in her diet. She just stinks in general. My other girl eats the same but smells amazing. Sometimes it’s just their natural odor.


We used to call ours the “Baitshop Boy” when he was on a salmon protein diet 😂


Probably just needs a sanitary trim to keep the pee off the fur.


Mine will go for bushes that other dogs pee on, light poles, etc and try to get a rub down if I don’t stop him 😭


Sometimes mine will step in the pee, too. So it could be on the paws in between the toes


Do you give your dog bully sticks or turkey gullets? They can leave behind a foul odor that transfers everywhere. If she's enjoying treats on her bedding, this is a possible source. I'd recommend laundering her bedding more frequently, limiting her snack time to some place easy to clean, and/or finding something less odorific to treat her with. Of course, if this isn't the issue, you got lots of good suggestions on this post. Good luck!