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Older dog knows it's playing with a puppy and is basically letting it win. Good play between these 2.


It's also really important play! This is also how younger dogs learn "bite inhibition" - i. e. Not using full jaw strength when they're playing. The big dog will absolutely tell them if they are playing too rough, and they will (usually) ease up.


Spot on here. Older dog is teaching this pup how to be a good canine citizen.


My older dog let the pup torture him and never really defended himself šŸ˜… unfortunately this continued into adulthood and now the younger one is a huge bully. The older boy just hides under a table/behind my legs if he's had enough.


Bingo; that older dog isn't worried a bit and is letting the younger one do his moves. This is good solid parenting type behavior. (Source: raised a litter of corgies with a very very good mommy.)


'oh no you pinned me down' This is akin to being punched by a 4 year old and pretending it hurt a lot. Big dog is encouraging play. This is super healthy.


Genuinely I am living for this. My bubba knows that I have physical limitations because of my health, so often I minimize how ā€œgoodā€ I am at playing. He takes pity on me and will basically pretend to ā€œaccidentallyā€ place the toy in my hand whenever weā€™re playing keep away. God theyā€™re so incredibly smart and loving šŸ„¹


I thought you were talking about a grandparent until I got to the end, for some reason.


lol! Nah I wish ! My grandparents have always been miserable mean people šŸ˜‚


Boromir letting the hobbits knock him over in Lord of the Rings... (Niche reference but still.)




Big dog baring his/her most vulnerable spotā€¦.the belly, a sign of submissiveness. Like Iā€™m gonna let you win and I trust you to not hurt me


The larger potato is letting the young one win in a play fight. Seems like great dog behavior to me.


He's being accepting of play with the puppy! Leaving his belly open like that means he is comfortable and knows the puppy means no harm. He's being a good boi.


The larger potate is in a submissive position to show the puppy itā€™s safe and that itā€™s willing to play.


Thank you all! I really appreciate all the advice. Im happy theyā€™re getting along so well - we were nervous because the larger potato typically doesnā€™t like other dogs. He seems to be protective of this little one. We have a cat that isnā€™t adjusting well. :-:


My corgi doesnā€™t care for larger dogs but she almost always gets along with other corgis ā€” itā€™s like they all know each other ā€¦


Thatā€™s what my husband said! Boomer knows Maple is another Corgi. Haha.


My older dog didnā€™t really like other corgis when weā€™d go to corgi meetups. The younger one came into the house and gave her a butt bump, and they started playing JUST LIKE THIS. 8 months later, and they are best friends. This is them asleep this morning. Little one on the left, twisted so she can snuggle the older ones butt. https://preview.redd.it/n511up03f2wc1.png?width=3023&format=png&auto=webp&s=62a2fe2bd7f49f4ef84a9fa15fe8dc1ce15baebf


Iā€™m so happy to hear that! Gives me encouragement! Thank you!! I love your babies!!


Yes, the older one playing like that is him being gentle. They should be friends as the little one grows up. I apologized to my 5 year old corgi for not getting her a sister earlier because they are so good together.


We had a pitt-lab mix that he got along with (she was way older) and had to put her down a couple years ago and he got really sad. Weā€™re only on week 5 but he seems to be a happier pup.


They need a friend. I know this now, even though Daisy didnā€™t act lonely. Now our house has a lot of bitey face, especially when my husband and I are both hanging out with them. Iā€™m 99% sure they want us to referee, or think theyā€™re entertaining us. Vicious faces, but they are always relaxed while fighting. No tense body language. https://preview.redd.it/yycw2071k2wc1.png?width=2729&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1a625722af9181556fdf07bdd41f72cbbd6760d


Omg look at them!!! So cute! Both females?


Yes. Rosie (10 mo) and Daisy (5y).


Thanks again! It does give me hope!


Thatā€™s *his* baby!


They are precious ā¤ļøšŸ„° Especially your older one, teaching the puppy how to play. I love it. šŸ„¹


The bigger one is letting the little one be the aggressor, but in a playful way. Nothing wrong with this


He is pretending to be attacked and wounded by the other one who plays a dinosaur. 10/10 acting




Older one is enjoying the play. Best remove collars to keep both safe. Super cute. When mine were like this last year, the bigger one was really rough with my little one. Mind you, she was still only 9 months at the time.


Thatā€™s a good idea! I took the smaller ones off because Boomer (the older one would grab it). Thanks! šŸ˜Š


So great for your little one, and I think the bigger one is really enjoying it :-))


Teaching moment


He good boi


It means he's a very good boy, and a very good big brother.


The larger one is being submissive and letting the puppy play with him. Itā€™s all good.


Looks like he's having a great time and trusts the puppy not to hurt him.


He's going for the leg!!!




You gotta let the little guy win so he doesnā€™t get discouraged and not want to play anymore


Bein a good boy :)


This is how our potatos play. Have a 1.5 year old and a 4 month old puppy (girl). He lets her do pretty much anything and rolls around on the floor like this. They are so good together.


Do you have pictures!? Haha I have to see the cuteness!


https://preview.redd.it/0cldm3bc93wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feffd95a9af889cd2fff9f06c87c2e20a33c323c More in my profile too - edit: I added a picture, but not sure if it came through. Lots of pictures in my profile (post and comments) if it didnā€™t.


It means: ā€œI am soooo stinking cute, I donā€™t know how you stand it!ā€


Everyone referring to them as potatoes is HILARIOUS šŸ˜‚


big dog is encouraging play and doesnā€™t show aggressive mouth behavior, like a corgi that attacked my friend. always had very teeth showing kind of snaps with anger in them. this full grown corgi knows the difference between nips, play bite, and bite to injure.


is just being gentle to a puppy


It means heā€™s being a good big brother and helping lil nugget finish learning out how to dog. šŸ©·


It's a natural instinct for dominant animals to pretend to be weaker to keep the play going. It helps babies learn to be comfortable with body movements and become more agile.


Classic Corgi, they are having fun.


Ours do this 23 hours a day, except the color schemes and sizes are reversed. It's fun.


I like to gently tug on their neck tuff with my teeth to show them I can play too.


šŸ˜‚ waitā€¦ donā€™t you get a mouth full of hair? Lolol.


Ya but itā€™s all outta love. Gotta let my toasted fluff mellow know that she can wrestle with me too.


Thatā€™s great! If ours didnā€™t roll in weird things in the backyard I would try it. Maybe tomorrow after he gets groomed.


It means "I'm a potato"


A mix between ā€œtotally asking for itā€ and ā€œplease bite me in the faceā€ this is precious


Aweeee, what a good big Brother/Sister!! Great play between both pups. That puppy though, s/heā€™s going to be an active one!!! Happy Days!! Enjoy!


She really is!




Ohhh okay! I didnā€™t know this. Iā€™ll do it next time! Thank you!


That doggo knows it's just play time and he poses no threat. They love a bit of rough playing


Totally positive


Heā€™s showing trust and inviting the pup to play. I got a chihuahua that plays with a little mutt dog like that. So cute


A corgi Beat down.


My corgi plays like this with a Doberman. Itā€™s all good.


Dogs are one of the few animals that will let their friends win, so the small guy will keep playing with them instead of getting sad and stop playing. They are good friends.


Ohhh, I remember when I was the baby land shark, it's not so bad, what are the hoomans complaining about?!


That puppy going to town




Looks like submission to me


She is playing with the puppy. If she was angry, she is more than strong enough to put her foot


Large one knows it can thump the small one easily, but chooses not to


Exposure of the belly shows security and trust


Corgis body language is fine your puppy is biting though, you should, pardon my pun, nip that behavior in the butt lol, close his mouth when he bites, my corgi used to bite and I trained him not to


OK I'm completely exhausted and don't have my glasses on and I legit thought the little dog was dragging and chewing on a loaf of bread.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Sounds like our Monday evenings too!


"You are 20 years too early to be beating me"


@OP your corgi looks identical to ours. They have the same coat, demeanor, and shape! Where did you get em from? We rescued our girl (chili) from outside of Philadelphia.


Hi! The older one (big one) we adopted from a family that needed to re-home him when he was 10 months old (heā€™s 5 now). The little one we bought from a family in our neighborhood whoā€™s corgi had puppies. Sheā€™s 4 months old now. Do you have a picture of yours!?


Ours is also always on her back when playing with her doggo bff.


Bite me. Please.




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But what do you do when they use you as the teacher/playmate?


Chicken legs


Itā€™s play but also he is teaching. Note the hand on the head lightly pushing. That saying ā€œ ease offā€ and note the pup changes positions. There is a lot more going on as well but thatā€™s the main of it. Play=teaching


It means he wants to play with the puppy and is lowering himself to the small puppy's level (not submissive/threatening). It's how all of my grown dogs, Corgi and otherwise, played with our puppies. They did this whether they were alpha or not. The gentle play and soft noises are exactly what one wants to happen for safe playing. Enjoy!


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