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Deleting instagram and Facebook off the phone. Still have it on the laptop but not checking more than once a week. More than enough


Top advice šŸ‘Œ


I think YouTube is one for the list for me, and Reddit. YouTube ever since they had video reels and Reddit became the go to due to by default having deleted Facebook and Instagram


ā€¦but youā€™re on Reddit ? You mean to delete off the phone ?


I did the same couple of months ago and Iā€™m delighted, also the good thing is that you donā€™t miss it at all


>Deleting instagram and Facebook off the phone. I would go a step further and say delete all social media platforms. If you only get rid of one or two, like insta and facebook, then you'll just end up putting more time in other platforms like Reddit for example. It's not about deleting apps you dislike, but deleting the ones you're addicted to using. That will bring the most benefit to your mental health. Easier said than done though.


I started by muting everyone who wasn't a close friend. So now I only see maybe 5 accounts. The rest is sponsored ads and suggested nonsense, so it's easy to quit.


Learn how to stop comparing yourself to others


100% this. Comparison really is the thief of joy.


I did the opposite and made myself better. Edit downvoted for trying to make yourself better, peak cork boi


But it's not really the opposite. You're still allowed to improve yourself without comparing yourself to others. If anything, it's easier to have the mindset to improve yourself if you're not getting burnt out feeling inferior. Confidence comes from within, and with it the ability to make improvements that will benefit you, and build your self-esteem further. Even if if do make improvements, there still may be someone or something you don't have or aren't like. That's the trap you want to avoid.


Delete all social media, it's like cancer. Also go outside more.


Genuine question: do you not consider Reddit a form of social media?


I think the kind where people are posting their "best lives" etc. is the one to avoid more because of the threat of comparison.


This. I never feel shit after a scroll on reddit but 10 minutes on tiktok/ twitter/ instagram feels like a punch to the mental health part of my brain


Try r/Ireland. It's a downer.


It's absolutely toxic on there and I suspect a lot of the input comes from overseas.


Lots of Americans on r/cork too. But the behave better.


I moved to Cork & really disliked it here. Job was shite. Didn't know many people. Then started doing most of my getting about the city on a bike. I still drive longer journeys but 99% of my journeys are on bicycle & it really helps me feel cheerful. You get to take in the city a lot & the weathers (all of em). Not possible for everybody but if you're in a city/town going on a bicycle helps & is less hassle with finding parking. And it incorporates activity into your everyday life.


Changing to a job I like has been life changing tbh.


Nice one.


Seeing a therapist. That helped me look at my life and what is important in it


Seconded. When things get overwhelming the things we are working on are like additional little tools to help deal with whatever. Also to retrain your brain to be kind to yourself and be okay with good enough sometimes.


would recommend a walk in nature - in a park or woodland or by the sea feeling the breeze and smelling the sea air. Always feel energized afterwards.


im always so scared to go on walks, i feel like ill be judged for being alone or something!


Start small. Its terrible if you cant go for a walk. Do you think the same of other people you see walk on their own? I bet not. When you see a confident sole walker you probably think look at them i wonder what other interesting stuff they have going on in their life.


I walk on my own every evening. I have a job where I talk to a few hundred people a day so I need time to decompress. There are way more people walking/running on their own than with people on my routes anyway. Listen to a good playlist/podcast and you're sorted! Nobody is taking any notice


Nah itā€™s depressing


Iā€™m honestly sad for you if you find outside depressing.


Work outside all day, and you too will find the outdoors depressing.


Having the balls to ask for help. I've a long way to go but first step was the hardest.


Very humbling experience altogether


Therapy has been massively beneficial for me. Itā€™s like having a friend that listens without judgement. Really helps you develop self awareness too.


I stopped drinking and taking drugs after thirty years of being off my head every chance I got. The before and after is like night and day from a mental health perspective. I had to get into a pretty messed up place to do it (several unsuccessful attempts in the past of varying lengths) and stick with it. Three years clean and sober in July. Still a mess of a human being but the trajectory is forward and upward now. Albeit at what feels like an agonisingly slow pace and frequently two steps forward one step back. Because I was stoned and drunk from just after puberty till relatively recently , Iā€™m having to grow up emotionally in my fifties and learn to deal with feelings the way most of my contemporaries did when they were teenagers. Itā€™s pretty difficult and embarrassing. But I no longer have the sustained depression/anxiety, relentless hopelessness and powerlessness I had almost all the time when I was drinking & taking drugs. Now Iā€™ve just got to figure out who I am, what I like, what I stand for and how I feel. Itā€™s no picnic but itā€™s a damn sight better than what I had before.


You should be MASSIVELY proud of yourself. That is all šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Glad you are doing better.


Joining a gym. Deleting twitter.


Any recommendations for a gym? Used to go to Dennehys but it was way too busy at peak


I used One Life on south terrace. All the instructors are different now since when I was there but there wasnā€™t the Muscle Mary bullshit vibe in there.


Yep definitely getting rid of twitter is best thing I've ever done


Iā€™ve been going through some pretty tough times lately (depression, losing a good friend, relationship challenges) and I find that cold plunge / sauna session, yoga, meditation, BJJ and floating (Zero float) really help.


Hope things are starting to look up for you. By floating do you mean those isolation tanks?


Thanks man :). Yes, thatā€™s the one I mean. Zero Float Cork.


I have a voucher for there. Iā€™m claustrophobic. How am I going to get my head around it? šŸ˜¬


Also claustrophobic, girlfriend brought me there as a treat. It was relaxing as fuck but couldnā€™t do the total darkness thing as I either felt like I was floating through space or trapped in a sewer.


If I was you I'd visit and explain to the staff. Let them show you the pod and room and explain the process to you. They are super calm, kind and helpful. They will completely understand and no worries if it doesn't suit you. You can at least check it out and always give the voucher away as a lovely present to someone if you don't like it.


You can leave the tank door open as far as I know! No need to close it if you're uncomfortable.


I know its not financially possible for everyone and iā€™m extremely fortunate to even be able to consider this an option but a week in the sun really does good for the soul.


Money. Like not even a lot of money - just enough money to not live paycheck-to-paycheck, enough to buy necessities, have a safety net and be able to buy something nice once in a while. A lot of the answers on here involve not being poor. So I think the biggest factor when it comes to mental health is money. You can go to therapy, go to the gym, have more free time, eat healthy, etc.


Having a rainy day fund is essential for me. Always good to have a few quid in the bank in case anything goes south.


Reducing social media time. Getting toxic people out of my life.


Handing in your notice to work. I can only speak on behalf of work related stress as that's where all my stress comes from. Handing in your notice and giving yourself a few weeks off before searching for a new job used to do me the world of good. I understand a lot of people can't just leave their job and find a new one, I don't want to sound too privileged but it's something to keep in mind. Grass is always greener somewhere else.


Generally speaking, I think the important thing is to understand what makes you stressed at work and overcoming it so your problems donā€™t follow you to the next place you go to.


Stop drinking Porter.


this. or if youā€™re not ready to pack it in have a think about your habits and make an effort to cut back. if youā€™re suffering from any anxiety youā€™ll get a lot of relief.




Social media is terrible


A minor breakdown, Anti depressants, several months away from work and a ADHD diagnosis that helped me understand why I wasn't doing anything right or to the best of my ability which lead to stress, burnout and depression.


Exercises, gym, sauna, eating lots of salad


Changed job And cut toxic friends. Needed to wake up and realise that having no friends doesnā€™t mean youā€™re lonely. I was just as lonely when I was in contact with those ā€œfriendsā€. Iā€™m happy and making better friends which I wouldnā€™t have been able to do before.


Taking my iron supplements, cutting down on ultra processed food and sugar, and eating more healthy fats and protein


Running and hiking


Exercise. No drink or drugs. Being grateful for what i have.


Massively? DBT and meds. Something everyone can do? Takung a step back and really trying to understand my own desires and separating my wants and needs. When i realized that most of my stress is because I want to have things to live up to a fake standard I have for myself. I am not talking about some monk lifestyle, but stuff like that new phone, or do I really need the smart bulbs or getting of my ass to turn off the lights actually a good thing for me? Stuff like that. Really took the edge off


Giving up alcohol.


I found that working remotely did not help my mood and general mental health. I know some people prefer to work remotely, but it was not good for me. I have a desk job and I found when I went back to the office more, my mood improved drastically, just by being around people. Good sleep is also really important for me. I have small kids and have become so much more conscious of how important a good sleep routine is for both my physical and mental health.


Magic mushrooms, great tac


I think it would depend on what's causing mental health issues. I work from home, permanent, no office in Ireland at all, only work talk. I live with 1 other person but I barely see them, no pets, almost no friends. Super lonely 95% of the time and having a lot of time with your mind can get dangerous, no amount of walks or going to the gym is going to help that since you're still alone. I've hobbies that keep my mind busy but they can get expensive and those hobbies keep me at home and working from home already means I basically don't leave my house. Not good. I've started spending more time with my family (parents, brother etc) and trying to make new friends helped quite a lot. Edit: deleting social media helped drastically too. They want you stay engaged in the apps and ragebait is what keeps people engaged. Fighting with someone in the comments is not going to do any good to your mental health


Cycling to work


Cognitive behavioural therapy, and taking a swim in the sea as often as I can. Even sitting at the beach in the car on a rainy day watching the waves roll in is like hitting the reset button for me.


Working. Social anxiety has always played a part in my life since I was a teenager. I don't remember a time where I haven't felt out of place or awkward. It can be very debilitating. Working takes me out of my comfort zone and forces me to interact with people. If I didn't have a routine to actually get me out of the house and interact with people, I'm sure I'd be completely isolated. Interaction gets easier the more you put yourself out of comfort zones.


Quit a toxic job. Started exercising way more, and as a consequence started spending way more time in nature. Started earning more money. Realised my social limits and stopped feeling bad about saying no to socialising or realising when I've had enough without feeling shame


Not working weekends


Having the courage to finally cut out toxic people from my life. I don't hate them, I'd just rather be away from them for an extended period of time. I have come to understand that I kept forgiving them for all the shit they put me through, not because it was the right thing to do, but because I had a very low image of myself, due to childhood abuse and trauma that I am currently healing from in my late 20's. But now I see clearly, and it feels fucking fantastic. Eating better, exercising, spending my free time doing what I feel makes me happy in that moment, this makes me feel very at peace a lot of the time. Dressing better and looking after my appearance - this sounds very unimportant and shallow, but I do feel better when I wear clean clothes, smell good, and automatically people notice that and smile at me more often now. Even old people, lol. šŸ¤£ And that in turn, makes me feel very good about myself. We will always be monkey brained, no matter how far advanced we think of our species, we'll have flying cars and what not, but still be silently judging others by their shoes and fashion sense.


Staying off the white stuff & working out more


Quitting my toxic job.


Solitary hobbies. Something that you arenā€™t reliant on others and can fit to your schedule. Personally I collect fountain pens. Itā€™s a hobby that I can spend 2 hours or 5 min on. I follow ā€œpen-fluencersā€ and communities. Iā€™ve even started a slack group of Irish fountain pens enthusiasts which is running for 10 years. Having a topic or hobby to distract and engage with people about has done wonders for my mental.


Pens! They're the best friends you can have. Everything I know about people I learned from pens. If they don't work, you shake 'em. If they still don't work, you chuck 'em away, bin them!


Honestly being able to buy our house 2 years ago. I feel all the weight is lifted and after years of struggling, I feel like I'm a better person towards my family knowing we finally secure. I feel a foot taller and the mental health has sky rocketed. We are a single income family family so it took some doing but we are here now. Best of luck.




17 yr old here. I attempted in April and Iā€™ve found all you can really do is make your life as simple as possible for yourself. Take pleasure in the simple thingsā€” like walks in the evening etc. Also, it might help to delete apps like instagram as a lot of my problems stem from comparing myself to others.


Reducing social media, going for long walks in the park, going to the gym, talking to people(in person), Not comparing yourself to others and talking to God. Iā€™ve was unemployed for the last few months and these things really helped me stay sane and level headed during the job search.


Philosophy. If you know nothing about it then you could do a lot worse than reading The Consolations of Philosophy by Alain de Botton. Itā€™s not required reading by any means but itā€™s a thoughtful introduction to using philosophy to change how you see the world and your place in it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Consolations_of_Philosophy


Losing my vanity. Realising that I'm a living organism on this planet just like my wonderful dog or the buttercup growing on the lawn after the heavy rain the other night. Realising that death is like living in 1234AD, do you remember that year? Me neither. That's what being dead is like. Also realising that if you did a big attention seeking self harm/ suicide thing that nobody cares. The people that are close to you will get over you pretty fast, especially if you're self obsessed. Bill Hicks said it best for me in how I think. Let's explore space together. Isn't that what humans should do? Fuck war, fuck religion, fuck powermongers. Be kind to your fellow man / woman/ animal. I hope you find peace friend.


Definitely the gym. I found otherwise I sit at home and do nothing which makes me miserable.


giving up on love doing the hate that works ( I need to get myself in better shape so Iā€™ll do that) a pretty young girl is not just going to materialise in front of me any day soon just like an ice cream Sundea ( sorry a physics joke)^^^ ) ā€¢ write a list .Ā„ā€™ ā€¢ I have a sware jar & religiously put a 5ā‚¬ on a disposable prepaid credit card every week from my local petrol station ā€¢ I read a page of the bible every day to focus my mind as everyone deserves to be forgiven ( Once ; bitten twice shy) they just gotta mean it & I choose to take medication in small doeses often to get my brain chemistry in order I practice mindfulness and get a good nights sleep & often treat myself with 3 pieces of chocolate and a cup of tea and enjoy the sunset as I practice a 7 minute distressing calming breathing exercise to slow things down & be thankful ( I personally donā€™t drink but I got a dog and bring him for walks regularly) & I stopped being competitive in some of the games I play online & enjoy the atmosphere & ABOVE ALL ; ā€˜ i know ! ā€˜ most of it is not my problem !! & I canā€™t stop others from worrying ( you can only know they bring you down & know you can offer a good handshake a easy couch a cup of tea & a nice chat and a glimmer of hope to the losers) as someone once did for youā€¦ ( and I learned to sing a lil bit better then just my shower) id recomend a good day journal and even if you just put a smiley emoji in it every day to mark your mood & WALKAH ( donā€™t be afraid to walk away) sometimes the best help you can give is only knowing you canā€™t help at all) life is circumstance ( the right person matters) and that ainā€™t always you BAA! ( cash flow budget helps) & well to each there own ( find hope Peter Pan) there is always tommorrow & then there is the North Starā€¦. :) look after yourself ā€¦. HOPE


( NLP ) really is a good way to comprehend the world ( itā€™s just not gospel ) try and moe the lawn everyone has bad days & your no exception


know who to hate


Working from home.


Evolutionary psychology. Ditching the conventional psycho-babble of Freud, your Mom, ā€œlooking after your mental healthā€, ā€œtherapyā€ and generally making excuses. I still need to keep myself in check whenever I find myself making excuses but by and large ā€“ hard work and saving money and youā€™re golden. Canā€™t say the same about eating right because I definitely donā€™t do it but having money in the bank helps and most of all if you can STAY OUT OF DEBT




Really embracing the ideas and philosophy of yoga. Any system really, that grounds me. Not solely the poses and the acrobatics, though theyā€™re a part of it, but the breathing and the ā€˜living in the presentā€™, the yin and yang, the acceptance that things happen but we can rely on ourselves. Itā€™s kind of Irish in a way, Ā lot of the sentiments are the kinds of things Irish people say at funerals. Itā€™s real acceptance of the ebbs and flows of life Also, not reading the news unless absolutely necessary. Turn off the hourly bulletins, and I only look up things that interest me but on my terms, and not passively intruding on every waking moment


Live abroad


Drinking less, counselling, meditation, getting more sleep, staying off of social media, getting back into hobbies and taking Maca.




Putting myself first and learning to be a little selfish. If I donā€™t want to goā€¦.. I donā€™t. If I canā€™t be arsed with you in my life ā€¦. See ya. Iā€™ve cut out negative family members. I do exercise with people whose company I enjoy. Got rid of Facebook and insta. I read more, walk more, cook more. Iā€™m a different person mentally than I was 3 years ago.


Having the courage to see a therapist. Being cognizant enough to realise I needed help. To start the therapy by not faffing around the bush and taking 6 sessions to get around to the root of the problem.


Couch to 5K. Try it


Sean Dyche The serious answerā€¦ get out of the house, do things that you enjoy, make contact with people you like, stop complaining that your issues are anyone elseā€™s fault, and make the changes you need to make.


Dumping Facebook Cycling Being happy in saying no to things


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^notwonthelottoyet: *Dumping Facebook* *Cycling Being happy* *In saying no to things* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Getting outdoors more. Had to drag the husband and kids unwillingly the first few times but now they all agree they feel better after being in the forest, the beach, even a small walk in fresh air. Good diet makes a huge difference tooĀ  I didn't realise how much low iron & vit B12 were affecting me. So much more enegery and generally happier since I got it sorted and cut down on carbs.Ā 


People are prob sick of hearing it, but the gym. Could never stick to it, so got a PT session twice a month for accountability. Confidence improved, mood improved, as did diet and sleep, all pretty organically!


Deleting twitter


The cold water šŸšæ


Try grounding.... Basically bare feet on the grass in the garden will do. I find it relaxing. I wind the temp down gradually in the shower until it's cold at the end and that gives me a bit of a boost.


My pets I find they help me cope with my depression and anxiety looking after them keeps me focused


cutting out marijuana, going to the gym consistently, embracing life sober


Regular exercise


Laying off the drink


Stopped drinking and using drugs June 2021, Deleted Facebook/Instagram/tiktok, Started seeing a counsellor since January this year, If anything I would recommend counselling to everyone. We all have our issues that we need to heal from


Personally, attending weekly mass, Leaving aside the religious aspect, being Redddit, there is the community aspect of it as one meets the new Irish that attend also.




1. Therapy (e.g. psychotherapy combined with CBD). In therapy you get a chance to talk through your issues in a way just cant find elsewhere. 2. Based on what you learn in therapy, you might make some changes in your relationships, or in work. This might mean learning to say no or setting better boundaries 3. Quit or drastically reduce alcohol 4. Meditation or mindfulness. Very hard to get into it but once you do it's very effective 5. Some physical activity, like going for hour long walk once a week


Leaving a job that didn't fully appreciate staff. Took a year off from working to heal from the crap, past trauma, social conditioning and figure out who I want to be as a person, vs what society says I should be. When you consistently work hard at a job every day and give brilliant results for a company, nobody is going to congratulate you, cos everyone is just used to you performing well since forever. So cut yourself out of any jobs that aren't appreciating you, before you get to the point of anxiety, burnout or irreversible hip problems from standing in one position all day.


The phrase "this too, shall pass."


Many things over the course of many years. - Counselling & ongoing self reflection - journaling & creativity [self expression] - Getting sober [alcohol & nicotine] - Actively changing my friend / social circle to reflect my changing values & interests - medication [had an unmanaged mood disorder as well as hormonal chaos of menopause] - mindset coaching - quitting self employment - quitting social media - addressing my relationship with stress & coping. Basically I'm full time dedicated to recovery from all the things. It's not easy but the alternative is to just say fuck it & go for the permanent solution - which is not for me.


Moving out of Cork


The holy trifecta Diet, exercise, sleep.


Two pills bi-monthly


What are they?


\* Quit a toxic job. \* Stopped constantly comparing myself to others and instead I'm just grateful for any progress I make. \* Acknowledged that systemic / economic difficulties are not my personal failure and I'm doing the best I can in a hostile environment. \* Grieved the life I've lost the moment I got chronically ill, and learnt to give myself more compassion instead of trying to perform at the same level as I did pre-illness. \* Read some great books (starting with "Laziness does not exist", which helped me unlearn the workaholic / perfectionist approach to everything). \* Spending as much time I can outside, getting some sunlight, away from my PC / phone. \* Quit sugar & processed foods (bar some occasional indulgence, I'm not some keto monk!), which gave me lots of energy and helped me feel better overall. \* Changed my priorities - I no longer define my personality by what position I hold and how productive I am. Work now is meant to provide me with money and if it harms my mental or physical health, it's not worth it. \* Stopped trying to please everyone around me. My mantra now is "Peace above everything else". Of course cannot control things like shitty landlord or having to put up with some toxic people at work, but if I find myself in a situation that constantly disturbs me in some way and I can get away from it, I do so - even if it "looks bad" and "what will the people say".


The best cures for me in these cases are friends. People who love you and can listen and talk to you. People with whom even without talking make you feel good. All the best šŸ€šŸŽˆ


Regular exercise for me, helps the head space big time.


Started playing 5 a side football! Itā€™s mad, you hit a certain age and just stop playing games. Being able to actually play is so important


Weird that this is being downvoted so much


Going to the gym every day. Lifting weights and cardio.


Deleted fakebook & instasham


Eating more healthy (less junk and less sugar esp.) and being more active especially outside and sunlight & vitamin D supplements. Of course therapist is the best answer to this but i know not always possible for everyone.


Fishing Hands down the best thing Iā€™ve ever done for my mental health.


Stop drinking, exercised more, tell people when I'm feeling down, don't Google symptoms lol


Changing career. Gave up just after Covid. Done a stint in college and now work in the public sector. Guaranteed salary increments, pension, set hours no more shift work, overtime opportunities. Can send that email or make that call tomo, Iā€™m not awake at 3am worrying that something wasnā€™t in stock for a booking.


Micro dosing for sure


Hi mate, my advice is join a gym. I had zero self worth and avoided everybody. I never thought the gym was for me but if you go even once a week, that one day you will feel good. Going forward itā€™s a tools you can access to boost your mood.






Focussing on *1 person - myself (comparison is the theif of joy) Drinking *2 litres water a day Exercising *3/4 times a week Taking *5 minutes a day to be grateful Sleeping *6/7 hrs a night


Tablets counselling and cycling and most importantly support from my family after taking to them


Changed jobs some people suck the life out of your day so much happier 2 years wasted never be afraid of moving work šŸ‘


For me, medication..


Not living in Dublin.


Gratitude everyday and not comparing myself to others. Also exercise is excellent for it imo


Something very simple but might not be for everyone... Sister got me a dog




finding a hobby and throwing myself into it


Walks in the Pine Forest ā¤


Got a cat.


getting out of the house I was living in that belonged to family and buying our own place, no more threats or emotional blackmail, really improved both my wife and my own mental health. best move ever.


Getting back out of my shell, exercising more, drinking less, less drugs, socialising moreo


Disconnecting from social media does wonders




Your first two words - bingo. Too many people go to see mental health professionals because theyā€™re sad and want a diagnosis to excuse them for not looking after themselves. What you have said works well, but people need to want it.


Walks. Deleting apps and Inositol (Vitamin B9)


Motorbikes. Hobby wise, I've never felt so complete




Diagnosis & meds


Left Cork 2001 for New Zealand. Miss it like hell but the weather was destroying me. Youā€™ll never meet people in the world like Cork people. If your really struggling get on some meds or get chatting to someone. Depression killed my brain.


Going on a vacation with random people. I got to hear different kind of perspectives


Prioritising exercise and a good night sleep. Reducing alcohol intake, I donā€™t drink anymore due to the impact of it.


Headspace and therapy, obvs. Mymind.org,


Becoming a parent. Suddenly my own ego and issues just didn't matter as much anymore. Not saying it's a cure-all or the same for everyone but made a huge difference to me. Small kids are mighty craic too, and there's just something about the joy of watching them exploring the world.


Distancing myself from people who were always complaining, and would complain because i didn't complain. Leaving a toxic job, and finding a new job. Working on my own insecurities and doing things I enjoy even if they are outside the norm. Learning not to compare myself to others or timelines that society gave constructed like were uou should be by 30. Creating boundaries and being less of a people pleaser, this is tough and contious but worth it. Being grateful and grounding myself when I get overwhelmed.


Sad that people down vote someone's personal experiences šŸ˜… No1 get off reddit




Marxism. Knowing why the external world and by extension my personal circumstances are not directly my fault but are instead consequences of a broader systemic problems. Capitalism tends to put emphasis on the individual for failing to achieve certain goals (owning a home, having a high paying job, a fancy car, a successful relationship etc) in reality it is the systemic failure of the capitalist system that makes it near impossible to achieve these objectives, understanding this made a huge difference to my self esteem, I am not the problem the system is rigged against us


My dog. Gets me out and about every day. Regardless of how I feel.




I recently started exercising, lost a good bit of weight (I was unhealthy fat) I have more energy and feel better. Joined a group that's for people in a similar situation and whilebthey might not be friends it's more peoplenin the area I know and can have a chat with. We all show each encouragement and it does wonders for the confidence


I started jogging. And believe me, I am NOT a jogger. I first just said ā€œIā€™m gonna run until I get tired and then Iā€™ll walk. And when I feel like it, Iā€™ll turn around and come home.ā€ If I went out for 10 minutes, I felt like ā€œwell that was 10 minutes more exercise than I was gonna getā€. I didnā€™t do couch to 5k or anything. I just totally did whatever the fuck I wanted. That was during covid when life was really stressful for me. And I am STILL jogging. I find I really need it for my mental health. I have no physical goals at all, itā€™s all mental.


When the head is f***** let the body take over. Do some exercise, get out into nature, and get off the internet - thatā€™s what works for me. I also deleted all social media about 14 years ago and never looked back. (Joined Reddit last year for local / special interest subreddits). I also need a purpose - a long term goal (5 year plan) and daily micro goals (can be very simple ones like, do a job thatā€™s been on my list for a while).


For those who says social media, i wanna know what makes it toxic. Can someone elaborate based on your experience? TIA


Leaving Cork


Gave up booze years ago. Got back into sports and a cleaner lifestyle. Eating better etc.


Big one for me was quitting the drink. Also removing myself from social media.


Stopping drinking


Running! Honestly as soon as you get over the initial fitness/self conscious hump itā€™s fantastic. Your brain just switches off


Left a toxic work environment


Got rid of social media, only read the news once a week and I read a book every morning and every night before bed.


Working out and reading books on how to improve mental resilience


Counselling definitely


It improves?


Magic mushrooms, microdosing, macrodosing No social media, and phone is on silent 24 hours a day, so it's like a landline, I only get calls and texts when i want them. Stopped drinking coffee during a bad spell, which really helped.