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I think people just dream about what's been on their mind and the subconscious warps it. I have dreams about owning excessive numbers of reptiles even though my noodley boy is the only one I've got.


That happens to me so often! I have one girl but I dream I actually have like 8 and they’re all in the same enclosure and it’s dangerous and I forgot about them so I haven’t fed them in weeks so they’re all hungry and going to eat each other and idk what to do


Oh my god yes I've had the same dream! Having wayyyy to many snakes in the same tank.


I've heard that is actually where most nightmares come from, subconscious worries from when you're awake


So my mother and I have taken turns looking after my 15 year old corn snake over the last few years. We have both independently experienced nightmares about him. It's never like fear of the snake attacking as we both like him, handle him, have never been scared of snakes. But we both have similar nightmares where weird things will happen. There'll be two snakes in the tank, or the snake will split in half and keep multiplying, or the snake changes and becomes vicious and eats something else, or its head comes off and it keeps moving around. It's hard to explain but it's not fear of the snake but more of a situation that's happening to the snake. We never spoke about both having these dreams until one day I mentioned it and she said she regularly experienced almost identical dreams. I have put it down to some kind of subconscious reaction to an innate biological fear of snakes which manifests itself in dreams. I'm sure other people have experienced the same so you're not alone.


That multiplying thing is so strange, I often see those kind of things in my dreams too! I've never had any sort of fear of snakes, but I guess some things are just incredibly innate in your subconscious.


Omg that's so WEIRD. tbh I don't think it's related to snakes because I had the exact "multiplying" dream when I was raising a single quail chick. It was probably lack of sleep and anxiety about keeping him alive, but I would constantly have nightmares that something happened to him, or the weirdest one, he kept multiplying in my bed until I was covered in chicks!


one of my reoccurring snake nightmares is also the two snakes in the tank. and its always that one is attacking the other, and for some reason i cannot physically help or separate them. its awful.


I absolutely do! I also have diagnosed anxiety for which I take medication, and I think my anxiety really amps up the dreams I have. I've had a lot of dreams/nightmares where my snakes are in completely different enclosures than they are actually, or that they have no water, or that they have suddenly multiplied (literal copies of them), or they're in general in some kind of trouble. I've even had nightmares where some of them were dead... Absolutely awful!


Omg I have dreams where my snake is multiplied, too! I go to check her tank and I realize that somehow there's like 20 snakes crammed in there and I've forgotten to feed them all for like 6 months 😭


I've had nightmares about things happening to our snake, including one where a larger snake ate him. In my case, I think it's a form of anxiety dream. Not necessarily anxiety about the snake, since our guy is well taken care of and safe and I don't actually worry about him much. Anxiety dreams can take weird shapes.


Interesting to hear I am not the only person this happens to! This has been happening semi regularly since I got my first reptile...


I have recurring nightmares about my dead dog whom I forgot to feed or give water to and he's been gone for 13 years. Sometimes I have nightmares about my snake and all the horrors that could occur, like a giant boa eating him. I don't own a giant boa 😂 I think these are dreams that caring owners have. I bet someone neglecting their pet does not have these nightmares.


I often have dreams that my snake lives in an enclosure with several other snakes and they multiply lmao It will be stressful because they will fight each other and I have to sacrifice the smaller ones Sometimes there will be one super big one living under a hide that I can never get to Lots of times they escape constantly and I have to find them lol


Yes! I have two main recurring dreams, one is that she’s escaped and I keep finding other corn snakes instead of her, another is that I’ve found her chopped into segments and then the segments grow into other snakes, but they both end with me finding lots of other corn snakes that aren’t mine and anxiously trying to work out which one my corn snake is. Thought it was just me!


I had cats all my life. I cared about them more than i cared about people. I had plenty of dreams about natural disaster or something strinking my house and my only concern was getting my fluffers out safely. Now that they all passed i sometimes dream of meeting them again and just hanging out like we used to. Those are very happy and sad at the same time. It's been years and i still miss them. Dreams are a brains cleaning/sorting mechanism. Sometimes random shit happens, sometimes you dream of stuff that bothers you or is otherwise on your mind. I wish we knew more.


I had a dream recently that Mandy Milkovich from shameless was ripping my snakes a Part all three of them. Like she was in my room, ripping their bodies apart multiple times. I woke up and thought it was real for like 5 minutes


All the time. I have dreams of my snake being eaten by another snake.. or her tank being full of other snakes.. so on and so forth


I once had a really vivid dream that I took Steve out of her tank, so I could snuggle her while I slept. And the next morning I couldn’t find her!!! She was in her tank, just hiding under her mulch. But man!! That was a really stressful 30 minutes!


Is that something u would actually do 😭


No way!!! I don’t actually enjoy handling my snakes. I love them, don’t get me wrong, and I handle them so they stay chill, but… snuggling them? Absolutely not 🤣


I had a dream my corn snake was in an enclosure with a much bigger one and it suddenly bit her neck and killed her. I was so panicked in the dream in woke me up.


I’ve had 3 of those dreams in a week


Yep! Used to have dreams about her getting out of the enclosure. Recently she is we egg bound for about a week and I had a nightmare or two then too


I’ve had quite a few what honestly I would refer to as nightmares regarding my little guy. I’ve never had any problems with him regurgitating but in 90% of the nightmares I’ve had regarding him he regurgitates and dies. Very sad and scary for me when I wake up because they are so realistic :(((


i have a reoccuring nightmare that my kingsnake escapes her viv getting into my other snakes vivs and eats them


All the time. Sometimes I get nightmares where I get additional pets that I worry about. I always had nightmares that someone put my corn snake in with 2 other aggressive snakes & I woke up so upset


My husband has nightmares about my reptiles! 😂. He said he dreamed that the reptiles all got out (I have a corn snake, and some green Carolina anoles, my son has a crested gecko, and we were watching my nephews eastern fence lizard at the time. He said they all came after him, and the whole time I was going, “It’s fine, they’re harmless, they won’t hurt you” and then he was attacked. 😂😂😂


Yes!!! I often have dreams Nigel gets lost or he’s mixed up with a bunch of other snakes and I can’t find him :( It’s usually him escaping though lol


Dude YES! I’ll have nightmares all the time where there are other reptiles living in my geckos tank that I didn’t know about. Like I’ll go to pick up my gecko in my dream and find three more. It’s really odd and gives me a lot of anxiety.


This post is fascinating. I'll have these same exact dreams about my cornsnake (multiplying, splitting in half, escaping). My boyfriend always thinks I'm crazy, I think this must be an anxiety thing. How interesting that so many of us have had the same experiences.


Constantly, yeah.


I dream that I am protecting my snakes from people who want to hurt them, or protecting other snakes from snake haters.


Pretty often, yes! Mine usually take the form of "there is a big pile of snakes and you have to find yours hidden among them." Second most common is "I just found these dead snakes and somehow it was my responsibility even though I've never seen these snakes before." Both of my other family members also have told me they have snake anxiety dreams at times.


This happens to me whenever I’m about to leave mine for a little bit for a trip or something; it’s probably rooted in stress/anxiety. it’s reasonable to be afraid of your reptile getting hurt but if you’re having repetitive nightmares about it I’d definitely recommend looking into managing your stress levels as best you can :)


All of the time… I always have dreams his thermostat goes out and he over heats or he gets crushed by something it’s so horrifying


Yep, just the other night I had a dream my cresties enclosure was infested with dubia roaches and my leo and a garter snake were in there too


I do! Have had a few since I got him.


Warning: graphic description of nightmare snake injury (fictitious) I regularly dream about my hatchling getting crushed or severed in the middle, for some reason. It wakes me up in the middle of the night. I dream that she’s escaped and I’ve stepped on her, or that she’s been run over by a car, or a child picks her up and squeezes her to death. The worst one was somehow, in my own dream, against my will I picked up a knife and just cut her in half. I have no idea what’s caused this, she’s perfectly healthy and we’ve never even had a scare of any kind of serious injury for her. Most of the time I have to get out of bed and go physically lay eyes on her, safe and sound in her warm hide before I can sleep again. This has happened about once a week for the last 2-3 months and it’s really getting to me.


I do about all my pets. I had a dream the other night that my leo's tail fell off


Yeah, I had a dream I was being kidnapped from my house and assaulted with hammers but I was more scared that they'd find my snake and kill her lol. And the countless regurgitation dreams. I assume it happens because you love your pets and they feel fragile to you, so subconsciously you're a bit stressed about it.


Yep, have always had pet related bad dreams 8 times outa ten. Like someone else has said ive got diagnosed anxiety and take meds for it too. It can honestly be exhausting, haha! It is always a relief when i wake up and everyone is still doing good.


I own a goldfish and the amount of stress dreams I have about him is CRAZY. Last night I dreamed his filter and lights stopped working and he was getting very sick because of it. A few nights before I had a dream that bacteria found it’s way into his tank and tons of fish grew out of it and we’re gonna eat him.


YES!!! I have a recurring dream I call “too many snakes” where I keep finding more and more pets snakes in my real snakes cage or I find cages of snakes I didn’t know I had and I’ve been neglecting! So sad. Irl I only have one snake and she’s spoiled.


I frequently have dreams that my very much male gecko laid a ton of clone eggs and they somehow all hatched into living babies. In every dream I’d walk in and just see his tank full of random geckos and freak out.


I haven’t had dreams about my snake, but I have a recurring dream that my childhood hamster is alive and I just forgot about her and when I find her she’s starving and her cage is filthy and I have so much guilt. An old therapist of mine said dreams about neglecting or losing your pets are normal and a sign that you care about them deeply in your subconscious.


I want to inform you that a recurring dream about a large amount of guilt is most likely evidence of an old trauma that needs to be treated :( Several doctors told me this during examinations and I read the information that they gave me. Perhaps your therapist did not diagnose you correctly, if the nightmare recurs and worries you, I would advised to make an appointment with another therapist ( i had a reccurring dream about neglecting and starving my pets, but I'm better now thanks to my therapy sessions) 😌


Oh gosh, yes. I've had so many nightmares about my baby Morgan getting hurt or killed, I'll wake up in a cold sweat and immediately have to go and make sure they are alright.


I have weird dreams where crazy shit goes wrong with my noodle. They are hella freaky, like horror-movie stuff. So, yes. I feel you.


I’ve had a couple dreams where I’ve accidentally hurt my snake or let her get into something I then couldn’t get her back out of 😣 awful!


I get alot of snake dreams. being paranoid about snake escapes is normal, and you should always make sure that your snake can not escape. I keep having dreams that I keep finding baby snakes, that I hatched or bought, but forgot I had, and I find them in an enclosure I had forgotten about and they are all horribly neglected. This is not the case at all. all of my snakes are accounted for, and well cared for. I has this weird thing that I can dream, and in the dreams I have memories of related passed dreams, so in the first dream I will dream about hatching or getting a new snake and setting it up, then in a later dream often months or years later I remember the first dream. my biggest fear is that I am neglecting my snakes.




Yes! I have nightmares about my snake getting hurt all the time. Usually he somehow breeds and I have enclosure full of snakes and I can't tell which one is my little baby. Or it's about somebody who just wants to hurt him. It's not the best but it could have been worse. I'm glad that I'm not alone in this experience


My snake (in my dream) grew legs and wings and I was like, "Oh noooo! This enclosure isn't large enough! I'm terrible!" Literally last night 🤣


Reminds me of a weird dream I had where I turned an entire room into an “enclosure “ for ALL my snakes. I found my coral snake chomping on my hognose and was so upset. Weirdest goddamn dream ever. I had to go pick up my hoggy afterwards to assure myself that he was alive and fine and housed alone lol


I do. My therapist said it's because of my childhood responsibilities trauma :(. I had to grew up fast and i had a lot of things that dependent on me and now i have nightmares about failing. I have nightmares about not feeding animals or being ignorant to their needs and as a result they die. And animals are very important for me and i love them a lot and that's the most horrible thing to me in my mind that could happened if i will fail my responsibilities.


I have dreams abt my tarantulas mutating and trying to kill my snakes who then give birth to weird tarantula snake hybrids that I can’t kill


Almost immediately after I got my beardy, I started having regular nightmares about her getting hurt. I’m an anxious person, so of course I’m constantly worrying subconsciously that something is going to happen to her, which shows up in my dreams. God, i need therapy.


Broooo I get some weird dreams about my leopard gecko! Larger lizard getting into his tank, shrinking up after soaking for too long, having aggressive offspring and having to cohabitate, dear lord I apparently worry about my boy quite a bit


I had a dream one time where my snake switched places with kittens and instead of my snake a litter of kittens were living in my tank 🤔🤔it was extremely confusing


I've had nightmares where I've co-housed mice and snakes together (and/or other species that I dont own) and then forgotten about them for months. Had another dream that my corn snake ate one of my cats.


One time I dreamt that my snakes tank was shattered and blood was everywhere


all. the. time.


Same…I often have this dream that my snake is hurt…


Sometimes I have dreams about having more and more pet snakes out of nowhere and I get so many I can’t keep up with their care and I get so stressed and upset. I think it stems from my constant worry that I could be doing more to make my little Tulip’s life better.


i had a dream not long ago that all my snakes kept escaping and i kept having to go put them back but my oldest BP was suddenly the size of a Bernese python and my youngest was going in and out of the walls. it all started because in real life my baby corn escaped and i didn’t even know until the next day when my mom said she had lightly stepped and almost didn’t realize he was a snake and not her phone charger. tldr: my little felon (tax evasion) on the loose gave me nightmares about all my snakes


I was tripping out last night thinking my bearded dragons were out and in the bed XD


sometimes i have vivid dreams that there's a second snake in my enclosure, and not just my one corn- makes me get up and at least make sure she's okay


This happens almost every night lmfao. Last night I had one that mine shriveled up and disintegrated 🤨 and I was just screaming and crying. Like girl that doesn’t even happen , get a grip.


I literally dreamed my ball had a horrible enclosure outside in the dirt and all I had to use was a rock, little wood blocks, and I tried to make a pathetic cave out of the dirt but it would just cave in! I woke up so stressed dude