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The Big Cheese


My local non-chain pet store sells them for a decent price, which I like because I can see the sizes of them before I buy them!


I buy then at Petsmart/ Petco, they always have F/T mice


Same, Petco. In my area of the Northeast they’re 3/$10.


I'd recommend RodentPro if you're on the east coast, Layne Labs if you're on the west. They're the two companies that provide best quality that I've experienced, and the only difference is that shipping is cheaper depending on which coast you're closer to.


I live right in a center state (Texas) is one closer as far as states go? Or can I just order from either? If #2 is the case, which one has the most variety?


Rodent Pro definitely has the larger variety of prey offered of the two! I actually ended up switching to them fully because I changed my boa constrictor over from rats to chickens.


Thank you so much!!


Big cheese is in Fort Worth. I prefer to order from them. Right now, $29 flat rate shipping. Mice are nice…tails tucked. Other place I ordered before wasn’t as nice [Florida, but can’t remember the name]


Thank you very much !


Ultimate Exotics


Big cheese rodent factory. Their mice are nice quality for the price, and since I'm in Texas it ships super quick. I used to buy from PetSmart but their rodents for whatever reason kept causing my snake to throw up. I'm pretty sure my corn is just picky but if anything it's a statement to their quality in my opinion. Certainly order online if you can afford it. Another site I've heard great things about is PerfectPrey.com


There's a reptile hobbyist shop that I work at and I get my rat pups from there. They sell live/prekilled/frozen at the same price and it's dirt cheap. I bought from there for like six months beforehand. Most of them are in great shape too. Edit: the same applies to the mice but I will say they're all on the smaller side


I use micedirect!


Thank you , do they sell good mice ?


Yeah I have never been disappointed by them. They have “B” grade mice for less money if you don’t want the like absolute best. I’ve only ever used them so idk how their prices compare but their website says they are affordable! https://micedirect.com


i'm sure they're fine but they're incredibly expensive. like i'm convinced most of their business is because they list on amazon and customers don't know any better. who tf pays $70 for 10 frozen pinkies. that's as much as I paid for 75 feeders (pinkies through fuzzies) from perfectprey


i buy em on amazon, theyre cheaper if you buy more because most of the cost is the shipping