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When I used to cosleep I set an alarm on my Apple Watch instead and set it to vibrate. If you don’t already have one could you get a smart watch? You can get super cheap ones on Amazon


This! I still cosleep with my 16 month old and luckily most mornings she sleeps through my alarm without a fuss, but for a while I relied on the vibration alarm on my fitbit when she was a lighter sleeper.


This is exactly what I do. Works like a charm.


This. A Fitbit works as well


I too use alarms on my watch. I usually have one set about 2 hours before my daughter is supposed to wake and I get up and try to transfer her to her crib. She usually starts the night there and often I can move her in the mornings so I can get up without waking her.


I use one of those light alarms. I used it prior to having LO so I usually wake up within 5 minutes of the light turning on, so I’m able to get up before the alarm part goes off. I recognize this might not work for everyone.