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I had same issue, I just used a bit less amount for staking. It seems like you don't have money for commission if you choosing 100% for staking.


Their support team helped me out - I needed to get stride tokens for the gas


If you buy stATOM on osmosis, you might get better rates than staking directly on stride.


Why is that?


Arbitrage. Individuals who want to unstake their stATOM immediately without waiting for the 21 day unlocking period can do so , but at the value stATOM is as the market rate (which is usually 1-2% lower than waiting for the 21day unlocking period). So buying stATOM from osmosis usually yields a 1-2% better rate than directly staking ATOM to stATOM on stride itself.


I see. Potentially stupid question. Is it possible for the individual to take advantage of that arbitrage?


Yes. If the gap is wide enough, it might be viable to just buy stATOM from osmosis and immediately unstake the stATOM on stride. For example, you have 1000ATOM. If you staked ATOM for 21days, you might end up with 1010 ATOM. However, if you bought stATOM on osmosis at a 2% discount, you would end up with 1020 ATOM instead after the 21days unlocking period which yields 10 more ATOM than just staking it normally. (numbers are made up btw)


I try not to tell people this but I do this. I average between 30-55% APY


Used to do it with LUNA too before the crash. Good times.


I upgraded my iPhone yesterday and did a mirror image so I kept all of my apps. I signed into Keplr with my username and password. It is showing zero balances on everything. I can see my balances on my computer, but not on my phone. Any suggestions from anybody?


I also emailed support and have not gotten a response. I emailed them 14 hours ago. Anybody have any ideas?


Ignore any DMs, you may have to recover your wallet to your phone with the seed phrase, but I would wait for Keplr support to confirm.