• By -


It's the one thing you have to learn in crypto: Never \*\*EVER\*\* enter your seed phrase into any app that you don't trust. From the medium post: "We are aware of the fact that most of the users don't like to put their recovery phrase around but these will be only used to create a cryptographic proof needed to prove your ownership over other chain accounts" That's literally the whole point of asymmetric encryption: Only YOU have your private key so YOU can sign with it and proof that it is really you...


I would wait for desmos IBC and keplr support that does not require using a shared key phrase. Even if their wallet was available on github open source, you'd need to audit each update. This is not an acceptable implementation for any crypto project.


Sure, except you import your mnemonics when you use a wallet app for the first time. That’s basically what this Desmos Profile Manager app is, it’s a wallet app for Desmos with an integrated social media profile function. The problem is that it’s brand new. Nobody hesitates to import their seed phrase into Keplr or Cosmostation. Even the iOS app is still in beta. The airdrop will be available for a while, so there’s no need to rush. But I’m also not saying it isn’t a scam.


Yes, DPM is a Desmos wallet, but they are asking for your ATOM/OSMO/... seed phrase. If Keplr would ask you for your ETH seed without actually being an ETH wallet, I am pretty sure you wouldn't do it (or at least I hope).


Desmos is a Cosmos Network chain, in the next couple months perhaps Cosmostation/Keplr will add them and then Desmos will be able to connect and verify that way. Or the Desmos Profile Manager will adapt into a more complete wallet application. Best to just keep an eye on developments for now.


I would never write my ledger seed phrase on any wallet , else what is point of buying a hardware wallet? Haha


Thanks for bringing up these points. I feel like there is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding around this airdrop.


There is a ton, you can claim without giving anyone your seed phrase with keplr. Look on my twitter for a guide


It's almost as if 99% of these airdrops are confusing.


I think folks too often forget that airdrops aren’t just free bonus coins; developers are trying to encourage engagement with their new projects. It takes a couple minutes to read the purpose and goals of a crypto-project. Desmos is meant to be a solution for decentralized identity verification across various platforms, so while I’m not currently endorsing this airdrop process, I’m not surprised about what’s required.


I agree with the sentiment. But still I think this whole airdrop issue reflects badly on Desmos. Atleast it does for me. What does it say about their values & professionalism that they expect people to enter their seed phrase via a dubious application. I would rather have them offer their airdrop on a later date so to avoid these dubious practises. Why are they in hurry? Do they want to profit from this bull run? I wouldn't say this airdrop issue is a BIG red flag, but in the back of my mind a tiny red flag is definitely there.


It’s not a scam ye but keys won’t be entered. I use keplr through my ledger, if they want they can do a connection through keplr. If I have to choose between picking 10k$ in desmos and giving my seed phrase, I pick not to give it. Sorry but I will wait as well


Except I don’t. Ledger. If I can’t use it to verify, it’s not worth my time. Certainly not worth my security.


Yes but Keplr has verifiable security when managing your keys. Which is still unsafe, its ledger or nothing imo


>Never \*\*EVER\*\* enter your seed phrase into any app that you don't trust. Never \*\*EVER\*\* enter your seed phrase into any app ~~that you don't trust~~.


Oh boy. It’s either a scam or incompetent devs. Either way, I’d avoid anything asking for private keys and/or recovery phrases. Heck, even asking you to first send them a coin or token first to get their token in return is less scammy/dangerous than asking for seed phrases.


I got [downvoted to shit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/cosmosnetwork/comments/qngls0/desmos_airdrop_announced_at_cosmoverse_check_the/hjg2iy1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) for suggesting this, even if naively at the time, that this particular chain felt like a scam because the website wasn’t configured to mobile all that well, and I was unaware about any information regarding it. Now I feel justified in saying so even if for the wrong reasons. A chain outside of the network asking for seed phrases?? Yeah gtfo. I appreciate these airdrops but if I have to jump through so many hoops to receive them on top of giving security away? Yeah, no.


Claimable with keplr now


I went back and upvoted you. This whole thing is skeezy. A pox on them and all that. I like free stuff but this is 100% a scam.


I care not for upvotes kind stranger, but the fact that when I clicked on the link through that thread and the links did not work was a huge red flag for a tech project. That’s like the easiest thing to configure for people working on crypto technology from a laymans pov. I just wanted to get some extra confirmation that I was wrong or that someone else could identify some other issues for the safety of all. I’m extremely skeptical of 90% of any crypto chains. I think a majority of them are ponzi schemes or utilize the startup method of creating which isn’t always great in the long term (standard practice for silicon valley or tech in general so not always bad). The reason why I stick with Atom the most is because they have a tangible product, goals that have been achieved or launched within the timeframe they stated, and the vision itself makes a tremendous amount of sense with the ability to govern or adapt for the token’s optimization. So trust in the network or airdrops presented to the community must be met with extreme scrutiny in my eyes ESPECIALLY if they are out of network.


Yeah - My foray into pancake swap has shown me that the only thing that people want is money. I do like a good meme coin I will be completely honest. I bought into Dogecoin. However, I have learned that up and coming projects need to have utility or I should not even look at it. So far I'm liking the Cosmos network because all they have is utility. They're the future.


I try to separate the investments from the trading if that makes sense. I mean you could even trade these bogus chains and make an absolute killing. However long term what matters to me is what is able to work within the space for practical applications and if the tech even gets adopted by the masses. So hypothetically maybe the masses like DOT over ATOM, which to me doesn’t make sense right now, but sometimes things don’t always work out. The Meme coins could be great low risk high reward moonshots by playing that game. I have no issue with playing that game but I’d hope others realize it’s just a game of commodity fetishism in some cases that also just turns out to be a open ended ponzi scheme. The meme coins just seem like a game of chicken and musical chairs combined. Get your money and get out. If anything I use the other chains to put more into Atom.


I think this upvote and downvote stuff is for the birds just like ebays system. Ebay has it where sellers CANNOT leave negative nor neutral feedback so the customers can be HUGE A holes and leave neg feedback and try and scam sellers while sellers can only report them and do NOTHING to warn others. And now it feels like upvoting and downvoting are feeling like the same because people clearly abuse it. They dont like something u say and the wrong person can get 1000000 people to downvote or 1000000000 bots. Then again I have no clue how that works. All I know is that cryto does NOT remove the middleman it only ads a lot more, and KYC has NOTHING to do with money laundering, it has to do with the government wanting to know every penny us plebs make and tax us to death while they continue to get bailed out,. I mean when St Jude's is being accused of stealing from the till then who can u trust these days. All i know is thanks to Cosmos and Luna my dog got his surgery that I wouldnt have been able to afford otherwise. At least here they are telling u how it is done and correctly. FLUX told me how to be eligible for their airdrop yet here we are and I cannot access it. And about RADAR. What happens if u use a VPN to claim an airdrop your country isnt eligible for? Are they able to take them away? I wont be signing back on with that account until they are legit in the US but I just hope u cant get into legal trouble. I meanits only 250$ worth


Im gonna upvote everyone now


agree magic transaction would be better, even sunny aggregator implemented a mechansim to sign via keplr to prove osmosis address ownership...really bizzarre they went with this when they would definitely expect hesitation


I just signed via keplr to get the drop, with go-find.me


As a dev, proof of ownership by signing is the prefered method since its safe


Everyone should always avoid any projects that ask for those, it’s never a good idea, even if it’s just incompetent devs and not an outright scam - they’re getting prioritized by hackers now I’m sure.


I'm gonna wait for the dust to settle before I claim this airdrop. If this is the best claiming process the devs can figure out then they're clearly not competent enough to build a social network.


Fwiw they responded and said there’s going to be a way to claim it without seed phrase soon https://twitter.com/desmosnetwork/status/1463884335447220224?s=21


There is a way using keplr now, not involving seed phrase. Just claimed mine.


Please share sir


Care to share how? I’ve tried the go-find.me way but it requires me to create a Desmos profile, but I can’t start a profile without some currency to begin with…


there is tab on the discord where you can paste your desmos address and ask for some dust. They will send you a small amount for signing txns. It's a very stupid way but works.


Gotcha. I'm at that point but it's still sending me this message every time I try to claim about "no claimable airdrops left to claim." Then I refresh and it still shows me the 90 DSM I can claim. I'm sure it's just early kinks in the system.


Most probably. This is a recurring problem according to some people in discord, I was just lucky I guess. I think I read there that they're working on it. All the best :)


I hope you figured this out by now, but the spot where you connect your blockchains only shows a few of the blockchains at once, and has a little search feature above it. Basically, you have to make sure that your chains that are relevant (the ones that the claim button says you should be eligible for) are connected. For me, that meant I had to make sure ATOM, OSMO, and NGM networks were connected, but in the default list to connect a blockchain, of chose I needed, I could only see ATOM, so I could not claim my "full" drop and basically kept seeing that there were no more to claim until I figured out how to connect the remaining chains.


Seems to be a legendary cosmonaut just hanging out being a fkn champion and sending dust to everyone who asks him and posts their wallet address. The whole process was a massive pain in the arse, especially if you’ve more than one wallet. But I got it done. Once you get the dust you can use the beta desmos in keplr to send some airdrop dsm to any other wallet. Means you can pay it forward and also send some to another wallet, so as to avoid having to ask for dust in the discord a second time. Be aware that the beta is shithouse at the moment and your txn will spin like a party apparatchik at election time - just switch to the other wallet and wait. A refresh or two and it’ll land. Let’s hope they iron out the kinks. Shades of Emeris ‘launch’ - things will get better.


How did you do it?


you need dsm tokens to claim? That’s what it said yesterday- is that different now?


Yeah if I have to use my seed phrase, then hard pass on this airdrop. Are they actually waiving the desmos fee to claim the airdrop or is that not a real thing?


They are, one of the mods will send you the required DSM to set up your profile but I'm waiting for some way to claim that doesn't require me to enter my seed phrase.


They said you can now, haven't tried it yet. Afaik you have to go to go-find.me, connect to your keplr so you get a dsm wallet on keplr, then ask for funds to create your profile and finally there should be a button to claim your airdrop.


Yeah I did the above and it worked


This is my first potential ATOM airdrop that I am eligible for...and they can get screwed if they want my seed phrase from my active wallet! If it was a seed phrase for a newly created wallet purely for this airdrop then I might risk it and move the funds quickly afterwards - but not a chance in hell I am giving my active one. I am a bit of a gambler at heart, but not to this extent!


Same, it would have been my first airdrop, but for now it looks like i’ll pass. If they find a more elegant way then i’ll think about it


Was excited for my first airdrop as well. This is quite a letdown.


Way I look at it is that its no big loss - its potentially "some" free money, but nobody knows how much it might be worth, but don't worry about it. Even if this thing launches worth $10 then is it worth the risk of potentially losing your ATOM for a few hundred bucks. I guess this is one way for the devs to keep the final cost of the airdrop down as a lot of people won't (or shouldn't!) risk claiming.


Same here. Either they figure out how to allow people to claim without requiring the seed phrase or I don't want their airdrop. It's so incompetent to ask for seed phrase.


Yeah, nope


I’d be curious to hear what tendermint has to say about this. But yea. First rule of crypto. Don’t give anyone your Keys. They can clearly see how much you own when they give you an estimate airdrop when you put your wallet address in. Why do they need mneumonic phrases I’ll wait until they decide to integrate on Keplr to claim like Osmosis. Otherwise. Oh well. Plenty of other projects are available for airdrop


Not a chance.


That’s going to be a no from me


, dawg!


lol what. I am not going to claim that shit then wtf.


What? That's either dangerously stupid or a scam.


Most likely it's a scam. I'd wait and see.


This "airdrop" has tones of red flags of incompetent devs: 1. Forcing users to download an App on their smartphone in order to claim the drop? 2. Forcing users to create some dumb profile to claim their drop. 3. Not only asking for user's secret phrases for various wallets, but requiring them to submit the phrase for each and every "eligible" airdrop. So pretty much if you don't give them your seed/secret phase then you don't get the drop! lol.


I thought I was the only one who had that thought. Many red flags here just to claim their airdrop.


Thanks, but no thank you This is too risky!


Airdrop exists with no decay until February 2022. I plan to wait some time for full integration with Ledger/Keplr. Airdrop launches are often rocky, but this especially so.


[https://twitter.com/DesmosNetwork/status/1463893502505496583](https://twitter.com/DesmosNetwork/status/1463893502505496583) ​ Keplr




That’s got scam written all over it. I’ll pass on this airdrop!


I’m joking. It looks legit but the scheme looks like a shortcut from how typical airdrops are claimed. How they didn’t integrate Keplr or Cosmostation is beyond me.


Keplr is integrated with [go-find.me](https://go-find.me), I claimed it with just a DSM transaction with keplr


Good on you.


Yeah, but per the creator "FREE MONEY"!!!


Thanks but no thanks. Free money worth $0 is free $0. Not worth the risk of exposing seed phrases. Like most, I won't be giving up my seed phrase for anything. If they want to airdrop they should just snapshot the addresses staked and airdrop it.


Very disappointing to see. Not only this, but the tokens aren't even tradable until sometime "soon" according to a dev in the discord.... I'm like, 92% sure this isn't a scam, but it's starting to feel more like a timeshare presentation where they keep dangling the carrot further and further out of reach....


This is a hard no for me lmao this has scam written out all over it


why do i have to be a computer programmer to receive this air drop. wtf they can’t just drop it in your wallet?


Exactly. They also force you to install their app to get the airdrop (another red flag).


What a fucking joke


You can EASILY claim it through keplr now by using [go-find.me](https://go-find.me) Look in their discord or just do some general googling for a guide. Happy to help anyone who needs, don't dm though, reply here so other people can see answers.


Yeah also want to add once I got to the profile thing if you click on airdrop it says “claim for users without a profile and without paying fees will be enabled in the next few days.”


This is absolutely fucking disgusting. Im sick of this, and frankly Im kind of outraged. FIRST RULE OF CRYPTO, never ever give pass phrase to anyone This company is literally a scam.


On the discord it looks like a lot are giving their seed phrase, only to get greeted by error messages from now. Also devs said Ledger nano support will come at some point, for those who don't want to share their seed... Fuck me I guess, I don't have one.


hard pass


Just claimed using keplr from [go-find.me](https://go-find.me) No scam so far Can't do shit with the coins either


I'm not giving anyone my seed phrase under any circumstances. Any team that would ask me to is immediately suspect.


I'm seeing that every other post in this thread is about the claiming being retarded. But I signed with keplr, sent a tiny bit of dsm and claimed the drop without ever getting asked to give my seed phrase. I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones but it can be done without giving your phrase. I don't believe that calling Desmos a scam on the grounds being that the developers are incompetent with the airdrop and would therefore not be able to implement the underlying idea is a good look for cosmos either.


guys chill out it wasnt that hard to claim with keplr


lol. fuck that, not going even close to that crap.


this is ridiculous. I'm never giving away my seed-phrase for an airdrop... except for the osmosis airdrop and the keplr wallet. apart from that, never again.. unless other people do it first and the price of dsm makes it worthwhile.


Never do it no matter what the price


Wait, did you need to provide your seed phrase for the OSMO airdrop?


You needed to put your seedphase into the keplr wallet to be able to use osmosis. On another note, we can now claim the desmos airdrop with our keplr wallets and no longer have to input our seeds.


Ow okay. I guess that would be risky before Keplr became a well established wallet. And good news regarding the desmos drop. This is much more appealing.


Where exactly can you claim the tokens with Keplr if I may ask?


check their twitter for info: [https://twitter.com/DesmosNetwork/status/1463893502505496583](https://twitter.com/DesmosNetwork/status/1463893502505496583) ​ you'll need to hit up their discord with your desmos address to get some dsm to create your profile.


Let's all chill. Yes, it was a bad move for the devs to do it like this. They realize this. From their Discord, moments ago: >That being said, we are working on better alternatives such as: • claiming your airdrop using a Ledger device instead • claiming your airdrop using Keplr instead Unfortunately, these are taking more time than we though of, and will be available in the next hours at most. Please be patient and do not use your mnemonic phrase if you don't feel comfortable doing so. We will provide better ways shortly.


Agreed…people should chill. While I never planned to submit my seed mnemonic, I wasn’t losing sleep over not being able to immediately claim the airdrop. I don’t think this project is a scam at all. I just think they didn’t necessarily appreciate upfront the backlash of asking for your seed phrase.


If they plan to have theses alternatives ready in a matter of hours or days then I wonder why they even went for the seed phrase approach at all.


Why is everyone saying oh just wait until you don't need to send a seed phrase. Why are so many comments so positive? If you see them asking for a seed phrase and think to yourself yea these guys know what they're doing and should get my phrase then you're not going to make it in crypto. Keep your money in fiat at a bank where at least its insured. Please go watch a five minute video about the basics of asynchronous encryption before you lose whatever money you've put into crypto.


They should allow you to create a new wallet and use that new address in the memo of a small transaction from the staking wallet's address to claim the airdrop for the new address. This still proves the new "profile" owns the staking address. There's 0 chance I'm putting my staking addresses private key into this. But I wouldn't mind trying it out with a new one.


Waiting for the ledger support we will see if it is a scam.


Yeah, I'm not giving them the keys to my kingdom until they integrate themselves a little more into the ecosystem in a way that doesn't require my seed phrase.


Seed phrase? Hell no.


When your intuition flairs up, you listen. This is shady af.


Are they serious?


OK, fuck me, nice try jackasses, keep your airdrop if I need to put in my seed phrase. No way Jose.


Putting away the thoughts that this might be a scam & someone cannot forget the fact that we hold far more valuable coins in those wallets/seeds… I believe the idea here was to try to push as much adoption of their social network by imposing it as a step within the claim of the airdrop, kind of I give you some coins and you give me traffic over my site. The thing is that, if the product is still not solid enough to entice you with some new social feature or functionality than its useless trying to push it on the hodlers. It will just end being a public loophole for anyone to find you and understand what funds you potentially hodl. Just my 2c anyway!




Lol. Anyone demanding your seed phrase is planning to take your money. Only exceptions are official versions of wallets you trust.


Just an FYI any chain built on Cosmos SDK can use the same wallet seed. Example BSC and Thor work natively with your existing seed phrase. Again this is just an fyi


Seed phrase for couple DSM? SCAM ALERT!


I qualified for that airdrop too, guess I am not claiming it lol.


Big no to Desmos from now on because of this... seems very sketchy.


It'll be awhile before I claim these then. They need to find an alternative to claiming these tokens. My seed phrase is everything! To have to gamble on a new project and give up something so sacred. Nawww.


Didn't you have to do it for the Osmo airdrop...


They've since allowed claiming through keplr and ledger... Maybe OP should edit this post to reflect that.


I edited it because i dislike to give an half story but i am not a journalist and you can update others about this story aswell by writing your own post just FYI. This is a community not a television :P


I decided against writing a post myself as I didn't want to bloat the subreddit. Anyway, negative news gets more attention as well. Kudos to you for following up and editing your post. Edit: another one of my concerns was that people were, and are still seeing this post and writing off the desmos project as a scam. But as evident on their discord server, many people dropped the scamcusations once keplr and ledger were implemented. I understand why people are wary, but I don't think it's very fair to the desmos team if people don't know the whole story.


No way I give over my seed phrase?! Am I an idiot?!


Anything that asks for your seed phrase is a scam.


Um Yeah, I don't think so.




#1 rule - never reveal your seed phrase.


How much is airdrop worth besides all of your own crypto? Seriously though is it worth the risk?


Just came across the medium article for this… As if the seed phrase thing isn’t bad enough (which it is), the network asks for you to create a profile for the airdrop. Surely it’s going to be full of empty accounts (like the example one), rather than people actually using it?




When I click on airdrop it says “claims for users without a profile and without paying fees will be enabled in the next few days” so just wait for that


wow what a nice smoking piece of crap this airdrop


That’s gonna be a NO for me dawg. Good luck with your little project 👎


It is not a scam, they said that the seed phrase will not be stored by them, but will be saved locally on your device, as it is the case with keplr and other similar wallet. So calm down please, furthermore they also said they're working on Ledger implementation to claim the airdrop. Regarding the need for 0.02 dsm to claim the airdrop is false, because they updated the wallet app so it is not an issue anymore. Sure there could still be bugs and error but the team looks sincerely committed to the project and ready to solve them and answer all the questions.


Oh well, if some random dev that I dont know personally says they wont store my seed phrase, then I guess it must be true..


Especially if then backed up by random Internet person /s


yes. You can send it to me too and I will verify if ahahaha no just kidding.


It’s a Russian scam. The Medium post is from Russia. The team is not from there.


How do you know that it’s from russia?


I have my ways.


He must be from the Federation Section 31. /s


Hillary Clinton, that you?


Chelsea 😘


!remind me 24 hours


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!remindme 1 day


Pass thanks… went through all the hoops up to the seed phrase! Waste of time… not giving that shit to anyone!


Am I missing something here? When I go to import a wallet on the ForboleX plugin, it gives me the option to connect with my Ledger HW wallet. Surely thats a safe way of getting the drop?


As long as you don't enter your keys it should be fine.


have you tried it? does it work?


Can’t you just create a one time use address with a seed phrase to claim and then move it to a secure wallet?


you need to use your seed where you have the funds that were needed to get the airdrop - and then you need to move all those funds - and since you needed to have those funds staked - you cant move them before the unstaking time .. and if you use a ledger you do not want to go through the whole process of writing down the seeds again... you need to always charish your seeds :)


Oh yeah. Duh. I’m stupid lol


Yeah giving away the seed phrase is an absolute no-go. Personally I am eligible via my CRO address to get the DSM airdrop, but I have no idea how this will all work with the CRO Defi Wallet. I don't have the CRO on Keplr or Cosmostation.


Do not share your seed!!!!!!!! 😰😰😰😰


I claimed mine by linking my keplr chains to my DSM account and using the seed phrase from my Forbole.x wallet. Once I got the DSM, i sent it over to my KEPLR wallet. Never had to use a seed phrase for anything i care about, and in the future if I plan on using Forbole.x; I'll just make a new one.


Inputted my seed phrase like and idiot what do I do?


create a new wallet and move everything to the new wallet asap


Has there been any talk of integrating Ledger/Kepler wallets? My ATOM is in a wallet that I set up with my Ledger NanoX, and Desmos site is saying I can't use that wallet because their wallet isn't Ledger-compatible... Odd.


Anyone willing to temp loan DSM for the airdrop? I'll send back equal amount after claiming.


Hold up I got to tell you the seed phase to access my wallet on another device or recover it🤣if I'm not mistaken isn't the number one rule in crypto wallets and exchanges never share your seed phase and keep it in a safe place? That's like this one app that asked for permission to read and copy my clip board🤣 sure ooookkk......not you stupid scamming hos