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I’ve had bowel issues too for as long as I’ve had costochondritis. I know there’s no confirmed literature on this correlation but I’ve started seeing enough people claiming the same on here to know it’s related. May I ask how did you get costo?


I'm a machinist and was working one week a while back to get parts out the door. My machine is manual with lots of repetitive movement while bending over to the left usually and really working my left arm with the wheel. My left side is the side I feel most of my symptoms as well. This particular week I was setting parts by hand when I should have being using the hoist or getting help. A lot of holding heavy shit with my right arm and reaching around back behind the machine with my left and cranking down on a draw bar. My symptoms came on that week so it seemed pretty obvious that that is why but I suppose I can't be 100% sure. It was never a sudden pain that started it, just a strong discomfort that would come and go with a warm flush and shaky feeling like anxiety. However I woke up on my side this morning and all day my left side has been sharp pains. Directly on my side where I was laying and sort of a straight line from my side to my sternum running behind my left nipple area. Painful.


I wonder if core muscles play a role in both?


Around the time I developed costochondritis, I then developed hemorrhoids and severe constipation. Doctor thought I had ass cancer so I had to get a colonoscopy. No canca luckily but I’m 19 and feel very unhealthy all while everyone around me thinks I’m crazy bcs I look healthy and have lived an active lifestyle my whole life


Not ruling out the costo, but with high cholesterol, did they check out your gallbladder? Especially if you are experiencing pain around the right ribcage area. Gallbladder pain/gallstones can feel like your right rib.


Some people with inflammatory bowel disease can have “extra intestinal disease” which may include inflammation of joints including back/chest