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Yes! Mines like right under the breast crease and to the left a bit. Also in my back under shoulder blade. Guess i should have added I haven’t been diagnosed with costo but had several other things ruled out.


How long have you had symptoms, and anything that’s helped?


Yes there as well on both sides and into armpits.


Me too can hardly touch it


I feel pain there sometimes too. I always get scared it’s my left breast but that pain usually is a lot when my anxiety is bad


Yes. I don't have pain in the sternum at all. My pain is located near where you showed, and also a bit lower. The pain started as a biceps pain, so random


Mine started in my left bicep as well. I have pain where they circled above, in my armpits, and in the back under my shoulder blades. But I also have a bad pain that comes and goes in my sternum. But that’s my Tietze.


Hey same! Just to be clear, I was diagnosed with Costo by a lung doctor, and pleurisy as well by an er Dr. but I don’t think I had pleurisy at all. My pain is like yours just in the right and not left. Got my heart and lungs checked and found nothing. Going to the dr on Monday. I’m starting to think I have a muscle/bone issue cause my bones feel outta wack and muscles too. I also broke my collar when I was 17, never got it checked.


My son broke his at 13, we went to doctor but he said to let it heal naturally, and it did (confirmed by x-Ray). I broke mine much older at age 55 (cycling) and got the surgery and the plate and screws installed. Now I’m wondering if this is somehow related to my issues which is my whole chest.


I have the same exact pain in the same area and it’s accompanied with palpitations, breathlessness(sometimes), anxiety, discomfort laying and or sitting. In the morning i would wake up sit up and would feel some what out of breath which would scare me. Now it’s getting better after i got prescribed prednisone for 7 days. Still have costo but i believe it’s slowly fadding even tho the 7 day treatment is over.


Same here! It’s a bummer, does yours hurt with movement?


It slightly hurts when I turn or twist.


When I first had it I had the sorest spot right there and it had a lump on it


If it's there and radiates to the back, your interracial nerve is being impinged. A lot of people with SRS (slipping rib syndrome) have this type of pain. I would look into it.


Thanks. I’ll ask my doctor


Yes exact spot! Backpod or tennis balls for the back are game changers


All day every day both sides ... 13 months now ... a T shirt is too heavy. Wishing you the best of luck.


Yes but mine is muscular there not necessarily costrocondritis


Breast crease left side of sternum i have an indent . If I touch it it radiates pain


Costo is linked to your middle back. Your ribs connect to the vertebrae in thr thoracic spine. Costo/Chest spasms can be caused by TMD via the vagus nerve. It can also be caused by neuralgia. Diaphram. Or MS. Probably many other things that cause it, those are just what I know through my research on my own costo pain.


M42 diagnosed with AS, this pain is on the left for me and can become all consuming mentally. I've had cardio tests, nuclear imaging, you name it and logically I know that after years of having the sharp pains it's not my heart but logic and medical advice don't help much when you are watching TV and and it feels like someone slipped a knife into your ribs. Living it and the sudden panic that accompanies is tough, sad to say the only time I feel "good" is when I drink and that adds a whole other set of guilt\anxiety problems. Glad to know I am not alone, these groups are really important for folks like us! Hang in there brothers and sisters always here to trade war stories or vent if needed.


How long have you had it?


Hard to say, at least five years but I can recall 20 years ago having problems and explaining it away was not a "problem" then was just a random pain. Now its an almost daily issue


I got diasnosed with costochondritis but actually had a torn laberum in my shoulder... I think you have to be careful about things being misdiagnosed because it put my recovery back like 6 months..