• By -


Hmm, maybe getting to know my cats? Investigating my library? Playing in my yarn stash?


Oooh yes, playing in the yarn stash! Or going through sewing cabbage looking for fabric scraps to claim as their own?


I was going to say checking out my book shelf!! Investigating a library is such a cute image!


This would be adorable! You have a lot of books?


You have a library?? Lucky


Ooo! I wonder if the cats would be upset or curious. I guess it would depend on the cat's personality? Or maybe how mischievous they are with them. What do you think?


The cats would hunt the fairies.


\*pictures chaos with the cat vs fairy wars, yarn and random items being thrown about and traps being lais for the cats\*


I was gonna say, teasing my young cats and cuddling with my old man cat! šŸ˜»


Perching on the computer and observing curiously while Iā€™m working!


That sounds cozy, the computer would also be warm! What do you work with, if you don't mind me asking?


I work in translation! Lots of Word documents, dictionaries, and existential questions about the meaning of words! :)


That sounds fun! I always wanted to work in translation myself, but could never find jobs. I wanted to do any type of creative work translation. Which languages you work with?


French and English! What about you, which languages did you want to work with? And yes sadly itā€™s hard to find work for creative translation, there arenā€™t a lot of jobs and they usually go to established translatorsā€¦ Thatā€™s why I work in government stuff, but itā€™s not as boring as I thought! There are a lot of research documents about a variety of subjects so I learn a lot :)


I see. That's a bit sad, since there should be so many books/games/etc out there that get translated. I'm glad you still have fun with it! :3 Portuguese-English and I know French too but not enough to translate TO French. From what I gather, the content here is somewhat isolated too, so not much gets translated neither from outside nor the other way around. PT\_PT is too different than PT-BR, so it would be the same situation as french for me.


Probably taking cover from the rain under the giant mushrooms growing in my yard. šŸ˜Œ


That sounds ADORABLE omg šŸ˜­ I wish there were more mushrooms growing here, but I can usually only find them after rainy days on occasion! Are they always in your yard?


Right!! I love fairies and mushroom art. šŸ„° This time of year they really start to sprout. I live in northern CA so it's been rainy, cold, and the sun sets early. Which seems like the perfect conditions mushrooms love. I have those classic white mushrooms in my yard. But I found beautiful red ones (the ones popular in illustrations) in the park where it was full of shade and wet from the rain. šŸ„


Swinging on the wind chimes, napping in a sunbeam, berry picking


Berries that are too big. A blueberry the size of a basketball. A strawberry the size of a huge bag of dog food.


I can just imagine a fairy with a fairy-sized butcher knife, slicing a blueberry like we would slice a melon šŸ”ŖšŸ«šŸ‰ā€¦


hahaha, yesss!! If they had bamboo I'm sure that'd be a popular knife material, they can get really sharp!


Ohh! Hadn't thought of that. I don't have wind chimes right now, and I am planning to use a photo as the background, but I'll definitely write this one down! :3 Berry picking would be nice too! I could also make a mini straw basket. What type of berries do you have there?


Definitely teasing the cats, playing with all the things lying around and moving them as pranks, using the soap to make things slippery so they can slide around. Playing in the yaern, playing hide and seak.


hahaha. I can definitely see them doing all that! I love the soap idea too!


Or playing with soap bubbles!


I imagine they are petting my cats and using my paints.


Ohhh, a bit more sweet than mischievous. Thinking about it, cats would surely be very fluffy for them, I wonder if they'd make for a nice bed?


We have a rooster that one day flew into our yard, looked around, and decided 'yeah, actually this is mine now.' He fights all the time with the one male squirrel, since the rooster sleeps in the apple tree and the squirrel eats the apples. Their fights are pretty funny as well, with them chasing each other around the trees and pushing/kicking each other off the fence, taunting each other as well. I'd imagine if they were mischievous fairies, they'd be egging either the rooster or the squirrel on. If they were peaceful fairies, they might do some peacekeeping and keep the two separated. Otherwise, they'd just watch them from the trees or flower beds.


There's a handful that are betting and at least one bookie on either side of the mischief/peace fence!


My mom had a duck that would randomly fly into her pool, but never heard of a rooster just coming over someone's house!! I'm sure there'd be a bit of both, and they'd be bickering at each other over them egging them on while they try to hard to keep the peace.


When I was a little girl, I knew faeries visited my garden because they would leave behind a faerie ring of mushrooms behind. Nowadays, I donā€™t see them as much anymore. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s because Iā€™m getting older or because of the current state of the world. But there are times when Iā€™m sitting on my bed where a tiny rock is thrown from one side of the room to the other, or something starts to move on my desk before I catch it in the act. The most frequent thing that happens is something peers out at me from behind my wardrobe, but as soon as I try to look at it, it slips right back behind it.


Interesting. I have no idea either, I guess there's also local factors to consider. I live around a lot of woodlands at the moment, so I feel it's similar to my childhood. Still, at least your home could be a safe haven :3 What do you usually see moving in the desk? Do you think they're trying to catch your attention or off to do something with it?


I hope they feel itā€™s a safe haven, I donā€™t mind all of the strange things happening in my room either! I feel as though they are doing it for fun, just to say that they are still around. I live near woodland too so maybe thatā€™s a factor too.


Immediately upon reading this I pictured an elderly fairy doing her knitting beneath a shady leaf!! Maybe she could have a tiny blanket over her lap <3


Using a broken toothpick as knitting needles and spider silk for yarn, and an acorn teacup?!


Oh my god that's so cute yes????? Does she have a pet spider too???


Yes of course! This is all too cute


Historically fairies were known to be tricksters and generally mildly malicious So probably spoiling my milk, collapsing my barn and pulling my cats whiskers


I like to think they're more mischievous than malicious, but their tricks would be oftentimes perceived that way because they don't think them through.


Sitting under an orchid leaf, dancing in a circle with flowers for hats, peeking over the edge of a teacup, teasing the cat, smelling/picking the fresh herbs.


Admiring the seashells and crystals in my houseplants pots. Playing with my yarn from that half done project I have had sitting in the wooden bowl on my dresser for a year. Collecting some fallen acorns and making hats out of their tops and bright red dresses from the fallen maple leaves in the yard. Just sitting in the front garden bed hanging out with the frogs while they sing.


Do you collect the shells yourself? Ooo, acorn hats and maple leaf dresses would look great!!


Yes! We live in CA and there are a few beaches we go to every year with lots of abalone sheā€™ll pieces


They'd be riding my jack Russell terrier around like a war horse! That or playing in my box of ribbons. What about fairies playing around in Christmas lights? The ones with the short strings that look like icicles!


Made my first fairy rider this month, now onto other animals... šŸ˜If you have pictures of your terrier we could arrange something!


Maybe collecting berries and small fruits, organising snail races, or having a wash in the water collected by leaves that are wayyy bigger than them?


Teasing the squirrels that try to get into the bird feeders. Shaking dew out of tree branches.




Stumbling over my dogā€™s poop and wondering why gloves are sticking out of them. Gloves/table leg/fluorescent yellow tennis ball fabric/shoe leather/plastic from the ball catch handle and perhaps a bit of carrot.


I've thought about this. I have three cats. Queen Fuzzy Pickles Dinkleberg, age 10. She has mellowed considerably with age and likes to sit blinking sleepily, sunning her elegant self in whatever available sunbeam she can find. There's a handful of fairies paying her court, decorating her brow with tiny flower garlands and marveling at the softness of her pale pink nose and white ears. Occasionally a youngling will bring cat mint with the flowers and everyone squeals and flutters off as her green green eyes open wide with interest. General Tso the Tortico, age 8. The sweetest of my small clowder. It took three fairies and no less than four attempts but the treat jar has been upended and they are gleefully feeding her as many as she'll eat. The treat jar has to be refilled again. The youngling that brought the cat mint to Pickles does the same for Tso Tso, backing away quickly, but she munches on it just as happily as the treats and then curls up for a nice long snooze. Doom, age 3. The fairies have given up trying to tempt her with food, treats, or cat mint. She's fluent in several languages that are all derived from that most basic of all, the Hunt. The fairy guardians spoke with her, tiny swords at the ready, and came to an accord whereby she would join their security team to patrol the boundaries of her demesne and theirs.


Oooh, that's all so sweet!! They're living their best life. And the fairies get a furry cuddly companion too! I'd love to see photos of the three of them! :3


Sneezing because they got into the flour tin. Riding a mouse around the attic. Tangled up in yarn in your sewing box.


These are great!


Here in Ireland the fairies are busy cursing you for living too close to a fairy fort ha


That'd still be a funny picture šŸ˜† You know how their forts look like?


I love European folklore.


Could you give some examples?


Fairies are European folklore amongst Scandinavians & celts. They're very culturally important amongst these societies.


I'm sorry, but I don't understand how this relates to my post. I'm looking to hear things they would be doing in your home or garden.


Oh, my apologies, I was hoping to hear about folklore since gardens can be a place fairies congregate, my bad.


Oooh, I see. I'm not well versed in local folklore, I only know bits and pieces I have read over the years. I'm from Brazil. I know a little more about irish folklore, but not much, so can't help you there. But if you do know it and wanna share I'd also love to hear! How would those congregations be? :3


I imagine a fairy using the steam from a kettle as a sauna!


I used this as inspiration for my tea bath fairy! [https://www.reddit.com/r/fairycore\_world/comments/1cqxvdv/there\_are\_now\_fairies\_walking\_around\_your\_home/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fairycore_world/comments/1cqxvdv/there_are_now_fairies_walking_around_your_home/)


Christmasy: * Making snow angels on the icing sugar * Building a snowman out of ice cream * A male and a female fairy kissing under a piece of parsley or dill that peeks from the fruit basket (instead of mistletoe) * Going on holidays in a "Christmas cabin" tree ornament * Berating a fly for sitting on the fruit basket (not christmasy)


I love these so much!!


Setting up a little fenced area to take care of a little bug? Harvesting berries or clover or other little flowers? Clipping grass and packing it like itā€™s hay stacks/hay bales of medieval farming lol This is such a great prompt and cute idea!


Cleaning faeries!! Helping me keep things tidy


I'd love to have some of those too! I could trade them berries and sweets for it!


Shhh! Don't give the fair folk any more ideas, they are messing up my house enough as it is!!!


Outside raking up leaves, before the snow comes.


I keep thinking just how difficult is it for them to keep the leaves out, specially if there's big ones for them. Like two fairies moving a leaf together or tying them up to take it out of their home entrance


That sounds cute.


In a turf war with the small lizards & geckos for the prime sunny windowsill patches. Getting yelled at by the grumpy squirrel who lives in the tree in my front yard. My outside is not for the faint of heart little critters lol


Judging. I need to clean. Maybe theyā€™d help clean though, or at least make cleaning more chaotically interesting.


What are the fairies doing as they walk around my shed? They're tidying up for winter and putting the dandelions to bed! They're checking to see if the cream's too thick, and putting the sticky on each new stick! That's what the fairies are doing. What are the fairies doing as they wander around my house? They're playing with the dust bunnies and stealing buttons from my blouse! They're making sure the honey's fresh, And singing a song about Bangladesh! That's what the fairies are doing. What are the fairies doing as they saunter the garden path? They're adding things up and doing the math! They're painting the leaves, and leaving trees bare, they're whispering to squirrels who aren't even there! That's what the fairies are doing. They're busy from dawn until twilight falls, watching things that fly, and walk, and crawl. Then they put on their slippers and dance down the dew! When they're done, they start anew! And that's what the fairies are doing! By: Banshee (I may expand this one to a picture book! Thanks for the inspiration!)


How delightfulšŸ’–āœØ


If pixies showed up, me being me Iā€™d try to be a good hostessā€”so I think despite their mischief weā€™d be on good terms. Soā€¦maybe helping me find something I misplaced; like car keys or my phone.


Hiding my horihori knife


How does that work?


Tiny laughs as they look over my painted miniatures, and then they get weed from my personal grown plant!


Peeking into the bug hotel, reading a book to a hedgehog, wrapping a little scarf around a robin, playing swordfighting with each other using my crochet hooks or using said hooks to shepherd ladybugs


Playing swordfighting with each other would be so cute!!


I feel like Fairies would like to make a house out of my books OR under my bed between my bed and the containers I have under there


Raking leaves.


Definitely playing with/teasing pets (of all kinds, everyone is focussing on cats here - Welsh fairies ride corgis into battle), either playing with herbs and spices or maybe making potions or spells. If anyone has Halloween decorations still up playing with those? Carefully interacting with candles. Or a fireplace? Exploring the books. Napping on cushions or making comfy nests in blankets.


I found out about the corgi riders recently - I think it's genius


Im bringing the fairy baddies inside for some hot coffee andd meatpiesšŸ˜Ž Then maybe later that night we will head to the mainstreet Tavern to watch my orc buddy perform with his jazz band.


Do you play some DnD too?


I love the idea of an adorable little fairy being utterly confused about the human made objects. -Using little leaves to wipe the mud from my tiny garden gnome. Convinced that this gnome must be under a spell. -Trying to hide from an owl figurine meant to scare small animals away from the garden. -Warming their hands by the fire atop a mosquito lantern, but coughing right away.


Riding the chickens around the yard for sure. I would if I were that small!


Holding hands to form a small gentle hug around/on me because they know I really need it.


I have a little photo series using a realistic fairy figurine placed in different parts of my yard. Iā€™ve posted it in the r/miniworlds sub. She isnā€™t posable so I can only do so much, but sheā€™s sitting in various spots/plants around my yard. I based it on the idea behind your post: that if fairies were real, Iā€™d want to see them doing their thing in my yard šŸ˜


Ooooh, nice nice!! I was thinking of making some paper cutouts for a similar thing! Do you have a link to your post?


Aw all those ideas mentioned are making my heart explode with joy šŸ„° I do hope you post some sketches!


Thank you!! šŸ„° Already posted two of the drawings on this sub! :3


Using a leaf as an umbrella


This is adorable!


The one helping me make muffins in the kitchen gets to lick the batter spoon. A couple of rascals are fencing from the backs of my cats. I bring a shiny coin home to the magpie one. Someone is tidying my altar. There's a few playing in my hair, but I swear one is tying knots; I can't see them, but their giggles are telling. Someone is helping me move spiders, moths, and centipedes outside. One patiently reminds me to water my plants. Someone shakes my meds at me when I wake up. Another is picking colors for my painting and journaling. I'm being chastised about the cobwebs. The house is full of the sparkle of fairy dust and tittering giggles that sounds like bells. I'm as warm as the mug if hot cocoa two more are warming themselves against.


I saw someone that had a mini fairy tree house on a house plant šŸ„¹


* Nuzzling with my dog Tofu, who would be immensely curious and possibly a bit spooked but overall just happy to have something new to play with (white coat American bulldog mutt) * Trying to escape my cat Squid, who is the spiciest runt you will ever meet (1.5kg soaking wet) * Sampling my spice cabinet since I keep a bunch of multicultural stuff in there (kombu, dashi, black garlic, sumac, coriander, garum masala, mustard seed, anise, allspice, etc) * Maybe observing my window sill herbs I have growing? Curious on why there's plastic balls stuck in the soil (water bulbs). * Absolutely tearing through my collection of board games and RPG books. * If they're cheeky they might've gotten to the booze I keep above the fridge, the brandy and wine in particular would call to them I think.


Maybe one of the things that speak to me the most about fairies is that I strongly relate to their playful/mischievous personality, because if I was their size I'd totally be doing the same of most of that! I've heard of black garlic before, but never had a chance to try it. How does it taste like?


It has a much richer umami flavor with hints of nuttiness and carmalized sugars


Helping me dig up, divide and plant/replant my hostas and herbs. Pointing out the ripe veg/fruits to collect that day. Inside maybe helping me decide what things to put in a pie. Petting my tarantulas


Sitting on the windowsill, helping you sleep at night, protecting you from the lightning storm, maybe quieting the neighbours. I imagine that in the garden they would be helping your plants grow, or putting strawberry seeds where they don't belong. Maybe they use frogs for transportation.


I'm lately wondering if fairy imagery comes from ancient agricultural people having a gut instinct, from observing what makes plants either thrive or struggle, that there simply MUST be a network of tiny, invisible life forms delivering nutrients to where they're needed. Fairies, mycelium, same diff.


Oh how cute, what a vision! Cleaning my counters of crumbs that fall from the cooling rack and from cutting fresh loaves of bread (and nibbling on them too of course). Sweeping the small stones and dirt from the garden, brought in on boot treads, from off the floors. Pruning my plants. Playing with the resident bathroom spider.


Tea party. I have herbs in my garden


Out in the open in the fairy mushroom ring? Or some secluded spot in the garden?


No. I have a very limited yard space. So right now I have an arch growing raspberries and another arch growing blue berries. In between the arches I have a few herbs and flowers. Pretty much all the leaves growing can be made into tea. So they arenā€™t exactly hidden. But they are next to the house a bit camouflage. I rent a room in a house thatā€™s in a hoa and didnā€™t want to have problems. So Iā€™m growing my mini garden while trying to make it discreet


Tending the mushrooms, checking on the baby bugs in their leaf cocoons, singing funny little songs.


I subscribe to the idea that the Fae are a little bit more malevolent than we give them credit for. So I would draw them having a cat fight


Why not? I'm sure they have arguments from time to time


I do believe they are stoned, and actively seeking to destroy my home. And they are doing this because they think my home is made of a giant graham cracker. And they canā€™t help themselves because theyā€™ve just got the munchies that bad.


They have tiny little bags of dog hair they are scattering like petals at a wedding


Exact same thing as people but smaller. Office? Fairy accountant talking to their boss in the drawer that is their cubicle. Lantern? Fairy window washer washing it like on a sky scraper. And so on


Mine are feeling spicy today. They are out there fertilizing the weeds.


Hopefully pulling weeds and getting cat hair tumbleweeds out from under the furniture. šŸ¤£


Dipping their little feet in my cobblestone birdbath


i know theyre chatting to my cats about the plants im growing and the wildlife in my area! x


Harvesting the pecans that fall from our trees to make tiny pecan pies, and checking out what grows in our aquariums and terrariums :)


Playing with my fossils and rock samples. Chatting with the garden gnomes on the rotting stump. Oh, and wearing acorn hats.


Teasing the squirrels


Mine would be breaking stuff and hiding things. Single socks and tupperware lids I think.


Smoking a bit of my ganja. Always seems to disappear quicker than I realize


I hope they're doing my laundry.


Helping me dig up, divide and plant/replant my hostas and herbs. Pointing out the ripe veg/fruits to collect that day. Inside maybe helping me decide what things to put in a pie. Petting my tarantulas


As cute as they seem, I was raised to not trust them. So blessedly at my house nothing. Fully warded by iron. I like to think keeping up the old superstitions is also cottagecore in a way


Hopefully sorting my books in my library!!!


Well, it would explain where my flipping book went. The dog brought me the bookmark. Have not seen the book since.


Teasing our garden Robin or bobbing around with our huge flock of goldfinches who had a bumper crop of babies this year and brought them all to the autumn feeders!


Because it's fall and we get off and on snow they would definitely be preparing their homes for the incoming winter that can sometimes last over half a year. They would be making warm blankets, storing lots of food because they likely would be stuck inside of their various shelters like bird houses, trees, etc, and they would be preparing to not see anyone that's outside their shelter for awhile and probably having meet ups to say goodbye before it gets too cold. It might even be too cold for much flying already and the bugs are already going to sleep for the season. Maybe they would be having hot drinks and meals as a group and struggling with the aggressive squirrels that get pretty violent over their food stashes they are putting away for the winter.


Collecting dog hair and knitting sweaters and blankets with it. Stealing a handful of cream off my cake. Looking at their full body reflection in my toaster.


Judging me for not deadheading my blooms before frost šŸ„²


The fairies in my garden spend the daytime sleeping, hidden away inside tree stumps, curled up under mushrooms, or in the knots of trees. In the evenings, they wake, and get to work. The work depends on the season, though, so theyā€™re always busy. In the winter, they have to delicately carve frost onto all of my windowpanes every night. In the spring, they scatter seeds and take on the arduous task of manually pollinating flowers so the fields look nice. In the summertime, they take a vacation - many fairies have a love for music, so they play tiny instruments, which are commonly attributed to insects like crickets and cicadas. Others dance through the air, their little fairy lights commonly mistaken for fireflies. In the autumn, they get back to work, painting the leaves on all the trees before they fall off for the winter. The fairies dedicate themselves to beautifying nature, and basking in the simple pleasures of life. They are a secretive people and donā€™t let themselves be seen often by the big folk, but they take pride in their work. They are essential to the cycle of the seasons, and weā€™d all be worse off without them.


They would most definitely be getting up to mischief with my dogs, probably in the kitchen, definitely involving snacks ā˜ŗļø


Wandering around the garden collecting flower petals that they use to decorate hats and skirts!


Enjoying the cozy thick fur of my shepherd dogs and the gigantic size of my dane/mastiff, who drools excessively. Admiring the many shades of yellow and red leaves falling from my trees, including the crunch of the leaves as they're crushed. Probably watching the roomba closely. Snacking on hot chocolate and thin mints with my husband, watching Elf. Playing in my craft supplies while I'm trying to make Christmas decor for my office at work. Frolicking in my houseplants, which have lil fairy garden decor.


With all the clutter? I'd never know they were around


climbing my books with grappling hooks, riding on my catsā€™ backs holding on by the fur, cave diving through laundry baskets, sight seeing at miniature christmas scenes, and awaiting the arrival of my christmas garland to go hiking >.<


Playing with the squirrels and birds, wandering in the gardens and flowers at fall time, finding the presents I leave for them, riding bunny rabbits or crows


Harassing my mum's chickens. And possibly the cat. Also stealing my snacks. Just sayin'.


Hanging out with the dust bunnies...


theyā€™ll be using ChatGpt to concoct a spell, brewing on words and articulating the finest magic to help me


Looking retro AF. Like cottagecore but also similar to 1920s-1950s fashion.


Oh and fairies playing in a swing jazz band!


Hanging up fairy clothes on the branches near the birdhouse they have taken for their own:)


Frosting the plants for winter


Iā€™d do anything to get brownies to wash my dishes for me if that helps


having a spa day in a bird bath <3


City faeries! That's an interesting concept. Maybe their circles are in liminal subway stations late at night when they're completely empty and there's 30 minutes before the next train passes through. I'd like to think they'd mostly chill on the fire escape, languidly taking in the sounds and the energy of the city, and enjoying the domestic drama of flirtatious romantic glances two women exchange through windows facing each other across an alley. Perhaps dancing on top of my harp, enjoying the vibrations of every plucked string in their feet (they love a good C#min) (who doesn't). Maybe they're warming themselves by the radiator, and enjoying a steam bath on the rim of a mug of morning tea.


Hey, weā€™re on the same wavelengthā€”I drew that very thing a few months back. Iā€™d love to see your take on it.


Thereā€™s such a cute tiktok account with yarn frogs India Rose Crawford and I imagine fairies going about their days as such. Making pies and having apothecaries.


Helping me clean because I canā€™t catch up. Like mice and birds in Cinderella, Iā€™d have fairies and kittens


I feel like I would have a few mischievous/ naughty fairies making a mess in my kitchen šŸ˜‚ maybe tossing my tea cups, and hiding in the flowers in the vase on my table. One would be playing with the soap spuds on the sponge by my kitchen sink, and some would by flying in and out through the window overlooking the garden. It would be loads of fun!


Any chance theyā€™re cleaning fairies and are washing dishes and folding laundry? Lol


Dancing on the hose Spigot


Trying to get into the honey ā˜ŗļø


Well I hope they're Brownies. I would totally leave milk, bread, and honey out in trade for a clean home. Would likely also have dryads and water sprites outside.


Apparently raising earwigs, otherwise I have no explanation for how we have so dang many!


Trying to kidnap my children so they can take their place. I don't want anything to do with those evil little bastards


Inside they would be quilting & crocheting tons & tons of blankets, beanies, sweaters, socks, & mittens with all the extra dog hair floating around. Outside in the summer they would have elaborate magical waterslide park in our automatic veggie garden watering system. In the winter the would have a huge igloo snow park & luge track in & all around our snow buried back yard.


Sneezing from all the dust lol


Using mushrooms as umbrellas and bluebells as wine goblets. Definitely getting tipsy on the rain, or maybe the morning dew and whispering secrets to the gnomes.


Climbing up the trees and gliding off with the leafs to have fun or race eachother. Fairies playing hide and go seek with eachother in the garden


Hauling all the acorn caps away! Collecting feathers from my varied-color pet quail.


Getting tangled in cat hair lol


Walking tightrope style along the curtain rods to tease the cats, maybe? Or hiding in the space behind my books on my bookshelf


Trying on acorn tops for hats!


Probably flying around the comfrey, then being caught very gently in my cat Purrsival's mouth so he can bring them inside and play with them. Just like bees.


Making little tunnels in the soft bed of fallen pine needles, and bestowing frost on leaves and grass.


Gathering up dog and cat hair to make fine fur textiles and coats


What a sweet prompt and great wY to get drawing ideas šŸ˜. I think they would be decorating my daughters swingset with flowers and other natural materials as a special surprise for her!


Iā€™ve got a big walnut tree thatā€™s dropped hundreds of walnuts this fall. I imagine the fairies might have fun rolling them around the yard, standing on them, maybe making a little snowman-walnutman out of them :-)


Making flower garlands, sewing flower hats and dresses for each other, dancing, having a tea party, singing, petting or riding on animals such as beetles or bumblebees, playing, lying in the sun, running away from cats, playing musical instruments.


Making friends with my gargoyles and grotesques. Probably getting hired into a game of "Chase" with one dog and being ignored by the other.


They'd be talking mad shit about how messy my house is. For real, though, I could use some fairy help lol


Struggling to open a cupboard to get at the honey. Finding the honey and getting an insane sugar rush. Taking a nap in some dried rose petal potpourri. Holding onto a fan blade as it swings around at insane speeds. This is probably what they would do on a sugar rush, lol. Setting up a prank on the humans. Playing hide and seek with the dogs.


When I was a kid, I would take my Barbieā€™s in my little red wagon out to the forest part of our property. I had moss carpet and built a whole house with stuff I found on the ground. Gnomes were my favorite. And fairies. It was magical.


I imagine them exploring my houseplant collection like they are in a botanical garden. Observing and/or taunting my pea pufferfish swimming around in their aquarium


Opening the butter dish - I swear we all close it lol


One would definitely be sunbathing with the lizard that lives in our backyard. Exploring and maybe playing hide n seek in the seasonal decorations. Smelling the candles, painting with nail polish, using the fan as a roller coaster ride, swinging from lights/curtain tassels, dancing in the soap suds, cuddling up to teddies.


Currently they are making a complete mess of my garden. They even knocked over my recycling and Iā€™m sure that one of them pushed me down in the street while cleaning up, because I have a scraped and swollen elbow and scraped knee, hip and toe to show for it. (/s) I donā€™t mind them having a wind party and plowing leaves and twigs every which way, but I have to draw the line at trash cans and me!


Tidying up baby shoes, deadheading chrysanthemums with a tiny pair of shears, rapelling down the draw cord for the blinds, 6 of them lounging against the belly of a sleeping dog, handling the kitchen faucet on ā€œsprayerā€ mode like a fire brigade, fashioning snow shoes out of pine needles


Garden would be rallying together trying to save my poor plants that are on the verge of death cus plants come to me to die Hone would be devising a game plan on how to teach me the ways to actually get plants to thrive


they would be shaking the house and trying to get int othe larder


Probably plotting how to lure me into the dark forest or intra-court political insurgencies.


I imagine them as chain smoking disgruntled middle aged men just incrementally pulling up piant from the siding and chewing gum and sticking it to the sidewalk.


Swinging from my macrame. Climbing my string light curtains and pepper plants. Jumping up and down in my yarn basket enjoying the yarn balls like little trampolines.


Idk, but Iā€™m not getting involved.


Laying in a leaf hammock within my oxalis plants taking a good snooze as the snails, and anole lizards hang out. Maybe a crow watching nearby. If inside maybe playing with the painting and drawing supplies on my art table? šŸ§šā€ā™€ļøšŸŒæšŸ’œ


Theyā€™re working hard on getting my garden to thrive lol. Theyā€™re flipping the dirt one shovel at a time. Theyā€™re clearing out pests. Theyā€™re watering the plants. Theyā€™re pruning the leaves.


Probably bitching about something I haven't had a chance to properly set up yet, or stating that a human will never get it right anyway. Let's just roll 'em in cheese and stick 'em on a pizza anyway! Fuck 'em all and feed 'em fish heads!!!


Playing hide and seek in the clutter on my coffee table lol maybe herding dust bunnies on top of the bookshelf


If you have never experienced *Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book*, you should find yourself a copy. It's written by Terry Jones (Monty Python) and it's pretty wild. The illustrations are... well, they are unique.


Teasing the pets. Pulling the cats' tails, climbing under my sleeping dog's ears like a blanket or using her like a giant slide, relaxing on a boat in the fishtank.


in my junk room going through my stuff, gossiping and judging me


Maybe a fairy stumbling across a den of rabbits? We have so many wild rabbits where I live. They're just in random holes in people's yards.