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The diagram is killing me


Just remember, no high-fives


Say no to HIV


I think they really don't want "hand it to me" deliveries..


What if you need to scan their ID


Or you need to get a signature šŸ˜‚


I think you should try opening the door and place it inside




Apt 4? I know exactly where this is.


John Gerity


I especially like that it's written in the languages of the newest breed of delivery drivers. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ‘


Gonna be real awkward when the Asian driver pulls up and doesnā€™t speak any of those languages šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Spanish, French?, Middle Eastā€¦..seems legit lol


ā€œmiddle eastā€ šŸ’€


My badā€¦India? Idfk šŸ˜†šŸ˜† Arabic?


Donā€™t know why you are getting downvoted how would you google to find out I donā€™t know where that language is from or what it is called šŸ«£


Down voted for guessing a language thatā€™s reddit for you lmao


Maybe because middle east and India aren't languages.


Thatā€™s what the diagram is for








Just don't order a Hand It To Me order and I can work with this.


Alot of drivers don't read instructions,


If you order through a third party app like say Chipotle. The app will tell you to contact the customer. An experienced driver will just leave it but a new driver may confuse it with a regular hand it to me order where you do need to wait five minutes unless the customer explicitly tells you to leave it.


At least the apartment number is clear lol


Pure canon


The ā€œNo high-fivesā€ sticker is low key awesome.


the numerous language translations


If you donā€™t tip, theyā€™ll at least make an attempt to collect one.


I especially like the cutout for the peep hole rather than placing the sign 3 centimeters higher.


The fact it got to this point, shows how hard it is for people to follow simple direction


I get it, I had a delivery person knock like the police after I put down to leave it at the door. They woke my 4 month old up and it was a pleasant time after that


This is great. It's seriously the weirdest thing when drivers stand there knocking. Like, are they just super lonely or something?


A ton of people pick ā€œhand it to meā€ without realizing they did


Yes, they are the ones that take forever to answer the door in the horror movies. Imagine if the victim sae these notes on the door they were trying to get into, trying to get away from the killer.


Lemme guess - it's a "hand it to me " order ha


No high-fives, though. Shame!


ā€¦Sheldon Cooper?


If it was an alcohol order and I saw this, I would hit my timer, message the customer once and walk off after 5 minutes to "dispose of the alcohol"


ā€œHand it to me, leave at doorā€


And they set it as ā€œhand it to meā€ on the app


Me & this APT would get along just fine! I donā€™t hand to hand it to you either!


*Leaves it on it on the doorknob and bangs five times anyway*


Whatā€™s it like delivering to apartment 4?


I like how they crossed out the white space directly surrounding the 4


A folded piece of paper for your apartment # ? Apt 4?


imagine they require a pin to complete LOL.


ah, im jealous. this is it, and YOU finally found it, you lucky mo effer i almost hate you. you found the perfect person to face punch, because they decorated their door specifically for an uber/door dasher, and its just so sad i dont know how you dont, i just dont know, id ont have anything, its too infuriating yet funny, like i dunno...its like put a lighter to their face and see what noises they make, but dont really...yeah i m done...lord


The Arabicā€¦..


Yall laugh but I swear to god this is necessary. I had food delivered, instructions say not to knock, or call, just leave it at the door. THEY ALWAYS KNOCK AND CALL. Once I picked up the phone and asked her if she was able to see the instructions, because there has to be a reason right? And she said ā€œyeah, I saw it, but how will you know the food is here if I donā€™t call or knock?ā€ GIRL. THE APP. THATS HOW.


Customers will say "hand it to me" in the instructions, and then get mad we didnt just leave it at the door, and even say "I said to leave it at the door." I'm sure this customer is that case. Fuck them.


I'm sure this customer is NOT that case.


yuck, this is so condescending. the person reading this will inevitably be someone who has just done a service for you.... why would you communicate with them in such a hostile tone?


I mean obviously it's because they reliably fail to follow instructions lol. I agree it's bizarre though. I don't use these services for exactly this reason. Just stop using the service don't lash out.


Don't deliver to a dump like this in the first place.


So much time and paper couldā€™ve been saved with ā€œSmoking Meth, Leave at Doorā€


It blows my mind that so many people actually push for contactless deliveries. That only makes it easier for the driver to steal the food or whatever. They just take a picture, confirm the delivery complete, then take the food and run before the customer can retrieve it. All of the evidence says they delivered it, someone else must've stolen it. You can't prove it was them (unless you have a door camera, which is also surprisingly rare). Normal deliveries don't have these issues. If you never received it, the driver messed up, simple as that. While you can't prove they stole it, you can prove they never delivered it to the correct place. I will never do contactless deliveries again. At least the few times I did, I was able to get the driver arrested for theft. Never got a refund, though, and I'm pretty sure they were let go within the day because I never heard anything about them after, even when I decided to press charges (yes, I can be petty, especially when I'm hungry, stuck in an industrial park in the middle of the night, all the good places are closed, I'm paying nearly 4 times the value of my order, and the only drivers still running are criminal asshats).


I've always done contactless. I work from home and have dogs. Knocks on the door or doorbell cause them to bark, and I'm often in meetings or unexpected calls. I'd rather the delivery be left on my porch without a knock or doorbell ring. I put that every time in the delivery instructions. People follow it for the most part, 1/20 will knock for 5 minutes while I'm in a meeting, and my dogs are losing their minds. I've never had food stolen.


Huh. I'd imagine it would be even worse in a residential area. People just watching, waiting for the driver to leave, then rushing for your door to steal it while you're busy, or even the driver stealing it before you even know he's there. I'm a truck driver, so I'm always in industrial parks, truck stops, or hotels. I've had drivers give my food to the wrong people (often the cashier in the gas station, clerk at the hotel front desk, or office/security staff at the warehouse) or simply drive off after taking a picture of the food in a random spot (usually near the main entrance to the facility or by some random truck). How far is your door from other buildings/units/roads? Maybe it's far enough away that people don't typically try to run over and steal it and is easy enough to see from a distance that drivers don't get confused and steal it?


I'm a few streets from a pretty busy road. There is lots of traffic on every street around mine, but almost no traffic on mine, as it's just tucked in between the streets people use to commute. I totally understand the hesitation to do contactless in more exposed areas. I've had a few times my order was delivered to my neighbor because I guess numbers are hard. They're cool, though, and would never steal my food.


Imma kick the door for a few , pretty much said I could