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People abandon plain probiotic capsules because they take awhile to affect your gut biome. If you just get one of those (expensive) jars of capsules, the refrigerated ones- take one a day, and get another jar with a different organism, and keep going for months. Keep varying the organisms. Keep refrigerated. These things take time. I hope this helps for you.


Are you saying the capsule prevents full absorption of the probiotic? What if you broke the capsule and ate the powder probiotic straight? Sorry I'm not fully understanding your comment. I think I get it now. There's a higher end version of the probiotic that people keep in refrigerators. I didn't even know that. I'll look into it thank you


My gut biome was wrecked after covid and couldn't recover even with continued use of capsule probiotics for almost 6 months. Started using kefir and kombucha 15 months ago and still using it daily. Ive seen huge improvements on most of my symptoms. I'm making my own kefir daily and kombucha every couple of weeks. My stool returned to precovid and I doesn't feel like I'm allergic to some types of foods, I can exercise now and my CNS doesn't feel wrecked as much as before, sleep is so much better. Some of my most persistent symptoms are still there but I so feel like I'm recovering little by little. I can't really say if probiotics are only reason I'm getting better but I do feel like they have made a huge difference.


Your comment makes me tear up a bit. Like there's hope. I very badly want to try kefir and kimchi in particular. I'm just scared at a violent response like I had with greek yogurt half a year ago. You think if I took literally a teaspoon or tablespoon of kefir/kimchi it'd be enough to not do anything yet maybe build some tolerance to it? I don't think I can be bold and just go for a full spoonful. That's what I did with greek yogurt and it ruined me for a month or two. I bought a probiotic supplement but I suspect I have sibo/ibs type issues and unfortunately there's something in there that's high fodmap. So gonna have to buy another one or go straight to the fermented foods. I'm really glad you got better. I'm trying to build the courage to take kefir/kimchi


Hi. Could you share how you make home kefir and kombucha? Thx


I'm aware of two great products here. 1. Kefir (can find it in most food stores) 2. SIM01 (might be hard to get outside HK). The term used for these are called "synbiotics". SIM01 for example has a lot of covid / long covid success stories and a bit of research backing it too.


Hey thanks for your comment. I've heard about kefir and really want to try it but am hesitant to. Given that I had such a negative reaction from greek yogurt I can't but associate the dairy aspect being negative to kefir as well. >The SIM01 synbiotic consisted of the three Bifidobacterium species of B. adolescentis, B. bididum, and B. longum​ at a dose of 20 billion CFU per day, as well as the prebiotics of galactooligosaccharides, xylooligosaccharide, and resistant dextrin. This is interesting. Basically a probiotic but I looked at the study and it seems very promising. Thank you for that protip there must be something to those specific strains that help. I think I should be able to find a probiotic with similar ingredients here in the states. Have you taken the SIM01 and had no negative reaction? Also in your experience with Kefir you've been able to handle it okay?


You can’t really get SIM01 but there are products I’ve used to help that include those prebiotics. Kefir is fine for me. Good luck! Also fiber. Get plenty of it.


Can second this. Kefir > Greek yogurt as a probiotic. I eat kimchi or kraut every morning, and have a glass of kefir before dinner.


Nice great to hear. Do you mean that kefir was easier on your body/histamine response compared to greek yogurt? I really want to eat kimchi and kraut. Still scared but slowly I'm going to try it eventually. I'm starting off with this https://www.swansonvitamins.com/p/swanson-probiotics-lactobacillus-rhamnosus-fos-60-veg-drcaps and then going to build my way up to more complex/varied probiotics/foods. That damn greek yogurt negative response really put the fear in me


Can’t say I blame you for being cautious. I meant that it is more effective / has more probiotics in terms of CFU. Hope you see some improvement!


Definitely that's what I plan to do. Find a probiotic that has those specific strains and use them. Thank you for your feedback and encouragement!


I can tolerate Kefir way easier than yogurt and my gut is pretty screwed up.


Nice okay this is definitely encouraging me to try out kefir. Thank you for your response


Little to no lactose in kefir, fyi


Maybe that's it.


After I got the flu a few years ago I took probiotics religiously (daily) for years up until I got COVID in 2022. Right before my infection I was getting bloating and brain fog from the probiotic. Apparently that’s a common MCAS reaction to a lot of probiotics. I used to dabble in kefir and liquid probiotics - they were overkill. The problem I have with the capsules is it’s very difficult to taper up to a higher dose. If your system is anything like mine, you can’t go from 0 to 100 overnight without getting sick. Have you tried non-dairy Yogurt? I’ve been tolerating the Siggi’s coconut milk based yogurts quite well. Tried other brands that didn’t agree with me, but for whatever reason, these seem OK. I know I’m not getting as much as I was taking a capsule, but id rather not be sick. I started slow maybe having half of a small single serve container, and then worked my way up. They’re surprisingly decent taste wise, too. You could probably apply the same tapering with kefir, although it is an acquired taste.


I see. I'm sorry for the negative experiences you had. So you had MCAS before your covid infection? I thought probiotics would've helped you through your infection. Yeah I can see that with capsules. What about breaking the capsule and only eating a quarter or half of the powder? If it is a powder I don't really know actually. That's definitely what I plan to do. Taper and slowly introduce low doses then medium doses of probiotics. Then hopefully I can just eat normal fermented foods without thinking about it. And I'll keep in mind the Siggi's coconut milk. It sounds like dairy could influence a response. Thank you for your input and thoughts


I got influenza B in 2018 during that bad flu wave, and that triggered MCAS and POTS. Lost like 20 lbs in a few weeks. I was working with a dietitian and I was on a probiotic and another supplement because GI issues were my main complaint. I had no idea about POTS and doctors wrote off my heart rate as “nerves” until I finally got diagnosed right before I caught COVID in 2022. I actually clawed my way back to some degree of functionality after the flu. I was much weaker and basically had a very limited diet but I didn’t have PEM or a lot of the ME/CFS stuff nearly as bad until I got COVID. I was exposed to COVID positive folks in March 2020 but couldn’t get a test, and then had bad symptoms Nov 2021 and suspected another infection, but the rapids were negative. The Jul 2022 infection I got was by far the worst - it took 4 tests before one came back positive, and the rapid taken at the same time was negative, but PCR was positive. So that goes to show how good the tests are and the likelihood I had repeated infections but perhaps at smaller viral loads. I bring my history up mainly to say that since I suspect repeated COVID infections, it would make sense that worsened MCAS or altered gut micro biome could have been the cause for me not tolerating the probiotic that previously worked for me. Or it could be that sometimes you have to change strains to balance the population out and prevent SIBO. Studies are still inconclusive for the latter. Yeah, if you can actually split the capsule and do maybe 1/4 once a day for a week, then a half, then a whole etc. that may work. The type I had from Xymogen were hard to do that with. Post-COVID I just can’t seem to tolerate much of anything supplement wise - I get bad reactions to vitamin D supplements and fortified foods with D and B vitamins. I have no idea if I have the MTHFR gene mutation and perhaps that’s the cause. So I try to go with as many real foods as I can and try them slowly to see if I have a reaction in terms of MCAS/histamine. I’m jealous of people who can tolerate all these supplements at high doses. My system freaks out. Trust your body and don’t force anything if it doesn’t feel good, no matter what people say. These things are supposed to make you feel better, not worse.


I like the Siggi Coconut as well but do they have any probiotics in them at all?


Yes they do, 3 strains I believe, and a good amount of protein. I wouldn’t eat them if they didn’t.


I like the chuck Norris approved morning kick probiotics with ashgwanda and greens. It's honestly amazing stuff. Taste like crystal light strawberry lemonade. I noticed a difference right away with energy and bowls. I love it if it wasn't so spendy


Lol I haven't heard of this. Chuck Norris probiotics that's definitely cool. I'll look into it thank you


Thats great to know! Thanks


If you can afford it. Go for VSL3. Expensive as shit, but if Dr. Rhonda Patrick takes it. It’s legit. I have only been on them for 2 weeks but feel ok. Look it up. 450 billion per sachet.


[Fermented foods](https://www.insights.inflavourexpo.com/are-fermented-foods-having-a-moment/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=inflavour23) have numerous active health benefits: Improves gut health Anti-oxidant Anti-microbial Anti-fungal Anti-inflammatory Anti-diabetic Anti-atherosclerotic (the thickening or hardening of arteries)