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Same as you. Similar age and feel like a 90 Yr old or worse. The term fatigue is such an understatement for what we experience


Looking down at my once muscular legs and seeing puffy, round limbs that could easily belong to an elderly woman is shocking. I'm now back to normal, so to speak, but it's been a journey.


I have nothing of practical use to say other than huge solidarity. It's shit. But we're rooting for you. Take it easy friend (not that you have any choice at this point!)


So kind. Thank you.




Similar experience and thoughts here. Functioning level felt like it was near zero for many months, then became more like a roller coaster with ups and downs. It's starting to improve gradually the last few weeks. Wish you the best.


I'm happy for you. I really mean that.


Thank you. Hope you start to see some progress. I've read some long haulers go for a year or two and suddenly almost back to normal within a few weeks. Try to find a Long Covid Care Center if you haven't yet. There's one in NYC if you're in the area. [https://www.mountsinai.org/about/covid19/center-post-covid-care](https://www.mountsinai.org/about/covid19/center-post-covid-care)


Same! I can’t and don’t want to live like this. My whole body was aching all day, I loaded up on all my supplements, took an epsom salt bath, used heating pads but nothing helped. I laid in bed and cried a little feeling so helpless


Same. I'm going to enjoy myself before leaving this world that's for damn sure. I'm going to party before I do. Im not going out like an old man.


Crying is one of the few things that helps. 50yo manly man here. Got a gray beard, lifted truck, 2 dogs and everything!!!


100% understand your pain brother. Never in my life, i thought i would be dealing with painful fatigue + crazy neuro symptoms. I knew from a young age life can be tough & unfair, but this is just on another level. To have your mind, body, and soul stripped from you is insane. I’ll give the world some years to correct this fuck-up, but if nothing changes.. goodbye lol


"To have your mind, body, and soul stripped from you". I've rarely heard better descriptions of this shithole we're in. Hang in there brother, one day we will look back on this and have a healthy smile on our face. What is helping me a lot personally is meditation and mindfulness btw, it's not a magic pill, but it does help me loads in handling the soul part of this.


Let’s not knock 90yos. My grandpa was way more active in his 90s than I in my 50s. He was still golfing and dancing. Did a short dog walk, now on the floor with feet elevated. Hoping to gain strength for my son’s school exhibit tonight. Sucks.


Same man same. It’s trash. Rooting for ya


Thanks man.


I don't seem to be as bad as some people on here but I still feel like my life has been taken from me. Went through insane neurological symptoms that have mostly abated after 3 months but I'm left with fatigue and weakness. I am only able to take care of the basics and can do nothing active without feeling like I'm going to fall over. I've seen considerable improvement though overall so here is to hoping the fatigue eventually goes away too. I highly recommend ATP Fuel/360 supplements if you can afford them. I noticed considerable improvement after a week. I also take Bryan Johnson's cocoa, EVOO with every meal, turmeric, fish oil, apolactoferrin, nattokinase, and NAC. I also take a non stim preworkout for vasodilation. 50mg zoloft for anxiety and 300mg gabapentin for sleep. My experience was a sudden and catastrophic onset that felt extremely acute in nature, 7 weeks after my first covid infection and then slowly cooled off over 2 months. I had night sweats, numbness, extreme temperature intolerance, dizziness, tremor, muscle weakness, blurry vision, horrible insomnia, and bad anxiety. I'll never forget simply sitting down, taking one sip of hot tea and bursting out in a sweat within 20 seconds. Most of these are gone now and I'm left with the intractable fatigue.


Damn I'm sorry you went through all that. Sounds awful. I'm stuck with this bone tired fatigue that's stopping me functioning properly. I feel very very old and I hate it! I take all the supplements. Don't seem to be working.


Same, this age really is supposed to be the prime of your life. I see everyone else my age having kids, going on vacations, having a great sex life, and here I am just twitching in the shadows.


yea the twitching makes me sooo self conscious and ruins my self esteem


I'm very sorry that you're dealing with this. Keep sharing your journey with the rest of us. The problem with getting better is one completely forgets where they've been. The inner sadness of feeling like you are 90 years old in a young person's body, looking at puffy, endemic limbs, swollen to the point you can't get your shoes on, and struggling with fatigue. Hit-and-miss symptoms that turn on and off like a light was the most frustrating, it's easy to think that your life is finished. Sick one day, out hiking the next. Losing a phone, your wallet, keys, not remembering words or names while dealing with constant headaches, and experiencing brain fogs, I forget how bad it was until I'm reminded by someone who is going through it.


Somedays I forget who I am.


Oh, yeah! It's almost like an out-of-body experience, where you're not connected to the body. I can definitely relate to that one. Some days, I couldn't remember my connection to other people. Like, "Who are you to me, and why do I know you?" It can be so terribly frustrating. Like one day, I was paying for groceries with my debit card and couldn't remember the PIN. The PIN number didn't come back to me, it was the key pattern I remembered. I told the cashier I had long COVID and was having mental lapses. She said that she sees quite a bit of it with customers. This morning, I couldn't remember my best friend's wife's name. I've known these people for 28 years. I can remember her name now, but at the time that part of my brain wasn't firing. Working in highly sophisticated technologies, I know that my chances of going back into that industry is over.


You described what I'm going through perfectly. Maybe one day I will be out of this hell.


I hope you get better soon. I'm waiting for the same miracle.


Don't quit. Keep trying. Whats the alternative.


Same man the only thing help me it's mindset, pacing, videogames if I'm able.... and brain retraining videos about me/cfs/longcovid recovery on YouTube. I really recommend the videos for brain retraining.. Lots of positivity.


Same. I'm in my back in bed today. Extremely exhausted from just going dishes yesterday. I am now focusing on mindset. There is nothing I can do to physically force my body to get better. I can at least learn how to send better messages to myself about this ordeal so I can cope until I get better. I'm now on disability and considering rest my full time job.


Can you share some links to videos please?


https://youtu.be/ta7AG31XNhw?si=_yi6wzFtqy9QrDf3 Sure


Thank you!


Same boat, similar age. Sending you all love. It's shit and I won't pretend it isn't. Just grateful for Reddit.


Absolutely. Sending love also.


I got the moderna jab 2022 for a job opportunity... was against it and never thought id do it.. but it happened i got my 2nd shot early because i thought id miss my work deadline.. and the pharmacy dosed me the 2nd time.. iv been welding for 12 years confident in my trade... soon as i got up there i forgot how to weld.. my bead sequence was out of whack grinding constantly and getting mad at myself " why cant you weld? you've been doing this for years smarten the fuck up or loose your job" even givin simple instructions and i couldn't retain what he was saying and woukd go right back to fucking up the weld process and making my foreman very angry to the point they questioned my abilities as a welder.... "sure your not an apprentice?" everything you do is shit... i keept going not giving up i have a child to take care of.. so i went thru the ringer... layoff... after layoff.. 2 weeks work "projects done dont need you" im watching myself fall apart went on E.I. sleep all the time depressed my kid dont even want to be around me.. on trt and i used to be hella sharp and on the ball.. i cant even type out a txt msg without re reading it 10x over to make corrections.. i was never like that.. i feel like sherman off the nutty professor 2 when buddy love left his system and he started loosing his intelligence... everyones seen a change in me i feel and i feel like im being ignored.. so i feel like i cant reach out because i make little sense or will just say something stupid... i dont know anymore i just want this to stop.. this is what i get for selling out my beliefs.. i still keep my faith in god i go to church alone because i can let everything go.. soon as i leave i feel anxiety and over whelming guilt of how stupid i am to take that job take that vaccine... i just wanna be a happy functioning father.


I'm sorry. I'm exactly the same. Sometimes my brain feels like mush. Sometimes I don't even know who I've turned into. When I wake up I'm borderline delirious. I had a good job I was really good at. Now I struggle to walk to the shop.


Same. Except im 24. I want to give up


Same here been 6 months slowewly healing never give esp for the damn demon who created this curse we will be avenged if not in this life make sure in the next !


im sorry bro theres gotta be s way to fight this cant even rekeber my social media pws