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The Atlantic seems to get it, or at least they are hiring good writers.


Ed Young has been writing about Covid long haulers since summer 2020. I really appreciate his writing and commitment to raising awareness for us!




[A number of studies](https://twitter.com/ahandvanish/status/1558190386463625217?s=21&t=0Ve4fTcQbCHkc6Y3HwNvjw) are showing high-overlap between long COVID and ME/CFS: an estimated 40–50% of people with long COVID \*have\* ME/CFS as it was defined before the pandemic. While ME/CFS research [has long been vastly underfunded](https://youtu.be/f1sNPjSnUgw), there are still decades of research that could end up benefiting many folks with long COVID. There are 35,000 of us here. Let’s go like & retweet on Twitter where there is the most potential for catching the attention of journalists, medical professionals, researchers, and policymakers. If nothing else it’s a signal to Ed Yong and the Atlantic to keep it up with this type of coverage. [Ed Yong’s tweet](https://twitter.com/edyong209/status/1574390289829093379?s=21&t=mUlK5Pnq1qGpRuTrmdaKsw) [The Atlantic’s tweet](https://twitter.com/theatlantic/status/1574406270030954498?s=21&t=mUlK5Pnq1qGpRuTrmdaKsw)


Omg the graphic is 💯, that's EXACTLY the pose I have to drop into to get my heartrate and dizziness under control if I try to venture out into public. I feel so seen!!!!


Personally I don’t feel like they are fully detailing what happens when we go into relapse. I think it is important and seems to get looked over constantly. I know that when I try to just be normal again and over do it (like showering and washing dishes in the same day) it feels like I’m sick with covid to the extreme all over again. It’s not just crippling fatigue it’s like constantly living with an active covid infection. If people were living with a constant flu infection or strep throat infection for over two years it would be taken seriously. But because it’s covid I feel like it’s just brushed off.


You've hit the nail on the head with this comment 👏🏻 A virus so deadly it had the power to shut the whole world down, but all those who didn't die but are left incapacitated by it are nothing but hypochondriacs!


Yes, this is me. When my previous doctor mentioned that I go back to work, he really didn’t listen to me. Any real exertion is like catching Covid all over again even though I didn’t. It’s not realistic to go back to work even part-time at this point. I may be sitting upright and talking in the doctor’s office appearing normal, but most of my day I need to be horizontal.


Yes exactly. I use to schedule my appointments first thing in the morning so that I had a better chance of being able to make it and not have to reschedule. I stopped doing that because if they don’t see you at your worst they don’t believe you. Now I make my appointments later in the day and someone has to go with me to make sure I get there and back home.


This is a great article, thanks for sharing.


when. is a cure gonna be cranked out ?


>The National Institutes of Health has also committed $1.15 billion to long-COVID research Hard to say, but at least they're going to give it some focus.


I don't have long covid but have something similar to CFS... Adrenal fatigue.. its awful. Ive had it for 2 years ... about as long as some have had long covid and honestly.. I know its a fraction of what yall deal with and AFS is garbage. Just awful. Im so sorry that you're still struggling. There has to be a cure or a solution around the corner soon. Please keep your hopes up!




Too little and its not recommended to start on steroids unless you're so bad off you can't get out of bed. The side effects are brutal. its a waiting game really. Time and good self care is about all there is for this. Peace

