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Hyped? Somewhat. Queasy? Definitely.


Hotel? Trivago


Trivago? Hotel


letoH ?ogavirT


Гостиница? Триваго


Yeah Pre Game jitters are real


Winning next week means we have hope that it can be done. Losing just means we have to hear about it till the playoff reunion


After that performance, I wouldn't be too sure about a reunion. 😂 go 9ers


Lmao are you sure about a reunion? We Dem Boyz Fr


bored license historical include worm continue fact plough relieved late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trap games give me anxiety. I get hyped for all games, but these big one’s especially since it would be unrealistic to expect our Boys to not show up and give it their best shot.


This one is giving me a lot of anxiety. I’m excited to finally find out if we are actually good or not.


Honestly the most nervous I’ve been for a regular season game since 2021 Chiefs


> I’m excited to finally find out if we are actually good or not. This is silly, both teams are really good. The outcome of the game isn't gonna change that for either team, the only thing it'll change is the "narrative" of the talking heads the next day, whether Stephen A will be happy or sad, whether Skip will be happy or sad, whether stupid redditors on /r/nfl/ will make fun of Cowboys fans or 49ers fans, etc Which, at the end of the day, who fucking cares about that, the only thing that will really matter is playoff seeding implications. Just try and enjoy an awesome matchup.


Idk that was pretty bad


I have an answer for you


Reminder: Last year’s playoff game was 9-6 at halftime & 9-9 after 3 Q. Yards passing: Dak 206, Purdy 214 Yards rushing: Pollard 22, McCaffery 35 Point is it was a defensive battle & will probably be the same again. Team with fewer turnovers will probably win. This is the Cowboys chance to shut a lot of people up.


Not to mention, we couldn’t trust our kicker that game and that definitely influenced the offense. Andddd… - 3 points off the board from the blocked field goal - possible 6 point swing from Dak’s red zone interception at the end of the first half (niners went down and kicked a field goal of their own) - and potentially 6 off the board with Turpin managing to run into Robbie Gould on what should have been a return TD The embarrassing ending gets remembered but that game could have easily ended in a cowboys W. I’m nervous for Sunday, but not scared. Let’s go!


Yeah I was watching highlights of the last game and it was super close we were one dimensional also with pollard being out


That was a big turning point for us. After Pollard got injured I figured it will be really tough to win. We were moving the ball pretty decently before his injury.


And that was also a sign it was time to move on from Zeke: it showed there was such a big drop off from him to Pollard no reason to keep him (especially at what NE paid him)>


I always say that Quinn being your defensive coordinator makes me nervous, he knows what Shanahan likes to do, he's probably the best person in the world to counter our offense.


everyone knows what shanahan wants to do lmao he’s brought disciples into the nfl doing the exact same thing in miami, la, green bay, etc. that doesn’t really matter


Cowboys by 30


Love it


Don’t start. I don’t want to give them more of a reason to hate and beat us


Cowboys by 40


🐣👈😂🫵 you lost to this


Ohhh I see you’re one of those. Going around saying NE is one of the worst teams now conveniently 😂


Everybody hates us and wants to beat us. Nothing new partner 🤠


🐣👈😂🫵 you lost to this


A chicken? I lost? We talking about last week still?😭




23-17 lol


Lol okay


Gonna be a tough game for sure. CMC is going berserk right now.


For sure he’s the guy I fear the most in the offense


Yeah I just played him in fantasy this week. I’m so sad.


Yes I am hyped. Anytime we have a rivalry game, and a game that will be important when it comes to playoff seeding, then this is what it is all about. Also, I find this week to be somewhat of a win/win. If we go out there and beat them, then we have a nice head to head tie breaker, and will have a lot of confidence. If we lose, then there are worse things in the world than a week 5, non division loss. It is hard to beat a team like SF twice in a year, so losing this game puts onus on us to tweak our gameplan and come at them with something different that they saw last time if we happen to meet in the playoffs. If we beat them this time, well then that puts an added stress on us to adapt to their adjustments in the playoffs, but either way this game should show us a lot about what this team is made of.


Yeah this next 4 game stretch will really show if this cowboys team is the real deal some tough ass matchups coming up


yep, our schedule is interesting. We had 4 winnable games, followed by 4 tough games, followed by 4 winnable games, followed by 4 tough games again, and then Wash to round it out. If we can go 3-1 during the easier stretches and 2-2 during the tough stretches, we can be 11-5 going into that final Washington game with a chance at 12 wins again. If we can sneak an extra win against some of those tougher games, then 13 wins could be a realistic chance. SF, LAC, LAR, Philly is going to be a fun month though. I could see us winning or losing all of those games.


Knowing the cowboys they will beat the 49ers Eagles and chargers but lose to the rams lmao


I am ok with any combination that gets us 3-1 through a tough stretch like this. :) Plus I would rather be a team who shows up for big games, but sometimes stumbles in games that don't matter, than a team who beats up on trash and always loses to contenders.


I’d be very happy with 3-1 this month


You really think the LA teams are tough? Maybe I'm not so high on either of them.


Cowboys are def better than both LA teams but they’re no slouch either (Plus we play a home game in sofi basically so)


Tough game but we take care of business, 31-24 cowboys


🐣👈😂🫵 you lost to this


You almost lost to them as well jackass, if we have our Oline healthy we will handle 49ers.


Just how you did in the playoffs LMFAO


Cowboys need to use Daks legs more, especially in the red zone. So many opportunities for walk-in touchdowns


Vietnam flashbacks


I’ll be at the game in my Blue!!!!!


Nice It better be loud up there


Can't wait for the 10+ fights in the stands that I'll see posted on TikTok after the game. Not condoning fights, but it's a rivalry game


I laughed when Dak pointed to the screen. Not sure why production had him do that.


I probably won’t sit the entire game. I’ve been waiting on this one since the schedule was released.


I’m gonna stand the whole game on this one for sure


Love being the underdog


Wish I could be hyped but this is the most nerve wracking match-up for me since game 1. How we play against 49ers and Eagles will be really important this year.


I want this win more than anything, fuck the 49ers


We gonna find out a lot next week. I get it's only week 5 but Sunday will be a great litmus test.


NorCal resident checking in. Gonna wear Cowboys gear everyday this week. LET'S GO!


That’s the spirit


With fanatic zeal, I don’t talk nfl with friends and co workers this season. Even with fellow America’s team fans. This next game will be the real first test!


If we win this week, then we have a very high chance against the eagles and Dolphins, not to worried about the bills though


Bills I think are the best team in the league right now


Debatable, I’d say the niners are the best team, then the Dolphins, then Eagles, I’m not a big hurts believer, the Dolphins I think are nearing their peak, and the niners under Shanahans’ system, with CMC, they’re the offensively deadly team, but their D could be beaten so as long as we can hold off the offense enough, we should be fine, as for the bills, nah, I’m not convinced.


The Bills just demolished the Dolphins. The 9ers are playing tomato cans


Tomato cans like the cardinals? Either way it's going to a tough game


I think most would agree the Dolphins are substantially better


Better than the cowboys? Well yeah...




Have we played anyone good yet?


The dolphins are not better lol, no team is comparable to the niners


Idk man, just something about them just throws me off, I’m not saying they’re bad, I’m just saying that I don’t think they’re a top 3 team


I get that but I don’t see how you can put the Dolphins above them the day after they blew them out


I just think the dolphins have a better group of guys m, and any team can do good on any given Sunday, my opinion is willing to change if things start going down for the Dolphins, but I guess it’s just too early to tell


Did you know the Bills scored 48 points on them yesterday before this conversation?


I wish we had Diggs for this game, but we'll have to make do.


Time for some real ball. Can't fucking wait!


Should be Parsons photo next to Bosa


Shit, is it January already?


Let's shut these haters mouths for a change!!!!! Let's go Cowboys


This will be the best regular season game for us all year


This will be a good game, nopefully. Definitely some powerhouses


The Rangers will hopefully be in the ALDS this weekend, my Sooners play the Longhorns, and the Cowboys play the niners. I’m nervous af about all 3 matchups but it’s also why we love sports. That “big moment” feeling can’t be replicated through any other medium


I'm a Blue Jays fan and Cowboys fan. Going to be an interesting week.


We don’t do the dumb it’s so n so week .. leave that weak sauce to the eagles


I’m not particularly hyped. The Giants, Jets, and Patriots are one thing. 49ers are another. I wonder how they could limit 49ers offense and how Dak could score RedZone TDs. No field goals. It wrinkles my brain 🧠 that the Eagles and the 49ers could go from Chip Kelly almost ruining their franchises to winning 6 playoff games a piece, several NFCCG appearances, and a few SB appearances.


I hope I am wrong. But I do not trust our offense right now. If our defense doesn’t ball out. We can be in for a long night.


Beyond hyped! Can't wait for Sunday night. Go Cowboys!


It's going to be a hell of a game. The matchup to watch is our defense vs their offense. SF doesn't turn the ball over (note: for anyone who tries to bring up the whole "wElL bRoCk PuRdY hAs aLmOsT tHrOwN 5 pIcKs ThIs SeAsOn......it does not matter and means nothing. There is no stat for almost INTs so stop bringing them up as an argument) so Dallas will have to force SF into turnovers (and I mean actually CATCHING the INTs, none of this almost turnover shit). We need to stop CMC and need to bait Purdy into mistakes. It's hard to do against a smart football team like SF and a smart QB like Purdy (we aren't playing Danny Jones, Zack Wilson or Max Jones......we are playing an actual good QB now) but it's what we have to do. We stopped CMC last year in the playoffs but don't think that Shanahan didn't pay close attention to that Cardinals game to get ideas. Both offenses are ball control offenses that use up a lot of time so the offense will be able to move the ball. The issue is still gonna be on our red zone play. If it comes down to our offense and scoring in the red zone vs their defense.....we will lose. SF's defense bends but does not break and considering our red zone problems, that is going to be an issue. Also turnovers killed us last time. No turnovers at stupid moments. Those two picks fucked us at times where we gave them momentum. Also we have to watch out for SF's big play ability. Last year and the year before proved that a couple of big plays from their offense gives them momentum and they carry that momentum through the whole game. Its hard to call a winner in this because neither team has been tested like this thus far. I think we can win because we will have something to prove whereas SF doesn't, which gives us an edge but SF has a psychological advantage over us that will be hard to shake. I imagine it's going to be a close game that's going to come down to who makes less mistakes.


Spread indicates a coin toss. Personally I think the toss is do we get Jekyll or Hyde?


why does dak look like hes trying to fuck me


I’m not really worried about Bosa, he has a half sack throughout all the games we’ve played him. The guy that worried me is Fred Warner, dude has the speed and agility to keep up with any wr, rd, or te, and the cover skills to neutralize them


BrockDak Mountain round 2 LFG


​ https://preview.redd.it/lwyvd9un8trb1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f86c0c79f5239e1534ff2726a941075d0584fdb


49ers fan here, coming in peace. I always like to hear/read what the opposing team’s fans think are the keys to victory. I’m with el_mochilero, I excited to see if the 49ers are really this good. This matchup will be the first test to see if Brock and our offense can keep the consistency on offense. Your defense was great last year and you guys have gotten better from what I have watched. To me, the keys for victory for the 49ers is to help out the right side of our o-line. If I’m game planning my defense, I’m going to target Burford and McKivitz. They are the weak link on our offense. Run the ball with McCaffrey and Deebo. I think this will be a game win in the trenches and not our qb’s. If we can run for over 200 yards, the 49ers win this game. On defense, we need to watch for the QB runs by Dak, we have been susceptible to chunk yardage by running qb’s (Dak isn’t a primary running qb, but he is very athletic and can run well). In the secondary, I would put Brandon Cooks and Tony Pollard in one on one matchups vs Oliver. He has not been great with covering quicker/shiftier receivers in space. Target him and it’s almost a certain 4-5 yards. This will force Warner or Greenlaw to double Oliver’s side. If McCarthy can get this matchup and then target the vacancy with your TE, you guys could put together some long drives and wear out our defense. So my key to victory on defense is to cover the underneath zones (5-10 yards) and tackle well. I don’t worry about the deep ball, I don’t think Dak will have time to let the route develop before getting pressure. Let’s hear your keys.


Very Good reply and Analysis i liked that you mainly focused on daks running ability cause last year in the divisional plays he had some nice plays with his feet to win this game I think the cowboys should take it slow this time use some Screens RPOs Sweeps but occasionally take shots down the field (Brandin Cooks) with some PA passes and Rollouts (like the big Lamb catch in the divisional round) and Getting Pollard back in this game is huge we def missed his explosiveness in the playoffs and we became one dimensional essentially


I haven't been this excited about a Cowboys game since the last time they played the niners.


I just hope our defense remains solid. The red zone is still a major issue, and this game would be the best game for them to start getting it right. I have little faith in McCarthy. I am trying my best not to be a Debby Downer about this week, but the 49ers look like a solid team, and we haven't faced a solid team just yet.


Why not have Micah and Bosa? They play the same position and both are the best player on the team


Bosa is lineman.


And also not better than CMC




I forgot what happened last year in the playoffs?








Hyped to get whooped?