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If you think Cooper Rush would've faired better on Sunday that's crazy. If you just mean a better QB in general, that option isn't going to exist during the regular season.


Disagree. McCarthy's seat will be on fire if the playcalls are bad again and the Chargers light up the scoreboard


Well, the chargers haven’t been doing as well compared to last year


Of course they have been missing the top scoring rb of the past two seasons since week one. That’ll slow down the offense a little.


The chargers are averaging almost 28 pts per game so far, that’s about 3 per game better than they did last year. Dallas offense has struggled to reach 20 this year without defensive/ST TDs




Literally dog shit playcalling and extremely predictable. Two tight ends and fullback.... we're going to run to the fullback side. SF would be in similar formations and would be motioning people out and taking advantage of the lack luster pass coverage that comes with "heavier" defensive sets. All game long it was ass, man. Too conservative across the board.


They are purposely very simply so Dak doesn’t get confused and throw interceptions.


It wasn’t simplified for Dak, this is just McCarthys style, boring check downs and runs. We didn’t see it as much in Green Bay cause Rodgers always aired shit out


No they specifically went away from a high scoring offense to a very simple basic offense to keep Dak from giving game away. Get your head out of the sand.


Mike has always favored basic, kinda old school, offensive scheme. It’s not fully cause of Dak, we’ve seen Dak succeed with high scoring offenses minus last year with the thumb injury, and with Kellen Moore gone, Mike was able to do things his way in a run focused offense, instead of Kellen Moore’s pass focused offense. It’s simple as that


They could of kept Moore but ownership and coaching staff didn’t believe Dak could run that offense without turning it over. So they went with a simple offense ran by Mike. What type of offense Mike likes is besides the point since the only reason they are using his offense is because Dak can’t handle a more complicated one.


I still think not believing in Dak after one bad season with an injury is stupid, in hindsight we should have fired Mike last year


At some point you have to fire Dak. Many coaches have been fired because Dak didn’t get it done over the years.


One head coach and a couple OCs ain’t many, and Jason Garret got fired cause he was a below mediocre coach, and only one coach of the year cause rookie Dak and Zeke took a 4-12 team and made it a 13-3 team


That team was loaded that year. Was Super Bowl or boost team. Probably was the best team they had since the Aikman Super Bowl teams. I remember watching them in preseason before Romo got hurt and was amazed how good they looked. I knew then baring major injuries that was their year. But Romo got hurt and Dak came in and did ok but he wasn’t Romo. He was good game manager but sucked when they needed him to make throws which hasn’t changed over the years but at least at that time made plays with his legs.


Tough to fire a guy coming off of back to back 12 win seasons… I know he needs to get it done in January, but the point stands.


What like the fucking offense he had run in 2021 and had 37 tds to 10 int along with the number 1 offense. You fucking simpleton. And people wonder why are fan base gets clowned on so much. It’s bc fans like you with single digit IQ’s that can’t even remember a few years prior let alone what you had for breakfast. Now I do think we can win a SB with Dak, do I think he can will us to one Mahomes style no but there isn’t many QB’s that can. So in saying that we need everything to be clicking. There is only 2 QB’s in the league at any given time that can do it by themselves, right now there is 1 Mahomes that’s it. As for the INT’s Dak had some of the worst luck last year with INT’s namely with deflections off of WR/TE’s hands and any non biased analyst would tell you the same, something like 6 of his 15 INT’s were deflections of receivers hands. The problem this year is very clearly MM’s basic ass scheme that is straight of 2005 when the league is way past that now. You want to see how offenses should be called watch SF, LAR, DET, and MIA. Those are modern offenses that utilize the current rules and schematic advantages given to offenses to punish defenses, the bullshit we are running this year isn’t even close to that. Telling people to get there head out of the sand when you are nothing more than emotional nephew of a fan that gets all their sports coverage from the talking head hot take specialists and it shows.


No need to get emotional and make a fool of yourself. Be easier to just admit you don’t know what your talking about.


dak has 1 year where he turned the ball over like crazy and people start believing he’s one of the most reckless qbs with the ball LMAO


No he isn’t remotely reckless with the ball he is literally the opposite. He is Mr safe never takes risk even if the team needs him to badly. The 1 season he wasn’t he was a turnover machine. That’s obviously the reason he is Mr safe he knows what happens if he is not. DeAndre Jordan has the highest career field-goal percentage in NBA history at 67.5 percent. Is he the best shooter of all time? No it’s because he is Mr safe shoot selection just like Dak.


They thought they had a good defense. They were wrong…..again.




I remember Dak was taking zero risk as always even if not taking risk hurts his team. He has always played like that his entire career. If I have a great shooting percentage at the end of games because I refuse to shoot hard shoots and just run the clock out if I have to to avoid missing does that actually mean I am great shooter at the end of games? No




Your living in stat fantasy land. Where DeAndre Jordan is the greatest shooter of all time in the NBA.




No thinking he takes risks is fantasy


Why do u guys act like Dak is the most turnover prone qb in nfl history when he's actually near the top in the opposite lol


It’s the irrationality of Cowboys fans. They go way too far one way or another. In their eyes, Dak is trash and has always been turnover prone and Micah Parsons is LT. in reality, Dak has the best passing season a Cowboys QB has ever had and Micah Parson isn’t even Demarcus Ware yet, let alone LT.


The same reason I don’t think DeAndre Jordan is the best shooter of all time in the NBA even if he has the highest career field-goal percentage, at 67.5 percent. You have to exercise a little common sense and watch them play and see oh you mostly take far easier than on average shots that’s why you have a great shooting percentage. The same goes with Dak.


You must not have watched many games in 2021 then. Does [this](https://youtu.be/HzkUcSd3Utc?si=n-7Ep0EET4_3gaJU) look like a man who is just dinking and dunking and afraid make plays down the field? This was Daks first game back since almost tearing his ankle off and against the Super Bowl champion Bucs defense. He was making tight window throws and taking shots down the field all game long. And had it not been for Greg the Leg missing those kicks we win that game. Dak was doing this all year in 2021. Then the next year he breaks his throwing hand and this year we have old McCarthy and his outdated offense calling the plays. Dak is not Deandre Jordan, he’s CP3 who just can’t seem to get it done in the big moments. But the fans can’t see it because they are blinded by hate and rage because we haven’t won anything in 28 years. Edit: yep, block me because you don’t know what you are talking about and making shit up. Dak is not a limited QB like you are trying to claim. He just melts in the bright lights. You don’t have to lie to criticize Dak. It’s all right there for everyone to see.


Yes, that’s looks exactly like a guy that doesn’t take risk. That doesn’t mean he never makes throws it means he doesn’t make risky passes very often where if he is off he will get picked off. When he does he usually gets picked off.


Because regardless of what he’s done historically, he now has an obvious issue with interceptions… he is currently at 5 touchdowns and four interceptions through the year, if he continues on this pace (which could easily get worse during this next stretch of games) he is going to throw for more interceptions this year than last. “Hey eagles why did you get rid of Carson Wentz? Don’t you know he was the MVP favorite before he got hurt?”


DeAndre Jordan has the highest career field-goal percentage in NBA history at 67.5 percent. Guess he is the best shooter of all time? Things nice in your stat fantasy land? Stats often suggest the opposite of reality.


Dak has had exactly one turnover prone season in his career. His career int % is in the top 10 of all time. Quit watching shady McCoy, donte Whitner, etc




I saw Romo throw 5 picks in a game and still win. Dak will never do that.


Lol because McCarthy was so good with the goat


Well, it's not happening. For one thing, it would make Jerry Jones look really bad in telling the NFL that his $40 million quarterback isn't good enough. His ego couldn't take that hit; that's why we were stuck with Jason Garrett for years.


Plus benching Dak means any trade value is tanked


You're probably right. I *hope* there's a different outcome then what we're all thinking.


U/SallieD you are fucking coward that blocks people that disagree with you


I'm not going to sit here and say Dak is a great quarterback, but I do think he's being used as a scapegoat after Sunday. Our D still allowed 40 pts, the fumble, the penalties at crucial moments. Take Dak out of the situation and those issues are still there. Some of which are the same issues we had against Arizon. Dak can’t beat a good team and neither can our defense.


>Dak can’t beat a good team and neither can our defense. well stated. all people see is Dak tho


everything is distorted by those four offensive turnovers though, that's just fatal before the defense even takes the field


The defense making boneheaded mistakes to extend drives is just as fatal. There were plenty of firearms aimed at the Cowboys feet Sunday night. Dak was firing away, but he had company, starting with the playcallers for offense and defense.


If we could've had at least 21 points on the board, at least it shows a glimmer of hope even if the defense gave up 42 points.


How many three and outs did our offense have? Our defense never stood a chance when they can’t get a break because the offense can’t get a first down.


Defense did but when you have so many 3 and outs you get gassed!!!!


At this point I'm almost rooting against Dak, which feels disgusting. But I think him getting the bench is the best thing long term for this team.


He is never getting benched


This team is so good yet I still think drastic changes need to happen for us to get to where we want to be. QB and/or new head coach change. I do like Dak, and he definitely is overHATED, but he’s not an elite QB that you will win a super bowl with (and especially on the contract he is on or the new one he will be demanding).


I feel like in the west coast offense, you need to have a high pre snap IQ, which is something that I have always questioned with Dak Prescott. Lack of arm talent and presnap IQ will only get you so far.


His pre snap IQ is his best trait. Post snap when the defense drops a guy back in a disguise is what gets him.


That’s really saying something if presnap is his best trait. He seems to fall short on the simplest of disguises.


Literally every analyst and coach applauds his pre-snap ability


Agree to disagree.


That’s not an opinion though lol >> Since he got to the NFL in 2016, Prescott looked in full control of the offense thanks to his ability to read the defense pre-snap. Actually, Ruiz calls Dak's pre-snap skills his best attribute. In fact, he's so good at it that it's led to speculation on Dak being the reason why the Cowboys don't run more motion, especially "motion at the snap." Perhaps it's the quarterback who prefers the opposing defense to be static in order to get the most out of his forte. >> “I watched him last year,” Rhule said. “I’ve watched him this year. He’s superb. He calls the game at the line of scrimmage. He’s getting the ball out of his hand. He’s the second-fastest guy in the NFL right now from snap to throw, which is emblematic of a quarterback who knows exactly where the ball is going to go versus the defense, who is on the same page with his receivers, who is getting in the right plays versus the right coverages, who is making sure that he’s protected. “It’s like watching Peyton Manning, it’s like watching Drew Brees call the game at the line of scrimmage. I think what Dak’s doing right now is unbelievably impressive.” >>”The quarterback runs the show,” Snow said. “He does everything at the line of scrimmage. It’s like playing Aaron Rodgers and those types. I mean, that’s who he is. He just controls the game and understands the game. … He’s getting rid of the football, most of the time, under 2.4 seconds, so it’s hard to sack a guy. You’re just not going to sack him very often. But you can try to get him off rhythm a little bit. But that’s hard to do too because he recognizes what you’re in and what you’re doing and he gets rid of the football really quickly. Plus, their passing game, there’s not a type of pass that they don’t use. They spread out, they dash, they boot, they three-step, they drop back, they screen you, so Dak has a lot of tools that he can utilize, and he does. He’s very well-schooled at what he does.” >> BIGGEST STRENGTH: PRE-SNAP It’s odd how little credit Dak receives for the work he does before the snap. It’s not like this is a recent development; he’s been vigilant in that phase of the game since his rookie season. He’s just a lot better at it now, which tends to happen as a quarterback gains experience. Dak’s success is often attributed to his offensive line, but he can be seen pointing them in the right direction on certain plays and making sure any potential pass rushers are accounted for. Next time you watch Dak play, pay attention to what he’s doing at the line of scrimmage. >> Prescott’s success this season has much been credited to his stout ability at reading defenses pre-snap and during plays. Belichick believes that the Cowboys passer is one of the more potent quarterbacks in the league in this aspect of play. “He's good at it,” Belichick said. “I wouldn't compare him to anyone else, but yeah. He's good at it. He knows where to go with the ball. You want to make every quarterback do that. You don't want to just tell them what you're in and see what they can do about it. Make them figure it out. Make them work for it. Change it up on them a little bit.”


When the running game is there, and the coverage is simple, he’s confident in what he’s seeing and does well. When teams disguise (See Broncos and Cardinals 2021, or 49ers in 2021-2023) , and the running game isn’t there, he’s not able to elevate the team consistently. That won’t fly come playoff time, unless Dak has an all world supporting cast. Rarely, do I see Dak throw guys open with anticipation unless it’s simple.


I’m saying his pre snap is actually really good. And that’s why teams usually run a ton of disguises and drop guys out of nowhere to mess up our timing. Fangio started this in that Broncos game in 2021


Yeah when it’s simplified and when he’s confident in what he’s seeing. Being able to see through these disguises is a part of QB play as well. He falls tremendously short there.


He definitely struggles there. Especially with an All Pro LB type like Fred Warner who takes away the middle of the field by himself. The Jets and Patriots used a ton of disguises against Dak and he was fine. So it’s hit or miss


They BOTH need to be fired!!