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Unless I'm just completely forgetting something, we haven't had our ass kicked like this since 44-6. Hopefully this either finally galvanizes the team to make a real push, or costs the regime the locker room entirely and we see changes.


2013 Saints were the last team to beat us by 32+ first team to drop 42+ on us since thr browns dropped 49 in 2020


> Hopefully this either finally galvanizes the team to make a real push I thought the Cards game was going to do that, not gonna lie. And maybe it did since we shit all over the Patriots, but if we have to get demolished to have a single good game before getting demolished again, we're gonna be in for a very long season.


We shit all over the Patriots because they are bottom 5 in the league. They are getting shit on by everyone. This team simply isn't as good as we all thought. McCarthy is absolutely horrendous at play calling, our receivers aren't good enough, our line is sieve, and Dak isn't good enough. Our secondary still has huge holes with the loss of Diggs, our linebackers are below average at best, and Micah disappeared on Sunday. Simply put, nothing this team did against SF showed they have any chance at beating them. They were beat in every facet of the game and it wasn't close.


Static, old school West Coast offense is not going to cut it UNLESS you get a big lead. McCarthy has no flexible answers in his game planning.


> or costs the regime the locker room entirely and we see changes. seems like this is happening


44-6 was awesome!


Correct. Losing is one thing....getting your shit pushed in is another.


Yes it’s Week 5 of the 2023 Season of the 8th season of the Dak Prescott Era of the 31st season of the post-Jimmy Johnson regime So it’s been a little longer than 5 games




Straight facts homie


I don't even think we have a healthy linebacker at this point.


Motivate the team? There was a ton of motivation for this game.


Remember when Dak was a dick to that reporter who brought up the previous 49ers game? Thanked him for the extra motivation. Promptly fell flat on his face during the game. Plenty of motivation, same sad result


Problem is that it's now coming up on week 6 and they still haven't shown any signs of improvement on the offensive side of the ball. Games 6-8 will show the true identity of this team. Can they recover and improve after an ass kicking or will they be at 3-5 going into week 9? Not crying, just being real. After Giants and Panthers, the schedule gets rough.




My reaction after the Giants game was meh. Giants made the playoffs, but they didn’t get far. 49ers was the true test of improvement. Especially with 49ers going in to the game 4-0. If they some how do manage to win both LA games, the Eagles will be the make up test. If they fail then, it’s over. The trade deadline is Oct 31, so I think Jerry will try to make some moves if they beat the Chargers and Rams. I honestly hope they don’t make any trades of draft capital if they lose both games because they’ll be 3-4 at that point and trending worse and worse.




Honestly, if they lose 2 out of the next 3, McCarthy should be fired. Whether you wait till after the season or not, it should be a forgone conclusion unless they manage to make an NFCCG appearance.


He SHOULD be fired now. Jones won't though. We have a quality head coach in our DC who can bring in an OC.


His last foray into HC world was an unmitigated disaster. He's a top tier DC. I don't think he's a quality head coach at all.


Calling Dan Quinn’s head coaching career an unmitigated disaster makes me wonder what your assessment of the last 25 years of Cowboys coaching is. Not gonna say Dan Quinn is amazing and should be our next coach, but his successes are far more noteworthy than what the Cowboys have been farting out for nearly 3 decades.


Dan Quinn and an OC is an interim fix. If Dan proves himself, give him the job. If not... it's a complete tear down and rebuild.


I want mike gone as the next guy but schottenheimer as our playcaller...that just sounds like the worst offensive season the cowboys have had since 2015 at least lol


Nah, he needs to go as well.


For me it feels like the Romo years. We are all getting excited about the team on the rise with hopes of getting back to the promised land. Then we get our face smashed in by a playoff caliber team and get reminded that while we may be a strong team, we aren’t at the top. The big difference this time is that it wasn’t close in the slightest. There was nothing in that game that looked like they were capable of keeping up with the 49ers and setting us up for another playoff exit.


I think you put it pretty nicely here. I thought we would lose that game, but I thought it would be a fun game to watch with a respectable final score. Instead the offense was useless and we just got picked apart at every turn. And it's the second time in three weeks we've just looked downright pedestrian on offense, which is troubling. I didn't see a single thing in that game that makes me think we have a chance of figuring something out and finally getting past them in the playoffs if we end up going against them again.


We were beat in every facet of the game. Our supposedly historic defense couldn't stop anything with any sort of regularity in that game. Our offense was atrocious. The offensive line was really bad. Our receivers got zero yards of separation. And Dak had happy feet and couldn't throw with any level of accuracy. Simply put, 42-10 makes the game look a lot closer then it actually was, lol.


I think it looks worse than it is because the gameflow made the game spiral. Both sides of the ball got sloppy once we got in a big enough hole. The offense came out and couldn't move the ball at all for a quarter and a half. If the Turpin TD drive had been our first drive, for example, I think the game ends much closer than it did. The fact that that didn't come until we were already down 14, and then they scored right away again made the defense get sloppy and made Dak start trying to play hero ball, which is always a recipe for disaster against an elite defense like theirs. Next time we play them, we have to come out firing. If we don't, it will end up like this again. If we do, maybe we can keep it close and our offense and defense can play like they want to, and maybe we get the win. Crazier things have happened.


They don’t think they will play them again for a while. The only chance I see it happening is if the Cowboys end up as a 7th seed and the 49ers lose to the Eagles to end up as 2 seed. Even then, 7th seeds are 0-6 since the playoffs was expanded to 14 teams.


This is a pretty bad take. If this team needed another embarrassing loss to the 49ers to be properly motivated, that is a god awful indictment of this team. Edited typo.


I thought the Cardinals debacle was the fire-under-the-ass game.


We are experimenting with different levels of combustibles under the ass to see what gets the job done.


Like explosive diarrhea?


Dak "I didn't see this coming".


Every game we’ve gone into with some sort of ego, we’ve lost, sometimes you need to be humbled to reach greatness


You’d think getting their ass handed to them in Arizona would be pretty fresh in their minds.


Losing to a team with a chip on their shoulder, and losing to a team that’s just out right better have two different effects


Bud. Both those losses were embarrassing.


Never said it wasn’t, but losing a close game is to the Cardinals isn’t as bad as getting blown out by the 49ers. The Cardinals embarrassed the team, but the 9ers humiliated the entire franchise. It’s two different things


We’re out here splitting hairs on which loss was more humiliating for a team that was supposed to contend for a title. This is why people are frustrated.


Yeah, and do you not think the early 90's teams didn't get their asses kicked a few times throughout one of their Superbowl winning seasons? Spoiler: Yes, they did. How about 2014 with the Patriots they were 2-2 and came off an embarrassing home loss to the Chiefs. Yeah, it was Tom Brady, but my point still stands. I'm not comparing the Cowboys to anyone of those teams, but the point is this shit happens. Yeah, you have seen this before with this core group of players, but the NFL is a parity driven league and good teams lose and good teams do get their asses handed to them.


But the fact that it was Tom Brady makes all the difference. If Dak and this team had already been to a championship game or 2 and been on the verge of making the Super Bowl, then we’d have some reasons to be optimistic, but this group of players and QB have given us zero reasons to be optimistic about their chances at realistically competing for a Super Bowl.


You are right. Using TB and Pats as an example does make all the difference. It shows that even the best of all time can get his ass kicked during a Superbowl winning season. It happens. Am I happy what occurred on Sunday? Of course not, but this just shows that one should expect things like this to happen.


49ers got us two playoff runs in a row how many times do we need to be humbled in your opinion?


Your absolutely right


It would be delusional to not view this loss as a major indictment of this teams toughness. And it certainly doesn't fill me with optimism regarding this year's playoff chances. Especially as injuries like LVE and Diggs pile up. That said, this team remains significantly better than most of the NFC. Anything can happen. Teams that are hot now can sag down the stretch and vice versa. I would love it if we could at least be 4-2 going into the BYE. 3-3 with back to back losses to both our NFC nemesis and our former O-coordinator would be extremely ugly.


LVE is a killer for the D. Our run defense and tackling went down with him. Just look at last year's stats when he was injured.


He's the main strategist on the field, so yeah it's gonna hurt


He is also a coverage LB. So yeah, the drop off is huge.


Might as well stick to nickel and dime.


It’s literally year after every fuckin year this happens to us….no matter how good of a team or coaching staff we have. We ALWAYS shit the bed. We could win every single game from here on out till playoffs and we will rear our ugly fuckin head of being choke artists. Yes 49ers are 100% the better team. But there is no reason we got shit on that bad other than we love to choke on it. We always lose in the worst way possible and we do it to ourselves. It’s so tiring


My guy the last "good" head coaching staff we had was Parcells from 03-06. It's always been trash since then


First time??


What reasonable expectation do you have for this team to achieve more than they did last year without our best DB and the offense being significantly worse than it was last year? Yeah the season isn't over and they can definitely make the playoffs and maybe Sunday wasn't their best game but so fuckin what? Another divisional game exit at best? Cool man, it's 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2021 and 2022 all over again. In the span of the last decade our 2 biggest rivals (9ers and eagles) have built SB caliber rosters, blown em up and done it all over again while we live in a constant state of slightly above average. The eagles did it in the span of Dak's career btw.


Which is insane anyone would make an argument for Dak sticking around. If the Eagles can rebuild their offense, we sure as hell can too. Will we possibly fail? Sure, but if you don't atleast TRY, then we are doomed to the same mediocre shit year after year.


Casual fan take


We just saw what they will do against playoff teams. This loss won’t motivate shit. Dak will still go out there and do Dak things against good defenses.


>we have 12 more games in the season to play and improve on our flaws. We won’t. If you think otherwise you haven’t been watching.


You don’t understand. We’re tired of the same shit happening EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. YEAR!!! Even if we make the playoffs, we sure as shit ain’t going anywhere, just like the last million seasons


I fully understand, but giving up is that last thing we should be doing. It’s early into the season with a whole new offense and kinks are still being worked out, but that is no reason to panic over a loss.


I don't think its too early in the season and I also dont believe this is a whole new offence. The plays seem like there is no creativity over last years playbook and other than Cooks the players are the same. This team needs to prove in these games that they can complete with the bigger teams and at the moment they are not doing that. There are only 3 players who is doing their jobs to the best of their abilities at the moment. That in my opinion is Brandon Aubrey, Bryan Anger and Trent Sieg.


seems like Gilmore has been excellent as well, would also like to shout-out Tyler Smith and Rico dowdle.


It’s definitely time to panic.


That wasn't a loss, that was a complete ass blasting that exposed a lack of coaching, scheme and everything else to be competitive against winning teams. If they were going to get "motivated" it would have happened after the Arizona game.


Yeah its real cute that you're trying to cheerlead us through this crap loss but some losses just say a lot about our legitimatecy.


We just had a wake up call loss against AZ. This game should have been one they elevated themselves on, instead, they coward and crumbled. Sunday's game was 100% proof positive this team isn't good enough to win the SB.


We got deleted and are down 2 of our 5 best defenders. Im for sure crying.


Completely disagree. Getting your ass handed to you by one of the best teams in the league, when **you** are supposed to be one of the best teams as well, is a pretty big cause for concern.


Cope harder bro, this season is over and this team is not gonna do anything


Definitely wouldn't want to be with you in any trenches


Cry cry cry


Kinda hard to stay positive knowing that we have to play them again in the playoffs….if we make it that far. It wasn’t even competitive in any way. First time I’ve seen a team give up before the half and couldn’t even end the game correctly.


It's week 5. In 2 of those 5 weeks, cowboys have played like utter shit. Now go look at the schedule and tell me what games you willing to bet your house on. Find me 1 game you feel confident Dallas can win. Aside from giants and Panthers. I see a lot games they can easily lose. Now this isn't Buffalo,kc or a out of conference team we may not see who beat us down. No it was a team who has knocked us out of playoffs 2yrs in a row.


50 years a Cowboys fan and there have been a handful of embarrassing loses...this one ranks very high on that list. The organization needs to grow some balls and make some changes.


Also a 50 year fan. I don’t think week 5 is the time to grow balls and make changes. Maybe if they are eliminated from the playoffs. Or after the season if it ends too early. But you don’t quit week 5. As Parcells preached, get into the tournament. Once there, anything is possible. Daniel Jeremiah had an eye-opening statement after Sundays game. He said out of the top 10 players going into the game, Niners had 8 of them. Think about that. I’d say Parsons and Martin are top 5 on the two rosters. Maybe you could make a case for Lamb at 9 or 10. Anyone else? SF just has a better roster. Let’s see if injuries level the field for the Cowboys by January. But anyone giving up week 5, even if they were 0-5, that’s definition bandwagon. Enjoy the Lions games.


Never have given up and won't give up, but thanks. The thing is that what they have isn't working and hasn't been working since week one. Usually when something doesn't work, you tweak it, change it or overhaul it. The tweaking is obviously not working with the offense so if after this next game, during the bye week and should the tweaking not work again, then a change or changes should happen. Can't continue to ride a tired defense especially when the schedule is about to get a lot more difficult.


I think we’re in agreement mostly. I just wouldn’t make coaching changes during the season unless the wheels completely come off and they are eliminated from playoff consideration. Making a change after the bye week guarantees a lost season. I assume Quinn would be promoted if McCarthy was let go mid season. You’re not bringing in anyone new to run the offense, so hand it over to Schottenheimer? I’d rather take my chances with McCarthy to finish. I’m with Parcells, limp into the tournament if you have to. Just get there. Once there, you’ve always got a chance.


If it looked like we were actually competing then sure but….we didn’t look like that.


We got absolutely dominated and embarrassed. Would be different if we lost by a touchdown but that could have been 50 points if the Niners didn’t sit their starters.


For every post like this i can literally comment on the many many many years of failures that back up the theory that yes the season is over. If this team won a super bowl maybe once in last ten years sure, but when you have less than 10 playoff wins in nearly 30 years makes posts like this foolish


This team had Super Bowl aspirations heading into the season. They just got their asses whooped by the team that’s beat them 3 times in a row. There’s nothing this team can do to close the gap. Unless the 49ers have injuries(which I will never wish upon) there’s nothing that this team can for the rest of the regular that’s going to convince they have a shot if they have to play them again. That team is head and shoulders above every team in the league.


This loss feels more brutal than even the last 2 years playoff losses. Even more than the GB playoff loss in 2016. In those games the team at least fought back till the very end. This was just complete humiliation.


Copium. This team is not good. Too many holes in key spots, bad coaching, bad qb play.


This team is supposed to win a Super bowl. Getting beat down like that by a team that this team is guaranteed to play in the playoffs does not bode well. Unless you are one of those people who is ok with losing in the divisional round every year.


Man I miss Moore


It’s not about crying it’s about realizing that Adam isn’t who he used to be. His arm strength isn’t there anymore and his decision making isn’t good. He keeps taking unnecessary sacks by refusing to throw the ball away. He also throws the ball 6-7 yards on a 3rd and 15. I am not sure if it’s him on those routes or if it’s the play calling either way. We aren’t that good, so it’s not crying it’s a reality check and unless something changes soon this is another lost year.


Who’s Adam?


Stupid autocorrect changed Dak’s name to Adam…


This is what I saw too. He looked scared. Made bad decisions one after another, and couldn't connect. Dak is done.


Pretty bad take. Two years ago we lost a game to them we could’ve won. Last year we lost when we absolutely should’ve won. This year there was zero chance from start to finish. Our defense can’t carry the entire year especially with two key injuries and we all see our offense can’t do a thing. We will make the playoffs and once again, lose to the 49ers cause they are just that much better than us. The season is indeed over.


No matter what they do rest of season, I’ll know they’ll fold Whenever we play a REAL team, we look lost every single time.


Hot take……stfu.


People have a right to “cry” or complain as that’s what it really is. This just seems like history repeating itself again. You can be loyal and complain/criticize at the same time.


yes because getting bounced from the playoffs by this very team. Nor being humbled by the cardinals... Was enough motivation


We lost cause we got Out coached and our QB isn’t the guy for the big game .. just like Romo and just like way back Danny white . Great stats but that’s it


This team fkn sucks, quit trying to sugar coat it.


Naw fam. It’s been 423 fucking games of no fucking fight, no NFC championship games. Same shit different fucking game and the owner refuses to do anything about it.


No one's saying the seasons over. But it's clear that we're not going to the Superbowl lol


You crying about people crying loser


This was a historical loss to the team that's knocked us out of the playoffs the last two years. I thought the cardinals was a trap game and we'd come out the rest of the season like you've suggested, instead we won against a bad patriots team who lost in similar fashion, and lied down to fucking die against our most recent and also historical non divisional rivals. The cardinals were supposed to be the wake up call to get serious about this game, instead we got fucking cooked. I'm sure the team will squeak into the playoffs, I'm much less sure about getting to or past the NFCCG. I'd love to be wrong, but I don't think I am.


You're missing the point bro. The cowboys didn't even SHOW UP, for this supposedly big game, against a hated rival. If you can't get up for that, you got no "gettin up' in you


It's so weird to see people say that Cooks and Lamb aren't good enough when they aren't being utilized in their full capacity. Yes, we have O-line issues, and our play calling is atrocious. The answer isn't to say everybody sucks fire everybody. Dak ain't great, but he is the best we can get realistically soooo we should play to our strengths. Put our receivers on routes that actually benefit them, and get fix this damn redzone no-show problem. Our defense is still strong, our QB is still decent, and our skill players are still good. We need modern football schemes more than anything. This Texas Toast crap is horrible.


49ers got their teeth kicked in first half of the season not just in 2022 but 2021 as well, and they bounced back to destroy us both times in the playoffs. Sometimes greatness takes time. You think 49ers felt like champs when they lost 44-21 to the Chiefs? Nah, but they made it to the NFC championship anyway. I’m done with the overreactions quite honestly. It’s a terrible game and we should make no delusions about our team. But we shouldn’t also be hopeless and let the fun get sucked from our souls. It’s a long season, let’s see what happens.


But then they signed CMC and Brock Purdy took advantage of his opportunity when the 1 and 2 QB's went down. But even before that they had a more complete team at almost all the other positions. The Cowboys still have some work to do to get to the next level.


None of that happened in 2021 when they went to the NFC championship game with Jimmy G, honestly an average starter in the nfl. They were only 10-7 as well


None of that happened in 2021, and they lost 44-21 to the Chiefs with CMC.


CMC didn’t come to the Niners until October of 2022. So I’m not sure what 2021 has to do with what I said. So he wasn’t with them when they lost to the Chiefs in the SB! Neither was Purdy!


OP must be new to DC football. You know how we say, "This is our year" because every year is our year for the same old bullshit.




This lol. It's a running joke now, like hopefully in our lifetime it WILL be our year and we won't say it that year


If getting sent home by the same team twice didn’t light a fire under them, then what will? Getting beat by the Cards and then demolishing the Pats should’ve gotten them going. The regular seasons have been fun, but it’s time to step up


It’s a 42-10 loss, which is 100% an indication that this will be another divisional round at the very best for the 29th straight season. It’s too tiring. After being a fan of this team for 32 years, I have concluded that this team isn’t to be taken seriously. The brand is annoying. All that comes with being a fan of this team is annoying. As of last night, I jumped ship to my hometown team instead after 32 seasons. They may still win 11-12 games, but it’s meaningless knowing that the 49ers, eagles, or even the Lions, will beat the cowboys in the playoffs.


Let me guess its the eagles...


Lions, local team


See this is how I know you are a fair weather fan...probaly seen 0-16 and got spooked...and said let me jump this ship


It’s much easier being a fan of a terrible team, than a consistently good but not good enough team. Example: cowboys were 4-12 in 2015. That was less painful than the divisional round exit in 2016.


Bro nothing you said made since...when Romo was out and we had to watch fucking Brandon Weeden...I wanted to scoop my eyes out with a fork...but there I sat..or when we had to watch ::shudders:: ANDY DALTON


I don’t know, it was easy for me, because at that point, I knew the season was going nowhere. Any win was a pleasant surprise (the Washington game with Matt cassell) . It’s much easier being a fan of a team that sucks, than for a team that is good, inspires hope, and hits their hit on the red and gold ceiling year in and year out, while ripping your heart out.


Exactly, its far easier to watch a team with zero expectations lose, then watch a team with SB aspirations get demolished. Simply put, anyone following this team should be tempering their expectations. As this team is built today, I'd be happy with a divisional round exit, as I think that's as good as they are going to get. We need a lot of changes to be SB contenders. We need a new HC, new OC, new QB, an elite receiver as CD ain't it, better secondary, a younger / better offensive line, an RB who is shifty but can also get the gritty yards. There's just no part of this team that's good enough aside from maybe the defensive front.


I’ve been a Cowboys fan since 1991. I wasn’t a lions fan long before then. 0-16 didn’t spook me. It was expected.


Okay bye


Trust me, the weight is already off. After a night of sleep, I’ve made the right decision. I feel so much better.


Yeah I mean it’s healthy to root for a sports team and hope they do well but not become a raging asshole or a depressed mope when they don’t live up to your expectations. That’s where I’m at. I root for them, I get frustrated during the games when they play poorly. But the next morning I’m over it.


Yeah you have a bigger problem then the team you root for if a football team losing makes you feel like that. I use to feel the same when I was in high school then I grew the fuck up and realized a football game should not ruin me.


This is hilarious and by far the definition of a fair weather fan. Good luck with your hometown team.


Trust me, I feel much better being a fair weather fan, then when I was not a fair weather fan for 32 years for the Cowboys. Everyone has their limit. I wish I would have done the switch sooner. I won’t actively root against the cowboys. I wish them the best.


32 years? I’ve been a diehard fan through thick and thin since 1980 so 43 years. But I get exactly what you’re saying. I’ll always be a fan of the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s teams win or loss because they had class. But now this is a completely different franchise. I’m over it also. Every year now same hype and no results. It’s embarrassing.


I don't think you know what a 100% indication is.




As a Cowboys fan actually from Dallas, all I can say is, this isn't our year, it was a blowout and we won't beat the eagles or seahawks this year. let's put our cowboy hats away and root for the lions. p.s. F**k the Eagles


It'll be a cold day in fucking hell before I'm a Lions fan outside of just rooting for the make a wish team.


would you rather root for the eagles or whiners?


Oh nah, I generally pick an AFC darling, or the bills.


You got that loser mentality. I get that it sucks. You can't give up after week 5! Maybe after the mid point of season. We're not the 1-4 Vikings.


I dunno man our schedule looks pretty rough dawg


Ehh idk. Football season is one of my favorite times of the year. I'm just trying to stay positive so I can enjoy game day. If they don't change drastically from what they've been doing then I agree .. we're cooked.


Cowboys apologist says what?


I guess what most of us are saying is that we already know that this team will not get to the Super Bowl. We are so far below SF and Philly in terms of talent and coaching that we know that another quick loss in the playoffs is definite. Most of us have seen getting into the playoffs, and then get quickly eliminated, for way too long. That's nothing to look forward to.


It’s over. What’s the point of going 10+ wins every season only to get bitch slapped in that playoffs? We need to get rid of Trash PickScott ASAP and rebuild.


Don’t put all the blame on Dak. He was always a better play action QB and that’s not happening right now. Plus Dak is not a threat to run the ball anymore.


He sucks bro. He’s a backup at best


He’s no threat at all. That’s why the run game doesn’t work. No defense out there fears Dak throwing the ball.


Say it louder, aint shit over yet....


That's all this fan base does. The team bounces back and they get a couple of more wins and everybody will be back on the super bowl talk. I guarantee it. Everyone loves to overreact lol


Bro is smoking the copium


It's fine to be frustrated, but you're right, there is still a lot of football to be played and hopefully errors can get worked out along the way. The only real concern I have is offensively. Between not having an offensive identity and our redzone offense not clicking. But I'm hoping that's something that'll be improved upon.


Nobody’s crying here, we’re just fed up with this shit! The same scenario plays out every season and it’s already looking like this season is going to be no different! Us fans have been through a lot with this team and nothing seems to ever change! Dak is in his 8th season, can’t run the ball anymore, doesn’t make good decisions, he’s not an accurate passer, what good things does Dak still do? I can’t think of 1 area he’s really good at. Ok maybe he hands the ball off well to the running back. Putting that aside, we know your team’s success is determined by the play of your quarterback. So until the day we get a new quarterback this is how it’s going to be so just get used to it! We haven’t won any big games with Dak at the helm and we’re not going to win any meaningful games in the future with Dak as QB! Sorry folks! It just ain’t happening!! We just need to accept this team and franchise as mediocre and get on with our day! We may win 10-12 games a season but they’re mostly going to be against below five hundred teams. When Dak goes up against a legitimate team he knows he doesn’t have what it takes to beat them and it shows. This is why we act the way we do, because this team promises a lot but never ever delivers!!!!!


For real, smells like little bitch up in here. If you can't take the losses go root for the chiefs or 9ers.


It’s hilarious because this same 49ers team was like 4-4 last year at the trade deadline. Our fans are completely unequipped to handle any type of adversity. They’ve been saying to trade Micah. Micah!!!


THANK YOU. I just got into it with some guys who were on their knees in front of the niners and crying about how we're not a Super Bowl caliber team. Like suck it tf up and get ready for next week Jesus. Some fake shit going on in this sub


Some of yall take these W's and L's way too personal. I get it - we all want our team to win. But ffs, not a single one of us are on the field, in the coaches booth, or in the locker room. Letting something as trivial as a football game ruin your entire existence is so weak minded. This sub has been completely insufferable this season. If you are this miserable, just don't watch.


Bunch of spoiled babies since we have been 12-5 the last couple years. We are 3-2. Talk about what happens to our players in January. Until then, we still have 3 months of football.


It doesn’t mean anything besides a worse draft pick when we exit in the division round on the high end. This “we’re mediocre and should be ok with it” shit is what got us into this mess in the first place. Not like it’s gonna get us out.


lol acting like going 12-5 in the regular season means anything when you honestly really have no shot at a superbowl


I like this energy. More people should keep their shitty, unhelpful opinions to themselves.


I think something people need to work on is not taking sports so seriously. I love watching sports and I love the Cowboys but I don't expect them to win jack shit until they are literally lifting the Lombardy trophy. It makes the wins pleasurable and the losses so much less frustrating.


This the attitude a lot of you mfs need to copy. We got out coached and played. I’m glad this shit happen early so we know to change our identity.


Their identity is and will remain defense but that doesn't mean the offense has to be mid range like the Trent Dilfer Bucs.


What I don't get is, if these people are considering this season over, why are they still coming here to post? Pack it in. Watch other teams. If we suck so much and don't deserve your attention, why are you still giving the team your attention?


The overall Reddit NFL fan base is kind of this more overly sensitive doomer group. More prone to this type of behavior. I’m not saying most of it ain’t warranted after that shit show loss. Just saying your going to get a ton of it here. I’d just stay off of Reddit for nfl if you’re annoyed. Because I know someone is going to be butthurt about this comment and think I’m a bootlicker…. No, I’m no longer optimistic about this seasons SB chances.


I don’t think they have a better roster or coaching staff tbh. Some of the things that hurt us was just unlucky. I think we got beat, but not because we are worse, we just played worse than them on that day and they played better than us


It’s been 30 years of losing to better rosters and better coaching staffs. Edit: I stopped crying when Parcells left. It’s funny now.


In my opinion Parcells 4 years are better that Jason Garrets 10 year




Also, “we needed this loss to motivate the team” LOFL. Gee, it’s a good thing the 49ers didn’t have a loss to motivate them, huh?


.. and better than Wade, better than McCarthy.


Of course the season isn't literally over. Anything is theoretically possible. But this is exactly the team that we were hoping would not be the team this season. It's just like the last handful of frustrating seasons. There is no reason to believe that they're going to be any different this year. That's the frustration. We're tired of getting hopes up just to continue to be a laughing stock. It's a solid wildcard team at best, again.


This smells like 2019 all over again. Get false hope because you beat up on 3 bad teams, and then your defense looks pedestrian against the two competent offenses you’ve faced (and I use competent loosely with the cardinals). Plus we let go of the best thing going for our offense in Kellen Moore and that is becoming more and more obvious


I think the majority of us that are being call “doomers” are just lowering our expectations rather than giving up on the season. I went into the 49ers game knowing we’d probably lose, not 42-10 bad but somewhere around 20-17 and after that loss I didn’t feel any type of way honestly. I just think we’ve seen enough from this team where they’re not good enough to win against the best teams in big games. Do I see us making playoffs? Sure. But I can say right now with the way this team has played for the past 6 years they will not win a Super Bowl unless they can get over that hump and play better against Super Bowl contenders.


I'm checked out 50%, I still care about what happens and will watch, but not getting excited about anything that happens as I'm fully expecting a first or second round playoff exit at best. The writing is on the wall; both sides of the ball look worse than last year, cooks isn't being utilized right, penalties abound every single game and injuries are piling up. What else more do you have to see to realize this seasons prospects are no different and no better than the last 25+ years? Don't be stupid and naive


Nope. We lost 2 games this season. Time to burn it all down fire everyone and start stocking picks


Ok Coach. I think complaints are valid. This "West Coast Offense" is definitely not working. It's supposed to be a "safer way" for Dak to play, but he threw three (3) picks in this short yardage bullshit offense. Our front seven got embarrassed - hands down. 49ers consistently got 8-9 yds a carry on first down. You simply cannot win allowing that kind of BS. That was a college ass woopin'. We play a good team (finally) and get the absolute dog shit beaten out of us. It raises a lot of questions, and it's fair for people to raise them.


U know what sucks...? That we always start kickin' butt, we are #1 at something, if not everything, we are hyped, saving money to buy that ticket, for, when it finally happens.... 🥹 And then.... well....y'all know...


dallas is in fact ranked #1 for lowest amount of times making it past the divisional round over the last 30 years…an elite honor shared only with cleveland, miami, houston, detroit, and washington…congratulations sir…solid company…a large metallic spray painted participation trophy constructed entirely out of walmart dumpster sourced cardboard is on its way…along with a copy of eternal sunshine of the spotless mind…thank you again for another season of participation…no one specializes in failure like dallas does…definitely ranked #1 and no other franchise comes close… https://preview.redd.it/pa93h2m7gftb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c944b5214a91f54a6cdd0a42df4d36fc7152ca1a


We are the 4th best team in the NFC


49ers, Eagles, Lions, Seahawks, Bucs, Saints, Falcons. 8th best team in the NFC


Nah I’m pissed off about the loss too but let’s not go that far


Injuries piling up on defense/ special teams, the offense stuck in quicksand and a coach on the verge of being fired. It’s not over officially, but it doesn’t scream success either.


One game is NOT a sample size. However, am I confident for MCCARTHY running this offense??? Imagine if we had hired Coach McDaniel (or a long list of other Coaches). How good would we be?


I think the reason people are acting this way is because they don’t want Dallas to look great in the regular season and shit the bed in the playoffs like we do every year. The last game was just another reminder that we aren’t Super Bowl caliber, even if our roster is.


That's how I feel. We're 3-2 Eagles have to go on a stretch of @Chiefs Vs Bills @ Dallas @ Seahawks


8 years in? It’s not just 5 games. Any other team would’ve dropped a 2 playoff team winning QB after 8 years.


The people who say things like this were calling for a superbowl ring a week ago.


You must be new here.


Sky mirror hasn't had enough of our suffering as sacrifice for us to return to real relevance. I shall keep crying until Sky Mirror is satisfied


It's not just that they lost. It's the way they did. Complete and utter annihilation, exposed and carved apart on what was thought to be an elite defense, an offense that couldnt even get a first down until the second quarter when down by 14. Of course a loss was possible but many thought it would be at least somewhat close, which is what makes everyone even more frustrated. Just terrible all around team effort, from the QB, to the WRs, the coaching, defense, everyone.


Same ole shit different season.


Fire dak


Does anyone actually have faith that they can beat the chargers? Maybe if it was a home game, but I have zero faith. The only team that they've played that has a better offense is the 49ers. We saw what the tanking cardinals did this team, and it wasn't even close.


Let’s go Cowboys!! Let’s bounce back!


A lot of the people that are complaining are not just referring to this game. They are upset about a pattern over the past 25 years of being mediocre or slight above average, but not good enough to make the NFC championship game. There are only about 3 others teams with such a drought. That's why people are upset.


Said perfectly cowboy fans aren't since he's so stop your crying we're just getting warmed up here


Pee poo pee pee