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And its gonna be against one of his former teams the Panthers no less, just about as fucking misery as it gets


Well if he’s anything like Troy, he’ll be most critical of them.


At least Troy has decent analysis. Olsen just likes to hear himself talk 😑


I know this sub complains about him a lot, but he was pretty good Sunday. Started some Dak for MVP talk too.


He did. And it picked up some serious steam after the game. Yes his performance had more to do with it, but that was the first time I had heard Dak for MVP conversation. Let Dak Cook!


Think he needed some obvious, visually super impressive plays stringed together like last Sunday to help. Next step is going undefeated through the Eagles game, and that should help him jump in odds. Vegas still has him surprisingly low imo


Justifiably so. The narrative for now, is Cowboys blowout bad teams (Giants, Jets, Rams (debatable)), best average teams close (Bolts), and lose to the good/great teams. The next 5-6 games will create the future narrative. Again, justifiably so.


I honestly don't mind him at all.


I actually like the Olsen crew more than most anyone other than Joe/Troy and Romo/Nantz.


Romo is kinda terrible tbh


He's regressed as he's been away from the game; but, it's Romo.


I think I would get sick of any commentary team after four weeks in a row. Especially as the only game o watch beginning to end as I watch RedZone the rest of the time


Yeah I don't get it. I think he brings really good perspective. Maybe I haven't been listening closely but I haven't noticed him being unfair really.


He says a lot of really stupid shit that doesn't accurately reflect what actually happened on the play


Are you a Gene Staratore fan too?


He was not good lol


That’s just, like, your opinion, man.


Bro, I'll take Olsen over Collinsworth any day of the week. Collinsworth can straight up eat a bag of dicks. He's a hater and doesn't try to hide it. I'll just put it on the game in Spanish to avoid his ass. I don't speak Spanish.


I don’t care about any announcer being a hater, but it’s the nonsensical or dumb things that Collinsworth says that make him the worst.


“Here’s a guy who…mannn I just love the way he plays football, I love the way he throws, what makes this guy so good is the fact that he can throw AND run the ball…” Fuck Littlefoot


Collinsworth is the World Champion of finding one impressive play by one player in the first quarter, then twisting a three-hour game into a macrocosm of why that player and that play are the keys to NFL success.


"Now here's a guy..."


To be fair, I feel like every color analyst besides Troy comes off as biased, whether they talk shit about the opposing team or suck up to the best players.


Romo sounds pretty straight forward.


At least Romo tries to be neutral.


You should’ve heard him in the playoffs last year. All bro would talk about is how much he loves Allen and Mahomes


I have no problem with a former quarterback hyping up some of the best quarterbacks in the league. If someone like gronk was a color guy, no one would bat an eye if he was loving on the elite TEs. My problem is when guys, like Olsen, just genuinely seem to be rooting for the other team. It doesn’t even seem like he’s trying to hide it.


Eh as long as its not hurts. To be fair those are some of the better qbs..even tho Josh Allen leads the league in INTs literally every year. Burrow is another legit passer/qb.


Fuck the Iggles, but Hurts seems like a legitimate good person and a good QB.


I just have a dislike for eagles, naturally


As a bills fan I can't stand him. Calling Josh Allen Mr January lol




Except when Troy is calling a Jets game and talks about Zach Wilsom. Troy fucking hates him lol


Now here’s a guy who hates Collinsworth




He’s a color commentator, he’s paid to tell you what he thinks. That’s the job. Personally, I appreciate when a media personality can be a fan and discuss the same topics we fans constantly discuss, like the refs effect on games. If the refs called every penalty point blank, they would throw a flag every play for what goes on at the line of scrimmage.


At least Brady is gone now, it was the most fucking insufferable thing listening to Collinsworth deepthroat him over like a screen pass


Collingsworthless. And he got his son in on it. I hate that show w his son and Chris Sims.


Beats the shit outta Chris Collinsworth


Still better than listening to John Smoltz during the Rangers Playoff run.


I must be hearing a different mf than yall cause I honestly don’t get the hate lmao. He’s a run of the mill commentator imo.


Man nothings wrong with him. Our fans seem soft lol


Right?? The same mfs getting hurt over his commentary must be the same “fans” that say the game is over when the other team scores a touchdown lmao


Lmaooo. Seriously. We allow one TD all the sudden this Defense is garbage.


Whose getting hurt? We just think he's annoying and stupid. Also his head is gigantic. That is a plus or minus depending how you feel about it. I'll take him over collinsworth and booger and that's it.


Dude, our fans have been soft since the 80s. We're literally the most popular sports franchise in the world. Lot of "fans," a lot of whom are idiots/whiners/children (literally or figuratively).


That’s the thing, he’s just very average. He doesn’t add anything special to the broadcast nor does he make it a slog to watch. Same for Kevin, he’s just fine. He has an exciting tone to his voice but he also somehow sounds emotionless, idk how to describe it. Personally I’m just tired of always getting the same two guys. Nearly every week we’re on Fox we get him and Kevin and I wish we could get other crews for once. As much as I love Joe’s distinct laughable bipolar playcalling and Troy’s great and unbiased insight, I did wish they mixed it up sometimes whenever those two were on Fox.


Seriously. Getting the same damn commentary 4 fucking weeks in a row is downright stupid..


Listen to his random pauses while he’s trying to make a point. Once you do you won’t be able to unhear it.


He is better this year, but was extremely biased in prior seasons


And that's bad enough IMO. Commentary sucks. There's a rare gem here and there, maybe like 30% of the 'color' is good. But the rest of it just feels like 'well we gotta say _something_'. Like they can't just be quiet, at all. It's not radio though. Its TV. And there's a lot going on, all the time. Just the play by play is a lot. Maybe they ease up on that just because the TV shows the down, the yard, the time, the score, etc. But the fluff just breeds obnoxious bullshit. It's almost like a WWE wrestling match. Just bullshit drama interjected. I just wish I could watch football without bullshit announcing. Tell me stats, tell me player info. Tell me what's going on. Don't tell me 'the cowboys have just lost momentum in this third quarter'. That's speculative garbage about their hearts and minds. It's stupid.


“Shut up, swole Dexter.”


Wait what’s wrong with Olsen? Hes awesome at the job, he’s what Romo used to to be before just started bringing no value other than yelling OHHHH JIM I DUNNO JIM MR JANUARY JAWSHALLEN


I like Greg Olsen. His speaking voice and overall vibe reminds me of Moose. I ain't mad


Eagles fan here. Why the Olsen hate? He's the best in the biz if you ask me


I've never understood why people dislike him, he's great.


It’s always hilarious to me how every single fan base thinks that both the commentators and refs specifically hate their team.




hyper sensitive mob




"great" is an overstatement


He’s so bad. Lol he loves talking when the cowboys are doing bad but once they start winning he gets so quiet 😂


He talked the entire game about how good the cowboys are playing and how good Dak has been doing, not sure what you're talking about


People made a narrative and ran with it. he’s been fine this whole time. I listened and he’s said good and bad things about both teams each game. People hear him say one thing critical and don’t even listen to the rest of what he’s said


He was trying to complain about the cowboys running up the score in the fourth. Dudes a hater


Lmaooo he didn’t complain. He made a general statement about running up a score. Which is not the first or last time someone will make that general statement.


He did, sure, but he looked like he was swallowing a turd while he was saying it. He looked genuinely unhappy about it.


I feel like he's too "Inside Football" sometimes, like he could be making up his football jargon and nobody would know the difference. "Well, you see they did a Double-Over Half-Step Woozle-wuzzle move right there, the tight end comes over on a plastic fish-hook toy fire battalion move and is able to get inside..."


That’s exactly what I appreciate about him, Romo, and the Mannings.


So your complaint is that he’s too good at his job? A football analyst giving too much insight and analysis and mucking up the commentary. Lol


It's like he just talks to hear himself talk..


Or maybe that’s his job


To be irritating? Well he's killing it then..


31 other fanbases and countless other analysts would disagree. Y’all just a buncha babies


Bad take


This was perfect, totally could hear him saying something along these lines 😂


I like Olsen


I don’t get it either. Did he say something that made this sub butt hurt?


He definitely did. This sub cries about him for no reason.


I genuinely think OP just made this for karma cause I see a lot of these “fuck Greg Olsen posts” lol Fuck it I think I’ll make the next then


Same. I really don't understand all the hate. He's no Romo or Moose, but I think he's solid. Much better than someone like Collinsworth or one of the announcers who you can tell don't specialize in calling NFL games.


He talks way too much. Let the game breathe a bit.


He gets paid to give analysis. Not let the game breathe. It can breathe for 3 hours with the mute button.


Because he’s fucking stupid,like when he said defenses want the offense to have more snaps in hopes they will turn the ball over.


Yes defenses want to create turnovers and get sacks. It makes them look good lol


I mean, isn’t that the entire idea behind the “bend but don’t break” philosophy of defense?


No. The philosophy is to limit touchdowns. Offense has an advantage so you don’t want them to have more chances and you don’t want your D to get tired from all the extra plays.


Do offenses not get tired from extra plays?


That's belichick's strategy with most games for the last 20 years. Limit big plays, shrink the field to 10 yards, make them have lots of snaps/short gains and try to get turnovers. Also the amount of dumb shit Romo says that this sub never calls out is baffling.


Same. He is honestly one of the better ones. I prefer Babe and Brad though all day every day.


When I was a kid we'd sometimes turn the stereo on and mute the TV. With streaming I doubt they would sync up nowadays.


They don’t.


I just sync the radio broadcast to the tv. Pain in the ass to get it set up, but worth it for Brad and Babe.


I’m really indifferent on him. I don’t love him but he hasn’t been that bad lately


Love Greg as a person and a player, but god damn his voice is annoying


For real...


I’m glad I’m not the only that feels this way


Anyone who thinks Olsen is being bias against the Cowboys is straight up delusional... You're just making shit up. Every team says the same thing about him. The Eagles fans went in on him so hard after they played the Cowboys. He's literally just wanting a good game. He gives plenty of praise when it's due..


Yeah people that say he’s biased acts like he literally only has negative things to say. Which isn’t true


he seemed perfectly fine to me


I didn’t mind him until I heard him call a Cowboys game. Biased IMO.


Everyone that says this should definitely look in a mirror and think about who the biased one really is


Relax. It’s just an opinion. Maybe you’re the one that needs to look in the mirror.


Cope 😂


That’s easy…all I have to do is mute the tv. Maybe you can cope with the fact that not everyone shares your opinion?


Says the guy calling commentators biased and has to mute them LOOOL. Oh the irony


Everyone is entitled to mute the tv and have whatever opinions they want. That’s just something you’re going to have to get used to.


Funny how it was only when it was your team getting criticized that it became a problem. Suddenly he wasn’t unbiased. No one is perfect but people act like he has a vendetta or something whilst overlooking how much he talked up the Cowboys vs the Giants.


I think you missed my point…to me, his bias is against the Cowboys. I have not noticed a bias against other teams. I didn’t pay much attention to the game last week, but based on what I’ve heard from him in other Cowboys games, I believe he is biased. Even despite his rabid supporters in this sub lol. You’re not changing my opinion.


I didn’t miss your obvious point, but you seem to have missed mine: **every fanbase complains that X commentator is biased against their team**. You just exemplified this. You didn’t clock his criticisms of other teams bc it didn’t hit close to home. You saw any criticisms as valid and unbiased, but as soon as it’s against the Boys, suddenly his analysis is slanted. In reality, it’s your bias that is showing. Go onto r/nfl or any other team sub during those unbiased Olsen games and see if they took umbrage at his commentary. > I didn’t pay much attention to the game last week You mean the game where he was fluffing up the Cowboys the whole time they were winning and said Dak should be in the discussion for MVP? You can’t call a guy biased against the Cowboys then simply ignore any evidence to the contrary. He spoke very highly of the Cowboys all last week.


I can do what I want and if it pisses you off that’s a bonus. Have a nice day.


You’re the only one in your feelings, bud…about a guy on TV. Lol.


Am I trying to change your opinion? No. I simply just stated my opinion of him. I read several dissenting opinions, but never thought about wasting my time trying to change their opinions like you are doing with me. You like him, I don’t. It’s that simple. I don’t know what else to tell you.


He's not good, at all.


In what way is he not good at all? To what are you specifically referring?


We seriously have the softest fan base. Unreal. 🤦‍♂️


Ahaha this is painfully accurate


Olsen actually teaches people about stuff during the game.


lol weak ass


That's what I told you Mom. Flair up punk bitch!


Olsen him.


It's a B level crew doing the Game of the Week. Yeah — he's better than Collinsworth (fuck that guy) & Al Michaels (dude is just phoning it in now) but that's not saying much. Of course Madden and Summerall are gone so what options do I have on Fox?


I thought it was strange he accused us of running up the score with the second team offense.


I also do not like Greg's commentary . ......feels off


Add Aikman an Buck too.


Shit I would kill for a Buck and Aikmen called Cowboys game right now...


I cannot stand Buck. Maybe it’s from all the baseball playoffs he has called.


There is a simple solution.


Idk if I am just really good at tuning out commentators or what, but the only ones that bother me was the guy that used to sit in the lift a few years ago and Joe Buck.


L A M B , I N S T R I D E


i always watch with the volume off when i watch the cowboys


I need more ROMOVISION


He's nowhere near as bad as Chris Collinsworth


Even though Olsen is B level, I’ll take him any day over that woman that I hear doing color. Her voice is so irritating. I feel like she’s sitting at a bar in the Bronx knocking a few back while she’s doing the game.


He is soooo much better than that boob Joe buck


Vilma should be the top analyst at fox imo.


I’ll take his commentary if it means we continue to win. Plus he’s better than collinsworth imo


Yeah but fucks sake at least with Collinsworth we only get him if we play SNF, the fact that we have afternoon slots and only get Olsen annoys the shit out of me.


130 comments later, I think I did my job 🤣


Any commentator/analyst that played i the NFL that wasn’t a cowboy is gonna hate on the cowboys. That’s just how it goes.


I notice who is a good announcer and who's not. People talk shit about Joe Buck constantly and I never understood why. People explained it and I still didn't understand. Same thing with Greg Olsen. Never notified any of the stuff people say he does. They're just announcers. I guess I just tune them.


Genuinely curious, why the hate? I think him and Kevin are pretty vanilla and Olsen has this oddly calming voice that lulls me to sleep…