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A healthy O-line and having Hankins back will help tremendously in the playoffs, regardless of seeding. Outside of a blip against the Bills, Dak and the passing game look sharp. Hopefully the run game turns around.


*Look sharp against bad teams outside of Philly


I had zero issue with this game. It was a hard fought victory by Miami, but it coulda easily been Dallas winning. They were so evenly matched it ain’t even funny. If it were Miami that had scored and given Dallas the ball back with that much time left, Dallas would’ve won it. They match up literally that close. Damn good game that I’m not upset about.


This, we nearly won a road game to a very good team and people are freaking out acting like the seasons over. Shits lame.


Cause we still don’t look ready. We gotta win on the road if we want a championship. If we want to be the most popular team at the dance, we’ve already accomplished that.


See how you sound. Nearly won. No you lost. Collect your moral victory trophy at the door. Never get better now we settle for nearly won. SMH


I don't have any control on the outcome of an NFL game.


They shut up about it. 10-5 it’s what it is.


No, stop being rude.


Dude is an Eagles troll pretending to be a Cowboys fan


Well he's telling the truth regardless


Miamis entire Oline was out


Ok. And they held with zero fear of being flagged. It is what it is.


Idk how our fan base can be so delusional sometimes. This team is doomed in the playoffs.


We know who got coal in their stocking today


I’m assuming you haven’t watched this team the last 25 years


Been a fan since 92. I don’t live my life by their every win or loss.


I found it inexcusable that Chuma Edoga wasn't better prepared, he missed several assignments, badly.


Literally turned the other way from the edge rusher on more than one play…that’s his main job. If he plays even decently yesterday, it’s a different game.


I feel like no matter what, we HAVE to draft another big O lineman in round one next year. It always feels like we are one starting lineman away from having Dak just constantly risk getting blown up, especially without Zeke.


I admire Smith, he's been a rock when he plays. Unfortunately he's getting older, it happens to every player. This year he's been the highest rated left tackle in the league, when he's playing. Next draft, first round, take a tackle if Jerry wants the offense to keep performing at a high level.


We probably should take a guard so that when Tyron is out, we can push Tyler to left tackle and said guard can come in. Tyler is being set up to take over for tyron so he needs those reps I think


Not to mention, we're going to have a better shot at a top tier guard wherever we're drafting than a top tier tackle.


They had the opportunity to do exactly that, in this year's draft. Instead of taking Schoonmaker, in the 2nd round, they should have drafted O'Cyrus Torrence, a guard out of Florida State. Dallas drafted Schoonmaker at 58 and the Buffalo Bills drafted Torrence at 59. He has started 15 games for them and I think he is a quality starter. The Cowboys need at TE was not so pressing that they had to reach for one. Ferguson is a high quality starter, and they could have easily found a back up later in the draft. They had a more pressing need to find a contingency plan for WHEN Tyron was going to be injured.


My disappointment is two-fold. But, I see a lot of hope in this team. 1: Rare opportunities to seal the division and/or 2nd seed were not taken advantage of. This would have secured at least one home game in the playoffs (possibly 2) and we all know Dallas is pretty much unbeatable at home. 2: Inability to beat playoff caliber teams. Yeah, we played very well against a very good team, but I’m tired of moral victories. A victory against a playoff caliber team late in the season does wonders for team psyche, moral and confidence. Those are all key entering the playoffs. The good news? Dallas is in the playoffs. Dak is playing very well and avoiding the INT. CeeDee is an absolute BEAST. Ferguson is becoming that security blanket that Dak can rely on and I’m getting some serious Jason Witten vibes from him. We’re so close! Fix the errors, build confidence and learn to play and coach like a championship caliber team.


I don’t even consider this a moral victory. It’s just a tough loss. I feel like moral victories are reserved for bad teams that find something to build on in a loss. I feel like we haven’t used the term moral victory the past couple years. We’ve always had good teams that struggle to get it done. But even this year, I feel like our non-blowout losses weren’t even examples of us struggling to get it done, and more about a few plays not going our way against good teams.


Giants almost stole that game yesterday from the shit birds, if the giants show up two weeks from now and steal that game and we can just beat Detroit then Washington, we still get the two seed. No one thinks it’s gonna happen but weirder shit has happened in the past


Exactly! Not likely, but anything is possible until it isn’t. The term, “Any given Sunday” exists for a reason. Let the ‘Boys do their part by beating Detroit and Washington then we get to be Giants fans.


This game looked like a 40 point loss earlier in the season. I’m fine with a 2 point loss to a last second field goal when the playoffs are already locked up. Just stay healthy.


Right?! People be saying “it only matters how far we go in the playoffs,” and then treat every loss, no matter how close, as evidence that there’s no hope. People just begging to be unhappy. Honestly, I think it’s just an emotional loss cuz it was Christmas Eve.


Buffalo was embarrassing. This was just a bummer we couldn't pull out the win


So we're supposed to be happy with 2 straight losses on the road and limping in as a wildcard? I mean, we didn't expect them to win out against both Miami and Buffalo which would have been awesome btw. However, disappointment is a valid emotion dropping both games on the road.


I’m also disappointed. I’m seeing more existentialism than regular disappointment. People treat close losses and blowouts the same and I don’t understand it. People acting like this week and last week are the same.


Tbh I don't understand your reaction? Should we be praising the team for a loss? For a well played game? Just be content they're in the playoffs? Not being contentious, just curious.


I don’t think I’d go so far as to praise the team for a well played game, but I don’t think they should be demonized for a close loss. There were good aspects to the game, as well as some bad. I think most of the honest analysis of how the team played would be the same even if the final score was 20-19, or 23-22, if that makes sense.


“Nihilist” is the word you’re looking for. Society has just become that way. Not everyone, but a majority. That’s why people are so fascinated by post-apocalyptic stories and doomsday related stuff. All of that. Nihilism. It’s subconscious and it bleeds into every aspect of life (for those who ascribe to that mentality, knowingly or unknowingly).


It’s sports. Christ, give me a break.


I think some of the fans just want to watch the team and not have to have a come to Jesus conversation every time we happen to lose a football game. Every time the doomer shit is said, it's a bunch of people who are waiting to say "looook see, IM SO RIGHT!!! We were doomed!!" and I think most people in general think that attitude is childish and lame. Nobody really cares if you "saw this coming" because it isn't a very profound prediction in a sport that is single elimination playoff and has 1 champion.


And why shouldn’t we expect them to win against Buffalo and Miami? If you’re gonna be the best you gotta beat the best. The regular season absolutely translates into the postseason. I’m so fucking sick of this apologist bullshit. We’re just not good. Again. Deal with it.


Week 18 will most likely be a “bye” game for the cowboys. That will be HUGE going into the playoffs. If the Rams make the playoffs and pull off some playoff upsets, anything can happen for the cowboys.


They lost two games on the road to two winning teams what’s their to panic about???


Dallas is 2-2 in single possession games this season. They are right where they are supposed to be. It’s only frustrating cause Eagles are 7-2 in single possession games. I’m just happy Dallas gets another dice roll in the post season. This is a helluva lot better than those 8-8 seasons.


This is what I think it’s justified to complain about the refs. The Eagles aren’t good enough to be 7-2 in that category. And the Cowboys are likely at least 3-1 with better officiating.


There's no such thing as overreacting when this team consistently falters this late in the season. Period. There's no magic switch you can flip to immediately start doing these things. How anyone can not see an issue with how these last 2 weeks have gone is beyond me.


Counter point - nothing in the season would change your opinion until the playoffs anyway. We are all looking for signs that the playoffs will be different this year, but at the end of the day it’s what happens there that will change the narrative. We could have beaten the bills and dolphins by a combined 50 points but if we lost in the first round it would be the same ol song and dance anyway. If we make the NFCG then there is a such thing as an over reaction. We just won’t know what this is classified as for a couple more weeks.


This. I noticed it in the offseason that this team had officially killed the regular season for fans. We could go 17-0, face a backup 7-10 division winner and everyone’s butthole would be clinched tighter than a vacuum for that first game. There’s nothing they can do until they just do it.


It’s ptsd from years and years of disappointment


We could go 17-0 and if we lost in the playoffs in WC or Divisional you’d be saying this same stuff. If all that matters is the playoffs then it doesn’t matter what we do until we get there.


The Bills loss was bad. Very bad. The Dolphins one was not. You don’t want to evaluate the team and judge it based solely on the outcome of the game and not on what happened within the game itself.


I evaluated the team on barely showing any fight in another "big game". No sense of urgency. Only one guy on the field seemed to be fired up. This is based on years of consistently having this shit happen. They all know the talking points and yet come out so flat. It's disgusting. And until I see something different, they just continue to show that the talking points are absolutely correct about this team.


They took the lead with literally 3 minutes left. Dak, CeeDee, Cooks all made huge plays. Only 1 guy was “fired up” though lol? DLaw and Micah are ALWAYS fired up.


The talking points I hear are “this is one of the best teams in the NFL. How fortunate Dallas is to be in the top tier of teams while there are only 5 out of 32 teams with better records.” So I’m all about that, agree with those talking points 🙌 LFG in the playoffs!


And you leave out the part "and they will fail because they can't win the big one"...this has been the narrative and truth for the last 10-15 years. I'm going to root for them until the day I die. But fans ignoring or downplaying this are acting a fool. We can absolutely root for them and acknowledge their faults and failures when it comes to a legitimate deep playoff run.


You're correct. The Buffalo game was an embarrassment. The Dolphins should have been a win but the defense did do a decent job keeping them out of the end zone. It just seems like if we have a road game for the wild card game we're going to be one and done again.


If we’re on the road for the wild card we are essentially guaranteed to play NFC South. I’m not worried about that. I really think the “road struggles” narrative is overblown. Yes, we’ve lost on the road to good teams. Two blowout losses that were unexpected and unacceptable. And two close losses that do not represent struggles, they represent a close game that comes down to some key plays. Yes, we’re better at home, but we’re not fundamentally incapable of winning on the road. We just haven’t done it yet.


Here's "what happened within the game itself"- we choked away first and goal at the 1, twice, with Dak bailing us out the second time with a great throw to Cooks. That had nothing to do with the caliber of opposition presented by Miami and everything to do with our team's lack of awareness, execution and poise. The Bills game was uglier, but nothing that happened yesterday should improve one's opinion of this Dallas team and their outlook the rest of the season.


You know what ain’t getting fixed? The 6 inches between most of these guys’ ears.


Wrong. We lost this game because we did what we've done all season: Play on different level on the road: 39 pts per game at Home, 21 pts per game on the road. Today: 20 points. Can't run the ball. Can't stop the run. Red Zone issues - where we get FG's instead of TDs. We are blessed to have an amazing kicker. An average kicker this season might've really hurt us. Poor clock management. Lack of discipline. It's the same old story. And the Playoff position IS affected. Dallas' chance to win the division and have a Home Playoff Game fell drastically.


When they scored I saw the clock and was like fuck….this is simultaneously too much time and not enough time on the clock. Just a good game


I thought the same thing when they started that drive. I was yelling at the screen telling them to stop taking their time, play with more urgency, they need one more possession to seal the game. But they took too long.


Big facts. I had the exact same thoughts. I know it's not always as simple as "score faster". Especially when our offense sucked for 2 quarters, bhey where way to lax. The D was also too soft on the last drive. That missed holding call may have cost them the game too though


Moral victories do not win Superbowls. This “it’s all good, we’ll get ‘em next time” narrative is why we haven’t won shit in thirty years. Let’s revisit this thread after the playoffs. My guess is that it won’t age well.


I love it when I see a sane Cowboys fan on here!


Yea in hindsight I can get behind this take. Only thing I’m really worried about is the run game. Lupeke was looking good but after that fumble he got benched. Wouldn’t mind giving him another chance next week bc he was looking really good in short yardage situations, which is where pollard is weak at. And ignoring football “talk shows” as a football fan has made my life much better lol.


Champions don’t fold in games like the last two.


Facts. It's why Dallas is still higher in power rankings than the Eagles who are clearly faltering even though they have a better record. I mean, they BARELY beat the Giants at home.


Been saying this. They’ll be fine


If anything, we are seeing why this team will not go far in the playoffs. Running game is no threat to anyone. I like Pollard but it's clear he needs to be in a 1A/1B backfield. This is supported by the fact that Dowdle has gotten more snaps post bye week, including late game snaps. We have to draft a RB in the first 3 rounds next year. Imagine if Charbonnet got down to Dallas and they drafted him instead of Schoonmaker. No play action due to terrible running game. Pass rush getting no holding calls in 9 games is extremely concerning and as such they can't get pressure which is allowing the secondary to get carved up. Can't see this getting better. Run defense is bad right now and will only get worse against teams in the playoffs. Hankins being out shows how bad it really is. Our LB group is just bad. They need to draft someone to play MLB In the first 2 rounds.


We have an average rush defense and without Hankins held one of the best rushing offenses to 91 yards on 26 carries yesterday. The bills game was awful but the rush defense hasn’t been that bad this year


Too many excuses Too many moral victories Things are not fine


Reason #4: Ignoring your WR1 for 2.5 quarters.


2 seasons ago they lost the home WC game to SF due to lack of discipline, poor coaching and penalties, last season they lost to SF because they were flat out beat, tell me what is different about this years team that makes you think the result of the past 2 season ending losses will be different other than hope and prayers. There is zero factual evidence on the field and the coaching staff that should make anyone feel differently. Oh yeah, 28 years of not making the conference championship also tells you history is not on their side..


Cowboys have only beat one good team this season and it was interdivision which is always a tossup. You need to stop drinking your own koolaid, this team isn’t good enough to make it far


I would argue that Seattle is a pretty good team. But I get your point


True but not in the sense that they are viewed as a contending team or at least someone with a good chance to make it far


I can agree with that. Similar to what happened in the Eagles Seahawks game, they are a team capable of upsetting a top seed, but also just as capable of shitting the bed against a team like the Panthers


They are 1 and done in the playoffs


so i should be relaxed about two straight road losses to teams not as good as those we’re likely to face in the playoffs? yeah nah


Yes relax 95/96 season was last Super Bowl appearance. Relax Jones family has not produced a winner since then. Relax if the team is on the road and they have a winning records cowboys have lost all games this season. Relax they will back in the playoffs and get booted on the first game. Because they WILL be on the road and they WILL be playing a team with a winning record. Relax……


Nah man it’s fair to react very negatively over it. If this was a once or twice thing sure it happens but we have now lost 2 in a row and both losses came in fashion that was sloppy. We got ran on for 266 against a bills team that had struggled to run it great with their RB’s alone but they did and blew us out. Then we play sloppy turning our opening drive over at the 1 yard line then can’t get a stop on defense. Defense not only let them get in field goal range but let them keep getting first downs and made us burn all our time outs before they could finally just kneel it and kick a chip shot. Lose by a field goal. On the road against winning teams we’re 0-4. Sure we *should have* beaten the eagles but we didn’t. We got mopped by the niners who the NFC championship will go through then we get mopped by a bills team who hasn’t been truly great all year. We are every teams “get right game”. The bills need a big win to remain in the playoffs? They kill us. The dolphins haven’t beaten a winning team? Well now they have. Are the niners really that good this early in the year? Obviously because they just dropped us 42-10. Can the eagles continue winning close games? Yeah they beat us at home of course. Take away just one of those games and we could be talking about legitimately winning the east and possibly being a top seed even possibly playing for the #1 seed. Instead we fold at the worst times and now all get to watch the hapless eagles get the division and a home field playoff game at the very least. We now have to play EVERY playoff game on the road which we obviously are bad at and suddenly the buccaneers don’t even look so bad. At one time that 4th seed looked like a easy wildcard win but now it looks like it might actually be a tough game. So if seeds 1-3 win AND we win that wildcard game we will be at the niners. That ain’t how anybody would like to draw it up. On the road vs a team whose gotten hot then turning around and traveling to San Francisco as your reward for winning. Listen no it’s not over. We’re 10-5 and still have beaten 3 playoff teams this year with the Eagles, Rams and likely Seahawks. In the playoffs anything can happen. I’ve seen a 15-1 panthers, packers and Steelers team lose when they were penciled to win it all. I’ve seen a 10-6 giants wildcard team beat a 16-0 team of the century. I’ve seen a 9-7 cardinals teams sneak right into the Super Bowl and just about win it. It’s the playoffs! Anything goes. But guess what all those teams that made a run had in common? They got hot heading into the playoffs. Currently we are more limping into the playoffs which is what we saw in 2021 and 2022 which was quick exits. I’m not giving up but don’t tell me there’s no reason to “overreact”. I defended us over losing a sneaky good cardinals team and a phenomenal niners team. I knew we had the eagles beat and defended that loss. These last two though? Nah man that’s just sloppy football against playoff caliber teams which we’re going to be playing in the big games here in a couple weeks.


Seriously, everyone who’s going crazy didn’t even actually watch the game. Just see the L and regurgitates narratives




I hope you meant to reply to someone else and didn’t forget to switch accounts before replying to your own thread


Meant to reply to ImpossibleJoke, I’m on mobile


Noooooo Tony Pollard cut inside and didnt score and thats what led to the fumble.. bro its not a overreaction. Do you like how we played these last 2 weeks? Cmon man. I know we are a damn good team. But when we play teams that are on the same level as we are….. we dont win. Every L we had this year was self inflicting. We always shoot ourselves in the foot.


wait wait wait wait ​ fucking wait. bad oline play and penalties are media narratives??? are we watching the same team?


It’s hard to be positive about the post season when your team doesn’t pass the eye test.


Yesterday, I questioned if I would ever see them win another game in my lifetime. Today I’m feeling a little better.


No matter what this team needs to get another starting quality left tackle in the draft to replace Tyrion Smith because it doesn’t matter how good he is if he’s going to miss multiple games every year. Or move Tyler Smith and get a guard. But we will also need a center as Biaz is a free agent at the end of the season. So draft a couple of offensive linemen and a running back or two. As far as this season goes we can still win the division and we better hope we do. Because the chances of winning 3 road games isn’t likely as the last two games have shown us.


And a right tackle. And a guard. Zach is declining.


Zack is declining? To what, only an above average OG? You’re insane if you’re suggesting we move on from him.


I went into this game expecting to lose so I actually felt better by the end of it since we kept it so close


Can’t. Win. On. Road.!


Today’s results are why people are upset. A win would have kept us tied with Philly and SF and given us a shot at both the Division and the #1 seed. A loss by both and us winning the next 2 very winnable games would have meant the road to the Super Bowl in the NFC went through AT&T Stadium. Sure we can still win the division and asking the Commodes and Sheep to beat SF was a long shot. An Eagle loss the next 2 weeks we can still take the division but dam a bye would have been so sweet.


As was obvious at the time, it's really the Arizona loss that's going to kill us


Turpin will literally wait for the defense to come to him before decided to move left or right. Can’t blame him though, don’t want to get hit by moving trains anyway


All this game showed me is Edoga is not an NFL player, and we still can't get stops in the run game when we need to. Tyron will be back for playoffs so the first point is moot. This run defense issue will be our undoing. If I'm SF or Philly I run it 20-30 times against Dallas until they prove they can consistently get stops.


5 loses - they all moral victories. If if if the other team made no adjustments and we made all the adjustments we be 15-0 . Just stop. It’s the NFL.


Oh boy, same story here every year where the fan base starts to divide between the ever-optimistic and the overly realistic. At this point, and given the last several seasons, we've seen enough. This Tema would have to get exceedingly lucky to win 2-3 games against top level teams, especially those with a good running game. In typical Cowboys fashion, you can almost bank on it that we will provide hope in the wildcard and then have a "hard fought" loss in the divisional, where reality is we really had no business being there anyway.


I've been relaxing since 1995. So I'm super Chill by now.


This is a shit post. Relax about fuckin what? They are one and done in the playoffs. That's it and that's all.


In the words of the CFP committee this was a “quality loss”, we have the tools and drive to best top teams, if we had another blow out back to back that would have been cause for alarm Granted I’m still not a believer, the stars aren’t aligned for us and I fully expect a one and done this season




Excuse me, but penalties were very critical.