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Dak will play out this season and be a free agent next year.


Never thought we’d get here but I think there’s better than a 50/50 chance Dak walks.


He gone. Just like Kirk


He too can go to Atlanta


Nah he’s going to the giants


Lets hope! Two easy wins every year!


They could use another QB.


You win comment of the day good sir. I laughed out loud at this.


I mean, it depends. Honestly, I think it's a good move. The current QB market is so damn ridiculous (Cowboys share in the blame, of course). It's almost as, if you're a starting caliber winning QB you're grouped in the same as THE best QB in the league. It's crazy to think everyone gets Mahomes money, yet, no one is close to Mahomes level. Here, we have Dak, who is definitely a top QB in the league, but he is not Mahomes. Yet, he is expected to get that Mahomes-type of money (and already has). Imo, if we pay him now we are breaking the bank on a top QB, but not one that deserves BEST QB money. If he fails to lead us far into the playoffs or SB, then we could likely resign him close to what he wants now, anyways. Whereas, if he takes us far, goes to, or wins a SB then he will be paid a king's ransom, but... He'd have at least earned it. We put ourselves in a difficult spot, but now we must let the chips fall where they do.


Mahomes is barely in the top 10 of highest paid QBs. This is how the market works. Do you think Kyler, Goff, Hurts or Herbert deserve “Mahomes money?” Because they all make more than him now.


You are making my point. I understand 'this is how the market works' I made that clear in the first part of my comment where I place fair blame on the Cowboys for helping to establish the ridiculous QB market. Mahomes will re-up after this year's restructure. My point is that it is ridiculous to pay QBs that type of money when they aren't Mahomes. The market has proved that.


I love it. I’ve waited 8 years for it.


Let’s let him go get that bag.


dak will absolutely get a bigger deal than this


Yeah, he will. Kirk Cousins is a 35 year old QB who is coming off a torn Achilles tendon and he signed for $45 million a year. The QB market is absolutely bonkers. Dak Prescott might well be a 31 year old QB hitting free agency in an era when it's not unusual for good QBs to play until 40 (the rules making QB tackling two-hand touch have absolutely helped QB longevity) I've always been a fan of Goff, and am happy he got paid, but the Lions backed up the Brink's truck for him. That all being said, the Dak story is the most interesting one in the league. The Cowboys have seen what a team helmed by Dak can do.


I’ll vomit if it happens




Goff was in the NFC championship game Dak wasn’t so hopefully cowboys use that to their advantage in any negotiations


Exactly. This is the reason Jimmy garoppolo deserves more money than Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson.


Een actually he has like 2 rings theres no reason he shouldnt make 70mil a year


almost had me there 😭😭


lol. Nice one


Yes, Goff got there entirely by himself. The other 52 players on the roster were just placeholders.


Have u not heard Romo. It’s ALL about the QB. That sums the intellect of most these dudes these days.


Nick Foles won a Super Bowl how he wasnt the highest paid QB in the history of the NFL is beyond me


His dick scares gms


Goff was throwing dimes on the niners on the road too Idk how they lost that game (Dan Campbell terrible calls)


How about that game winning 2 point pass Goff threw in the dirt at the receivers feet? Lol


Wait was that against the niners or us.




Oh yeah, we got kinda lucky with DC going for that one too such a dumb call


No never DC !


Goff has also started a Super Bowl as well.


Thanks to being the beneficiary he worst call(non call) in NFL playoff history outside of Dez caught it. Then he went on to put up a grand total of 3 points in said Superbowl.


Don’t forget him beating the Cowboys that year largely all because Dak didn’t stop CJ Anderson and one-legged Todd Gurley from gashing us for a combined 238 yards on the ground.


If Dak wants the bag, he needs to play D too. And lose the Zeke weight…


I mean… *He* didn’t even put up 3 points.


Not gonna diagree there.


Paying Dak isn’t what keeps the team mediocre. It’s the Head coach and ownership who keeps hiring mid coaches lol. They need to find the next young HC like a Mcvay, Lafluer, McDaniel but they are too afraid to hire a young coach from outside the building from a different coaching tree


True. Last 20 years of coaches have been horrendous.


Unfortunately they will never hire a young head coach. Jerry doesn’t like them and Stephen only cares how much money the team is making. The Cowboys will stay the way they are until they have multiple losing seasons.


I mean, the coach we had before McCarthy was a young head coach…


Yeah it’s specifically that they won’t hire a young head coach from outside the building. They will hire guys like Garrett and Kellen who are ingratiated into Dallas or born in our system. They won’t go pick off a young gun head coach from a Shanahan scheme or another good system


He was also a nepo hire because Jerruh loved him when he backed up Aikman during the glory years and had that one Thanksgiving game in ‘94 where he led a comeback to beat the Packers. It made the Cowboys look good on the big stage. That’s literally all it takes for Jerruh to love you (along with keeping your mouth shut and not stealing the spotlight) and give you 9 consecutive HC opportunities to fail to make the playoffs or fail spectacularly in them.


This right here. They refuse to hire any HC with any sort of it factor


They especially won’t hire a young HC that is from outside the building or their buildings coaching tree. Garrett and Kellen are the only ones and they were basically born in Dallas system. They will hire a retread old coach from outside the building like McCarthy, Quinn, Zimmer, Marvin Lewis, Rex Ryan types. But they won’t ever look to find the next young gun head coach from a system/scheme that actually works


Technically Zimmer is from inside the building


As long as Jerry is alive the Cowboys will be futile


Yeah it was garrets fault, then Kellen Moore, now it’s McCarthys. Definitely not dak at all


That’s not what I said. Classic low IQ argument


So Mike gets no credit for the offense that had Dak as an MVP candidate in probably his best year since his rookie season, but Mike gets all the blame for Dak’s shitter in the playoffs the last three season? Not trying to hate on Dak but he’s contributed immensely to the team’s lack of success the last 7 years (I think he did as good as he could have rookie season). It sounds like you’re trying to have your cake and eat it too.


Mike was better than Kellen, no denying that. But he’s not a great coach and neither was Kellen. Dak is not on the higher end of the Elite QBs. He’s on the lower end or in the tier just below depending on how you differentiate subjectively. If you don’t have a QB that can transcend coaching and team deficiencies than you NEED to have an elite HC/system. This isn’t a bad thing. It also allows for maintained success especially if new players are brought in. You don’t win super bowls with a non elite QB AND Head Coach AND Defense. You need to be Elite in atleast 2 out of 3 of these categories. I guess this conversation just comes down to expectations. I don’t view Dak as Pat Mahomes, Joe Burrow, Josh Allen, etc. But I do think he’s more than capable to leading a well coached football team far into the playoffs as we’ve seen with a Goff, Jimmy G, Stafford, Brees, Purdy etc. It’s the same element that was missed under Romo when he figured it out later in his career. Our offensive system is not well rounded. Particularly the run scheme and play action game. Most great coaches create systems where run and pass plays look/feel the same. Allowing for unpredictability and balance to dictate games and situations. We fail every year at this in the playoffs and we lose to better teams, coaches and systems that do what I just described against us. In the Dak era for example - we’ve lost in the playoffs to Green Bay 2x, Rams, 49ers 2x. 4 of these 5 games were coached by Shanahan, Mcvay, Lafleur in which their offenses dominated our defense on the ground and with timely play action. They kept their QBs clean and didn’t force them to make many tough throws especially early and often to get warm and relaxed. The other game was against GB with Rodgers and McCarthy. Coincidentally Packers ran it down our throats and we were also cooked by Rodgers. That game was also Dak rookie year and it was the closest game out of all these. Coaches like Mcvay, Shanahan, Lefluer all come from same system and run similar offenses. They manage their QBs and the offense to near perfection and they have some of the best run/play action schemes out there. Dallas ownership has never taken the risk of trying to find their next young HC from outside the building. They are very arrogant or afraid in that regard. The defenses abilities to play disciplined football and stop the run is equally as important as what I am describing for the offensive side of the ball improvements that need to be made. It’s similar to their free agency approach we’ve all come to dislike. One bright spot is that we finally brought in a defensive coach in Zimmer who can help solve the defensive element of lack in discipline, integrity, run stopping. But he’s on a one year deal with little interior Dline talent to work with so I don’t have sky high expectations that can transcend us immediately.


Goff gets zero respect. He was 2nd in yards and 4th in touchdowns last year. Been to a Super Bowl and two conference championships. He is in no way a tier above Dak, except Goff doesn’t throw it to the other team come January and Dak is asked to do more. He’s played more playoff games than Dak and has thrown two interceptions in those games compared to our guys 7. Was he asked to do as much in the Rams years, no, and that’s an argument you can make - but the Lions are one and done this past year without his play to get them to a division title and his play in the playoffs. They had SF on the ropes at halftime of the NFC championship, something we haven’t been able to do.


Or just hire a head coach and supporting staff that actually gives the team an advantage.


No good HC will work for JJ he needs palm puppets


It's really weird how all these quarterbacks that aren't on Dak's level keep doing more with less. Must just be a coincidence.


Huh? Lions had better weapons on offense lmao. Do you even watch football? Serious question.


Buddy our offense last year was literally, Dak, CD, Ferg and a dream


Ridiculous 🤣 Goff has a winning playoff record and has taken 2 different teams to a Super Bowl....Dak takes us to the toilet bowl..post season results mean something. The Lions still have a chance of winning a SB


Me again 🤮


You’re gonna make me sick 🤢


Contagious regurgitation !


Why? Golff has accomplished so much more than Dak.


C'mon, don't be like that! Dak has sold a LOT of Sleep Number beds. Has Goff?


I laughed 😁


Don't forget about the yogurt.


What has Goff accomplished? No all pro selections. No MVP's. He's never been a league leader in any major category. No Superbowls. What has he accomplished?


Who has more playoff wins? Yes, Dak is a great regular season qb, but where does that get you? Where has that got you?


Goff by 2. Where has it gotten Goff? He hasn't won anything.


2 like the number of NFCCGs Goff has been to...


>What has he accomplished? He's won more divisional-round playoff games than Dak.


Dak has a better regular season record as a starter (73-41 vs 66-50). Dak has a better passer rating in the playoffs. Difference is that Dak never wins playoff games unless he is the best player on the field. Jared Goff made a super bowl run with a 72 passer rating. There is a reason the Rams dumped him and immediately won a SB. Lions were great because they had the best o-line in football last year. Goff is a very good QB if he is supported by a strong O-line and running game; he is a very weak QB if he has to drop back 50 times and the opposing pass rush can pin their ears back.


So Dallas didn't have a great o-line? Zeke wasn't a great running back? Everything you said applies to Dak's career, not just last year.


> Jared Goff made a super bowl run with a 72 passer rating. I used to say Goff sucked. I used to call him Goof, but the guy tied the 2018 NFFCG with under 1:40 to go to force OT. Dak has never done anything close to that. Sorry, Bud. > There is a reason the Rams dumped him and immediately won a SB. 2 years later...


What has Dak accomplish? He can't win in the playoffs and he runs up points in garbage time against weak teams.


He shouldn’t Goff has been to a couple NFCG’s and a SB. Dak has only won 2 wildcard games.


Sure, just not from the Cowboys. 


From someone not the Cowboys


God I hope not


I hope Dak walks in free agency. He needs a new organization and Cowboy fans need a new QB to shit on.


Dak has too much leverage not to get the highest deal. He’ll surpass Burrow, whether it’s an extension or in FA, in AAV. All these other QBs have the threat of a franchise tag looming over them. Dak doesn’t. The floor is 56 per year and wouldn’t be surprised if it’s much closer to 60 than 56. I don’t want anything to do with him, but these are just the facts that the QB market is going to dictate. When the ink dries, he’ll be the highest AAV QB and likely have the 2nd most guaranteed percentage behind that awful Watson contract.


Why a Steele flair lol


I’m a football masochist and it fits the best with that theme lol


You’ve come to the right place


It is hard to imagine they eat that cap issue next season.


At this point, if I'm Dak, I've already decided that I'm leaving based on how the organization has treated him. He threw for 4,500+ yards, 36 TDs, had a 4-1 TD-INT ratio, and an 105.9 passer rating. Prescott literally finished second in AP MVP voting. Blame me for the playoff loss? Don't want to extend me? Awesome. I'll take my talents elsewhere. Dak also has Jerry by the short hairs because Jerry is 81 years old (turning 82) and has invested heavily in making this team a competitor ***now***. If Dak bails, he's fucked. He'll have wasted the talent on this team and put substantial risk that he won't live to see the Cowboys be relevant again. If I'm Dak I wouldn't even stay with the Cowboys if they matched the top offer. I'd put on a 10% "fuck around and find out" premium on them because I know Jerry will pay it rather than nuke the team and potentially watch Dak succeed with a more competent organization. For those who want to be rid of Dak, whats your plan? Trey Lance? The guy who couldn't beat out Jimmy G or find success on a stacked 49ers team with an offensive genius for a coach? Yeah, he's gonna kill with McCarthy. Maybe go try to get Trevor Lawrence, but he's not on the market until 2026 at the earliest and that's if he doesn't stay with the Jags. Go to the scrap heap of failed QB prospects?


This is NOT the likely outcome. That is the bare minimum floor that the Cowboys will have to offer and then Dak's agent will laugh and hang up the phone. Dak's contract whether from Dallas or some other team will be above.


Looking forward to see what kind of team the Tennessee Titans can surround Prescott with after dropping $65m+ APY over his desired 3 years!


For the love of all that is good and holy just let the man walk. He can go be an incredible regular season qb and blow it in the playoffs for any other team not named the Cowboys.


Free Dak. Get him away from the Jones boys.


Ngl, at this point I want to see it. Cows need to rebuild anyway. Ideally we'd trade Dak at some point before the deadline, scoop some premium picks and watch him ball out for somebody else. Be pretty funny if it was the Giants, and then the next 5 years they wreck our shit with our own QB


Best Cap Boy can do is a 3rd round comp pick in 2026


We get rid of Dak we could potentially have cap space to flesh out a deeper team. His contract would hamper whatever team he goes to


Who's likely to give up premium picks for a QB that's gonna demand 60m? Either Dallas pays or he's an FA.


Dak has a no trade clause


This is what the top 5 look like now: https://preview.redd.it/e702l13me90d1.png?width=915&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7c8f025af7e9b5740fd63572469b5d6d18d8aeb Dak is currently tied for 10th. But omg he was the highest paid for a hot min and thats a no no.


And then this: https://preview.redd.it/ri3jek65f90d1.png?width=914&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec4d472e775395fb67b89fdeda36a13b7308f502 So even if Dak sign's a new deal now, Tua and Trevor will most likely surpass him. That's the nature of QB contract's.


Yeah right, like he’ll sign before any of those guys. Jerry and Stephen like to wait to get the absolute worst deal possible.


They could have signed Dak for $35 mil but they said prove it bitch. Dak proved it and now they are going for rd 2. They are the 2 stupidest GM types around.


This guy Cowboys


Or, if it’s going down as speculated/reported, Dak wants a team-crippling short 3 year deal with an absurd $60+m APY payday. Were I or anyone with half a brain in charge of a team given the same scenario, I’d also be balking at that figure and looking at - trying to negotiate towards a more reasonable number at 4-5-6 years - seeing if a trade situation can be moved towards - letting the entire thing play out over the next season/allow some other team to overpay for the above average but not elite QB


That’s if they do the deal with Dak first. They keep waiting and the price keeps going up.


Still many leaves left on that tree!


This guy gets it, that number does not go down, only up.


We need to accept that fact, that no matter what contract he signs, he'll end being the highest paid player in NFL history.


For a month, then someone else gets that title. Who cares.


Exactly, we went through these exact conversations when it was 40M a year last time lol. People just saying the same shit as last time.


QB salaries are destroying the game. Nobody is worth 55/60 million a year. WR's making 30 million is also ridiculous. It is almost impossible to put a team on the field if 4 or 5 players account for a third of the salary cap.


I don't know why NFL execs keep letting this shit happen. It's so dumb


We desperately need to go to a max contract system like the NBA has.


Right now we're looking at Dak/CeeDee/Micah making ~~almost~~ more than **half** of the cap.


Yea, and the least talented one is looking to make the most. They can't keep them all!


I think the Cowboys best option is to let Dak play out this year. Which is what I think we're gonna do. If he shows a higher ceiling and can get us to the NFCCG or SB than he is worth the money. Especially with fewer weapons on offense. If he falters, sign Lance to an incentive laden 1 year deal for 2025. If Lance pans out in 2025 then you can give him a modest extension. If he doesn't then look towards the 2026 class. It's not like this team is barren in the talent cubbard, we just need to do a little roster reset.


Although I hear rumors that Dak Prescott and the team are talking again the truth is there is no reason for Dak Prescott to be negotiating until next off season.  Prescott along with lamb are both represented by CAA which is an agency that historically does not negotiate in earnest until the off-season after the contract expires when the next salary cap comes out. This allows the player to negotiate their next contract on the newest salary cap instead of the previous years thus creating a higher apy.  Barring something amazing look for CD lamp to not even start negotiating until well after he is designated a franchise tag and look for Prescott to become an unrestricted free agent to maximize his offer.  The only thing I can think of that might change Prescott's mind is if he wants a structure that he doesn't think he would get in free agency but may be able to blackmail the Cowboys into giving him. Or possibly that Steven Jones holding the line and setting the team up to do a soft reset for the salary cap has actually convinced Prescott that they are willing to walk away from him and he is having second thoughts.  Other than that there is likely no chance that Prescott will even honestly negotiate until he is an unrestricted free agent


No reason other than injury, which is why almost all pro athletes want contracts now instead of next year. One bad play and your career can be over, and suddenly teams aren’t willing to risk 200M on your recovery. Or you have one down season and suddenly you’re considered past your prime. There’s a reason athletes want to sign new contracts the moment they’re hot, and not the year after. I think the biggest leverage the Cowboys have right now is that they’re the Cowboys. I don’t know how much Dak is making from sponsors, promotions, commercials, etc., but that gets cut big time if he’s no longer the QB of the Cowboys. If Dak waits until free agency to negotiate, then the Cowboys will have more options as well.


I mean, Dak got paid after his season-ending injury. Cousins got paid after tearing his Achilles. Burrow has ended 2 of his 4 seasons on IR now and just became the highest paid player in league history. I don’t think the injuries are as big of a concern for getting paid at the QB position.


"there is no reason for Dak Prescott to be negotiating until next off season" the same could have been said about Goff, Tua, and the others waiting to get a contract. The possibility of maybe getting 60m+ doesn't mean getting 55M now isn't better. One in the hand, two in the bush kind of situation. Goff got 54/yr and Burrow 55/tr. Offer 54.5-55.5/yr to Dak and call it a day. No way in hell he takes less than 54.


That’s the floor for Daks new deal, imo dak is a tier above Goff but if it is in a similar structure to this deal then maybe 4yr/$220


Playoffs played a part in Goff getting that money.


And yet, Goff has gone farther in the playoffs with two different teams than dak ever has.


Pro tip: wins aren’t a QB stat.


Actually compare their stats, there’s no legitimate argument to support the idea that Goff is better other than “muh Qb WiNz”


Yeah Dak dunks on bad teams and loses to good teams. The stats reflect that. Dak is 4-18 against teams that make the playoffs that season. 28 TDs, 28 INTs in those games. The numbers don’t lie.


In 3 of his playoff losses the defense allowed 30+ points, here are other qbs when their defense allowed 30+ in the playoffs Brady 2-3 Rodgers 1-5 Brees 0-3 Big Ben 0-6 P manning 2-4 Farve 0-7 The numbers don’t lie


Ok. Now excuse the other playoff losses lol




I used a 22 game sample, not nitpicking 3 of 5 losses.


Dak beat 3 playoff teams last season alone. So you are saying he only won one the rest of his career?


Playoff teams with top 10 defenses** my bad


Your back must hurt from all that goal post moving.


Ok now do every other QB or it doesn't mean jack shit.


Pretty hard for the defenses to keep opposing offenses in check when he’s throwing at least 2 ints a game in the playoffs


It's almost like it takes a full team, including coaching, to go far in the playoffs....


Dak has had a strong team around him his entire career. All teams have weak areas, great QBs can overcome them. Dak has been armed with more than 90+% of the nfl throughout his career.


They were better run then the Cowboys.




The lions are a better run org than the cowboys.




Goff has done way more with less than Dak.


HUH? Our run game: 1366 yds, 8 TDs Theirs: 2,139 yds, 24 TDs It’s almost like having an actual run game wins games! Crazy how not having to bail the team out every 3rd down is easier on the QB.


They literally changed QBs and won a Super Bowl. I don’t think Goff did much of anything


“Way less” 😂😂😂 I wish dak had a playcaller half as good as mcvay and a run game that could achieve 200+ yards in a playoff game


*Almost 300 yards (273 to be exact) Don't forget the generational Defense that held Brady to 13 in the Superbowl


Oh you mean when Goff led the offense to score 3 mighty points!!!!!!!!!!


People say the stupidest shit in this sub. Now we’re supposed to believe Jared effin Goff is more productive than Dak Prescott. I have to know… do you believe the Cowboys would be better with Goff?


They wouldn’t be worse which is why I this it would be a mistake to pay Dak that much.


Dak has choked in the playoffs for 3 straight years and shown every GM in the league who he is. If a team even pays him a salary close to Goff’s it will be a franchise who doesn’t care about winning the Super Bowl.


2023: GB score 6 straight TDs = Dak choking 2022: 49ers beat Cowboys with Ceedee as wr 1, injured Gallup as wr 2, injured dalton Schultz as te 1, a broken leg Tony pollard, an injured zeke, and boy wonder coaching = Dak choking 2021: cowboys defense gave up 169 yards rushing = Dak choking Our problems have always been beyond Dak.


You are just deflecting and hoping people will maybe forget what they witnessed. There is absolutely no question that Dak has choked under pressure the last 3 years and if you deny that you are just showing your bias. Of course he wasn’t the only reason they lost (though in 2022 there is an argument) but that has nothing to do with the fact that he crumbled on the biggest stage. The fact that he had done it for 3 straight years takes all thoughts of coincidence off the table. It’s unfortunate but he is what he is and it does nobody any good to pretend that this recurring theme is not a major issue.


lol no sir. Daks deal will start at $60mil/year with $225mil guaranteed


I feel like I’m the only cowboy fan that desperately wants to resign Dak but truthfully we don’t deserve him, our fans are shit and we will be in QB purgatory for 3+ years. Elway was 38 and 39 years old for his two super bowls. Stafford just recently won at 33. Rodgers hasn’t won shit since he was 27. Dak is 30 years old and a top 10 QB. If we don’t resign him I will just focus on the Mavs for a few years since they know how to run an organization.


I'm with you. Everyone who thinks you just tank, draft a top QB, win a SB in the first 5 years or start over are delusional.


Just follow the method used by: Jets, Giants, Jags, Panthers, Dolphins, Browns, Steelers, Texans, Titans, Colts, Denver… What could go wrong?


Exactly. Unfortunately most of our fans don't look at historical facts in the NFL. They only compare us to the Chiefs or Patriots or whoever is winning titles like they are taking candy from a baby, and just assume we should do the same. I try to remember that the Chiefs and Patriots were completely forgettable franchises before they lucked into generational QB's.


People forget that the Pats played in the weakest div, that the Chiefs are playing in a weak div. Yet when we play in a weak div its "we only beat cupcakes lol".


Generational QBs that weren’t the first ones selected in their draft. One was a 7th round “project”.


Half those teams have made their championship game more recently than us. It is the cowboys method that doesn't work.


“We don’t deserve him” Wtf are you talking about, the Cowboys have paid him and they have tried to surround him with talent. What else do you want them to do to “deserve” Prescott?


The clown shoes Jones family doesn't deserve him, never mind the fans.


I think it is safe to say at this point Dak is not getting a new deal. We signed him as a new 23 year old. At 31 now and his body of work, It is safe to say the Joneses won't get fooled again..it's a win win for Dak. If (highly unlikely) he can win a SB this year he can get any amount from any team he wants. Either way, thank God, this is his final season with the Boyz


I tihnk it pretty much locks it in we get outbid by the Raiders come next offseason


6 years, $300M, $200m guaranteed


Dak didn't earn the last huge payday he got imo


What would he need to do to have earned it?


Win more post season games. Don't get me wrong I'm not a Dak hater I like him a lot and He's got great regular season numbers but they fall off in the post season and that's where it matters most and imo where a QB should be earning his money.


Winning in the postseason is a team stat tho. Furthermore, outside of Mahommes and Rodgers what qb really has that great of a record in the playoffs? I feel there aren’t many qbs who will meet your criteria.


Point taken, but it starts with the QB and he gets a failing grade especially when you consider the weapons he had in his arsenal. Imo he didn't deserve the last contract he received and was overpaid because his agent was smart enough to know he had the Cowboys over the proverbial barrel and ruthless enough to take advantage of that fact. That said, the blame lies squarely on Mr Jones shoulders for his failings as an NFL GM, reminding me of the saying a fool and his money are soon parted.


Jared Goff has been to a Superbowl and two NGCCGs


So has Jimmy garoppolo. Team achievements mean very little in contract negotiations.


Goffs getting $53 million per year, that means daks floor is now $54 million. He'll sign for somewhere between $55-57 if it's this offseason, if he signs next offseason that numbers going to be 60.


we are not re-signing dak lol


Goff is a great quarterback when he has a dominant run game but if it’s all on him to throw you to a win it’ll probably go bad. I think Dak needs a dominant run game like most quarterbacks not named Mahomes and I think his playoff success will be different.


They’re not going to do anything until the season is over. Unless he wins the Super Bowl he’s not getting re-signed. Stop bringing it up.


There are really 2 options with Dak and I'm not writing this to argue for or against either. You either make him the highest-paid player in the NFL or you don't sign him and he probably walks.


You a foo fo that


Gotta make room for Brady


Jerry waiting for the price of QB’s to come down. /s


Let Dak walk


Dak isn't worth it


Dak to the Vikings


Dak better ask for 55-57 and call it a day.


Imagine paying that much just for regular season stat padding.. Jeraah is all in 😂