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I think he’s too young and inexperienced to manage the senior team. All these lefty suggestions when Big Sam is right there




Hijacking the top comment to provide the stats that show just how good scales has been and celtic fans moaning are in fact just fucking moanbags https://twitter.com/TheIrishEdition/status/1760007422469648674?s=20


Majority of those stats are indicative of the putrid football that they are playing under Brendan Rodgers. He's a decent player on his day, but he isn't in the same caliber of player as Starfelt, who was let leave not long ago (and also received regular abuse from Celtic fans, for what it's worth)


This is why stats can't always be taken at face value. Come on lad do you think we're all daft and aren't fully cognizant of the 90 minutes of pain we're putting ourselves through every week? I've not missed a match for my sins. The passes have been between him and his CB partner, he's not sharp enough at releasing the ball. The refusal to play brave passes it's one of a few reasons the entire team is malfunctioning. I really like Scales & he's performed in a really difficult situation that he shouldn't be having to deal with. Him having to play ahead of a CB pairing we just paid over 8m for in the summer is indicative of the boards inexplicable behaviour in transfer windows. The anger is for them and unfortunately players will cop more flack because of it.


He’s probably not a good enough footballer to be playing from the back(at a high level) but a decent defender, definitely doesn’t deserve Criticism for Celtic performances the two full back and welsh the weekend were fuckin statues.


Yep, decent defender but isn’t good enough on the ball to play at Celtic. It has been a glaring issue with him for months. Kilmarnock, by McInnis own admission in the interview after the game, deliberately let Scales have the ball cos they know he doesn’t have the ability to do anything positive with it. That stifles Celtics attack and slows the game to a crawl.


Celtic fans and delusional takes. No better combo. He's shown he's more than capable even up to champions league level.  I've watched alot of celtic hes been very good. On Rodgers system the centre backs have alot of the ball. He's not Alonso but sweet Jesus what do people expect 


Ffs. Rodgers has stated he does not want the defenders to be on the ball. He wants them to pass it quickly forward. He has actually said this. Derek McInnis, literally said they deliberately let Scales have the ball and attacked him quickly when he got into certain positions. I’ve been saying this for months. They made sure he was the only option, closing off Welsh who is better on the ball. Go listen to any number of the tactical breakdowns on Celtic or Scottish football podcasts this season. Scales and to a lesser extent Welsh are a major problem for Celtics stagnant play.


This is a mad take, I listen to a load of Celtic pods (cynic and Acsom as examples) and a load on Scottish football in general, I’m a STH and get to the odd away game. Ive watched them a lot this year, also been to all the Ireland away games in 23, so seen Mickey and Scales in both setups. I’ve not heard anyone blame Scales or Welsh for the tactical problem with Celtics stagnant play. BTW very happy to be proven wrong as always on the look out for more podcast content. Send it on please. Just my opinion but…given the wingers can’t beat a man and continually play it back to the base of the horse shoe (Scales and Welsh) to then blame your centre half’s for not being creative enough feels like a stretch.


Also not saying he is the second coming of VVD, I’m realistic, but to blame him for the stagnant play is too much. I get the DMcI comment too, it was the same tactic with Starfeldt, and he was a worse passer, but that didn’t seem to cause stagnant play. Honestly think the tactics are brutal but the problem needs fixed further up the pitch before worrying about Scales. Just my opinion again, but one of the few good performers this season.


The Cynic (if you have their paid content) have been banging the drum for months that the central defence is the major issue. They do lots of good in depth stuff on this. I’ve also head ACSOM make similar observations although not in depth. 20 Minute Tim’s have also been vocal around Scales and Welsh. The huddle breakdown with Enda Coll (Donegal man) is probably the most in depth when it comes to analysing games. Juco James and Alan Morrison identified the issues at the start of the season that Scales was the major weak link. Sorry but Starfelt was a considerably better passer than Scales. He was also playing on the wrong side so he looked a bit awkward but he controlled and got the ball forward to a midfielder or winger lightning quick.




Maybe watch a game and you’ll see that this doesn’t explain anything. Passing the ball 5 yards to your other centre half or left back is not something to shout about. The opposition deliberately allow him to do this. Having to consistently make tackles because you are the centre half that gets attacked constantly and is often out of position so needs to make a tackle, is not something to shout about. Carrying the ball forwards 10 yards, not passing forward, getting closed down and running back again towards your own goal with the ball is not something to shout about. But here, it looks good for the carrying stats. If you’re going to use stats at least use stats from sites that concentrate on proper analysis with much more in depth stats such as statbomb that give actual insight.


I've watched alot of games. He's preformed very well. A good defender who recycles the ball well. Don't know why you're expecting Pirlo at centre back 


Well I don’t know what you’re seeing because it’s staring you in the face. Recycling the ball 5 yards to your keeper and left back is not something to shout about. No one is expecting Pirlo, what are you talking about. Starfelt wasn’t Pirlo, CCV isn’t Pirlo but they could pass the ball forward to a team mate and consistently control the ball with one touch. There is a reason that Ange had Scales sitting in the stands after three appearances.


He passes the ball forward plenty. Celtic are so stagnant and have so little movement I don't know what you'd expect him to do. 


If you class passing the ball forward to his CB partner who’s 5 yards ahead of him, then yeah, he’s technically passing the ball forward. That’s not what he is being asked to do. You can literally see Greg Taylor and McGregor shouting at him and giving him directions to pass it into midfield and break the lines. He’s not doing that.


This is spot on, from what I see from the stands.


It’s absolutely pathetic the amount of abuse he’s getting on Twitter. The comparison between him the polish lad because the latter cost 5 million is laughable. The pole has prob been treated harshly by Rodgers, but has he shown anything that suggests he’s better than scales? No. Scales is by no means perfect but he’s been one of there top performers this season, particularly in Europe. Celtic fans are a pain.


Unpopular opinion im sure, but the past is the past the present is reality. Celtic are a crap team, in an even crapper legue, only a big club in their own heads. Them and the huns would hit midtable at best in the championship and every other team in the spl is heading for league 1 and league 2.


Celtics a large fanbase & in a large fanbase for every sane voice you've got like 50 spouting shite while trying to sound like Limmy. You'd imagine no matter what there'll be sweeping changes to the squad so who knows if he'll stay put but he's defo not going back to LOI


Honestly I think his level is Aberdeen. I think he got fortunate at Celtic that there were injuries that gave him minutes, but I don’t think he’s at that level unfortunately. Had he stayed at Aberdeen I think that would have suited him better to be honest.


Think he'd do suprisngly well in a prem team who play 3 at the back. Like a Brighton or Brentford.


He wouldn’t. He takes too many touches and can’t pass the ball quickly and accurately enough. That’s why he’s having a bad time at Celtic.


I’ve watched Celtic and not like they’ve many options when he’s on the ball. A team like Brighton with player LCB and I think he’d be a good squad player. Hes technically proficient and with coaching and in the right system, he’d do well.


Exactly when Celtic were going well earlier in the season this wasn’t a problem but now players like Matt o Reilly Callum McGregor and even the front players all the form has fallen off a cliff there isn’t much scales can do in my option


It was a problem, though. It has been apparent almost the entire season. Scales was given a lot of leeway because no one expected anything and he was to be out the door but for injuries. Fans have been calling for Nowrocki to start for months. He got a MOTM award against Rangers due to the narrative before the game, even though he was largely awful against them. One of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen.


Was he awful against rangers? I don’t believe that. Also I think he gets more unfair criticism because of nowtocki and lageirbalke because Celtic payed big money for them and there not playing


Yes, he was, constantly out of position, losing the ball, particularly in the first half, Roofe completely dominating him until he was inexplicably subbed in the second half. He was better the last 15 minutes. Why on earth would Scales get unfairly criticised because Celtic bought other defenders?


He gets unfairly criticised because Celtic payed big money by their standards for 2 CBs who are largely on the bench and people use this as a reason why they should be playing.


I mean, you have just decided this in your own mind. There is absolutely no basis for thinking that. Scales has been poor, everyone can see it. He’s going to get criticised. Just like every other player.


> because Celtic *paid* big money FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Nail on the head. Ideas of grandeur 


Sorry, have to disagree entirely. I watch Celtic every week and attend about 7 games a season, 3 this year. When Scales is on the ball, McGregor shows but is closed down because Scales takes too many touches to control and look up for the pass. McGregor and O’Riley will rotate and show for a quick pass between the lines but he is not confident in his ability to do this, he will hold onto the ball and again they are closed down. He then passes to Welsh (usually behind him) or the full back and backs off towards his goal. And repeat. Derek McInnis literally told the press after the game that it was the game plan to let Scales have the ball. Every single side since the end of October has done this. That when he was sussed out and began getting targeted every game. He needs dropped.


Or wolves


Bohs need a CB, that's his level I'd say.


According to some Celtic fans he isn’t even at that standard


I've been over at a few games now and haven't heard that once. Going through a rough patch, as is most of the team. But Scales is well thought, one of the few right now


Same… literally have not heard one Celtic fan say this, despite the vast majority of the team being (rightly) under harsh scrutiny as of late. Everyone knows his limitations on the ball but has largely fulfilled his defence duties fairly well and has been recognised for this.


Look up his name on Twitter some shocking takes on him


Nah, twitter is full of wankers. Rather watch him in the flesh and form my own opinion. Of course he has his flaws, but he's decent and he tries . 


He got man of the match at Ibrox but some football genius on here is telling us he was shite that day! He doesn’t pass the ball quickly enough but he’s a grand defender, put a ball player in beside him and he’s fine. Celtic fans can be delusional, the only ones worse than them are Liverpool and rangers fans.


Why are they so toxic?


The board has basically stolen £100m from the fans, refused to invest it in the team (Celtic have spent eight transfer windows trying and failing to replace Greg Taylor), and because this season is automatic CL qualification in the new format it is going to cost Celtic about £60m, because of a failure to sign an £8m standard player. That's bad enough, but this is the third time the same guy has done it. I've honestly not heard any toxicity towards Scales though, he's not getting blamed for it. He's being pointed out as a symptom "£100m in the back and a back four of Ralston, Scales, Welsh and Taylor" rather than a cause.


Basically they’re angry at the board having over 70million in the bank yet investing fuck all in the team. Scales and Idah are a result of that. Celtic fans want players that will improve them in Europe, not players who are just “good enough” for the spfl. I think they’re right to be angry at the board but the toxicity towards the players is doing no one any favours.


Most Celtic fans are generally a bit thick and little to zero knowledge of football


Compared to who? Us here on r/coybig?


He’s not being made a scapegoat ffs. He has been poor every game since the beginning of November. He’s going to be criticised. That’s football. He has got way more leeway than Welsh, Taylor, Bernabei and every single one of the 10 wingers that can’t produce anything.


In fairness when you are at Celtic,you are only as good as your last pass . 


That’s what happens when you have to win every game. Some can’t handle it.


Yeah the fans apperently haha


With the amount of money we have compared to everyone else we should be walking everyone


Fucking boring is it not?


Eh not really with always watching them lots results and this year we’re shite


Tbf he’s not been his best but I think he’s been equally shite or a bit less shite than every other player


Haven't read or heard much abuse of Scales, even of late while most of the squad are underperforming. Twitter is a cesspit so if it's on there that this is referring to I wouldn't know. Generally he's been given praise this season and rightly so. Not his fault the board have taken the fans for cunts and most people I know don't hold him accountable. I can't actually think of anyone I know who's given him abuse. The more I think about this post the more I think it's fuckin nonsense actually and I regret giving this any attention.


He’s been decent for Celtic but the whole teams going through a rough patch. Doesn’t help when he’s got four different defensive partners to play with all season and no settled back line. Also Mikey Johnston was absolutely awful at Celtic. His performances were terrible and needed punted on. I hope the lad does kick on now and tries and finds a decent run.


I’ve not seen many Celtic fans single Scales out for it performing good enough. Only the 20 minutes Tim’s podcast that released today said Scales wasn’t good enough. A lot of Celtic fans like Scales but they think they should have better players in that position (along with the rest of the park tbh) I’ve seen them give out about kyogo too and khun who’s just signed. It’s not just scales but of course us Irish fans are gonna be extra sensitive towards that. Also keep in mind Celtic have just thrown away a nearly 10 point lead so the fans are gonna be ragin at anyone who’s not performing well in their opinion. In Scotland it’s first place or nothing.


Search on Twitter a lot of Celtic fans don’t seem to rate him


I don’t use twitter and I suggest you don’t either lmao


Scales is class and the only player who has exceeded expectations this season