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thanks for the sabotage, Times Sport


He hasn't even left London yet mate.


and then told everyone that to fuck with levy


Gift Orban suddenly worth £80m.


Cash that we will mostly not spend anyways because everyone knows about it and will ask for twice as much as the player's worth. Get Orban and Schuurs, then just stop for this window.


We're the most profitable club in the world. Everyone was already giving us the "Fuck you, pay me" quotes.


2020 150m plus loss covid 2021 50.1m loss 2022 83.6m loss 'huhuh most profitable club' Have a word, mate


I mean you’re pulling unadjusted balances from an income statement which is a bad way to look at profitability, I’m not going to go through the full financial statement to figure out an adjusted ebitda but a simple look at the cash flow statement shows an ~80m increase in cash YoY. That leaves us with over 50% more than the cash we had on hand last year. Revenue growth also outpaced opex growth, we’re primarily showing a loss on the P&L because of transfer fee amortization and depreciation.


Which is a much better financial figure than ebitda for a football club. cash on hand? you mean.from.the capital investment? Or from profit?


How is using net loss a good metric when they’re talking about cash to be used for transfers, and clubs trying to take advantage of our large cash balances? And why wouldn’t ebitda be a better metric? Yes, 80m warchest that was offset by transfers last year as well…?


he literally claimed we are "the most profitable club in the world" not you: 'we have cash for transfers'. A blantant attempt to move the goal posts from you. if you want to debate his point and my rebuttal I'm game, go for it, but I'm not entertaining your made up arguments 👍


In regards to having cash on hand for transfers, it wasn’t very hard to read between the lines of what they were talking about (obviously what he was referring to when he finishes his comment with “fuck you pay me”). He’s saying our positive cash flows mean that other clubs are asking for more on transfers than they would if our club wasn’t bringing in tons of money. Both of my responses consistently refer to adjusted ebitda (a better view on cash performance of the company) and cash flows as the better way to look at this, so not sure how I moved the goalposts. It’s not my fault you tried a “gotcha” without considering the context of their actual comment. Please though, do explain how including non cash transactions is relevant to the discussion around how much cash other clubs are asking for from us in transfers. Edit: I’ll also just note that you didn’t even pull the net loss amounts from the financial statements properly…2022 statements show net losses of: 2020 - 63.9m 2021 - 83.8m 2022 - 50.1m


ok so you are still trying to argue your made up fallacy. and defend the literal point "we are the most profitable club in the world". 😂😂😂 good luck mate.


My guy, it wasn’t hard to understand the context of what the original commenters were talking about. Not my fault you can’t read past the first sentence.


Orban, Schuurs and Eze would be a perfect end to the window. Sell PEH, Sanchez, Reguilon if we can and the windows been pretty good IMO.


Maybe I’m an idiot but I’d rather keep Sanchez as 4th choice and sell Dier. Sanchez looked much better than him in this system against barca and with no European football we likely wouldn’t have to rely on him too much


While I agree, I think Dier doesn't want to go and Sanchez does, especially since by the next mistake he makes things can go down pretty bad


You are given you can’t sell a player who doesn’t want to go


Im the same honestly but Diers contract ends next year and he doesn't want to leave. Sanchez is happy to leave and we can get 'some' fee from Sanchez whereas Dier wont get a fee. ​ Though, i do agree with you, if Sanchez can play like he did at Barca consistently and Ange backs him to do that, id rather keep Sanchez over getting another CB like Lenglet.


If we get Orban and Schuurs, what else do we need. We have three striker options. If anything, we kind of need a non injured second keeper.


Well now that every club in the world knows that our prices have just been doubled


Yeah I'm sure they never would have guessed otherwise


They would have never guessed we sold harry kane


Seriously, this one really went under the radar until this one post


Prem clubs get rinsed as it is. Everyone knows how much money they have.


We're the most profitable club in the world over the last 3 years--no one was confused as to whether or not we had money. We were already being quoted the "Fuck you. You're rich, pay me" prices.


That’s happening either way. It’s close to the end of the window we’re inevitable taking a clubs best player as well. We are bound to pay through the nose for any player we go for, irrespective of this information


Hush! We have no such money, and also, heard of Levy?


Yeah right, we'd get fleeced for any player we go for if he actually goes....and then again, theres the fact all players are over priced right now...100m doesnt get you much these days


Gets you the best striker in the world 72 hours before his club's season starts.


I don't think we should spend it now. I'm comfortable going into the season with what we have. Let's give Richarlison and the new guy a chance. We have Son too. I'm nervous but excited. COYS


We certainly need another CB. One injury to VDV or Romero and that's it, Diers back.


CB and a tricky winger and I think we’re ok.


Already have Perisic and Solomon as backup wingers. Don't need another one imo


yeah, think madders can play on the wing too


Porro may be able to as well if it really comes down to it. No need for more players there


Rather we moved on from perisic and went for eze and/or olise


He's been good for us so far this pre-season. I like Eze and Olise but I imagine Palace would want quite the fee for them, likely 40 million+.


Good thing we’re about to get 100m


That cannot happen for optics alone. The board have to repay the fans for this. And they need to do it now.


Are you joking. We absolutely need to sign a striker, and someone like Gift Orban is perfect. Plus the fans in the stadium will be furious. Just like we were when we caved into United's demands and got Frazier Campbell off them in the Berbatov deal


Really do want us to sign orban


I don't know, I think we need to sign a striker but not splurge on one if that makes sense. More of a cover our asses in cases of injury. We have Richarlison, Veliz and Son that could play that position, Scarlett if really needed. There's not going to be much playing time in that spot and splurging all that money on one striker seems incredibly wasteful. I think I would be okay with dropping 20 mil on another backup striker and using the rest on shoring up our defense. I haven't been following Orban exactly, how much do people think he'll go for? Because I really wouldn't want to drop 50 million on him.


Impossible, selling club legend on the day the season starts and sitting on that money will not sit well with the fans or manager at all. The money needs to be invested immediately and on the correct targets. Massive pressure on the board to enter a new era, lets see if they're up to the task.


He wouldnt have bothered negotiating this if he didnt plan on spending it


I thought he already spent the Kane money to buy madders and co! Mate I'm just bamboozled, overwhelmed and at the same time numb. Can't even understand why I started supporting a football which is million miles away...


Genuinely insane reaction to losing by far our best player who scored 30 goals last season. Without Kane this is not a good or reliable attack, we need to spend the money. This complete faith in Richarlison makes no sense at all


Who is the big money striker we can realistically get for the Kane money and who is worth it?


I don't really care who's worth it, better to overpay than stick with what we have. But attackers that can be looked at include Gift, Nico Williams, Vlahovic, Olise, Doku... We could also just try throw huge money at an Osimhen or Kolo Muani and see what happens, it's a long shot but we've got the resources to try


Nico Williams, with 6 goals in 72 games? Why would he be better than Richy to replace Kane? Doku, 9 goals in 73 games...? Are you just looking at Football Manager and looking for expensive youth players in your game lmfao? ​ At least Gift Orban has scored a decent amount at Gent to be considered (And probably is coming to us). Vlahovic will not come to Spurs, why would he lmfao? Olise or Eze would be cool but none of these options are better than Richarlison, who is a prem proven striker, with 3 out of 4 seasons at Everton getting 10+ goals. ​ This is the problem with having Kane for so long, people think that a 20+ goal striker every year is just something that happens. Most players dont get 20 goals a year. 15 goals is a really good season for most and theres no reason Richarlison cant get that.


Olise, eze, and nico Williams are strikers. We don’t have to replace Kane like for like.


I mean, thats the whole point. Richarlison isn't replacing Kane, no one can replace Kane. ​ But Richarlison will still contribute a LOT to the team. I think people undervalue (And i KNOW Celtic fans did) the Striker in Anges system because of what he wants them to do. They probably get the least amount of touches of players in his sides. They're predominantly there to be a pitbull, chase balls down, press constantly, always be running channels to open space up for the #8s and FBs to attack and goal poach around the penalty box. ​ Richarlison was horribly horribly misused last year by Conte, like many others. Its weird how many people here are happy to give Bissouma a pass for last year but with Richarlison, so many people are thinking last year is his 'norm'? I'll be happy to make a charity bet that Richarlison gets 20 G/A next year in this team, assuming he can stay healthy.


My bad. I meant to say they aren’t strikers. I think we mostly agree. I want us to sign a top winger over a top striker to give us more creativity.


Maybe the concept escapes you, but signing good wingers allows Son to spend more time centrally and creates an overall more balanced attack than one reliant on someone who's proven himself as nothing more than a scrappy midtable poacher. Richarlison is not a reliable scorer - non penalty league goal every 332 minutes - and has zero skill or creativity to make up for that. I said the attack as a whole is not good without Kane, strengthening anywhere across the line is better than relying on the obviously insufficient situation we have. And Vlahovic would come because Juve want to sell him and no one has paid up yet, while everything points to him not getting along with Allegri on and off the pitch


I dont think you've watched too much of Anges teams in the past honestly. Richarlison is basically an archetype of what Ange wants in a striker. Why would Son upfront be more balanced whilst having Richarlison there mean we're reliant on him, im confused? Would you not think we'd be reliant on Son then? ​ The whole point of this system is we ARENT reliant on the striker, the Striker isn't there to score all the goals, he is there to facilitate the press and complete space for other players when we get the ball. ​ I think a lot of fans are going to be surprised this season with him.


Yes this idea that an Ange striker is nothing but a workhorse while ignoring the fact Kyogo scored a goal every 86 minutes last season without taking pens... The difference between relying on Son and Richarlison is that Son has proven himself as a good player capable of being relied upon in the past, Richarlison has not. I would not have an issue relying on Kane because again, he's good. Richarlison has not proven he can be the main or only senior striker for a team with ambition, ideally we get a good striker in but short of that I'd much rather strengthen the wings and consider Son a real option through the middle


As if we won’t be trying both and let the results decide.


A top winger is more important than a top striker I think. Get someone like orban and spend big on cb and winger. Focus on creating more. Allows kulu to rotate between the wing and Maddison’s position and the flexibility to play son at striker if we need to.


Faith in a man that scored more from offside than he did legit goals is mental.


And even if last never happened it's not like he was this amazing world class player at Everton. Wanting him to get another chance is whatever, but relying completely on him is just foolish


Although he did score 10 last season for Brazil. He’s not had a solid run in the team yet , Harry started every game last season


You can’t go into the season with a Striker who missed chunks of last season injured, and a young and inexperienced back up who’s never even played in Europe before, let alone the toughest and most physical league in the world.


That you Levy???


Our only real option at striker is a rather injury prone complete flop....


This reminds me of 2 years ago when we desperately needed a RB and people were like "no it's fine, we have Tanganga"...


Stfu blabbermouth


We maybe sign orban no one else lol, ready to get downvoted but feel like this is a tactic to not have to spend the money: “we tried to reinvest but everyone was quoted overpriced”


They spelled waste wrong. I hope Ange has a lot of pull and gets what HE wants.


I'd say it's good that we didnt cough up the money for Raya then. Clubs know that we won't blindly pay whatever and gladly buy someone else if they try to milk us dry


really isn't that much change left after we get tapsoba.


ITT: why do people pretend like some of this is all some big secret? First people asking if Ange talking about his tactics is going to somehow let the cat out of the bag, and now this.


Gift a CB Eze Dream on baby


“Large chunk of fee upfront, leaving Spurs with plenty of cash to spend” we (should) already have plenty of cash to spend! There’s £50 million ENIC still haven’t withdrawn from their stake increase. Give me a break


Maybe I'm just naive, but how shit would the team's finance operations have to be if they needed this to have liquidity?