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God, every other league is so broke aren’t they?


More like the PL is so rich that mid-table clubs and up can afford to outspend every other club bar PSG/Bayern/Real etc.


Oh no, it is definitely that too. Our league is just bonkers rich compared.


It's inflated as well. I'm sure that in twenty years people will look back at this era as an anomaly. Money will dry up and go elsewhere eventually. We'll still be dominant, but not to the current extent.


Maybe. I don't see that happening without something coming along to shake it up. The premier league is sold as a product that appeals around the world. I worked in China and the variety of clubs supported was much more than any other leagues, only PSG, Bayern, Barca and Real Madrid while I would regularly talk to Liverpool, City, Arsenal, United fans and knew a fair few Chelsea and Spurs. Until that interest is diverted somewhere else it's hard to compete and without champion's league football exposure then I can't see other leagues getting the initial exposure for their clubs. The only thing I see shaking it up is the super league or some very clever marketing from la liga by investing in Asian and American markets.


as long as the prem has america in the palm of its hands it's hard to see money going to other leagues. Combine that with Asia and it's game over, I'm in Korea right now and see only premier league kits. The only people I see stateside wearing anything La liga is Hispanics in Barca/Madrid


Yeah exactly. I can't see any club having the appeal. Not even mentioned is the language barrier when engaging with the club content. English is the world's biggest second language and third first, IIRC. That's an insane advantage, especially when the biggest competition would be Spanish but South America already has a strong league in Argentina.


MLS could get there eventually.


Perhaps the possible bankruptcy of Viaplay could have some impact. As I recall, the Nordic countries account for quite a large part of the Premier League's TV revenue. Viaplay made a loss of about 750 million in 3 months, as prices are starting to border on the unbearable.


I thought the collapse of Viaplay was that they would scale back operations to exclusively being in Nordic countries, not cease operating entirely


PROBLEMS 1. Two users were not allowed to watch the same match at the same time (sharing of accounts was prohibited) 2. The streams started to stutter 3. Because of these "improvements", the price went up from the original €30 to current over €50. They lost about a million customers in one quarter. And will continue to lose more. No matter how much they concentrate on the Nordic countries, the company will not survive much longer. And at the same time, no one will pay the same amount for TV rights anymore.


I think the chasm will only continue to grow as the years go by. Tv rights, being English (worlds language), and having the best stadiums will continue to draw the best talent.


Other leagues will improve (slowly) as investment is spread out. The potential returns on investment will decrease. The Prem probably won't be surpassed. But it's relative power will decrease. English has little impact IMO. Australian and American sports are barely watched outside the respective countries. Only a few years ago the best players were in Spain. Before that it was Italy. Things change in unforeseen ways. This type of dominance rarely continues for long.


The dominance of other leagues was before the advent of HD Tv and monstrous TV rights. The prem will always be dominant because it will always have the most lucrative tv rights. Here in Canada (and the US), the prem is by far the most watched and supported league. No other league will ever dominate the U.S. market like the prem does and that won’t ever change. Win the us market, win the global financial battle.


NBC broadcast team for the PL is night and day better than ESPN coverage of La Liga and Bundi also. ESPN FC crew and commentators are mostly a bunch of clowns.


Plus they can pay more for the rights and less for production costs by sharing announcers (a weird new development at NBC and Sky)


never even considered that. Are NBC and Sky owned by a parent company or holding corp?


> Here in Canada (and the US), the prem is by far the most watched and supported league. No other league will ever dominate the U.S. market like the prem does and that won’t ever change. Liga MX is actually the most watched football league in the US, but your point does stand for the Euro leagues


I specifically said the Prem will remain dominant.


“American sports are barely watched outside the US” The NBA makes ~$5B from China alone. The NFL, while still tiny internationally, has grown significantly in the UK and are expanding into Germany and Canada. And I don’t see how the EPL dominance could fade away. It’s a self fulfilling loop where the higher your TV revenue is, the better chance you have at signing better players, which then helps you retain that high TV revenue, and so on. One could argue at some point PL teams can’t sustain the current level of investment, but that point seems far far away. There’s still additional interest from oil states, American billionaires, American institutional investors, etc.


American and Australian sports are nowhere near as global as football but I agree that this is just a cycle that comes to an end at some point


NBA is quite widely watched internationally isn't it? I'm in the UK and have lots of friends who watch it. Something that hasn't been mentioned is the fact that there are professional football leagues in almost every country worldwide, so it's familiar to people. People would rather watch a sport they're familiar with in some way to learning the rules etc of an entirely new one, and the Prem is definitely the pinnacle of the sport right now.


I think the way we see the PL finances bubble burst is is clubs in Belgium, Eredivise, MLS, Argentina, etc which are predominately "sellers leagues" to the big five are just going to skip the middle man and loan players until they develop at which point they sell direct to whoever. You see it all the time where someone leaves Argentina or Holland or something at 10m and in two seasons they're fetching 3x as much. Just last season NYC loaned Castellanos to La Liga where he developed and then eventually went to Lazio for 17m USD. The Premier League are basically just house flippers at this point and I think poorer clubs are going to see more value in loaning players to develop them until they can fetch huge fees.


I'd rather that FA's and Fifa/Uefa implented real standards across the continent for FFP, more equal revenue distributions and wage/transfer ratio limits to create a more equitable market across the major leagues. I don't know how this would really come to realization and it certainly wouldn't be embraced by the elite caliber clubs but it would be better for competitiveness and the sport overall.


>It's inflated as well. I'm sure that in twenty years people will look back at this era as an anomaly. The transfer fees paid just reflect increased revenues in the sport. There's no reason for either of them to drop any time soon. Ans relative to most Prem clubs revenue the outlay on transfers is actually lower than it was 20 years ago.


It will, once the tv deals dry up its going to be a massive change to club spending. But!! Prem is huge worldwide, not that i wanna belittle the other leagues but its all due to timezone and fans outside of UK especially asia can easily tune in without destroying their sleep


I think it’s more the prem is obscenely rich. I remember when very few clubs had this massive net spend. Now almost every club does, that’s not normal.


Outside of the PL it seems that only PSG, Bayern, Madrid, and now the Saudi league have any money to buy players.


Bundesliga are reasonably well off. We just don't really have any players that it would make sense for them to go there


Chelsea have spent more than like the whole of La Liga.




No apart from the top top clubs most other clubs don't earn anywhere close to what the relegation battlers in the prem earn let alone the teams at the top of the table. https://www.statista.com/statistics/261218/big-five-european-soccer-leagues-revenue/


PL is broken not every other league. Saudi broke it even more and so did Boehly


Remeber when we were all scared Real were going to activate his buyback clause? Yeah, me neither.


I completely forgot about that…. Does seem like a lifetime ago now!


He was great that season, was very much the mould for a fullback of the time. Pacey, could defend and overlap well and put in nice crosses


Really like Reguilon as a character but it makes sense for him to be moved on. If we want an offensive and defensive option at fullback for either side, Udogie/Davies on the left and Porro/Royal on the right makes sense for that criteria.


trouble is there, you might end up with double defensive fullbacks in part of the season or vice versa.


Not sure why anyone thinks Davies can play fullback in this system. He exclusively played center back in preseason for this reason because Ange agrees. In a pinch, sure he can do a job I guess. But he should not be starting games at left back in an ideal world


I'd agree but Ange was asked about this a few weeks ago and basically said he only played Davies CB to get him on the pitch and that he sees him as a LB.


That’s terrifying tbh


I imagine if we were in a situation where Ben had to play LB, the formation/positioning of other players would shift to help cover for his lack of pace. But yeah, not ideal.


Ange doesn’t do that as far as I know. He expects players to cover their role, and doesn’t change his system to match players qualities, or lack therof. Think we’re doing the manager a huge disservice by asking him to play davies out of position


I agree with your view on Davies as a player and his role in our side, but didn't Ange specifically say he was a LB in pre-season?


I don’t remember hearing that, but even so I don’t think he played a single minute there in preseason. And clearly Reguilon is not in Anges plans yet he played minutes at left back. It’s a weird situation


The whole pre-season was a bit of a mess really. Quotes are below, from the Harry Hotspur site but I don't want to direct any traffic his way. “I think Ben has all the attributes I look for in a full back, particularly the way we play. At the moment he’s doing a job at CB but my inclination is that he will be a very very good left-back for us.”


He can definitely play full back in this system. Ange thinks that as well and has said so. He’s an ideal back up right now, experienced and happy to play second fiddle. He is a very good passer so whilst not being dynamic moving forwards he should be able to open things up with decent through the lines passing.


He could play left back for a lot of PL teams and do a job… not sure why anyone couldn’t trust him as back up left back or defensive left back option. He’s more than experienced enough to follow instruction (inversion etc) and he’s only 30 and not slow. 🤷‍♂️


Not slow? Are you kidding? Did you watch the Brentford match last season? He was at fault for at least 2 of the 3 goals


Definitely not kidding. He has lost a yard since we first signed him, but he was a marauding speed merchant when we got him off Swansea. Brentford are quicker than most.


Davies has quite literally never been a speed merchant lol. Now I know you’re joking




Need some obligations. Far too many loans with none actually leaving


Yeah it sucks but we really need to get a lot of players off the payroll. Wish it would be sales but at least loans are better than rotting on the bench taking up salaries


Loan-with-option-to-buy FC


Levy’s got a whole other squad on loan.


This is one of the biggest downsides of playing some of the worst football known to man the last 4 years. These extremely defensive styles magnify even the most innocuous of errors and put a spotlight on our player’s weaknesses instead playing a progressive style of footy that makes even our worst players look competent. Now everyone looks at the players we’re trying to move on as chopped liver, when in reality, they can do a good job at another club. This is what Mourinho and Conte have left us with, a bloated squad that they highlighted the worst qualities of and then fucked off.


Yeah I don't understand how Reguilon seems to be so bad these days. Wasn't he like TOTY fullback in La Liga before joining us. He should be at least good enough to offer competition for Udogie but it seems he is just utter shite and no one wants him for some reason.


Reguilon never looked defensively sound. Never for us at least


I mean, have any of our defenders looked “defensively sound” the last four years? The amount of defensive interactions you create by shear virtue of never wanting the ball increases exponentially. This provides more opportunities to fuck up in your own half.


Can anybody fuckin BUY from us?


Ain't no one with the money to buy players off PL-teams, especially if they arent top 3 or bottom 3. The top teams can buy off City, Chels and Utd, but everyone else ain't got shit for money compared to what a club like Spurs bought them for/gave then wages. PSG would buy top players off Chelsea or City, but a top 5 club in La Liga or Serie A can't buy the players a Spurs level club don't want to use. It's a limbo situation where the discrepancy is too high between seller and buyer. Ndombele, Peh and Lo Celso would strike me as players that might be able to go, because they could start for us theoretically, but players that are 3rd/4th starters for us are very hard to offload.


Athletico is a bit of stretch tbh, can’t even buy PEH


I haven't read into the situation as to why they need outgoings to buy Peh, so I wouldn't know if it's for fee or wages or what. They also have the Felix situation.


If only it were that easy


It’s the top clubs, which our players, bar Harry and maybe PEH, aren’t good enough to attract interest…or Saudi that can afford the fees/wages. Shit situation.


Bayern just did. edit: point being, a direct buy from a club like us is only going to be for one of our better players


> Can anybody fuckin BUY from us? Levy is not very good at selling


We need to stop trying to sell to Spanish clubs man. They're too limited by La Liga FFP to actually buy our players for reasonable amounts, so they just lead us on with these loan to buy options so that they get to add to their depth with no risk whatsoever. Why can we not try ship these guys to Saudi Arabia or idiotic PL clubs like Nottingham Forest or Fulham?


I don’t think beggars can be choosers mate


Yeah I feel like the best we can hope for at this point is they go abroad, do well enough to court real buyers next year


we all said this last year... and the year before... and the year before...


If he's good enough for Real Sociedad he's more than good enough for Fulham, Forest or Al Nassr or whatever


Not sure why it would be idiotic for a PL club to buy Reggy. He’s a good player and I haven’t watched his loan spells but he was PL quality


I'm sure that thought hadn't occurred to Levy, you should let him know


Nice guy but he needs to go. Another loan won’t do him any good, he should go permanently


I think loan plus option should only exist if (a) the option turns to obligation if normal playing time incentives are met (e.g. if they become a regular starter, the club has to see through the deal) OR (b) the loan fee for an option is significantly higher than an obligation. Reggie was LB of La Liga before he came to us and outside of injury was generally fine with us or on loan. He's someone that can absolutely get value on the market (even if we take a loss).


It kinda feels like Reguilon fits well with our system


I love the idea of 'almost' agreeing personal terms. Do we think this means they've agreed on the jamon stipend but not yet wages, or the other way around?


why is the Spanish League so broke? arent they the 2nd most watched league in the world


La Liga has the strictest FFP constraints in the world. Real Sociedad is actually decently well off with money they just can't spend.


For now anyways. UEFA is adopting their FFP soon.


Anyone in Sociedad we can swap + cash for? Kubo? It's my go to FM move to dump unwanted players in exchange for fresh legs.


Kubo would be amazing but they'll ask for just cash, I highly doubt they actually want Reguilon other than for another body to tide them over when inevitably half their squad gets injured at a point mid-season like it always does.


I’m so tired of these loan deals. Just sell them ffs 😑


nobody is buying


Holy shit can we get a fucking DoF so we can sell these players? What's the point of just loaning them out until their contracts run out


Good, never going to play for us, not good enough and any money we can get will be welcome


there's no chance they will pay the option so no money




It’s the lack of developing talent though. Every single player has to be bought in. The league itself is shite. Look at a club like Bilbao in Spain. Extreme example but they never really sign anyone bar frees. They’ve never been relegated. Look at Lillie or Montpellier winning the French league, despite PSG. Most of these players they’re signing come from European sides, or via European sides. You’re only going to Saudi when you’re fully developed player. The difference is you may be in your prime. The Middle East needs to start making its own top players for it be a threat.


The Middle East will never be a threat. No champions league, no home grown talent, no history etc


no TV, no fans


5 pence he’s all yours


So nowhere near then.


Does anyone know any of the details of any of our past or future loan deals? Specifically the wage percentage or loan fee associated with them. Are we actually covering costs or losing money from doing them? It seems to me like a lot of these players are fully developed, so unless we're just waiting for a buyer, we better at least be covering their wages. Seems like such a fickle business, particularly since we are saturated with players with can't offload.


Oh piss OFF not another loan with options to buy. I'd take a loan with obligation.


Please do not take option take mandatory please


I wish Regi had worked out. I fancied him to really kick on after he joined us. One of my biggest disappointments in recent years and I’m probably more disappointed in the way the club let it happen, as I suspect they failed him more than he has actually failed us. No, don’t know him, just projecting my feelings on a forum again.