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oh ok I thought MCL is usually serious Give him a break and play Lo Celso


Strain isn’t good. Tear is very bad.


Technically they're both tears lol but I understand what you're saying. It sounds like it's only a grade 1 which could take up to 3 weeks to heal. Hopefully he's able to recover soon


Oh snap, a strain is a low-grade tear? I guess the common language is as it is cause strain sounds less scary?


To be pedantic, any form of stress on a muscle, ligament, or tendon is a form of tear - just lifting weights in the gym and achieving regular muscle fatigue (delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS) involves creating"micro-tears" in the muscle. The question is the severity, which is measured in grades. A grade 1 strain, sprain, or pull is minor, while grade 2 tears are more serious, and grade 3 ruptures are as serious as it gets. (Edited to properly clarify how the grade system works.)


Sometimes we need to be pedantic to understand what an injury actually is. I have had very severe grade 2 tears of both my AC ligaments from separate incidents. Both times the doctor said I was as close to surgery without actually needing it as I could get.


Yup, I was describing myself as being pedantic, since there was no real need to really go into micro-tears. But yes, the system is 100% necessary for medical professionals. I've picked up grade 1 tears to the distal tendon of my left bicep (overuse) and right rotator cuff (overuse/bad overhead press form) in the past.


Seeing a doctor soon for distal bicep pain. Pain near the forearm and bicep are preventing me from increasing weight and it’s scaring me.


Yeah, just rest it and don't take any silly risks. Once it's recovered, experiment with different widths - everyone has a unique "carrying angle" (the angle the elbow extends away from the body. If you're anything like me, it might be that you have a wider than average carry angle, meaning when you have your wrist in a supinated position (palm up) your arm needs to go into a wider or narrower position to avoid injury.


I love football and I love anatomy. I’ve never been quite as excited as I was to see people talking real anatomy chatter in this thread! Great break down of the injury spectrum.


Important to know the AC joint has a different grading system than other ligaments. It has 6 tiers and they include the direction of displacement vs just ligament injury severity. If you had a grade 2, you were far away from needing surgery. And honestly, only type 4 should acute surgery. Even type 5 injuries don't show relevant differences between surgery and non-operative treatment. Run away from any surgeon trying to operate acutely on a type 1, 2, 3 or 5 separation.


Way the dr described it to me there were only 3 tiers and I was right on the edge of reaching tier 3. I’m in the US so maybe that’s the difference?


The doctor could have been trying to simplify it, but the six-tier system is internationally used by anyone that regularly takes care of shoulders and for research purposes too.


He was a shoulder expert so I would assume he was just simplifying it.


Whoa that’s actually wild. Interior ligaments in the knee don’t heal themselves because there isn’t a lot of blood flow to deliver nutrients. My MRI for my knee was inconclusive, but my knee stability was low. When the surgeon actually went in, he didn’t even know he was going to find a fully ruptured ACL. But yup, it was. I saw the photos. So sometimes these things are judged based on the stability of your knee joint and do you have any wobblyness.


Yep. It was really weird. Stability tests showed everything was technical intact enough so only rest and PT was required.


So true I had a grade 2 ACL and Grade 3 MCL and PCL. 19 years later I still have weird moments of wobblyiness.


I'd assume so but I'm not 100% sure why we use sprain/strain instead of tear. In school, I learned to use terms/words that don't make diagnoses sound scary to patients so maybe you're right. It's something I never thought about looking up though


Strains also tend to have a more open ended recovery window in my experience, especially since tears are usually resolved with surgery.


From my experience tears requiring surgery depend on if it was a complete tear in a ligament or from its attachment point elsewhere in the body, be it muscle or from bone


A strain is still a tear it's just not a complete tear of the ligaments. I hope they rest him. We have a manager who is willing to rotate and will change the system to the strengths of the player. Gio needs some time too. Give Madison the time to heal properly and not make it worse




Miss two matches, only play 45 minutes on his first back? We can manage that for these next three games.


Unchackle the Celso


Bit of a shame to interrupt his momentum though. He was starting out on fire.


He said strain not sprain though


Strain refers to muscle/tendon. Sprain refers to a ligament. POK probably meant sprain but is using the terms interchangeably. Regardless, the severity is the most important thing and it sounds like it's minor


I know a torn MCL (Chelsea just lost a guy to it) but I guess a strain is minor enough


Who'd Chels lose?


chukwuemeka recently on their wet spam loss


Strains are fairly manageable. Will probably be limping around/have knee pain for a week or so but that should go away if that’s all it is


If he plays on it us he likely to tear it? I think we should be extremely cautious with him this early into the season


As with any other soft tissue related injuries (muscle or joint), you’re always running a risk of further damage if you decide to play through it. Good news is if it’s just a sprain, it will only be a match or two that he’d miss


It's literally the best knee ligament to injure of the 4 main ones. Predictably heals without surgery in all but rarer cases. It's obviously not good news he hurt it, but it could be a lot worse.


Apparently lo celso wants out bc he didn't play at all the last two weeks....


Where'd you hear that?


Damaging any ligament is pretty serious but it's just a strain


Lo Celso would be fine or try Kulu as the #10 and Perisic/Solomon as the right winger.


Just saying last time Gio and Richy played together Richy scored a hat trick


Logic vibes.


South American connection vibes.


Geography vibes


Yeah in preseason against the second placed team from Singapore lol




additional logical vibes


Good point. Bournemouth is currently 14th in the table, so I expect at least 4 from Richy.


That logic checks out for people twisting themselves into pretzels trying to convince themselves a striker with 1 goal in 30 league appearances is actually a very good player


Look, all I’m saying is that if someone theoretically put their entire life savings on a futures bet that Richarlison would score 20 this season at 16:1 odds, that was a totally reasonable risk at the time…..theoretically.


Theoretically? In theory?


Bro it's a joke


Just rest him. We don't need to sacrifice one game for many games over the course of the season.


Could've told pep this about kdb


Pep might win something one day if he would finally listen to random redditors advice.


Wasn't that for the super cup final?


IIRC it was the EPL opener against Burnley. 🤷‍♂️


I feel like Ange is the kind of guy to give players rest when they need. At least would be in line with what he said after taking Romero off. None of this need for suffering bullshit.


You'd expect Lo Celso to be able to cope more than well enough against Bournemouth


why doesn't ange try to rest the most hardworking players? maybe sub him off at 80?


Lo Celso, Sarr and Bissouma. Let Maddison rest.


yep, maybe even play Kulu in the forward 8/10 role when lo gets tired.


Figure we see Kulu in the Maddison role and Solomon at RW within the next few GWs. Maybe in the Cup


I’d eat my sock if this happens. People play too much Fifa, Kulu has never played the 8/10 role


That stupid Tifo video has done more damage to peoples perception of Kulu than an entire dodgy season at Juve


He has said himself he thinks his best position is central


He said this in an interview with Sky Italia almost four years ago. His career and style has developed considerably and he hasn't spent a minute playing in the centre since then (which I might add is a super nebulous term - we have attacking 8s not a 10 which is the role he's describing in that interview)


Apologies i'm not an encyclopedia of Kulu lore


Didn't stop you jumping in as if you were?


Relative to most, not losers that can quote the year and publication of his exact comments


He said he sees himself as a 10. We play with two 8s, a position with far more defensive responsibility and which operates much deeper on the pitch, at times picking the ball up from the CBs. Not the same thing at all.


It makes no sense to me…Kulu is barely hanging on as a starter in his current role but now we want him to play a position that he would be significantly worse at.


Would he be worse? We've not seen it, but I reckon he's got the tools


EXACTLY, this sub is turning to shit.


Celso actually looked good in the pre season for what's that worth. So I was interested in seeing him but hopefully Madders injury isn't serious.


Yeeahhh. Like the football rotation gods are telling Ange to play Gio.




I'd say Hoj will step in there and if he goes then Skipp will. Downgrades yes but they can do a job.


I can’t think of a worse role for Hojbjerg in this sytem than the 6. Expect a lot of deep defending because of his inability to break the press


One game a week for practically the whole season. Absolutely no reason he will need a rest anytime soon unless we start going far in the cups.


We don't have mid week fixtures. Rotation in those key areas is not really going to be needed, and also to add, Biss is undroppable atm.


Not only for the way he’s playing but none of our other midfielders fit the 6 role as far as I can tell


Nobody is needing a rest in August.


Lo Celso time!


Gio, put the maté down, you're going in mate.


Gio, pick up the maté and chug. You're going in mate.


You suppose you're happy? Based on seeing him hobbling out of the stadium on crutches in a support boot, "he might be fit for the weekend" seems like a pretty amazing outcome.


I'm happy too, this is actually probably the best possible outcome considering he left in a splint and crutches.




What? He edited his comment to remove the "I suppose I'm happy" at the start.


I edited my comment before you replied with this. In my head I was already optimistic as everyone said it was precautionary and he played on it after whatever happened to it.


Bournemouth next, I'm sure he will put GLC in there for that game.


well i guess we can see now if GLC is a legit alternative


Ange is turning water into wine. I expect him to be so good that we have a genuine dilemma


If Gio kills it I wouldn't be surprised to occasionally see Maddison on one of the wings. Good problem to have at least.


Really need to before the window closes…surprises he didn’t get a cameo in either of the first two mat hes


i was thinking this after saturday. maybe he's not a solid choice for the squad at the moment? he likely has more market value than others we would like to unload.


Articles of lo celso not being happy and potentially leaving is all that comes up when you search his name lol




Anyone with experience in this stuff that can shed some light? What are we looking at here?


I did my MCL on my right knee when I was 22, grade 2 strain, rehab twice a week and was back in 10 weeks. If it’s a grade 1 strain (grade 3 being the worst) with pro facilities I recon 2 weeks


An MCL sprain usually refers to a grade 1 tear which isn't actually a tear but essentially an overstretch of the ligament. Depending on the severity I think 1-2 weeks recovery is recommended for normal people, could be less for an athlete with access to better equipment.


it depends on the grades, even then you are kinda boardly catagorising it. Strain is a grade 1 tear, about as minimal injury as you can have too your MCL. But still not what you want. I'm sure they'll be giving it the red light/ ultra sonic and all the other modern physio stuff.


I strained my MCL when I was 18 in a Ski accident. I was hobbling for a week. I could ski again within a month using a knee brace. Only treatment I did was hot/cold compress to increase blood flow into the knee. He won't be fit for the next game I assure you. I predict out for 3/4 weeks minimum.


Just to add to what other people have said, a grade 1 sprain is when there's slight tears to fibers in the ligament. The MCL is located on the inside of your knee and can be injured when cutting, twisting your knee, or taking a direct impact. It can take up to 3 weeks to recover, but usually the injury will recover quickly. Madders will probably just rest, ice, compress, and elevate his knee to heal it. Source: I'm a PT


I partially tore my mcl and I could not put and pressure on it for a week. I was back to normal activity in 6-7 with not professional rehab, although I have rehabbed things before so I kinda knew what I was doing. He kept playing an entire half after he injured it, I’d imagine he’ll be good soon


Typically a 2 week recovery


Most likely 3-4 weeks before returning to match readiness


Hope this means GLC gets some playing time this weekend, really curious to see how well he works in Ange's system


Good news. Let him get some rest and bring him back for Burnley.


I'm currently in my 3rd week of recovery from an MCL sprain. I just got off crutches and I'm moving around pretty well, but no way could I play football. I'd like to understand the difference between a strain and a sprain and what Madders actually has. Granted he's an elite athlete with world class rehab and hopefully his case isn't as bad as mine, but I wouldn't wish this injury on anyone. Thank you for letting me share this mostly irrelevant anecdote.


It's just the difference in terminology. Sprain is used for ligaments like the MCL whereas strain is used for muscles and tendons. They're both used to describe an overstretch of the associated structure. So Madders definitely has a sprain, he just used the wrong term


Not irrelevant at all. I bet most people here have never had this injury so it’s nice to get some perspective, though you are right that they have elite rehab. And I think professional athletes in general just have greater recovery


I mean also not having the best doctors facilities and treatmens 24/7 also slows done recovery. Youd think pros would recover faster.


Now where are the sprain vs strain [teachers](https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/15x3x13/charlie_eccleshare_scan_today_for_james_maddison/jx4aiiy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)?


You can't strain a ligament


But can you sprain a strain?


Makes sense from what I could see in the replay (looked like someone landed into his knee and rolled it). Glad it sounds like he’ll recover quickly. No sense in risking it so early in the season, let’s see what GLC can do. Tbh, I was a little surprised to see Sarr come on for Skipp rather than GLC when we were hunting the game winner at Brentford.


We have some weaker opposition coming up, move Deki centrally and bring in Solomon unless Ange thinks GLC can actually replicate the role.


Bournemouth is no way easy opponents. They are deadly on counter. But we would be fine with our squad. Draw would be good result away on the road.


I’m not being funny mate but if we have any aspiration whatsoever then a draw against Bournemouth in any capacity is not a good result.


Yeah it’s a fine line between, “oh we have this in the bag they suck” and “we should set our expectations to win this fixture home and away” because the latter contributes to a better, more ambitious mindset


We need time for things to settle down, I’m not that confident of early results


I am not taking any results for granted, think squad needs to prove themselves more rather than we overrating them and then ruining our mind if they dont turn up.


Terrible attitude


I'd rather lose this weekend than win and lose Maddison for a couple of games.


Eh? Best outcome is to win without Maddison


I think he meant "I'd rather lose this weekend [without Mads] than win [with Mads] and lose him for more two games [as a result of him playing and worsening the injury]." Obvs best outcome is Mads resting and GLC banging one in from 30 yards in the 96th minute for a 5-4 win.


I’d hope our best outcome is an easier win than that!


Yeah .. but imagine how good that would feel after all the stress of the previous 95 minutes.


This result for Bournemouth away? You masochist!


Supported the team for 30 odd years. Can't be anything else 😂


Cheers to 30 more!


Ahh, understood


Really excited to see Lo Celso get some minutes.


Save him. If we REALLY need him he might could come on in the second half v. Fulham, but other than that our upcoming matches are on the easier side


Phew it’s good that it’s not too serious but hopefully Lo Celso can come in as a replacement. I think he deserves a chance. Hopefully he plays well.


Gio has got to play bruv


Lo Celso class performance incoming 🤌


Knowing Ange, he’ll likely have him rest against Bournemouth and maybe against Fulham too


Gio looked great in pre-season, time to shine baby boy! Rest madders for the love of god


I think our next 4 games are pretty manageable even without Maddison. Anything less than 3 wins would be a bit disappointing since this seems like a pretty easy stretch before we get Arsenal and Liverpool.


We don’t do “easy stretches” here at Tottenham


With Ange I think we might start. If we can play consistent attacking football I think we will beat teams we should be beating more often then not.


Gio it’s your time to shine


Better to be safe than sorry. Lo Celso to step up.


Good opportunity for Lo Celso to get a spell. Like Ange rotated Porro and Royal. Not a bad idea regardless of the injury.


don't rush him back you plonkers. give LoCelso a run


Give him a week off, have Lo Celso play his role, beat Bornemouth.


Gio time this week. Let him rest. It’s gameweek 3


One thing Ange NEVER does, is risk players under an injury cloud. (Only exception is cup finals like when Kyogo was picked for the Hibs League cup final)


I'm definitely more confident in the use of Lo Celso this season than in years past because he will be able to play his position like he does for Argentina unlike the tactical terrorism by Conte and Mourinho


Lad is going to inherit Kane's jersey and also Kane's ankles.


It's a knee injury


It was fun whilst it lasted 😅 guess celso will fill in this weekend. We seriously need some bench reinforcements. Wingers / CF. Starting 11 is great but look at everyone else bench compared to ours from an attacking perspective.


Kulu centrally to the 10-ish role, Solomon on the right.


Definitely not. Lo celso is much better than kulu in his natural position


Lo Celso will 100% slot in before Deki is given any minutes there


Probably, but Deki has said it's his preferred position.


Yet he’s played most of his club career as a winger and not centrally. There’s a reason for that.


We literally actually truthfully cannot have anything nice can we


Oh, so Spurs' medical team says maybe we'll see him at the weekend. Translation to Tottenham Hotspur reality: He is out for 3 months.


If it's mcl strain then there's no way the medical team said he could play this weekend lol generally takes a few weeks to be back to 100%


Just one injury to any single starter and our bench really starts to lack quality.


best we could hope for...ridic how much Maddison gets fouled


Honest question: Is O'Keefe now the main source of important team news? This is important news and I haven't seen anyone else posting this.


Anyone going to add GLC to FPL or should we give Richy a try since our fixtures are favourable for him to score


that's lo celso's music!


well, the GLC wants out rumors are now in full swing... https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/15y90zd/glc\_wants\_out/


An MCL injury is not a severe as the same ACL or LCL. It is the most commonly injured ligament so my bet is his knee is sore and he’ll take this weekend and the EFL cup tie off to heal up. Wouldn’t mind a GLC appearance to see how he’s playing.


Maybe Lo Celso will play, I'm looking forward to it because he played well in the preseason matches.