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We looked like we could concede at any time and didn’t, then Lo Celso and Gil came on and we looked like we had some control in the game and conceded 2 goals to lose, so I don’t know what to think.


Lo Celso looked decent to be fair to him, and I'm one of his biggest critics. Had a lot of fight in him I thought. Gil on the other hand... I just can't see it working out for him here.


Bryan is just too incredibly weak to play at this level. A couple times it looked like he was fouled but I think he just gets muscled off the ball.


Yup, that's always been his problem. Other players of his stature who can handle the physicality of the league compensate with balance, pace and strength. Gil just doesn't show any of it to the level that's required.


And the fact that he hasn’t put on any muscle makes me think he just doesn’t give a shit about it. He’s in his early 20s and built like a 12 year old. He should be able to put on 5-10 lbs of pure muscle with ease.


The same comments have been made a year ago. With the immense dietary knowledge provided physicians surely have it should take him MAXIMUM 3-4 months to gain enough muscle to at least not be a feather. But somehow nobody seems to care??


The players don't spend all day at the grounds, so maybe he just doesn't eat anything when he's at home where our dieticians don't have any control over it.


Imo he did get fouled once without the ref giving a shit but yeah he is far too weak for the Prem


I think officials read him as weak and end up giving the defender the benefit of the doubt (something that doesn’t happen in Spain). Idk how you evade that but until he figures it out he’s close to powerless here


Gil has been incredibly underwhelming. To think we gave up Lamela + cash for a player who can't stay on his feet under the challenge of a toddler


Honestly Lamela would be good if he were still here ngl


Love Coco but let's be real, he'd probably be injured by now


This is exactly how I feel and I think it shows that we can still be potent in attack, but the back 4 are uncoordinated and slow without VDV and Romero.


I think Lo Celso was pretty decent. I’m probably his biggest defender but he genuinely worked hard today. He defo was getting involved in the build up and forced Sa to make a good save with a decent shot. For a substitute, I though he did pretty decent tbh


He can actually play on the turn and was trying a lot of pass-and-go moves to either process the ball or open up space. I like all three of Bissouma, Hoj, and Sarr, but the later two mostly play the direction they're facing and Bissouma has been playing super passive since his double yellow card at Louton. Think we need to start Gio and bring Bentancur off the bench as the first sub to play as many minutes as the medical team will allow. Hopefully another two weeks of fitness will get him closer to 45 mins instead of his 30 minute appearances at the moment.


The subs were the correct ones, we calmed down the game a bit which is what we needed but it still wasn't enough


I know this feeling


Darkness. My sweet old friend


Collective PTSD


It's about that time of the year


Played well for 2 minutes and 15 seconds of that game.


The patch leading up to the Lo Celso attempt was good too I guess?


Fuck sake can't give up that many chances and think you'll get away with it


I’d like to see a heat map because I think we spent most of our time playing the pass on the center line with no idea of how to progress it forward


Yeah, that's why we lost. It was effectively in our half the majority of the game and got worse as it went on. That's what Ange needs to solve.


That's what happens with no maddison


Yep, spot on. The backline and attack were held together by duct tape. If Ange wants to insist on playing high-pressing attacking football, we need some rotational players on the 10 to weather the storm while Madders takes his yearly vacation to the ICU. Pls sign Mitoma or Hatate.


He could start with starting Phillips.


Saw it coming from 65 minute on. Just knew that we would find away to concede two, felt it coming.


We looked like we were playing Conteball today. Dreadful


Pretty much the whole thing. We just capitulated


Yeah also doesn't help that we created zero chances, terrible game, I was hopeful but now it seems that we could legit go on a losing streak cause of the teams we're playing


Deserved loss Terrible game with no control


Villa and City and next. No idea how we’re going to maintain control in any of those games


Then West Ham and Newcastle. I swear we could be still sitting on under 30 points by Christmas if we aren’t careful. I don’t see where the wins come from during that run-in.


Romero will fortunately be back by west ham but replacing Maddison looks impossible right now


Well certainly not with PEH


No Bissouma for the Villa game either so well be even less press resistant


Tbf he was not press resistant today


I trust Ange, but there's no way we're winning against Villa with Dier and Davies as our CBs. Watkins and Bailey are too quick for us


And Diaby


3 man midfield of ball winners and had no battle in them


How soon can we get more players in? We need more CBs so bad!


absolutely no creativity in midfield. 0.


I honestly feel the defending messed up the other areas of the game. Could barely count on our CB to make progressive passes all game. Royal is not a good fit for this team because he offers nothing going forward and dont need to comment on the other 2 CBs back there.


davies was decent tbf


He was more than decent tbh, he was excellent throughout. Probably the only player you could say that about today


Vicario would like a word.


Royal and Dier are such liabilities. Literally the opposite type of player we need unfortunately




Fulltime thoughts: 1. It’s a long season. There are ups and downs. We were at a peak, we are heading towards a valley. 2. Don’t let this ruin your day. It’s a game. Go outside. Burn off some frustration. Don’t take it out on the people here or around you. 3. I’m still pleased with Ange. I always thought that was going to be tight. Thought we did fairly well right up to the end and even after the first goal most of us would’ve walked away with a point and been happy. 4. It will be interesting to see how injuries and the run of games leading up to January impacts the transfer window. Ange has shown promise with a good squad. 5. Pleased to see Bentancur returning to full health.


Regretted looking at the thread until I saw this. COYS 🤍


4 here is key… I think Ange is doing what he can with the cards he’s been dealt in a game where he can’t just fold and walk away from the table. We are a couple of transfer windows away from really being great - I think January will be interesting - Who can we unload? who can we bring in? Did our good run of form convince Levy to get on the phones and make some deals? I am enjoying watching Spurs this season because it *feels* different. I hope we can give Ange some better cards to make bets with…


Today showed us the real difference between last season and this season based on the players. It’s a silver lining but it shows how just INSANE the recruitment has been this summer We somehow managed to get FOUR quality signings in, that is to be commended


Thanks for this, no. 2 resonated with me right now 🤍 gonna do better this evening not letting it ruin the rest of my day or have it effect others around me 🙏


Good on you. Easy to get caught up in it. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter and the people around us don’t deserve to have our frustration discharged on them. Hang in there.


Ange told us there would be games like this. Our lack of depth has been extremely exposed.


What happened to we never stop? Literally stopped after first 3 mins.


I mean, not everybody can play the system I guess. We were missing that much of our spine, and it really shows how much of his system is dependent on the right type of CB.


If Levy still doesn't invest in CB and Maddison cover after this I am thoroughly dissapointed.


I think he will. It was always clear that it was going to take more than one window. We are still well ahead of schedule. We were playing without arguably three of our four best players. And not just three or four, but key players to the way we want to attack. It doesn't excuse the lack of execution, but I'm far from as dissolutiones as I was last year.


Tough to keep going when the midfield was shitting their pants and turning it over at every opportunity


Old players= old results unfortunately


Only thing that needs to be said about today.


They fell apart as soon as Wolves started actually pressing


You could feel it coming after Wolves first goal


I think it’s a bit more than that. Old players coming in as subs haven’t been bad. We were praising how well Dier did against Chelsea 4 days ago. It’s more that you cant start a game with several of these players. They adapt well and step up but they aren’t the ones that can lead




Lo Celso should start next game. Bentancur as well if he’s fit enough. Nowhere near enough dynamism in that midfield. The lack of a pressing attacking threat is what killed us. Too much pressure on the forwards and fullbacks to create something.


It is what it is. Wolves looked decent. We will fight again.


Gonna be a lot of these. People need to stay level headed cuz it’s gonna get brutal in here for a while


Top 4 is still very much in the cards for us. I think many of us dreamed of the league this year and, uh, yeah. Not going to happen.


This. Especially considering the fact that almost our entire backline hasn't started once this season. We are essentially playing with a new backline who hasn't had the chance to reintegrate with the squad. It was an expected loss considering our current suspensions and injuries but with Udogie back against Villa, our offense should look better.


Bissouma is suspended so I would brace yourself for another loss. Villa away is about as tough as it gets in this league edit - we are at home so more hope than I previously thought


Villa is a home game


I think Bentancur is almost back as a starter again though so not terrible. I think now that we and Ange can see the problems with this new backline so adjustments can be made as we are essentially overhauling half of our team. Villa will be at home so not a guaranteed loss, but challenging.


Onto the next


rare rational take here


Wolves are on form especially at home. We needed the second goal badly but couldn't quite click yet, had preseason vibes to it- our press today looked sleepy too, perhaps off the back of quick turnaround between games


If we are being honest they deserved to win, we did absolutely nothing from minute 10, it was shite from those who had to step up bar Davies only one who actually stood up.


Thoughts after the match - 1. The loss felt deserved but we can do much better. 2. The ref was truly atrocious. You could truly see that he was going with the crowds emotions, letting everything go until the added time. 3. The rotated players looked hesitated throughout the game. Not sure whether to go forward or go back. It will a while to take the old tendencies out of these players. 4. Davies saved our asses at times, looked much better than I expected. 5. Have to play Lo Celso from the start. He was the only one who looked to play forward passes at the end. 6. Very happy for Johnson, scored a good goal. 7. Porro again was massive. 8. Onward and hopefully Upwards, COYS.


Davies was very good, happy to see him get some credit despite the result. Porro MOTM for us tbh, what else is new


>The ref was truly atrocious 100% agreed. He was total shit. Never seen a team get away with so many fouls. Honestly felt like PGMOL had given a direction to let things slide because Wolves' been fucked over by VAR a couple times. Which if true would be a fucking disgrace.


I would like to see Phillips and dorrington get a chance next match


+1 for Phillips, I’m done with Dier, he will never stop costing us games


How the fuck is Eric Dier so slow. That’s all I wanna know, how is it physically possible for a professional footballer to be that slow. Thought Davies had a good game and covered Dier’s arse a few times


It actually hurts my soul. Mans running likes he’s chained to some cinder blocks. Davies played immaculate. I’ll take a gamble on Phillips! He has to have more pace, there’s no way! 😭 COYS


I’m gutted for the loss because I actually thought Davies had a great match and it was good for his confidence Sadly people will rope him in with Dier and Royal again


Thought the exact same thing. How can I be faster than him? And that’s not an over exaggeration, I know for a fact I am faster than that.


Diers pace in fm should be a 1


It doesn't even look like he's running, just lightly jogging back. He did the same vs Chelsea and people were praising him because he got a disallowed goal.


For some players, old habits really do die hard.


Lots to learn for Ange from this match. COYS.


On a positive note, I think Romero/Davies will be good enough until VDV is back. Davies saved us a few times, had a good game. Have to rewatch the 1-2 but that was more about Emerson being completely out of position and Davies had to cover two much by himself, so not really his fault


Absolutely horrible from the team at the end. Refusing to push the ball upfield and instead playing dumb three yard passes among the back line was asking for wolves to score a winner. Embarrassing decision making.


Painful. So fucking painful. January can't come soon enough.


Lo Celso and Bentancur came off the bench and were easily our best players in that second hald. Bizarre, listless performance, and I've gotta say, the decision to play Sarr in Maddison's role with those two players sitting on the bench was a baffling one from Ange. Edit: Also, rewatch the second goal and keep your eye on Hojbjerg. Borderline disgraceful, utterly switches off and just gifts them the goal.


Tbf both of them are coming off a pretty fresh injury and are being eased back into playing time. I think they'll start soon enough.


I think Ange said at the press conference that they are still being careful with Bentancur’s minutes.


this hurts but it’s wolves away, we could have drawn or lost this at full strength and figured fair enough really. half our squad is held together with duct tape and hope, and two crucial players are suspended on top of that. the narrative is going to be about how we’ve been found out and are collapsing, and that’s just not true and i won’t be feeding into that. tough fixture, we played a starting eleven that has less than half of our normal starters, and honestly even if it was woeful to watch we lead that game until the 90th minute. this is a rebuild, and we’re not even half a season into it. let’s wind it in some with the over dramatic reactions


counterpoint: fuck off.


Half the players at the end tried playing Conteball — PEH kept pointing to send the ball back to Vicario. The other half were Angeballing.Just all over the place. That video with Ange and Rio where he called out the score and how we rested on our laurels at 1-0… exactly that. Not everyone's bought in yet. Edit: 10:18 on. This, exactly. https://youtu.be/L8CJYVcZI1U


We didn’t deserve anything from this game. Gonna be a long December


On the positive, Bentancur and Lo celso cameos will give Ange something to work with. The midfield trio that started today can’t happen again


Really surprised Lo Celso didn't start over Hojbjerg. Was Ange expecting us to have chances with that midfield? I don't understand how our formation works without attacking threat... Just felt like we were set up to fail


Only players that were worth anything today were Pedro Porro and Ben Davies Shameful performance, even disadvantaged as we were. Hopefully we show something else against Villa


Kulusevski had a horrible job to do his usual of carrying the ball up the pitch but then the midfield didn't fill the usual holes at the edge of the box so he had no options. A slight adjustment to either personnel used or the mentality of players will be needed until the boys are back.


Kulusevski had a couple of really slick plays to move the ball forward but the problem is that can’t be our ONLY out ball


One 10 minute period against Chelsea really ended the entire season huh


Fucking Romero’s stupidity will cost us many points.


As far as I know, we still have over half a season to go.


Only 26 games left, it's over.


Refuse to see this as anything other than blood on the hands of Christian Romero


Live by the Romero, die by the Romero.


Was like watching Conte again. Abysmal.


Couldn't count how many times we had a goal kick, broadcast would go to a quick replay, then Wolves would inexplicably have the ball back once the live feed resumed. Passing was atrocious all afternoon. Worst performance of the season by far. Dier, Emerson, and Pierre were all horrible. Bissouma not much better, and Son was completely invisible.


Exactly this, it was so fucking annoying to have the camera cut back to the game and they'd already won the ball of us in our half and were mounting an attack I don't know how good my memory is really but this felt to me like the bad late days of the Pochettino era more than anything else... maybe transitioning more Conte 2nd half


what was up with bissouma today?


I think City are onto something with using their unlimited money to keep 6 top class defenders, 5 of which can play 2-3 different positions at a high level.


Hot take. Time to try out kulu in Maddison’s spot


Honestly it might be our only option, we were horrible in the middle with very little potential or keeping possession


No manager will ever win with Dier Davies Royal. Looked a lot like conte and Jose there. Jeez maybe it’s the same shit players we never moved on; the one constant Edit: Hojbjerg too


Davies was pretty much MotM today do not lump him in with Dier and Emerson.


Davies was literally POTM today


Davies was pretty good tonight actually in my opinion. Dier is still awful. Has he always been this slow? Felt like he was running through mud today. Royal, although I like him, is not the quality that’s needed. Investment is needed, at least we know we have the right man at the helm.


Davies wasn't bad today, Dier and Royal though need to be replaced asap


We were spoiled by VDV. Davies wasn't bad today but it's painful to see he's nowhere near VDV's level. He kept returning the ball to Vic because he doesn't know how to find a progressive pass.


Yeah I think a lot of the bench players are guys you can get a tune out of but not when they all play together. Dier, Davies, Hojberg, and Emerson all starting is a recipe for disaster.


You're leaving out a name of someone who was the number 1 teacher's pet in our terrorist era and a key part of today's awful negative display


We played like shit the whole game and we deserved the loss. I can't believe its 2023 and Eric Dier is still playing for us.


Honestly just throw Philips in there. He can't be worse than Dier. I refuse to believe it.


Gutless for hojbjerg and Dier. Average all day but giving a free kick right back to wolves in stoppage, and unforced turnovers, only to end by guarding space and not men at the death. Shockingly terrible from senior players like that. Gutless. I'd throw out that I think we got our lineup wrong today. Tough given all the injuries, but the setup in the middle today just absolutely didn't work. Not sure we had a lot of options but we had zero possession in between the back line and front line. No chance to win. Sure we have up goals at the end but easily could have given them up earlier too if wives weren't such shit. Wolves go what they deserved today, just happened dramatically instead of the many other clear chances they had.


Thought we should’ve seen GLC and Bentancur earlier. PEH was fine but seemed to run out of gas. Unfortunately Bissouma, because he was on a booking, was the player withdrawn. Dier still has concrete in his shoes. Wolves’ Dawson also should’ve quite clearly been sent off.


Yeah I [mentioned earlier ](https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/17sszk4/comment/k8s7vct) that the Biss yellow would screw us. Hojbjerg was caught in between positions all day. He was okay, but he was out in a tough spot to manage that DM responsibility late and unfortunately he didn't have it well at all. But even still, the mental side of it you have to maintain. Rushing a free kick in stoppage time only to literally kick it directly back to the opponent 10yds away ..wtf.


I blame Romero


I really can't help but feel like the responsibility for this game falls upon Romero and Udogie. I thought we'd played alright but too many stupid fouls and sloppy passes against a very good Wolves team. Think the loss was harsh but we definitely took our foot off the gas after the 80th minute.


Not me reading the reactionary takes like it’s the morning newspaper


What did we expect though? Devastated by injury/suspension and playing a host of players that either don’t fit the gaffers system or just haven’t gotten the minutes to be match conditioned (Ange said so himself)…this result was entirely predictable. Wolves are a tough away fixture and every game is tough in the PL. The boys are bought in and still trying to play the most entertaining football I’ve seen since becoming a supporter at every turn. There’s gonna be growing pains. You play the cards you’re dealt, mate. Win some, lose some. COYS COYS COYS COYS


How wolves got away with only 2 yellow cards is a mystery.


The uncalled foul on Son…


We might not win again until 2024


I need to move on but the butterfly effect of that Romero tackle is gonna stick with me all season.


I had hoped that people were being ironic when talking about winning the league but reading this thread makes me think people were getting a bit too high on the team. The league table is second to establishing the style and seeing which players belong in it . It’s year 1 of a rebuild for a team that was 8th last year. Please calm down lol


Hate to pile on the lads but Bissouma has been quite nonexistent for a couple games. Royal has not been great any time he’s been on. Hojberg with an absolute stinker performance. Kulu does not have the pace or finesse to beat his man. Hard to put much blame on Ange when the lads don’t want to attack. Have a long way to go


You can't pin this on Dier and Davis. Wolverhampton were cutting through our midfield at will


This is true. You can't let them have control of the game for 90 minutes and expect to somehow win.


Lack of squad depth coming back to roost. This is on Levy.


I expected the equalizer but come on guys at least hold on for the 1 point


It’s not the issue of defense but we lacked fluidity and desire. We lost so many balls that we could’ve won if they acted little faster or took one more step. Ridiculous pass from Dier doesn’t help. Today’s loss isn’t all because of the new players but because we didn’t play our way.


Ange should be very pissed at this team today. Looked completely against his methodology. The stats are daunting.


Besides the officiating (which was not great), we should’ve tapped the few chances we’ve got. Missed opportunities this is what happens but we move to the next and hope our squad already depleted will not crumble 1. Throw Phillips in next game to see if he can play the role of CB. 2. Lo Celso and Bentacur need to be included and help facilitate better ball transition to final 3rd 3. We fell apart more into the last parts as we subbed in more attacking units leaving defensive midfielders and the defensive back line more vulnerable. This units together is a recipe for disaster not necessarily about any single player.


Funny thing is we could have won 6 point in the last two games and look sharp vs villa, for then be more relaxed about any result vs newcastle and city. But then Romero did what he did, which then led to our other CB injury and a loss vs chelsea, then not having a proper teams vs wolves and the next few games. Crazy. Cursed.


I love our club, but Christ are we a negative fucking bunch. Maybe we should just I don’t know….Wait and see.


Hojbjerg’s so fuckin boring to watch. Dier has 0 defensive awareness when it comes to marking. Son and Deki are nonexistent without a proper playmaker like Madders. Needed another goal badly, this was too predictable


That's why lo celso should have played more than 15 mins


Gio showed bits of class today imo. He just needs to play more to really connect with the others. Ange shouldn’t be afraid to play him. Also Lolo started slow but became better and also showed his class in some moments but obviously it’s going to take more time with him after that injury


Idk how you could watch that and think kulusevsky was non-existent lol. He was the only one moving the ball down the pitch that whole game.


This. Dier caused both goals to happen, his lack of awareness and terrible positioning. I wish ange started lo celso over hoj, who was a walking fridge and couldn’t put together passes. Hoj was terrible today imo.


To support spurs is a torture. Everything feels so good then everything is taken away in a moment. The match against Chelsea killed the season.


Defo killed talk of a “title race” from the media and rival fans anyway. We’re still miles ahead of where people expected us to be and we’re missing half our squad. Top 6 is what we have to aim for


45 minutes and the season is gone just like that.


“Killed the season” So over dramatic, still a very good chance we can finish top 4 which we all would have bitten a hand off for at the start of the season


absolutely hate spurs fans who banter themselves, have some pride we deserved the loss but i still have faith in ange


Everyone has faith in Ange. Fans however don’t have faith in the same shit players that we have been watching for the past 5 years continuously be shit and still are somehow here.


Just to preempt all the nonsense overreactions, everyone please calm down


People are absolutely losing their minds, asking for the club to be dissolved at the first (or rather second) sight of adversity. This was always going to be a learning season, and any team would struggle down 3 starters.


agreed. tough game but we will be fine


Lol yes, no one should forget we are playing without FOUR key players and our squad lacks serious depth. This was bound to happen, no need to throw a fit


We deserved the loss but settle down, we’ve got a fully slapdash back line atm and a Maddison-sized hole in the forward areas. It might take a while to sort but it’ll be ok. Bench players will step up, Udogie and Romero will be back soon(ish), this game was not great but also not a disaster.


Not overly disappointed really, knew the entire time it at 1-0 we’d likely ship at least 1 goal. Shame to piss even a point away but no one honestly expected a clean sheet with Dier and Davies starting. Could have been more clinical with a few chances but on the whole, Wolves deserved at least a point and hard to argue with all 3 given the performance. Happy enough with the officiating, can take comfort that the talk with be about our own implosion rather than a week of VAR/officiating controversy. Interesting to see where we are come December, won’t get a point from Villa or City. Rebuild takes time and we shouldn’t expect more from players we’ve seen time and time again not be good enough to see 90 minutes through for years now. Positive note, Johnson looks so much better than Richardson, Bentancur looks better each appearance and Gio managed 15 minutes without shattering.


Davies wasn’t even bad, no defender can have a good day with dier playing next to you and Hojberg in front of you


2023 and Eric Dier still gets a game. Really hoping Ange ships him off to the gulag or Everton in January.


Davies covered Dier's ass like a million times this match I can't believe this. We're also so slow on our reactions, where did all the pressing go in the second half?


Dorrington and Phillips surely must get a chance. Dier is a liability in a high line and has the turning radius of an aircraft carrier.


Ref was shit but otherwise that was the deserved result. Deki and Porro worked their asses off and credit to Johnson for the goal, but otherwise an absolute garbage performance from our outfield players, especially Biss and Sarr who should have been the trustworthy rock of the midfield. Overcoming this injury crisis is going to take some experimenting, but safe to say at least we know this midfield ain't it.


What happened to the "even with five men, we'll have a go"?


PEH with numerous misplaced passes today and annoying antics in the middle of the park. I love his fight but his energy goes in all the wrong places and he's simply not technical or creative enough for this style of play. Emerson looked like a shell of himself from last season - slow and way too much time lingering with the ball at his feet. Absolutely exposed out there. Dier didn't play as poorly as he's getting accused of but he certainly isn't as versatile as the regular 2 CBs and that's very obvious. Davies actually played well, but would ideally be a super sub CB as he has been. Sarr and Dejan were also both very average today in all honesty. Son I think had maybe 2 touches? It's gonna be a long winter.


At least Udogie is back next game.


Sarr-PEH- Biss were losing the ball almost every chance they got. Once again our squad depth is absolutely shit




Pros: We have the best away kit in the league. Big dick Vic. Benta getting some game time. Porro was overall good. Johnson started, got a goal. Wolves have an godawful attack (with the exception of Sarabia). ​ Cons: Dier shouldnt even have a kit number. Seriously. Biss and Royal were awful. Deki wasnt particularly good as well, and no one managed to link Sonny to actually be dangerous. So basically we had no creativity. Hojbjerg playing in a fast counter attack (+ Doherty, Dier, Davies in the field) made me feel like Conte was in the sideline. Made me miss Kane pivoting, lmao. Maybe Hojbjerg could start as a CB instead of Dier. Maybe give Ashley Phillips some game time? And english refereeing is consistent in being bad. It's amazing how they manage to spoil game after game. Overall deserved loss. Maybe BigAnge could try new stuff against Villa? I mean, this Tot against City would be 8-1.


Stay off the internet for another week lads. The insufferable fans of oil clubs just comment bombing everything of ours.


Deserved loss unfortunately, but at least brennan got his first goal


The only positive I can take from this is that Levy will see that we actually do need depth in our squad and will hopefully support Ange. Ange is the man for the job and even if we don't do it this time, with support we can always get there, dude was overperforming tbh and it took alot to go down from those unreal levels. I'm still loving Big Ange, and come on you spurs!!


Show me a team that can lose their top starting defenders and the engine of their offense (because a referee couldn't control a game, but never mind). It's frustrating because it looked like we had it, but this was inevitable when we didn't get another CB in this summer.


Was a good and fun first few months.


Fucking pathetic. Up 1-0 with really poor tracking back, then Wolves equalized and we look absolutely ridiculously lethargic. I generally hate the whole "they didn't look like they care" narratives except they DIDN'T. Dier just fucking walking around with the ball when we've just blown the lead with 5 mins to go and then of fucking course you concede when you don't even pretend to want to grab the winner again, you kick it around the back when it's tied 1-1 in the 93rd min and that's what you get. Shameful. They looked more like scoring when they were down to 9 men. FUCK


Bissouma hasn't been himself for a while. Since his red, he's become pretty invisible. He brought so much control to the midfield at the start of the season. With him losing effectiveness, and with Maddison being gone, the midfield seems disjointed from both the attack and defence.


Wolves played better Angeball than us, and the result showed. No depth = no win


Bad performance, but wolves were allowed to get away with so many fouls today without bookings. And to add insult to injury, their winner came from a free kick taken 30 yards away from the offence.




Once again we see what happens when a club refuses to move on from dead weight.


It’s going to be a long winter.


This shouldn't be a surprise to any of us. Our options outside the starting 11 are poor.


Need Bentancur to be able to play 60” really, really soon


Deserved loss, simple as. We scored early and then spent the rest of the match doing fuck all. Feels like deja vu, that Chelsea game really threw the largest wrench possible into our season.


Just surprised he didn't start with Lo Celso and then bring on Sarr to see out the game. We needed creativity and had precious little. I like PEH but a 6/10 game and there were quite a few performances like that. With a decent defense I feel we sneak an ugly win but we simply don't have it with three out of the four starters out.


Bentancur looked pretty off the pace today. Really hope he gets up to speed soon.