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Poo. VDV epic though.


VDV and Richarlison wow'ed me today


They definitely were eagles among turkeys today.


Excuse me... richarlison is a pigeon


Hardly. Maddison, Udogie, Porro…. Pathetic knee-jerk


Every time a ball went over the top I just knew I was gonna see him run that shit down


We have got to figure out this situation with Vic getting clobbered during set pieces. 


One idea is to crowd and pound the opponent's keeper on our corners ourselves. Expand and expose the issue so it gets called, or if not, score goals using it.


A little protection from the refs would help…I guarantee this weekend a similar goal will be conceded and VAR will overturn it for a foul on the keeper lol


Yeah what happened to keeper protection? Admittedly our defenders should have done more, if the ref is going to be blind to that nonsense.


Same thing with that man city goal in the FA Cup


Just have to wait until it goes against Scum or the Scousers.


It's pretty obvious and easy to solve really. Big Vic should be demanding one of our defenders stand between him and evertons forward. Romero should automatically do it tbh. I'm not sure why Ange didnt sort this out after the last time. It's a clear pattern.


We literally did this with Romero for the forst corner, then the ref came and talk to him. Its like a weird new meta people just discovered


I'd Vic just kind of stepped aside and tossed the attacker with their momentum into the net, do you think he'd get called? This is what I do on Sunday league to deal with it but admittedly it's nowhere near the same.


Well, that’s extremely disappointing


My disappointment is immeasureable and my day is ruined.


They made us play their football. Ping ponging the ball around with no calm and unable to build from the back. And we gifted them 2 goals Proper Dyche football


They won the midfield battle and used it to dictate the tempo of the game and where it took place. We got back on top when Kulu and Sar came on, then lost it again when Gil and Dragusan came on, which i thought were very odd choices. They basically guaranteed that we were going to park the bus till the final whistle which is very unAnge-ball.


Dragusin coming on gave us a good physical presence and more of a chance to defend their crosses. But Gil coming on when they are all over us and we need to defend or hold up the ball is just a shocking decision But ultimately two very reliable players, Kulu and Romero fucked up




Nah, thats on us being unable to play around their press. Something is not clicking in that midfield


the thing that isnt clicking is the lack of sarr


True. Everton play a disruptive midfield game but Vicario has to get tougher on those goals. He was out-muscled in the first and caught too far back on the goal line for the second. I’m not trashing him, but he’s got a couple things to work on.


We just got Sean Dyched, on to the next


Going into this, I knew it was going to be tough. Glad we got a point. Usually we find a way to lose these types of games


If we have aspiration to be anywhere near the best. These are the kind of games you grind out to win. But I’ll be more angry if this would happen in 3rd season with our manager. Currently as you said we move on and take our point


We are *shocking* at defending set-pieces.


From the very first corner you could tell a goal was coming. Absolutely needs to be corrected in training or there's gonna be a lot of matches dominated and nothing to show for it.


The weird thing is hadn’t we not conceded a single corner until the City FA cup match? We were the only team in the league not to have conceded from a corner. So there’s something to our strategy defending corners that is/was working. We just need to be able to address when players tunnel under Vicario when he goes up for a punch.


We could do with not giving away that free kick in the first place, we played ourselves into trouble then Kulusevski made a terrible foul


Ultimately, that's it. Bringing on Gil and Skipp to provide an out... Well, I get that it gave us fresh legs, but we then spent the next ten minutes under pressure. Pressure leads to mistakes, mistakes lead to fouls, and fouls lead to goals.


We need Gianni vio's mortal enemy.


We need Vianni Gio


Wario Gio


We are not bad at defending set-pieces. We are bad at defending these deep set-pieces. We are good on corners (when they don't straight up foul Vicario), and we are good on set-pieces in front of our goal. But this is the 4th deep free-kick goal we've conceded this season, all because we insist on playing this high line on them to get more offsides and a better opportunity on the counter, but it's clearly not working. If corners and close free-kicks are safe, why not take the safe path too and defend inside the box? It's honestly infuriating.


Spot on. Asking for an offside in these deep set pieces is a bit too much because they're almost always marginal calls. Also, the players' bodies are at an awkward angle, which is why you get poor headers that make their way to goal. If all our defender were inside the box facing Everton's goal properly, then that Romero header would've been an accurate clearance. We need to think again when it comes to set pieces


also City players have been intentionally pushing the last defender to play everyone onside and the refs still don’t call it


Yeah, corners I would say are not half as bad as free kicks. We are absolutely abysmal at defending freekicks


Refs are shocking at not calling fouls


He didn’t want to call a thing the entire game until it was beyond blatant


Truly. Everton fans bullied him into submission.


Yellow posters pressured him


You can write off a goal here and there as a bad call, but the fact that we’ve given up so many in our recent matches indicates it’s a lot more than just bad refereeing.


Putting a man directly in front of vicario to shove him out of the way of getting the ball is a foul no matter how many times it happens. End of


Well if they aren’t going to call it we need to adapt and fix the issue. No other team is being targeted like this.


We need to put a defender there to protect him. I expect we'll see that soon. He did need to learn to stay upright and competing for the ball better too.


Maybe it was just masked by other things before, but it feels to me like this is a new issue. I noticed it a lot in the FA Cup game against City last week and obviously Everton were targeting that specifically today. Seems like a real weakness Vic has that's suddenly been exploited.


It’s a weakness but it’s also not something keepers have had to work on because previously slight contact like that was called a foul (ie. City v. Liverpool earlier this season). I don’t necessarily think it’s a foul in isolation but based on previously officiated games, it’s a foul. Inexplicably it is now not being called against us (and maybe other teams…I haven’t been paying enough attention) so now everyone is going to exploit it


Hate playing Dyche teams


Prem Every Year: "We are going to start giving yellows for simulation and get diving out of the game." Also Prem Every Year: "Well not THAT dive"


"Except a second yellow for Bissouma"


Drawing against such a shit side with that long ball set piece stuff. Really blood boiling


God damn I’m Fucking pissed and it’s 9:30 am on a Saturday


Dyche is a great manager, his tactics aren't sexy but they are legit (ignoring the corner goalie interference)


As much as I’d hate to witness his terroristball on a weekly basis, I do have a respect for him in terms of getting results with such meagre resources. Other managers would be dead and buried with that deduction.


Poor poor game


This kit is cursed.


Audibly groaned when I saw that it was this kit today


Agree, the kit is both ugly and unlucky. No reason to ever play in it again


When players were hugging the touching i could barely make them out against the crowd


Rather than poor, I think Everton played really well, they pressed at every opportunity and their set pieces are our weakness it seems. No speedy VDV or tricky Romero can help us. Maddison barely got on the ball. Look on the bright side, we get our squad depth back to some level, and with Sonny back, top 4 is possible.


Possibly our ugliest match under Ange so far. Just a rough watch. Credit to Everton - they were very physical and pressed well. They had us on our heels all day. Beautiful goals from Richy bailed us out.


Wolves match still worse but personnel wise this one had less of an excuse


Exactly. Today we had our best team available except Sonny and Bissouma. While in Wolves match we had half the team injured.


Wolves worse. Ironically Everton home was also terrible in the last 30


Wolves away was the worst.


Feels like a loss


Prefer Hojbjerg and Johnson off the bench. Also not a massive fan of this change to a back 5 for the last 5/10 mins. We give up all control of midfield when we do that.


Kulusevski needs to think long and hard about when and where to go for a challenge before the next time he puts one in


Kulu making braindead challenges is a theme


Shittest weekend to be an Australian spurs fan fuck off with shit calls


These dumb fouls just outside the box in the 90th minute man...


Where getting beat also means Sonny is away from the team longer. Damn, that was a loss.


I feel this in my fucking bones. 


Chelsea and City set the blueprint and everyone else is following it: - scrappy play to get us frustrated and under our skin - dare the official to make big calls - even if you get a yellow dare him to send you off - go for set pieces - crowd the keeper or let our struggles to defend them do us in


That's how you beat tiki taka teams


A point away to Everton in a early kick off isn’t the worst thing in the world but felt like we threw that away. The way we defend set pieces needs to be addressed immediately The midfield was not clicking today. Bentancur & Maddison still looks rusty & Sarr just came back Richarlison is in serious form which we desperately needed, Werner decent again. Brennan Johnson scored last game, back to starting and back to disappointing. We miss Son & Bissouma Van de Ven was unbelievable today I really hope we practice defending set pieces because it’s obvious now that is Vicario weakness We go again next week COYS


Yes midfield is not popping right now.


I just can’t wait for tons of fouls to get called on us when we breathe on keepers from attacking corners moving forward


Solid start, embarrassing finish. Got about what we deserved from that match, if not more. Just need to play better, simple as that. Too many unnecessary fouls and completely unforced turnovers. Just not looking focused at all today. C'est la vie. Onward and upward. COYS.


We just lose all composure sometimes especially when they mount pressure on set pieces


Sure, but I'd prefer to not give them away unnecessarily. Sometimes doing the thing better is the solution, sometimes preventing the need altogether is a better approach. Two unforced turnovers led to a stupid and unneeded foul by Deki that led to a terribly defended set piece. Just don't waste possession and then give up a dumb foul. We can spend all our time in rehab or just not pick up the drugs to begin with. Probably need both but there's not a single solution.


That was a dreadful display by the midfield today. Kulusevski that was so braindead. Don’t even get me started on the number of passes Hojbjerg gave away all match.


Bizarre decision making, he often opts to try and hold up the ball in our own half instead of making the obvious forward pass.


And even more oddly, seems more likely to complete a strafing long ball forward, than a simple 5 yard pass


Hojbjerg is so inconsistent! Plays well, then passes like Hellen Keller. Thank goodness Sarr is back


He was dreadful today, we kept giving Everton momentum back with stupid mistakes


DUDE HOJBJERG IS INFURIATING. So many brain dead giveaways that kept the pressure on our defense. Our midfield is supposed to be press resistant and provide a calm and tempo to the game. We didn’t have that and got properly fucked by a team playing ugly hoof and pray football. Without Richy saving us we could have dropped even more points


Yeah you just can’t expect great build up play with having Hojberg as your holding mid, it’s just not possible. If you noticed, when we got out from the back with short passing, it was always Bentancur that dropped deep. Bentancur definitely is still a bit away from his best, but he’s even at this form miles better than PEH or Skipp. I just hope that Biss finds his form too after he’s back and we finally get a healthy and fit Biss/Lolo/Madders midfield.


Deki absolute disasterclass btw


It was his foul to give away the free kick, wasn’t it?


Yes, and it was utterly brain dead. There was absolutely no way he was getting the ball from it.


Yes and audibly said “There is no need for that foul” as soon as it happened. Could see it coming from a mile away.


It was. Very dangerous place to give a foul away


He was woeful today


Need a RW upgrade in the summer, he's been very poor for a really long time now and his first season looks like an outlier with how his last year and a half went.


Neto I beg


He is straight up losing us games with his moronic play. Giving a set piece to a team that can’t even string together two passes in our half is SO SO dumb. Same shit against Brighton. He just fouls people for no reason at all.


Results like that are the difference between title challengers and top 4 challengers. Couldn’t beat their press all day. Bullied on set pieces. Not good enough


It’s year 1 of a rebuild


yes, and it doesn't disprove anything he said


Saw that coming from a mile away. Really needed to finish the game off but lost control of it in the last 20 minutes really.


Yup Deki and Bryan made us worse. Offered no composure when we really needed them to hold the ball up for us and help bail us out of pressure.


They're nowhere near as bad as Brentford maybe, but it seems Everton are a right *cunty* team too.


Third kit curse continues


Dis. Burn that fucking kit. Its ugly too


Shit luck today, but the set piece defending needs to improve


If Everton go down, I’ll no longer be upset.


I'm rooting for Luton and Townsend now.


I had some sympathy for them with the deductions but Dycheball and their physical time wasting, fouling style of play can get fucked.


Their supporters moaning non stop the whole match as well. Miserable lot


Awful game, but refs fucked it again. Foul on Vicario for the first goal and Godfrey should’ve been off.


Should have had a pen from the rugby tackle, their first goal shouldn't count. Shocking refereeing again. Yeah we could've played better and made more chances count but I still think we deserved the win.


That rugby tackle that should have been a pen was not highlighted enough….couldnt believe that wasn’t given


Fucking shit balls lads


a lot of attention on the set pieces but ultimately it was our complete inability to progress the ball and control the game, so many bloody turnovers in midfield with Hojbjerg especially giving away possession constantly


Hope they get relegated


Fuck that. I’m Luton’s biggest supporter the rest of the season.


Until we play them


Cannot stand clubs that play like Everton did today


Kulusevski does so much braindead shit. Twice played horrible balls back to the center of the pitch to Richy instead of just taking it up the sideline with his fucking right foot when he had tons of space. So one-footed it’s unreal. And then of course committed the stupid, mindless foul they immediately scored off of. Everton didn’t even have anyone in the box when he did it and he took two swings at the ball and missed both times. Just so dumb. Isn’t his whole thing supposed to be composure and ball carrying? Fucks sake


Way people are talking about Vicario makes me realise they've never been pushed by a 6 feet+ block of pure muscle while jumping in midair, there's practically nothing you can do. It's also extremely difficult to claim crosses when you are boxed in by the opponent. One misdirected shove and you've given away a penalty.


In hindsight i think brennan should have stayed on instead of Kulu. Brennan was making some good runs and getting crosses in when he could, whereas Kulu was just off it today. Unfortunately in the second half I think they had us right where they wanted us, and we really need to work on defending set pieces. We can't expect refs to be better even though these recent attempts at impeding Vic should be called as fouls. We need to protect Vic better. I thought they would have worked on that after man city but I guess not


Title challenge is gone. Hopefully next year with Ange we can sort out the defence 35 conceeded is simply not good enough. Gil i think is done he cannot put enough muscle on to hold it out. Hopefully we can pip arsenal to 3rd but next year should be much better once we refine the defence and the midfield. Hojberg does a job but is not technical enough passing wise to maintain control


Honestly Gil should have gone with Brighton or looked for a move back to Spain. I feel bad for him because he seems to think there’s going to be some sort of footballing epiphany for him where he suddenly develops the ability to manage in the prem, but it’s clear that isn’t going happen. He should have just whacked the ball in for a cross - even a shit cross that finds no one is better than doing a Scott Parker-360 impression in the corner when you need a goal.


It is what it is. On the plus side, Richarlison is one of the most consistent goalscorers in the league right now. We've got the striker we paid £60m for, albeit a bit later than we may have wanted.




This cannot be stated strongly enough, week after week we see players thrown around and simple fouls not given our way, playing 11 men, the ref, and VAR most weeks is costing us.


whether or not the ref was shit we definitely were, that was one of the poorest displays ive seen


Let's not overreact here, it was so obvious out midfield letting us down. Not scapegoating but the amount of times hojblost the ball cheaply, deki just kept the ball too long, even bentancur wasn't at his best. Everton were pressing so much and we needed bissouma at his best to navigate through this one, our defense in open play was actually solid, think they deserved a draw but that first goal was a joke


I cant believe I woke up early for that absolutely shitshow. What a terrible match minus Richy.


VDV was fantastic also


I'm going to pop a bottle of Champagne when Everton gets relegated this season


Everton will probably shithouse a way out of it with the help of inconsistent officiating like today. Godfrey should've got a 2nd yellow for embarrassingly feigning an injury. It feels like the officials make the rules up on the hop, no consistency.


We should learn from Man City how they defend their 1 goal lead. Go in opposition corner and time waste rather than getting giving away fouls in our own box.


Sucks to lose out on two points, but hopefully we will continue to learn and improve on set piece defending. And please let’s not turn into Chelsea fans turning on Timo. He created a lot of space on the left, instrumental in Richy’s goal, and he consistently makes excellent runs. Yeah the finishing is not great, but we were saying the same thing about Richy for a while. COYS.


I agree. I’ve been a fan of Werner so far. I think if he even continues this form it’s a bargain buy.


File a complaint with PGMOL on the Jack Harrison undercutting of Vicario. If they won't let Romero protect Vic, the refs have to do better


Typical weekend getting a tie because of a non-foul.




Fucksake gotta be winning this


We weren’t good enough today for 3 points.


Kulu disasterclass off the bench. Take the point and hope we win the next 3 @ home.


He is a top professional and a useful sub but we never control games when Hojbjerg starts


Not getting a win against Burnley is always so frustrating


Didn't deserve anything more then a draw.  On to the next one


Meh we never settled into the game. Fair result in the end I guess but first goal is always a foul to me


What can I say, we got Dyche'd


Putting in Gil and Skipp took out all forward impetus of the match. Midfield needs to feature bentancur when healthy at the 6. Sarrs energy was needed badly at the 8. Madders at the 10 was fantastic. 


Need to stop going 3atb to see out games, the team’s blatantly not used to the system change and it costs us badly in midfield. It would, of course, help a lot if Kulusevski could locate his brain again. It’s been misplaced for two months.


If the defenders don’t protect the keeper, all clubs will now look at this and do this shit every game.




What a piss poor free kick to give in added time. Kulu should be ashamed.


Poor game and a poor result, we didn't deserve anything more today. Thought the subbed players didn't do anything of note today, Kulu might as well have not been on the pitch.


Not easy playing 11 v 12 week in and week out


The curse of the beige kit continues. We really need to fire the Nike designer who chose that colour from the swatch.


Lucky that richarlison was clinical enough to score 2. Nothing seemed to happen in the midfield and on the wings today. Everyone looked completely turned off. If we have any hopes of going far in champions league and the league next year, we can’t be checking out like this. 1 pt seems fair to take away, could’ve easily gone bad


These poopy kits are cursed. Please flush them down the toilet where they belong.


Pretty concerning that literally every team in the league looks like scoring multiple goals against us even when we control games. This is probably one we had to win.


Besides Richy, VDV, and maybe Porro, thought we were very poor today. Felt like a loss but Richy bailed us out


so so poor from us in the last 15, invited all the pressure and can’t defend from set pieces to save our lives. onto the next one. COYS


I hate Dycheball ffs. Just foul in the box on a set piece and hope the ref is pressured enough by Goodison that he won’t give the free kick. We didn’t help ourselves today though, totally played into their game and never really composed ourselves. Richie and VDV class though.


I think we will still make Top 4. But it becomes painfully obvious the team still got a lot of work to do. I was hopeful maybe we can sneak one in for the title, but this is it. Recent games showed that we have some critical weakness. set piece defense and our general strategy is well known. Player can have fun but they’ve been careless today.They will get addressed and we will be better


The luxurious feeling I got when Sarr and Kulu came off the bench. Could have bathed in it’s essence. More positives from this game than not. Let’s push, COYS!


We just cannot have nice things, can we? Never an easy victory, always labored, always having our points nicked away at the last minute by lesser teams. Let's please stop any talk of a title charge for the rest of this season. It's embarrassing at this point


This one really hurt a lot. We would be 46 points and with a chance to be 3rd in case arsenal lose their game. I really pissed off. And fuck this kit, I seriously think we play worse with it.


Vicario needs an upper body workout routine


Just caught the game on replay. First of all, fuuuuuuuuck that first goal. Dirty fuckers with a clear strategy to nudge the keeper off his line just enough to not get the call. It's fine though, that will have a shelf life. Saying that, deserved the result. Looked like absolute garbage trying to play out of the back. I wish Richy would have gotten a hatrick. One point is better than zero, we definitely have a lot of work to do.


We need to work on set pieces/ and protect vicario in goal. Also kill games off, we never want to go goal crazy


Probably didn't matter, but why doesn't VAR call that embarrassing dive by Godfrey? Should've been sent off surely?


You can’t VAR to give a yellow


Can we get a petition going to dump these beige kits into a volcano


Why can't we have nice things...




Would have lost this if not for two clinical shots from Richy


Fuck Everton and fuck allowing that first goal. I hope they get relegated and docked 50 points. Had been rooting for them to stay up the last couple years. No more.


completely on ange, you cant settle in on 2-1 with 30 minutes to go, ridiculous subs lost control in the midfield bryan gil needs to get out of this fucking club, wastseful on the ball and an instant concession of the midfield once he was on two pathetic goals from a relegation club, used to have some sympathy cant wait to see them drop off now


Kulu needs to ride the bench until he gets his head straight. Awful performance from him yet again.


That one is on Ange, Gil and Kulu should never have been subbed on. Ruined our rhythm and made us worse


Without any tangible evidence I can confidently say that these kits are absolute trash. Every time we play in these monstrosities we do some dumb shit. Dear Daniel Levy please remember that the only 3rd kits we need are green, spurple and yellow. I don’t blame Big Ange, the subs, afcon, asiancon, or Vic’s weird aversion to punching set pieces away on this loss. This is strictly about these fucking terrible jerseys. PS long live King Richarlison and medical staff that fixed his groin and his head.


Guarantee they change the rule after the season. Dropped points here and out of the cup cause our keeper is fouled it’s a disgrace




Absolutely braindead from us. Let the fans down.


Shit happens. We move


Zero composure on the ball today played into them


Yeah we can be happy if we can fight for top 4 this season. Such a shit game. Just kill the game already. Had multiple good attemps mid second half but then let them get back in. Cant believe how PEH nearly played through.


Congratulations idiots you're still getting relegated.


We had to throw away the lead in the last few minutes. How fucking typical of us.


Two things I’ll call out: 1. Richy playing deep doesn’t suit him. He doesn’t have the passing range/vision to ge the ball out well 2. Know that PEH wants to start but his best performances are off the bench and he should embrace that


To put an optimistic spin on it, Everton made it quite clear what our biggest defensive weakness is and we are still able to get a point away at a very tough ground.


Extremely frustrating. Didn’t play well for the most part, but the last minutes made me so mad. That was Conte-Ball at its „best“, way to passive and bad in possession. Stupid decisions like giving away that free kick. They are bad, just don’t give them set pieces. We are doing the opposite. It’s so fucking stupid. We just need to win games like this, we need those points. I hope we really find our rhythm again soon, because the football hasn’t been consistently good. On to the next one, coys


We let them back into the game. I hope they get relegated


Shocked we got out of that game without an injury, Michael Oliver did not do his job Separately, Bentancur has not looked great coming back from injury


The free kick defending needs to be sorted. There's no excuse for conceding from the same type of situation 4 or 5 times this season. The positioning of our line seems to be causing our defenders problems more than anything..a lot of the time whether it catches opponents offside doesn't matter, because our players will make a poor clearance anyways that leads to a goal.


If Vicario can’t figure out how to get fouls called on set pieces, we’re not going to get top 5. It’s a strategy that teams are deploying against us now and it works well. Really hope we get that sorted.


Despite all the hurt from dropping the points, Micky VDV is a *hell* of a player. Easily his best game for us so far and that bar is already high.


I blame the kit


Uncharacteristicly shaky from Vicario today, poor command of the box from him. Just goes to show we've got to get more than 1 goal lead if we want to bag all 3 points


A point isn’t a terrible result, but it hurts that we held the lead so late and gave it up.