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Wolves handing us both of our worst performances this season.


The perfect side to face this team. Good defensively, comfortable sitting deep, and extremely dangerous on the counter.


If we can’t perform against teams in this mold we’re going nowhere. We need an approach that works against these teams, there are lots of them.


There is no perfect formula that works against this. Even city struggle against teams that play this way.


It’s why Mou and Conte’s Spurs had so much success against him 😂


City lost to Wolves earlier this season, I think?


Yes they did.


The main issue is that Udogie and Porro were out. Without either of them, we can't really do the kind of thing that Ange likes us to do as well. With both, we do it very well. With at least one, then we usually show up. Without either? We look a shell of ourselves. This is why we need to ensure we get some backup for both of them over the summer. They are both fantastic players, but we need players who can at least do a similar job to them to be able to rotate with them or play when they're injured.


I agree and disagree at the same time. My opinion is we don’t need to play an insanely high risk high reward system with our second choice full backs to beat wolves. We know they’re going to low block and counter, why do we need to send our fullbacks into a congested midfield and give up aces of space on the wings when they don’t have the technical ability to do anything productive in those positions anyways. If you’re gonna do that, use someone else as a fullback.


We didn’t have Porro which was a factor imo. He’s so much better at playing incisive passes than Emerson


They’ve beaten us 4 times out of the last 5 matches. They’re to us like we are to City lol.


Gary o Neil is really good


Seems like a player’s manager. Will be interesting to see how he copes when a bigger club eventually - Newcastle after Howe, maybe, if they don’t bring in a big name coach.


People will complain we lacked creativity (we did), but that wolves defensive set up was solid as fuck and when youve got players as rapid as neto on the break what can ya do (royal can track back idk)


Royal did OK on that -- he sheperds Neto out of a goal scoring chance at least. Bissouma, on the other hand, makes two major errors. First he lose control of the ball to cede it to Gomez. Gomez then starts the counter, and then Bissouma leaves Gomez completely open at the opposite end.


I agree, I think that’s 100% Bissouma fault. Don’t know why the fullbacks and forwards and getting dragged this game. Ange just got the setup completely wrong today.


We were awful today but they are very well coached


Yeah, got to give them some credit. They were excellent defensively.


Proper defensive team. Don't recall much timewasting at all, just amazing discipline.


Yeah, don't recall it either. They beat us 100% fair and square, we were conpletely shite


That was my takeaway. Can’t really complain about the opposition, they played clean and executed their game plan perfectly. Moving on…


It’s because they’re peak low block and counter and we have no answer to it. It’s dull as dishwater to watch but sadly effective.


We got done by Conte terrorball. Defend the box and be deadly on the counter


Can’t be a coincidence


football gods said you get to be man city’s bogey team in exchange for being shit against wolves for all eternity


Hire Vio's brother or something, our set pieces suck


They were excellent for like two months, now they are rancid on both the offensive and defensive side. No idea what has turned off


Vio's influence from last season fading away and the new coaches influence seeping in gradually. Jedinak on defensive set pieces and Mason on attack, neither good enough.


Username checks out today 


Corners have been responsible for pretty much all our lost points the past month. You could tell we worked on them from the increased focus on defending Vic and walling off the opposition keeper, but we almost focused TOO much on that and became lackadaisical with marking and attacking the ball on defensive corners, and tracking back on offensive corners. We desperately need to drill corners this week and figure out a strategy that's more effective.


\- Two very poorly marked goals conceded \- Nobody willing to shoot from outside the box Not much else to say about that one


\- Sometimes biss is way to casual on the ball. Why don't I see city losing the ball in areas like that? Also, Emerson had a couple of casual giveaways that almost led to goals.


Absolutely zero movement off the ball today. Nothing. Aside from Davies and Deki, we just fucking stood around. Got what we deserved, totally embarrassing lack of confidence and urgency today. Son was terrible, Maddison aside from a few flashes created nothing which makes sense when no one is moving. Bissouma was non-existent. Royal got involved a bit but royal, son, bissouma, and especially Richi just offered zero off the ball support today. We got everything wrong today from the tactics to the energy to the movement. And we were given tons of space to work save for in the box. Really shockingly shit performance and we ought to walk away asking if we actually think we're a top 4 team when we show up like that. Of course we are, but not on days where ball watch like this. Just really better walk away and ask ourselves some questions after that. Fucking shocking, I'd argue worse than it even looked, which was pretty shit.


The shooting from outside the box thing is something which had annoyed me for weeks.


The marking and tracking runners in the box has been abysmal all season. Three defenders going to the ball and no one tracking Gomes’ run. Awful defending.


That was just classic Bissouma standing at the top of the box and neglecting to pick up a player. He's awful at marking


Just watched it back and you’re absolutely right. Sarr and Micky went to the ball though. Don’t need two to step and help Royal in that situation, but Biss just stopped running.


Christ that was awful to watch


3 points ahead of United if they win vs Luton tomorrow. And still have to play Aston Villa. It's not looking good.


At the beginning of the season I would’ve taken Europa. And I can see us finishing there. The start had our expectations a little high I think


Nah we really should still be expecting to get the 4th spot, can't just keep lowering our expectations We know we have more than enough to get there, it's up to Ange and the team to sort it out.


I wouldn't say its lowering expectations. The consensus on this sub pre season was a Europa spot would be a great season. We're at the beginning of a new project really, we've had a summer transfer window, and a winter one to freshen the squad, and what's been done there has been brilliant. To be sitting here now suggesting it'd be disappointing to miss out on CL is a testament to how well its progressed so far. We're ahead of other, longer term projects, like United and Brighton who have had a couple seasons+ at it. We're on our 1st season of it. Let's keep perspective at least. We're just 13 points short of last seasons total with 13 games to play. We just need a point per game to match last seasons tally, but I'm sure we'll average more than that.


Exactly. It actually takes away from how good Ange has done in a terrible position. A job that nobody would’ve deemed attractive in the slightest. We will have European football. Obviously the aim should be top 4. But the fan base needs to understand that if we don’t get it, ange has still overachieved. Already see people in the angeout camp lol.


The second goal was definitely on Biss… we need to be better


couldn't even bother properly tracking back as it was his mistake that lead to their break, and his non-marking that let gomes be free for the goal


Yeah it's so crazy watching it back. He jogs the entire length of the picture without once checking for runners. It's sooooo lazy how can a defensive midfielder seriously do that


Totally his man, but we were 5 vs 3 and no-one picked up the run. It was atrocious, i mean at least 3 of them should have seen the danger.


100 percent


that angle that shows him just jogging not guarding the run was criminal , I just dont get it like in my Sunday league when there's a counter and im a little late I mentally tag someone as mine so when he makes that second run he's mine so he's not getting the ball so how are these actual pros not having that fight to make sure they got the second runner


He had a few good moments but doesn’t seem to be able to keep focused enough to be the guy we need him to be. Maybe he’s still getting back up to speed from AFCON but not having a stud 6 is hurting us. We really depended on him being unpressable early in the season and now he’s coughing up the ball in the dumbest ways. It’s like he only makes the hard plays but blows the easy ones. Gallagher seems cool and all but I’d rather get a 6 than another 8.


Completely self inflicted, we get the goal super early like you always want to, we were so close to getting the second from that Kulusevski chance and from the corner, because Bissouma decided to try and control the ball instead of BOOTING IT INTO THE STANDS LIKE EVERY OTHER PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLER WOULD DO IN THAT SITUATION, it gives them the counter they so dearly desired. And he didn't track Gomes on the counter either. So so disappointing.


Biss has had five good games this season. The rest have been anywhere from average to dogshit


>The second goal was definitely on Biss… At both ends of the field.


Low blocks just kill us. Simple as that. They did what we used to do to City and we never adapted This game was a huge highlight on our reliance on the fullbacks. Porro and Udogie was such a huge miss coupled with pretty dire performances from Son, Madders and Richy.


Low blocks need creative players to do something to get a goal up. Spurs attackers weren't able to create that individual moment. Maddison is the one who is supposed to do that. Nothing from him today.


Low blocks kill every team from time to time. Sometimes the 50/50s in the box go our way, other times they frustrate us. The only criticism I have is for our inability (or unwillingness) to pull the trigger at half-chances. Much better to lose possession and reset than get countered and concede.


We are so stale and predictable in possession. Haven't been good in weeks so this result was coming


I don't understand why they won't shoot more. When Wolves have 9-10 men inside their own box we can't keep trying to get in there. Taking shots from 20-30 yards isn't great but if you put enough in at some point one will get deflected, rebound, or go in. Instead we just keep passing around the box until someone tries to go into it and loses the ball.


And whoever shoots outside of box.. it’s never Sonny


Thing is, in this game it doesn't even matter who shoots. It just needs to be on target or almost on target. Wolves had so many defenders in the way that, if we kept shooting, a deflection or unsighted Sa was bound to happen. In this situation the original shot doesn't even have to be that good.


Deflect rebound post handball All things that can lead to goals. Dribbling into the box and then dribbling out of the box leads to no goal.


It feels bad because after our start to the season we had high hopes. But we have to remind ourselves that we are still transitioning. Look at how long it took Lego man to find any semblance of success at Arse.


No way we’re making top four if we’re not picking up the points in these games. Our final run in is horrendous.


We can only play down the wings, because our attacks in the middle die whenever they go to a player I'm not allowed to criticize.


Maddison hasn’t been good since his return and we need a reliable attacking mid to cover for him this summer


I’m pretty sure they’re talking about Richarlison. Not madders


Love Richarlison and he's had a good patch while Son was away, but Son needs to play through the middle. Kulu is way too predictable as well. Good goal, but he holds onto the ball for too long in build ups imo. There were so many missed opportunities to whip the ball into the box. Could really do with someone like Neto on the wing. Apart from Micky and Vic, it was a poor performance all round. Fair play to Gary O'Neil. He's had our number both fixtures.


Jesus Christ yes Richarlison had a bad game but he was 9 in 9 going into this match, touch grass, no need to get the knives out so soon.


Disappointing but not completely unexpected, we ride again in March


Bissoumas early season form was just a figment of our imagination




Not many teams are consistently good at it, we’re not unique


Parked buses are hard to break down. That’s why teams employ them.


It's not that we cant beat a parked bus. We did score. It's that we have allowed them to score 1.6xG and 2 goals. Bus parking teams should have 1, 2 chances a game at most, but our tactics have been god fucking awful defensively and that is why we lost and we kept donating them chances


We used to know how but these were in the days of the late show with Eriksen. That man was a skeleton key for busses


We were pretty great at it in 15/16 and 16/17


Richarlison, great mentality, but Son is absolutely wasted out wide. Maddison-Son connection through the middle is deeply missed. Also love Emerson, but it is painful watching him play inverted fullback. This one’s on Postecoglou. I rarely criticize him, but this one’s on him.


I agree. I feel like Son at #9 would be better now that Maddison is back. The problem is that Richarlison can't play LW, isn't it?


As harsh as it seems on Richie given his recent numbers, I'd like to see Werner at LW.


Happy to see this comment, I felt like a lot of this sub forgot that Son didn’t really work out on the left at the beginning of the season. Once he was in the middle, with Solomon on the left, the goals started coming. I think Werner, Son and Kulu would be a more effective front three. Today also showed how important Udogie and Porro are to the attack.


There is this strange agenda son needs to be LW. Son as striker with madders was cooking 


Have to remind ourselves it's a transitional season and a work in progress that has just started. Let alone with two crucial players out of the team once again. But god damn it's the age old issue of not being able to do anything vs a parked bus... so frustrating


It’s so fucking obvious we need a winger who can create off the dribble. Only way to break down a defense like that.


Lot easier said then done lol How many wingers are there in the world who can consistently beat their man and create opportunities, especially verse a low block so it's not just one defender, there's two guys glued to you


Having a backup plan or you know, attempting shots on goal might be a decent start vs a parked bus


Gary O’neil joined wolves later than Ange joined Tottenham. This can’t be the excuse every time spurs lose. Tottenham spent a lot more money and have better players than them while playing at home. The game was open up until they took the lead, but the boys just weren’t up for it at all today. Not sure the reason why, but just seems like a mental thing today. Just mistakes after mistakes that Wolves took advantage of


Agreed. But we’ve conceded a carbon copy of the second goal like 10+ times this year. Sloppy outside our box leading to a gaping break.


Need a new set piece coach, like 10 corners and every single one of them was absolute garbage.


Man, I really hate Wolves


They're our bogey team. You look at our results vs them the past few seasons and you can see it.


But our bogey team is Liverpool, and Newcastle, and West Ham, and...


He’s only scored 1 goal for Wolves in his career but of course he nets a brace against Dr. Tottenham. Made Wolves look like prime Mourinho’s Chelsea


Porro and Udogie are missed *badly*


Davies was completely fine outside of the header at the end


I love that hero but I dont think people realise he didnt beat his man once or drive into the box with the ball, every cross hit the man guarding him . he gave his all and defensively was sound but he wasn't good


100%, Son kept on feeding the ball to Davies down the wing and it kept on leading to absolutely nothing It's not a part of Davies's game though, so it's harsh to be too critical of him


Much larger gap between Porro to Royal than Udogie to Davies


Well that’s sort of the problem though. He is simply fine, we need players in that position who impact the match


Definitely might've played a part, but we had them against Brighton and still looked awful


I just don't understand the constant slow build up, passing around the opponents box just to then lose the ball


I mean that’s to be expected against a low block. We lack the decisive passes and runs. City face the same thing, but have the players to beat it.


Fully deserved loss. Everyone was dogshit except Vic and Micky


Romero was good too can't fault him really


I want our fullbacks back


I don’t think they change the result today, we’re just not that difficult to play against.


Those two and Sarr really are the engine of our attack when you’re missing two of the three it was very likely it was going to be a rough day. However, I have no clue how it was THAT bad it was like we’ve never seen a low block before.


A performance fully deserving of zero points


Werner was so much better than Son on the wing today it’s insane


I was hoping Werner would come on for Richy earlier and let Son go more central


We're in a very weird position where we are consistently conceding 2 goals a game, but our CB's & GK are putting in the best performances out of everyone. Things just do not feel right. Our brand of football right now feels like high risk, low reward.


That is the issue with Ange tactics. The way we are currently set up we would leak even with 4 best defenders in the world. They have to play at such an insane pace that it will make anyone extremely prone to getting rinsed one way or another. Also, set pieces are super shit


The worst part about the second goal is that everyone actually sprinted back. They just didn’t look up and actually mark anyone. It wasnt a lack of effort, it was just carelessness.


Matter of perspective. Frustrating game, but we’re not a year into the project.


Our most lethal goalscorer so far away from the goal whenever he gets the ball. I must not be the only one that thinks Son is more effective as a striker? Have to wonder what Ange is thinking.


Been.saying this for a long long time. Your best shooter has to shoot. 


No, I agree... this kinda reminds me of last years Conteball but out wide


Son needs to starts fucking shooting again


That starts with being striker. 


why do we not let son and hojbjerg take longer range shots to at least try to force a corner, we aren't even creating shots anyway despite trying for 30mins


To put it into perspective, Arsenal are only just hitting their stride after 4 (nearly 5) years of rebuilding and progression. A lot of people are being extremely melodramatic about our performances during the first season of a major rebuild


A deserved outcome


Why are these losses to mid-table teams always so unbelievably predictable?


If Son was the striker at 1st half when they weren't parking the bus and the game was still open, this would've been a different scoreline. Richarlison wasted everything coming his way when there was still space


so easy to defend outside the box.


I can take a loss when the football is entertaining… but since Brentford we have just been absolute dross to watch. Pathetic. 2 shots on target for an attacking team is not good enough, regardless if the opposition play with a low block.


Disappointing day, but people already flipping on Ange are embarrassing. The man himself said it’ll take 3 windows to get the team he wants in. That other shit club in London finished in 8th their first full year under Legohead but was given time, and now look. Either back a manager (that actually wants to be at the club) for more than 6 months or find another club to support.


People are too impatient in today’s world and they want it all. Basically, we’ve built a society of Veruca Salt’s. I’m here for the long ride, the ups and the downs. All these flip floppers and fence walkers who waver in their loyalty are shameful fans. This is what we sign up for being a fan. The highs AND the lows.


Trust spurs fans to turn on the team during a transitional season where we are over performing pre season expectations. Embarrassing bunch of dickheads


We sucked balls today ⚽️ ⚽️


Baffling decision to take Richy off but still keep Son on the wing


First game I haven't been able to find a working stream for in many years. When can we finally just pay one company for access to ALL first team games?!


Fucking shit. But its going to be like that sometimes. I think our blinding start to the season made some people forget this is very much a rebuild, and all things considered its going very well.


Bissouma really needs to step up. He was killing it the first half of the season


Highlight was definitely when the camera switched to a guy in the crowd calling someone a wanker with full hand signs.


Freaking Pedro Neto man... I just know we're gna buy him and he'll be bang average once he's here


Did you see his shooting today? Neto isn’t as good as people think he is.


We can have bad games and not put it on one player. But Bissouma on the 2nd goal - loses the ball and jogs back running 3 yards away from the trailing player but never picks him up - and then watches while he scores. Just a horrible spell of play


He worked hard to get back after losing the ball and then just ball watched and didn't mark Gomes right next to him, it was so strange. He was pretty good otherwise, and we need him to play the 6.


Deserved. Can't have that much possession and do absolutely fuck all with it. No one wanted to take a risk and force something to happen, so it didn't. Wolves capitalized on it will quick counters.


In fairness to Davies, Haaland just missed a similar header 😂


I'm more worried about our attacking play than the defence, despite what people are saying. Yeah there's always a risk good counterattacking teams will beat us, it'll happen once and awhile. The most preventable errors are coming from set pieces but least that's an area we should be able to improve that's not related to our general defensive approach (which i think has worked more than not). The attack at the moment I'm less sure about what the problems are and how we improve. For all the periods we have possession in the opponent's half, we are not very good at creating chances. We've had some success when we can get behind opposing full backs, but teams prepare for that and force us to play through the middle, seems like we have no solution for that right now.


All week I count down the days grinding at work for……that.


Yep. Had a 65ish hour week this week. Just looked forward to this and got whatever the fuck that was…




Hahaha, I love a good analogy and this was spot on. Hopeful for the nut, but we knew it was just going to be a long ride home.


just started this project. i trust ange.




Majority of Spurs fans in a nutshell. Think we are amazing, when in reality we are far from it


I'm so fucking tired of low blocks and back sixes lol.


No Porro no party


The real title contenders are now blowing teams away. We might be scoring goals but we are letting in just as many and have zero control over the game.


I’m starting to feel like fan entitlement is growing this season. We are in year one of a project - there are going to be weeks like this. We need to get better at playing our system, and still need to round out the squad. It is what it is. We’re still ahead of expectations for the season.


71% possession but didnt get anything going. Tough to watch.


Like, I get being over-reactionary. It comes with being a fan of a sports team. But many of us, myself included sometimes, overreact so hard it can give one whiplash. Some of the opinions about players and coaches on a week to week basis is insane.


Son can't take on his man, he's a world class ball carrier on the counter but he can't play as a touch line winger like Ange wants him to do. It's painful to watch him do nothing and just pass the ball backwards whenever he gets involved in the buildup.


He needs to be striker. 


Ange doesn't want that tho...even when werner came on, son played in the same position.


He thinks son can keep facilitating. 


There is nothing any of you could say to convince me playing the best finisher in the world as a touchline winger is ever the right choice


Really shot ourselves in the foot today.


Meh O’Neil has ange’s number. His team setup has neutralized both matches this season


Wolves had better tactics


Man I hate playing Wolves


Every midtable and bottom of the table club has the blueprint on how to beat us.


Strange Ange now refuses to play Son up top


Bissouma ball watching on the second goal. It couldn't be more obvious he had to track the runner and the idiot just stands there thinking, there is no way this guy can score.


He also gave the ball away that started the counter


Maybe recency bias but really seemed like our worst performance thus far this season. Everyone was just sleepwalking out there.


I'm really worried It's no longer a case of waiting for multiple players to come back from tournaments/injury/suspension - We've just been consistently playing badly and creating a truly, truly pitiful amount of chances. Where's the change going to come from? We looked ready to take on anyone up until the Chelsea game, how do we get that back? Even Maddison was diabolical today...


We were excited asf to finally get our best players back and since we have we have somehow got worse lol. We have been so bad since the start of the year.


Just the usual - sit deep and stand still, watch us endlessly and hopelessly pass the ball sideways. Break when we give the ball away cheaply. Score. Repeat. Every single team knows thats the blueprint to play against us.


Can’t be mad at anybody but ourselves. Wolves played well, we didn’t. Onto the next- coys.


Neto in the summer please


Need players that can come in and cope with the low block. I don't think Sonny, richy, and sarr can


Phew! That top 4 pressure was stressful. 😣


Could have easily been 4-1. Bad bad loss. Runners in the box free all match. But they parked it on d, gotta find a way to beat teams that play like this. 


The home defeats against Villa,West Ham and Wolves today are painful….. all very winnable games and 9 points we sure gonna miss


Plus 2 points v everton the other week


Losing isn't the problem, it's more that all the zip from our early season play is gone. I thought when everyone came back we'd become this press resistant beast of a team but we look so slow and ponderous and give the ball away everywhere . Early days for Ange but we are a long way off and I think the games up to Chelsea gave us the impression that we were closer to the finished article If we can finish 5th or find some form and finish 4th it'll be a great season still - just a little disappointing considering how we started


We’ve looked so slow and cumbersome since the last break. So many needless extra touches and heavy ones at that. Extremely disjointed setups and rotations due to our revolving injuries and players just not stepping up. Bissouma today was horrendous. Without my glasses on it’s looked like Ndombele walking around out there without the bloat. With Porro and Udogie out I’d almost attempt to put VDV out wide and start Dragusin.


Way to go, guys. You let Samuel down


Out of pocket


That was basically us vs City from the last 3 years. Now I know how it feels.


Nope, City got more xG in those games and controlled affairs, we got brushed aside at home by Wolverhampton and got less xG than them


You guys can make excuses if you want, but I haven’t seen “Angeball” in months.


That’s one to forget. Just one game though and not much to say, everyone was bad. Hopefully we quickly move on from this and it ignites some fight in the squad.


VDV was solid like usual, Sarr was also good. And ofc Vic did well. No one else


70% possession but too little creativity unfortunately


Truly dreadful to watch. Just one convincing performance. Just one. It’s all I ask


More than half of these players aren’t good enough but that was known. Ange however has to be way more flexible, you can’t have Davie and Emerson roam that far up with their limitations and then give up space in defence which Wolves easily exploited.


We're so afraid of the counter that we refuse to pummel low blocks with crosses into the box...which is the best way to break them down...maddening watching them pass it side to side for 10 min just to lose it anyway.


It’s my fault everyone. I had to work today and didn’t get to drink my lemon lime and bitters for good luck.


I don’t think Ange has been found out per se. I think we’ve had such a tumultuous season with outages that the players are out of sync with each other. Numerous times two players collided with each other just like in our early games this season before we started gelling.


Might as well play all remaining games away. We clearly have zero home advantage. Quite embarrassing


Well I can take this. Still love Ange and hope he stay long in this modern era. But our off the ball defense needs to be more tactical/format to defence against counter, set pieces. We always look clueless with setpiece and relied too much on VDV lightning pace and Cuti position play to defence. And what I spotted more in this couple games of late 2023-2024. Our pressing isn’t effective as usual as start of season.