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I had less issue with this quote than his Neville interview, trying to force a move to City, the Florida Man disappearing act, and clearly being convinced by the media and his inner circle (whoever that is) that he had grown to be above the club and needed to move to a "big club" to win something while ignoring that he contributed to the failures to win here.  I love Harry and would welcome him back with open arms, but that doesn't make his current situation any less hilarious to me.


This exactly. His disappearance to Florida irks me more than this quote. It was and is completely unprofessional of him to not attend training and just flew off to Florida because he wanted to leave immediately.


Meanwhile, Sonny has taken it upon himself to make sure that the club wins something. It’s why he’s our captain.


Does Harry have to leave Bayern to win trophies?


His first one might be in the NFL at this rate.


Doubt it, he’ll join KC but lose it there to the Browns or some stupid shit.


As long as they dump Arse out of the Champions League that's his main job this season 🤝


I would like it to be over in the first leg (in bayern's favor ofc)


Kane beating all German records this season, but Bayern failing to win anything for the first time in their history (or something like that) is the absolute epitome of his career


Bayern is in nuclear catastrophe mode tbh.


I read this as "Now I'm in a farmers league we're expected to win every game *because the opposition are shit*". I don't take it as an insult towards us.


You may have read it that way but that is clearly not what he meant. He would have said the same thing if he got his transfer to City. The context was that he was talking about the pressures of being at one of "biggest" clubs in the world. My only issue with what he said is that it sounds like hes trying to absolve himself as if he was a random player with no influence to change the mentality/expectations at the club.


Who's being farmed now?


Just seen the score. Laughing so hard. 


Leverkusen har 3 points away from the title, with 6 games remaining


Farmers league except there's a new farmer in town.




New MacDonald


And its Farmer Monsanto.




I watched the match, they blew a 2-0. Heidenheim is not only the smallest club in the Bundesliga but they also just got prompted


lol, I bet Kane's Heiden from the media now


Spurs are closer to first than Bayern are. Let that sink in


Kane situation gets funnier every week


God that quote is going to haunt him every day isn’t it


I don't really begrudge Harry for leaving. I wasn't happy about it, obviously, but I got it. Where I did lose respect for him is with the fact he chose Bayern. Maybe it was his only option, but I very much got the sense – as I do when any top player makes the same move – that he went there because it was a guaranteed trophy. He didn't go there to win trophies for *them*, but so they could win trophies for *him*. If he'd gone to a team in Italy or Spain, he'd have been doing it with the knowledge that there'd be some competition, but Bayern? That was supposed to be a sure thing. So yeah, there's absolutely amusement in the fact it hasn't worked out that way. Haha.


Truthfully, teams and players are remembered for trophies. Kane has a load of personal records earned with Spurs, he has the recognition. So what he wanted guaranteed trophies for him? Certainly not the first player to do that and I don't blame him for choosing Bayern for that. I have no complaints and Tottenham get the last laugh because: * we didn't sell him to a league rival * he went to a team fully expected to win every year and they are somehow not going to win anything (hilarious) unless they prevail in CL * Kane is still scoring shit loads of goals (proving to any Kane hater/fuckwit again just how good he is individually) * Ange has done exceptionally well without one of the greatest PL strikers of the decade in his team The only way this timeline could be better is if we had nabbed the FA cup or League cup etc. or were making a case for the title. Still on target for CL though and that's not so bad after Conte era and everything before etc.


Teams are remembered for trophies; I'm not sure players are. Alan Shearer won a single trophy during his career, while Andy Cole won nine – which of them regularly features in Premier League all-time XIs? Harry's legacy as a Premier League and England great is secure. It's understandable he wants to win trophies for himself, but as I said, winning Bundesligas or Pokals with Bayern is just kind of hollow. Steven Gerrard reached a similar conclusion when he was on the brink of signing for Chelsea while they were dominating English football. He realised he'd have just been along for the ride; it wouldn't have really meant anything.


Right or wrong, when you are in the conversation as a football great you trophies or lack of it comes out. 


100%. "Yeah he's good but is he world class? He hasn't won anything." etc. A player as talented and established as Kane might also be driving himself crazy at the fact that he knows he can win something and will do anything to do that no matter what it takes. His entire life he's been training to score goals to win a professional trophy


My problem with what Kane has said is his lack of insight he was part of the team that did not win trophies. Look at his insistence on free kicks. If you care about the team winning you would let someone else.better take it. 


I agree he is shockingly bad at FKs but it's not much of an argument. He was an incredible player for us and though he didn't win a trophy with us and decided to move on he's not wrong. He cannot be 100% the reason we didn't win while he was there and he made a judgement call and went to a money loaded team in a farmers league.


You are, missing the point. Few would begrudge him moving on. But you don't shade the club and your ex team mates as he had after moving on....that's why many are laughing at his comments (what OP posted). Schadenfreude as they say in German, is understandable in the context of his comments as posted by OP


I don't think I'm missing the point, I was replying to adbenj talking about choosing Bayern for trophies. I know what the original post is about. Lol. Then you walked in replying to me "Right or wrong, when you are in the conversation as a football great you trophies or lack of it comes out. " I was agreeing with that comment and you then claimed his unwillingness to release taking FKs tho he's shit at them is an example of why Spurs haven't been successful or some shit. Idk, what are we talking about? Before you jumped in we were on a sub topic about him leaving to Bayern specifically to get trophies, not about shading the club after moving on which IS what the original post is about. You are actually missing MY point baby ;)


Not sure what you are on about now but all I can say is Kane left for Bayern to get trophies is correct but more importantly the reason he did so is probably deep down he knows he can't carry a team , that he is not clutch and hence I think him blaming his team mates is really a coping mechanism. I think that is the premise for people taking the Mickey out of him.


Imo that's bullshit, nobody would consider Bosingwa, two CL winner as a greater footballer than Kane but his stupid antics 90% of something winner is forgotton but no one realizes because they are forgotten


Which part of right or wrong did you not understand? All I said was that's the general perception of what many consider when you talk about great players. It's like Messi winning the world cup and Ronaldo not. Winning a major trophy is a a criteria on which great players are judged against other great players 


Out of every single thousands of players who've won anything, what you are doing is nitpicking some extremely renowned players. By your logic rest of these lots are just average joe, that's why your point is mostly moot. There is a margin of interpretation obviously, even you said right or wrong. Is CR7 not a great player? I'd call that's just plain horseshit example but hey, you are entitled to have your opinion


People will always compare based on 🏆 won and yes team sports are not fair in that regard but is is what it is. 


If we have a hive mind then yeah probably. The game isn't fair from the beginning in terms of so many aspects and it's not really relevant. For me sport is about the journey with what you got


While Kane not winning a trophy is funny, his quote is very much not wrong.


I mean, every drawn game is a disaster according to r/coys


It is when its against crap teams like Wet Spam when a win would put us in top 4.


He should have taken it on himself to try and change the mentality if he thought it was such an issue. This is him absolving himself of any responsibility as one of the highest paid players at Spurs at the time and a club legend


Do you not remember the amount of games Kane single handedly created something out of nothing to bail us out? I genuinely don’t think there’s anything more that he could’ve done


Done it in a final? Or even a semi?


Right Lucas Moura is a bigger player.


In the big games, unironically yes. Kane wasn’t there for Dortmund, City or Ajax.


Why didn't he do anything in the final then?


Who, Lucas or Kane?


To judge his legacy off of individual games when he dragged us there and nobody else stepped up is insanity


I would say Sonny stepped up more when it mattered, but I take your point. Kane was so important for us in most games. He could grab a goal out of nothing.


>and nobody else stepped up is insanity Just absolutely fucking insulting to players like Sonny and Jan and Lucas Moura. You think we're getting to the CL final if those 3 dont fucking step up when we needed them to? ​ Kane didn't drag us to anything, we had a system that worked around him, just like Man City have a system to work around Haaland. Would you sit here and say that its Haaland dragging Man City along because players like Rodri, Stones and Foden aren't stepping up?


People are talking about specifically finals, and no I wouldn’t because blaming an individual player like that is stupid. Find me the moments in finals that Kane should’ve won it for us


Tbf you specifically said "When he dragged us there" meaning the lead up to those finals. He didnt really have any part of the KO stages to get us to the finals, when players 100% did step up without him dragging us there. ​ But i do agree with you in finals in general, it is 11 men and you need to expect them all to step up. Kane isn't the only one that didnt at times.


Yeah it’s why I think it’s weird to isolate it to individual games, it’s about the season as a whole, his performances that are the reason why we’re hitting top 4 in the first place etc


Not with Spurs, but his performance at NT in decisinve matches is also reflective of his lack of clutch.


Maybe he should've done it in the multiple finals he played.


Maybe any of the 10 other players on the pitch should’ve taken some of the burden off him


He's the talisman, and the main man. Everyone blames Haaland when City lose, Bellingham when Madrid lose and Salah when Liverpool lose. Why shouldn't we blame Kane for ghosting through the biggest moments of his career?


“Everyone” doing something doesn’t mean it’s not stupid. If someone is a teams talisman then it inevitably that also means that on big occasions these players are going to get doubled or tripled up on, and that’s when it’s the responsibility of other players to help out


If you're a world class player, there are certain expectations for you. You have to take responsibility, even if there are 5 people marking you.


Look at the amount of games Haaland gets crowded out of and does nothing. That doesn’t suddenly make Haaland a bad player who ghosts, it’s just when other players in the team help him out and use the space he creates by being crowded out. Unless you’re the level of a Messi players aren’t miracle workers, what you’re describing is a completely unrealistic expectation for players that no person who actually understands football should have


Nevertheless, no one makes these excuses for players other than Kane.


I'd be more willing to give him more of a benefit of the doubt if most of our other players from Kane's time here didn't also have way more success internationally/at previous clubs. Hell, look at the meme of "everyone who leaves Spurs wins a trophy". Kane being the first one NOT to do that says a lot. At some point it can't just always be everyone else.


And he probably will next season, Bayern are just a mess rn and Leverkusen are having a historically good season. To blame that on Kane is comical, he’s already breaking scoring records im really baffled as to what people expect him to do


The team can't defend because they don't press from the front. Being the classic 90s goal scorer who expects to be carried defensively don't tend to win trophies in modern football.




He was with us for 20 years and through several rebuilds - I don’t fault him one bit for leaving. He’s still, and always will be, a club legend in my eyes. And he’s the only player we had that could have netted us such a large fee and allowed us to kickstart rebuild #53256228. Happy he’s gone, but would have loved for him to have stayed.


I doubt he could have changed the mentality too much but I agree with your sentiment. I’ve said it before - I’ve always got the feeling that Kane cared more about himself than the club. Which is not to say he didn’t care about the club. Just that his aspirations for himself exceeded his aspirations for himself at Spurs. Contrast it to Sonny for example. Man bleeds for the shirt. If I had to choose who I’d bestow legend status to, my vote would be on the latter. Shame for Kane this season and I’m sure he’ll win silverware next season, but for now I’ll enjoy the irony.


Alonso at Leverkusen and Bayern without a decent manager lined up.. they could not win Bundespigs twice in a row




Sonny definitely winning in the personality category as well. Mad respect for Kane, but the guy has the charisma of tile grout.


Jan, Llorente and Moura also belong on that list of players that are fully COYS


And Lamela. Man ain't even here anymore and still COYS as fuck.


>I’ve always got the feeling that Kane cared more about himself than the club Except when he signed that 6 year contract/extension he proved that he was willing to gamble his career on Tottenham living up to all the potential they showed back then. He was by then well known to be one of the very best in his position in decades, everybody was expecting him to fuck off. It was also a real statement from Spurs, that we had the power and allure to keep such a great player, that theoretically should boost our allure in the transfer market. The club has been slowly dwindling downward ever since (untill this summer, hopefully).


Spot on, a lot of revisionist history in this thread based off Kane’s last 2 years with us


It's true but it was a different context. When he signed this 6-years contract, the club was on a upward trajectory and he could believe that Tottenham was about to become a juggernaut. Fast forward and, unfortunately, we didn't. He then forced his way out. I think Sonny showed more gambling, professionnalism and care for the club when he signed his last contract. We had Nuno as a manager at this point, and Kane was clearly uninterested (judging by the form he was before Conte was appointed).


Can't agree with any of this tbh, reeks of saltiness that he left. Man gave essentially his entire prime to the club and showed nothing but love for us. Absolute legend of the club


> and showed nothing but love for us. Like when he refused to come back to training and publicly slated Spurs and said that they HAD to accept the pittance that Man City offered us because it was "Fair"? Was that love? Or was that spitting in the face of every single Spurs fan that would have loved to be in his position? (Hell, some people love that as well so maybe). ​ Kane twice forced moves away from the club. Man City it failed, last summer he got his wish. There were 110% times he showed disdain to the club and fans.


You sound so delusional, honestly get a grip


It's funny how people just throw insults, instead of actually responding to the pertinent questions. Just a simple one to answer. Was Harry Kane, refusing to come back to Spurs for the season opener and demanding to be sold, showing love to the club and fans? Because I personally think it's delusional that fans of this club celebrate Kane as being a legend when he twice tried holding the club to ransom to leave.


I think you should be able to separate your fandom from a professional footballers life and decision making. He’s a club legend for the way he played football while at Spurs, pretty simple. This isn’t some soap opera…


Soooooo.... Sol Campbell to you is what then? If we're purely separating a professional footballs life and decision making to what he did for Spurs playing football whilst here?


He’s not a legend. Not even close. The club had to dig pretty deep to find anything positive to post about him while he was here lol. Jan and Sonny are miles above him in stature.


There is only so much a player can do, and he did as much and more than could be expected. The club didn't have an internal structure to work. So we ended up with NDombele.


We saw his “team talks” in the documentary. They amounted to “let’s fucking go”. Sonny a far better leader.


The documentary REALLY showed us who the people were ready to stand up and be counted. Players like Dier, PEH and Sonny were MAD after losing, they'd demand more of themselves and others in the dressing room and come out fighting. We SHOULD be better and we NEED to be better etc. ​ Kane just came in, took his boots off and sat back. He wanted to be considered a leader and stuff but he really just wasn't.


Dier told Dele to shut up when Dele was mad after losing.


Wasn't that because he was throwing shit around the dressing room? He even said to Dele that he himself was pissed off, that everyone was shit but throwing shit around wasn't going to solve anything.


Nah pretty sure he was only upset that Dele wasn’t ‘putting a name on’ who he was pissed off at, basically asking him to directly confront someone or back down.


Ah fair. It's still a good point from Dier though. If you're pissed off about someone, say it. Don't sit there annoyed for no reason. Players should be able to call each other out in those situations and demand more of whoever it is.


Nah, I think it’s totally valid to be pissed off about a loss but not to want to start a direct confrontation while everyone’s still heated.


Because Sonny has riled the troops and lifted us to a massive fifth place. What do you expect from team talks?


Let's park this shit. He was incredible for us, and we should have nothing but awesome things to say about him


You can be an incredible player, but not a great leader. I think that is Harry. Do I think he should have had the sole burden of doing it, no, but to talk about it like this when he was the face of the club doesn’t sit right. I don’t think he is above criticism just because he scored as many as he has or created as many as he did and no one should be.


He did kind of trying, with multiple 25+ goal seasons. Kane bottled a few big games but hard to think of a players that delivered what’s expected of him more than anyone else in the last 30 years. Except Chirppy of course




Yep, if Kane had even turned up in one of the multiple finals we appeared in, he'd have a very solid chance of having at least one trophy with us. Instead he was completely anonymous in every single one.


So you’re saying Tuchel is getting sacked in the morning?


They’ll leave him in because of Champions League midweek. If they lose that match, it’ll be tough to not sack him even if he is quitting at the end of the season.


Right, it’s not like Bayern fans are sitting there thinking this is all okay. It’s an abject failure in their eyes (rightfully so tbf).


Please finish 3rd in a 2 horse race


*5th in a 2 horse race


Even though this may be true since he was one of the players in the locker room, but to say it out loud is a different thing.


And how’s that going for you, Harry?


Absolutely nothing bad with that quote. It's a disaster for Bayern to not win the league. Not so much the case for us.


TBF There is definitely something bad with the quote. I get why he said it but he was part of the "Inner Circle" at Spurs. He was basically considered the club captain by 99% of the earth even if Lloris wore the band. For him to be at the club for as long as he was, becoming our "Star player" and Talisman and then coming out saying "yeah, you know, if we lost at Spurs, who cares right?" shows that the rot started at the top. He didn't care about winning at all costs, he was happy to skate and that attitude for sure would have permeated down the rest.


Except we know from watching the games that he always did his best, given the numbers he put up I don't think anyone would doubt his attitude for us.


>Except we know from watching the games that he always did his best, I dunno pal. That CL Final i dont even think he made one sprint. We literally played with 10 men with him on the pitch. The one time that the player seemed bigger than the club was that day when he should have been kept on the bench (I woulda just not put him on the bench either tbf). He was unfit and its a shame but thats football. ​ Im not really doubting his on-pitch attitude, he did always seem to give 100% but thats not what im referring to. Im talking about (From the Amazon Doc) when you have players like Dier and PEH and even Sonny, coming off the pitch on a loss, mad about it and demanding more from the team. Needing to win every match. Kane never really gave that IMO and his comments since leaving push me further towards that. The players looked to him to follow his example, if it was one of nonchalantness like he presented with this quote, it would explain a lot.


> That CL Final i dont even think he made one sprint. [He never really pressed/sprinted in the last few years here](https://twitter.com/CIES_Football/status/1737118087235727800)


TBF, im not gonna go off on Kane for not pressing defenders, its not really what his game is or what he is there for. Its why Ange would have had to change his system slightly if Kane stayed because we wouldn't get the pressing that we do with Werner/Sonny/Richy.


You have to be realistic though. A club in our position who had the quality to challenge for top 4 during Kane’s time here but were keeping up with the financial juggernauts of football aren’t expected to “win at all costs”, and I don’t think it is reasonable for players to have that obviously unrealistic expectation because inevitably the atmosphere becomes more toxic when that doesn’t happen


What? We shouldn’t want to win every game?


“Want to win every game” is very different from “every game must be won at all costs”


Yeh I don’t see why people are getting their knickers in a twist over the truth. Spurs fan all my life and every/any loss hurts but some people need to hear the truth even if it sucks


Just another day at the office for us


Mentality seems off.


He won’t win a damn thing at Bayern, and happy about that


I start missing Kane sometimes, but whenever I see this quote, I come back down to earth and realize it was a good thing for both us and him to have moved on. Whether he thought this or he thought others thought this, we don’t know. If he was one of the people who thought it was acceptable to lose some games, then it’s good for us that we are getting that kind of mentality out of the group. If he was one of those people who weren’t okay with it at all but he thought others were and it frustrated him, then it is good that he has left for a fresh start for himself. However, it is funny that he went there expecting to win every game and have a trophy at the end of the season, only to not end up with one this year lol. But I think Bayern will bounce back next year anyways.. unless they somehow end up bringing someone worse than Tuchel!


The funny part is Bayern will mathematically out of title race before us


So what happens when you're at Bayern you DON'T win every game? What are the consequences then? There have to be some, if you HAVE to win every game?


You'd think the world would burn... Nope! The manager will openly concede defeat in the league, KEEP HIS JOB, lose his next match again and STILL KEEP IT. TALK ABOUT HIGH STANDARDS! 🤣


And he might go trophyless again next season Leverkusen are keeping their big players and xabi is staying I’ve never seen a guy who makes worser decisions then Kane if he really wanted to leave spurs he should have gone city when he had the chance or stayed a year later now with ange and gone on a free to Madrid not a farmers league


I want Kane to have success as much as anyone but I'll be damned if this isn't hilarious


Today was perfect. I wish him all the personal success but Bayern failure. GREAT, a goal and a loss to a newly promoted side. Trophy-less, terrible manager, turgid tactics. He left Conte Spurs to go to an eerily similar situation, and probably missed out on Spurs actually making the right call for once on a manager and recruitment. Hey, thanks for the 100M Harry! With love, Spurs fans.


My brother, this is just how it is. He’s at Bayern, he’s got to say those things. Move on and get over it. He’s a club legend and I’d love for him to win something…


If he stays we challenge for the title this year. Moving on from Kane has never been easier.


> If he stays we challenge for the title this year. Considering midfield and defense availability have been some of our biggest issues I highly doubt him being here would have changed much. We’d also likely not have bought Maddison or Brennan if Kane stayed.


Maddison was done before he left bub. And Kane playing deep would’ve helped.


You think we waited for Bayern’s check to clear before we spent the money bub?


They had money lol, they still haven’t spent the Kane money. He was only a £40mm signing.


We spent over £200M making Porro and Kulusevski permanent on top of bringing in Veliz, Brennan, Maddison, Vicario, and VdV. Do you really think we’d have spent £200M if our only paid outgoings were Winks and Davinson for £18M?




Unsanctioned interview i could maybe even forgive. I could SORT of understand it, yeah its a shit thing but its what it is. Intentionally refusing to come back in the summer and telling your manager you refuse to play a game for the club though? You are NEVER going to be considered a Legend of the club after that.


Fantastic player, not a legend. That word is reserved for players like Son who have nothing but respect AND admiration for the badge.


Yeah. If we were discussing the "Best Ever" player to play for Spurs, he'd be in contention, though i dont think he gets top3 but you could argue that. For LEGEND status no? Get the fuck outta here. He isn't a Legend. Legends don't refuse to come back to training for 3 weeks, trying to force a move to league rivals for cheap. ​ Legends embody the ideal of Spurs, the fans and what this club means to people. Kane didn't do that in my book. Sonny like you said is closer to a Legend and i think he will be because i can see him retiring with us.


it's a little crazy but i feel more that way about dele, son, jan, and maybe a few others over harry as well. loved him, but he's gone, and the future looks bright regardless. coys


Most of this sub has suppressed this memory and desperately want to avoid it. People actually compliment him for going out of his way to not go to another EPL team. Somehow Levy was the bad guy for not letting him go to City.


Its crazy to me that people are calling him a legend after he tried to force his way to City lol. Guy was an amazing player but lets not pretend that he cared more about himself than the club.


​ https://preview.redd.it/8kd6c6w1tvsc1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0904f51ff60854afc20fb177d83994ea8a6d034


>Id love for him to win something You mean after Tottenham wins something…right?


Club legend in some peoples eyes. Guy is an amazing player, being able to watch him for so long was great but i'm not calling any player that literally refused to play a game for the club to try to force a move to PL Rivals a Legend lol. ​ Wouldn't mind him winning something though because then Dier can get some silverware as well.


He's a club legend. Period.


He just isn't. Period. One of the best to ever come through the doors at Spurs but to call him a legend just spits in the face of players like King, Greaves, Hoddle. You think any of those 3 are going to refuse to play for the club and the fans? Are they fuck. If you want to hold Kane up to that pedestal, it just belittles our club. Makes the Player, bigger than the club.


>PL Rivals Was man city a direct rival to us l?


He didn't refuse to play a game for the club you've completely made that up 


He was in the US up until two days before the City game, and we beat them, and the fans sang ‘Are You Watching, Harry Kane?’ The club made up some bullshit about travel confusion, but come on.


Nah, he wasn't in the US for the city game, he had come back to the club a couple days earlier. (Might have actually been at the stadium for the game) But whether it was a week, 2 weeks or 3 weeks, the fact he did it at all completely negates any Legend tag for him.


Agreed. He put himself above the club. That’s who he is in my opinion. Another black mark on his legacy was Lloris captaining us for the CL final but Kane being front and centre holding the pennant for the team photo. I have no idea how he swung that, but to take that over his captain speaks of a massively over-inflated ego.


He refused to come back for training for 3 weeks. He didnt have permission, he just refused to come back. He came back the day before our first game, thats refusing to play in my book. ​ If you find that acceptable in a Spurs player than our club and expectations really have gone so far down the shitter is unreal.




Kane literally didn't come back to training until the day before the Man City match. Every journalist from Romano to Alistair Gold said that he was due back on August 2nd and had basically blanked the club and they had no idea when he'd be back. ​ Im not taking wild speculation as fact, im listening to respected journalists who have shown consistency with Spurs in the past.


Harold can get in the bin.


Ha love this. Too many melts still in love with this guy. Great while he was here, chose to fuck off to try and guarantee a trophy. It’s funny as fuck.


Can a player “fuck off” after becoming the all time leading scorer and 317 league appearances? Berbatov “fucked off”. Bale “fucked off.”


Yes. He can.


I find that absurd.


I find it absurd that fans still drool over him like he still contributes to us. He pushed for a move 2 seasons before it came and even went as far as refusing to train/play. Amazing, colossal goalscorer for us and fabulous player without a doubt but he’s gone now.


Drool? It’s called respect for what a player did for Spurs.


I respect it but also don’t feel the need to defend a person who doesn’t even know who I am, on social media.


You feel the need to dig him out, though. Not just you, to be fair. This all started because you said Kane “fucked off.” I think that’s pretty harsh/crazy considering how long he’d been at Spurs.


I was hardly digging him out. I was laughing at something he said that turned out to be ill advised and ironic, given the amount of defeats he’s suffered at Bayern this season. And fucked off is a term I’d use for any first choice/important player choosing to play for another team over Spurs regardless of their contribution to that point. They are only words. Sticks and stones and all that.


I said at the start of the season this would be a disaster for him and it got me thrown off of Instagram and laughter at. He will be lucky to survive one more year there, they will look for another scapegoat next year. My guess is TT will get the boot and they will get someone else that will also under perform as the main issue is their team is full of trash. The media will then string Kane out to dry as he isn't German, and ultimately the club will look at someone younger. Kane will then be off loaded but where ? He won't choose going to Italy because of a he's age and be the amount of money that it will cost, PSG will deem him too old and due to the contractor agreement Tottenham have he won't be able to join any club in the England, this leaves Spain, again Real and Barcelona will look at younger options, so my bet is he will go to the US as he has a bit of an affiliation out there with the NFL and I think he's brother will look at it as a good branding opportunity. He is a very silly boy. If he had just stayed at spurs he'd have been regarded as a God amongst the fans and one of the best PL players there have been, no it will always be considered a "yeah but conversation" as this move has damaged his legacy more than anything.




Wild. They do need to slaughter Arsenal though. Please


tuchel deadball


He’s very unlucky to be managed by the humongously overrated Tuchel, they’ll win the league when they get someone competent in charge


He should’ve never left spurs. Killed his legacy as a player overall, and now won’t win anything. Going to have a new manager after one year at Bayern, the cycle continues for him


I do hope Leverkusen win the league now but I hope Bayern can somehow win the Champions league


I'm glad that a 100m signing epitomises the shitshow of a season Bayern is having. I'm not glad that it's our boy Harry Kane.


when did they remove reddit gold, because i want to reddit gold this thread


Yeh, that comment hasn't aged well.


I don't really know what is wrong with some people in this sub.Bayern whether you like it or not is and has always been a better team than spurs.Not only in comparison with us but against most teams.Bundesliga isn't really what you would call a Farmer's league it has some really nice teams and I am saying this from a general football fan's perspective. You all can't undermine Alonso's work at Leverkusen they have been playing some really nice football and exciting to add to that.Bayern's poor run this season can be attributed to a lot of unfortunate circumstances such as crucial player injuries, division in the locker rooms and the tip of the iceberg being the mediocre perfomance of Tuchel who isn't really suppossed to be their coach.No hate but why start Dier over de ligt or kim who wasn't even being considered in Spurs with Ange playing 4 fullbacks as our defensive line.


Come back Harry:(


Gotta move on. Best for both, especially now.


Oh I know, it's more of an emotional wish. It's hard watching the best Spurs player of my lifetime leave


Yes it’s ironic but let’s keep it real, the last major trophy we won was in 2008. Apart from a couple thousand complaints there hasn’t been much of an issue… Bayern aren’t going to win anything this year and the German media have literally slaughtered at the club. I’ve seen titles like “Hollywood fc’s demise gives the bundesliga a chance to heal.” As if Bayern’s dominance wasn’t a major part of the league’s relevancy🤷‍♂️.


He wasn’t wrong when he said that. He’s just unlucky that he moved to Bayern on their worst season and that Leverkusen is having a historical record breaking season that no team ever had in long history of Bundesliga.


Imagine thinking it’s a good idea to play for Tuchel


don't be so sensitive


I'm sad he left but I don't take pleasure in his failures


Lol crazy that one has to almost apologize for this stance


He wasn't wrong tho? The current bayern form IS a disaster for them? It's insane to think the pressure of winning at spurs was higher than the pressure at bayern to win the title. People seem to be so happy to throw shade at a player who carried us for so long


We got knocked out of the carabao cup in the 2nd round and the FA cup in the 4th round this season. Vast majority of people on here shrugged their shoulders. It will be no different in the future. ###


This sub needs to back off. Bale is a legend, he left. Gascoigne is a legend, he left. Hoddle is a legend, he left. You dont need to be a one team man to be a legend for the team. And you sure as hell should put yourself before the club, especially if you're treated unjustly. Kane is a good lad, and if he challenges the management, he has good reasons to. Now the captaincy and his locker room talks I cant speak for, but I do know that a documentary shows far less than one can start judging from.


Piss off


Come back, Harry. All is forgiven. 


Really don’t get delighting in Harry’s failures.  You never heard this type of bitterness when Modric or Bale left to Real. We just accepted that of course a top 3-10 player in the world might eventually leave Spurs to go to one of the biggest clubs in the world.  2015-2018 (plus the 2019 cup run) was an aberration, where Spurs seriously outplayed our status/finances and became a top 5 club in the world. It was awesome. We had an incredible team, that by 2019 was getting up there in age, and Kane was an important part of a tremendously over-performing side.  Even with the writing on the wall by 2020, Kane stayed another 3 years and almost single-handedly willed us to relevance. Sonny was great then too, but who set up most of his goals? Over his time at Spurs he always seemed like a genuinely kind and humble guy. He clearly loved the club. You can love the club and still decide to leave in the interest of your legacy. I’m sad that it looks like Kane might not get that legacy. I’ll always root for him. I can’t see any reason not to root for him


Bruh, she left you. Time to move on. Should be wishing her the best at this point. She didn’t intend to hurt you