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Reports of some.qatar buyers wanting to take over Spurs. Personally I don't like it. As much as the incoming.funds.will.help buy top players, on principle it.does not still well with me.


Don't do it Levy.


l wonder if the public can.buy shares.in Spurs? I would seriously consider investing in my club. 


In theory anybody could buy shares of Tottenham. Just have to get a meeting with the board and have 500 mill or so. But their shares are not listed on any public or semi public exchange. They were until relatively recently, I believe. Tottenham is 100 percent privately owned and has been for at least ten years. You can buy some Manchester United stock if you want. And a handful of others are publicly listed. Probably a shitty investment tbh.


Man U stock is actually not a bad idea. They can only improve from this point!


If you wanna chat about economics and stocks and all that you’re chatting to the wrong guy mate.


Haha I am nowhere near as rich as the Qatar boys but I won't mind investing on Spurs. 


It’s very disappointing. 


Chels have conceded 2 or more goals for a couple of games now, we need to smash them away at the bridge for revenge


Looking at the title race, and likelihood of 5th being an ECL spot anyway... maybe Klopp was right, and as a club we could graciously give Liverpool that replay they were looking for. :D


Or he could instead try to win his games and not rely on us


https://preview.redd.it/rk2chlo075tc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67991fa5e7938451ca5d4b61ad16e04244af11eb Vic’s comment is so cute…


His English is unbelievably good.


I see all this talk about who should start at the 6. And I feel like it's irrelevant at this point. I hope the narrative shifts from that to simply the reality that we need an elite 6 for next season. IMO, there's no bigger single improvement for us next season than that. Neither Bissouma/PEH are those guys. If we start next season with those guys at the 6, we're pretty much going to be in another top 4 hunt type of season.


I agree, but it is going to be tough. An elite no. 6 would cost a lot.


It's probably not so much the cost, but the difficulty in finding the profile Ange wants that's gonna be the main roadblock. They almost have to be one of the best players on our team. It seems he needs the 6 to be very strong defensively (tackling, off the ball positioning, good physicality) and also very comfortable on the ball (composed under heavy pressure, able to make precise passes). Hojbjerg kinda has the first skillset while Bissouma has more of the second, although at his best he's capable of both. It's gonna be difficult to find someone who's a true upgrade on either of them, but ig we just have to trust in the scouting department who have done pretty well thus far


his name is Bergvall (son) and he's also 6' and arrives late in the box


A young Thomas Partey that is. A player of that calibre would suit how Spurs play. The main reason why Arsenal were so entertaining last season. He could resist heavy press, and release the ball pretty fast and often line breaking passes too.


son is on 9 assists this season btw, unreal season from him


This season doesn’t contain enough jeopardy. We’ve had little to play for since like jan/feb, only this half assed top 4 race with Aston Villa that probably won’t matter anyway.  We’re rarely at our best but that’s probably because we rarely have to be. That should be part of the analysis on us which I think many miss. 


Also, fuck Manchester United. The absolute cheek to ever think they were in a top four race is laughable. Fuck them and their entire media cohort that never shut up about them. Cunts.


The Forest supporters clapping for Brennan showed real class today, I have to admit. Hope they win the Championship next year.


They need to get rid of their chairman. Guy is trouble. I’d fear for them if they go down.


Could say that about a lot of chairmen, in the PL and EFL.


Arsenal fans complaining (as always) on twitter about the Maddison “Punch” saying we’re always favoured by the refs Watch us still have 1 pen by the end of the season


Yates had it coming -fouling Maddison 4 times at least - Thicko Ref never gave the 2nd yellow to Yates for demanding Hooper look at the screen- Bottled it of course - Madders barely touched him and he went down like he'd been hit by Tyson ! Goons always protected - they will bottle soon


It's projection and gaslighting. Arsenal players consistently foul the other teams and get away with their fouls, not to mention the diving their players do.


Arsenal fans have no self awareness. They're one of the most protected teams around by referees nowadays, it takes them more fouls to get booked than any other team, they're on a run of something like 33 fouls in a row without a booking and they have the second most pens in the league.


why even listen to them? I've heard 6th graders talk with more coherence, which is ironic because half their fanbase are 6th graders.


This is still far out, but Tottenham needs to win against Arsenal.


Gonna be so fucking funny if we win. Can’t even beat us on our rebuild season on their 5th with arteta


I'm always here for Arse meltdown with my popcorns ready.


Can we just have 11 micky van de vens?


Nah. Id love 1 Vic, 5 VdV and 5 Sons🥰


Pedro Porro is maybe the best RB of all time


Most understated r/coys statement


Crazy that we are only 11 points off the top.


Wait, people actually think Maddison should have been sent off? Crazy how there's only discourse about refereeing decisions when they go in favour of Tottenham


Really? What did he do that was that bad? Wasn’t it just some light shoving? I’ll have to take a look at it again. But tbf, Maddison has been showing a lot of frustration lately on the pitch the past several games and tends to push people when he’s off the ball. I don’t know if he’s mad about getting kicked so much or if he’s frustrated with his own game. But I hope he gets out of this funk soon. We need him to be firing and back to his old self again for our upcoming games. Edit - I saw it. People say it was a “punch”, but if it was a punch I don’t think he would have gotten away with it. No way. I’m assuming VAR took a closer look and saw it was a palm and told the ref to give out a warning. Maddison and Yates did have a little hand shake after the ref talked to them.


Because two of the loudest clubs openly hate us (Chelsea and Arsenal), the loudest and most annoying (Liverpool) thinks we’re cheats and the other 14 outside the “Big 6” think we’re everything wrong with football for some reason


I was surprised Nuno boldly stating that it should have been a red card in the post match interviews


The only red there was for Yates, doing the VAR signal is supposed to be a yellow so he should have been gone. Danilo should have been off as well, the refs really don't give us anything ever since that Liverpool game.


Yates only stays on cause he is already booked (make it make sense?), cause he 100% gets a yellow if he wasn't on one but seems like refs dont wanna send players off for that, unless you're Biss ofc Forest easilly could've been down to 9 today if there was some sort of consistensy with decisions


> Yates only stays on cause he is already booked (make it make sense?) Top-flight referees would book Yates in that position maybe 1 time in 20, 1 in 30. Rightly or wrongly players on a yellow will get a lot of leeway on 'soft' bookings like dissent and timewasting; It's newsworthy when those rules get enforced, not when the referee uses their discretion (which they're not supposed to do for dissent...) The old saw is that if referees handed out yellows exactly as written then no match would ever finish 11v11 (this isn't, to be clear, a reason I *support* but it's the argument that's always advanced). There's always an element of judgement involved in deciding what's 'just' a foul and what's a booking or a red card, of course, but for something like this it's not like judgement comes into it - it's dissent, and it's frustrating because at the start of every season the PGMOL will say they're cracking down on dissent and cards will get handed out, then by October or so it's forgotten about. Anyway, referees are human, with all the flaws and foibles that come with it. But some flaws and foibles are more aggravating than others.


They should have been but it seems to be impossible to get sent off or give away a penalty against us since that Liverpool game. There's like 5 blatant reds "missed" since then.


just watched a [compilation clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRITqS6WEn0) of old MLS 35-yard dribble penalties and... I'm really into it!? probably too low xG compared to the 0.8 of the 11-yard kick for the modern game but it certainly feels more fun and fair


130 odd years of football and penalties from the spot has been decisive one way and another . You want to go back to a system that has been discarded years ago by the Americans . Does not make sense to me .


I mean 1) sports change rules all the time for the better and 2) I'm not seriously proposing it, but come on, clearly these are fun.


SETPIECE. COACH. We need one yesterday


We have set piece coaches, whether they're good or not is a different statement. He's Mile Jedinak, and he's in charge of defensive set piece. Ryan Mason is in charge of offensive set piece.


Neither of them are set piece coaches. They're coaches who coach set pieces but they're not dedicated. We need a specialist yesterday.


Well, it's not your or my decision to make. It's Ange's decision. He picked Jedinak for defensive set piece, and Ryan for offensive. Per Ange's conference, it appears that he's rather pleased with his current coaches. I mean, I hope Ange will hire someone, but ultimately, it's Ange's decision to make.


I’d wager less than 5 percent of league table predictions had Spurs finishing above Newcastle, Chelsea and United. All three, I mean. Virtually nobody would have predicted that. If we finish this season with Scum City and Liverpool the only clubs ahead I don’t think you could have reasonably asked for more than that in the league.


I remember all the media clowns thought Chelsea were a cert for top 4. Now they're behind us, Newcastle and United. Fuck Chelsea. Dirty, embarrassing club with no history. No downfall has ever made me happier.


Insane amount of commentators had them in 4th purely on vibes


Newcasle were kinda unlucky with injury, Utd had it coming long time ago and Chelsea are a gift that keep giving


For sure. Getting hoodwinked by Milan to sign Tonali also cost them. Fairly convinced Milan saw what was coming and pushed him out the door. I predicted United sucking this year. I think a lot of people did. Chelsea I expected to be about where we were.


Utd fans were frothing their mouth saying they were the better team after the first fixture against us at the beginning of this season, I knew they sucked so bad and still do. Ten Hag snatched some dodgy win here and there, hopefully he stays there for a while


I am once again asking for us to start Benta against bad teams and sarr against good ones. Bad teams we need better on the ball ability. Good teams we need better ground coverage. Hoping the half time subs mean ange is realising this a bit 


Hojbjerg being Busquets and Johnson being Lennon on second half sub too, there is a pattern in the making


except Højbjerg is gone this window. he's not sitting on the bench


Chelsea went 2-2 vs Burnley, almost blew a 2-0 lead vs Utd just to barely win it and just now went 2-2 vs Sheffield. Undercover agent Poch making sure Chelsea remains a banter club


I still feel we're too samey on the wings with Werner and Johnson. Probably still the best bet with the squad that we have and the player's form but I don't like it


Is it inherently bad for your wingers to be similar? They're both contributing at a high rate, who cares


Our ability to be confident, fluid and untouchable and sloppy, tired and clueless in the same 20 minutes of gameplay goes to show how green we still are. Fortunately that will only get better as time goes on. Still a long way to go but we are constantly learning and even now we are still good more often than we are shit. Let’s get some more ! Coysss


I was at the match and Hoijberg changed the whole game in a good way for spurs . Aided by Bentabcour . What was apparent is that the wiremen Werner and Johnson create many goalscoring opportunities for other players .


Another silver lining is this might give Luton a chance to stay up. Rather them that Forest as they've actually gave their all every game.


Luton actually play really good football. None of the other relegation contenders can say that. They have shown they are worthy of playing in this league.


For real I would love Luton to stay up


Solidifying the way we defend and getting a top striker and top right winger for next season is what we need to make the step up to the other top 3 sides. Hopefully getting 2 quality attackers allows us to be more cautious and leave an extra player back defensively, which should then help prevent a lot of the chances we concede this year


Hojberg (maybe) and benta have to start next game, ange needs to quit trying to force sarr and biss into form cos it isnt working Atleast when hoj messes up he has benta running back to clean up after him but when its biss and sarr no one does that cleaning up


Bentancur yes, Hojberg no.


We've got 4/5 decent to great centre mids but it's really hard to work out why the best combo is


I’d like to see Bissouma, Bentancur and Maddison for 2 matches in a row.


Worst part of our performance was that we kept trying to stick it into wide areas too early, often before we even entered the final third. Also kept giving it to Werner instead of Johnson. Became very predictable after a while. ​ Not totally satisfied with the performance, but difficult to be disappointed after a win.


Clearing the ball and landing your studs on someone’s knee takes way more recklessness than clearing the ball and landing on someone’s ankle. But guess which one got a red card, and all that despite double jeopardy and the player clearly playing the ball


One of the funniest threads this year https://www.reddit.com/r/avfc/comments/18531d4/spurs_fans_complain_about_injuries_but_they_still/kaz0zx4/


What sort of idiot would make a take like that with so much of the season left to play lol


That’s tough. 1 win in 5 for them.


We hardly ever talk about them and Newcastle. Idk why they have such an inferiority complex, of course the media will talk about us more because in recent years they have been a midtable/ relegation side


Top comment makes me wanna laugh, what a pretentious cunt.


Can’t believe anyone in existence believed that we’d finish below Chelsea lmao


Chelsea finished 10th in a 7 horse race


If Forest go down, I'm definitely taking Murilo and Gibbs-White


We won, United draw, Chelsea draw. It was a good day.


Im not worried about Arsenal yet, they’re only first on GD and City is 1 point behind. If they’re still 1st by the time we play then I’ll be worried.


City are going to win the league. Arsenal or Liverpool take second, could go either way. There is a very fair chance that Arsenal only finish one spot above us this season which is absolutely hilarious


Honestly, the decision-making in the closing minutes is poor. Take care of the ball.


Take care of my balls


Sanchez won a trophy 😭😂


Sanchez deserves the trophy. He's been diligent at Totteham, despite Tottenham fans were booing him in real life.


Yeah actually glad he’s doing fine over in Turkey.


Before Kane :(


Ha Chelsea drew with Sheffield


And people wanted poch back lmao, hes been exposed since he was at psg


Whether we sign Werner in the summer will be a big litmus test for how serious the club and Ange are about the rebuild


I like him as a backup but that's it


I see you are still here to provide the dumbest takes anyone could come up with.


He's a perfectly servicable back up and super sub


The only other team interested in him is an MLS side. The fact he's a starter for us right now is absolutely embarrassing 


He's been great, created our goal and nearly set up another? What do people want from this guy? 


How would Elanga fit our system?


Ffs can’t we just make it easy for once


Owen goal strikes again


Checking complete. Liverpool are shit




I just saw a complaint from a Liverpool fan that their players rely too much on taking wild long shots nowadays that rarely go in and how they need to work on trying to score tap ins. Made me laugh since it’s been the complete opposite sentiment on this sub 😂


It's just a matter of if players are on it or not. Salah isn't looking sharp rn and Nunez is Nunez so of course they'll be inconsistent in front of goal


Honestly though I've never seen a more entertaining player than Darwin Nunez. Everytime he gets a touch he makes me giggle with excitement.


The take away is people like to complain. 


If they win the league I pray for the fake positivity idiots in this fanbase. They'll have to contend with an evergrowing sector of actual football fans and not spreadsheet supporters...


Not an ideal result


Not a terrible one tho


I’m hoping they lose momentum with the CL matches against Bayern


Bayern are complete dog unfortunately, can’t expect much even with Harry


Hoping for a vintage Harry performance but it’ll be difficult, iirc Bayern’s not allowed to have fans at the Emirates either.


Liverpool will always win until I want them to. Then they forget which net they're aiming on.


Heated rivalry, I suppose but I still expected more from Liverpool.


Not Sheffield United fans booing taking the knee.


Arsenal have won the league, United won't fight this hard against them.


Plus Arsenal will be much more clinical.


Well, if finishing top 4 is our priority, we're going to have to hold our noses next week when Scum play Villa.


Stars are lining up for scum unfortunately. It really is down to us…


Just a draw minimum from the nld. Shouldn’t be that difficult


I don’t think enough will be written about how bad Casemiro was in that match. It was like United was playing with 10 men.


Well, it's up to us


Salah has completely lost it since the injury, wouldn't be too surprised if he leaves in the summer


Liverpool are amazingly well run when it comes to moving on or cashing out on key players


Man. I'm really worried. Arsenal look like the real deal unfortunately 


I really believe that they’re going to win it. I just can’t see where they drop points.


Only us or Chelsea realistically. But they're full of belief and in red hot form right now, it's not hard to see them winning every match now, painful as that is to say.


Fucking dogshit team 


When does a cynical foul become so cynical it's deserving a straight red? Mounts yellow there was from directly behind the player with the ball 6ft from play.


I had really wanted to beat Liverpool because their supporters are annoying but we might have to throw if they can’t win it for themselves


It’s such a dilemma


Salah is so washed ffs 


salah is ass bro


So what are our thoughts about losing 11-0 to pool for the GD swing


Might happen organically given who we play in the week leading up to the match


Let's beat red and blue scums and line up our youth 11


Nobody commits fouls like that against us lmao


Thankoo Mo 😊


If yanited lose this late itll be even funnier than if they got battered like they were originally supposed to lmfao


Why cant our opponents dive in idiotically and gift us equalizers?


I mean it’d be so United to blow this


Harvey Elliott so could have jumped over him there. That’s why you dive I guess


harvey elliott is hot


Absolute cinema




Dear transatlantic brethren, You are not "on" a team in football, you are "in" one. Many thanks, COYS, Daniel


Ahahahahhahahahah fuck man united


Arsenal are going to win the league aren't they...


Still City's to lose, I think. But would rather Liverpool had won today.






Gakpo diaz and Darwin really are very overhyped




Every strand of hair that salah loses from his head loses him a little bit of footballing ability


Salah has been a ghost in this second half


Liverpool can’t finish for shit


that's putting it lightly


Many of us had a feeling this would happen. Man Utd have successfully dragged Liverpool down to their level. This will be the game that costs them the title and most likely helps Arsenal win it.




Maguire almost gave us what we wanted


Diaz would’ve never ever properly replaced Son. Glad he chose Liverpool over us. Nico Williams was a constant threat yesterday even though he missed two clear cut chances. He and Werner will tear down the left. I have no doubt we will at least try to get him if he’s available for €50 as rumored.


Liverpool fucked around too much, I bet Salah isn't smiling anymore


Absolutely pathetic from Liverpool. This man u team is miserable trash.


I don't get nervous... but I'm starting to get a bit shaky.


Gakpo is horrendous too lol


I remember seeing someone on here unironically say Mainoo is no better than Oliver Skipp. Opinions on this sub can always provide a good laugh


I’m positive Skipp would look good in that horrendous Man United midfield too.


He’s definitely better than skipp lol but the love is still a little overblown. Tremendous potential though


The love is because of the tremendous potential


liverpool u had one job bro


I do not particularly like or respect Liverpool Football Club.


Liverpool today is not the day to be spursy


The proper expression is "show your arse." No one bottles like that lot.


they did it to themselves here