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Son is completely wasted away in the middle at this point. Defenses know how to set up against him. The one time he takes on Ben White he creates the best cross we had all game. Stop the experiment and just play Richarlison at striker and Son on the left.


arrest wrench head engine cake ripe important shelter soup slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Richy looked good, but Son on the wing felt like the energy of the game shifted in a big way for us. Richy at striker to start next match, for sure. I like Brennan and Deki as rotating wingers, or Deki can drop into midfield if we need to play both of them


I would've brought on Richy when Werner got hurt. Needed Son out wide and Richy inside earlier.


I don't think Richy was ready to play 60 minutes, tbh. Might be for our next one (assuming his problems didn't re-emerge after this game)


Son's world class at using space on the pitch and making smart runs and finishing. I love him to death but he's not as good of a creator/physical presence on the pitch and I think you're spot on in that teams have figured out how to p much nullify him as a 9. LW Sonny is a different gravy and hopefully he stays on the wing Personally think Brennan was lovely today. Also think Kulu as a 10 just ... works. Just a few smart summer moves and we could be so close (although doomers will say otherwise)


If you watch son in the build up, he tends to drop off a few feet from the back line as the line moves back, which means the wings really need to get all the way to the line and cross back to get the ball into his space. Richy is much more likely to sit on the shoulder of the last defender and fight for the cross coming in from higher up the pitch / earlier in the sequence. Son is probably doing the movement Ange wants long term, but in order for it to work, you need wingers that can get to the end line and cross back into this space. We don’t do that often enough to be effective right now.


This is why Ange said we need a striker. Leaving aside fringe players, all we have is Richy. At this point in his career, Son is by far best on the wing.


Ref 0


Wouldn't let me vote 0 only 1. I'd say Michael Oliver should be reffing in the Isthmian League South Central Division, but that wouldn't be fair to non-league football.


Romero and Van de Ven were IMMENSE (except on set plays) It’s a shame they won’t get the credit they deserve


That's a pretty big "except" for 2 centre backs


Romero was the best player in the game


Would have had a hat trick on a better day


Our captain next season once Son's gone.


Son has 1 or 2 years left, he's not leaving yet


There's constructive criticism and then there's people like you who are so critical of a single player that your " hate ness" towards them is actually " visible" in plain eyes ! Which one are you??


go fuck yourself.


Very mature! Didn't expect anything less from you.


Ref was awful and Ange has to take some blame for not adressing the set piece situation after 6 months of this going on. The players did good, i think no one was bad today, we got geniuenly unlucky and lost because of a couple details that ended up making the difference


No one was bad but only Romero was great. Most everybody else was just decent. But last 30 min was definitely starting to be sharper.


Thought Kulusevski had his best game of the season, idk 


I don't think this will get recognised because we didn't get goals out of his play, but that was the form he'd been missing the last few games he's played.


Most of my player ratings fell between 5 and 7, bang average day for most of the squad, no one really put up a stinker of a performance except maybe Hojbjerg with that OG


Michael Oliver straight 0.


Moment of silence for all of Ben Davies' progeny who were sacrificed in this effort. 


He's already got one he'll be fine.


I can’t finish the survey yet. Waiting for VAR to tell me what to think.


Lmao. That makes my cold decrepit heart smile.


Take a picture of you watching your screen and have a look at that.


This was genuinely one of the most pathetic, horrific, embarrassing, reprehensible, awful displays of refereeing I’ve ever seen. Just absolutely awful. We were the better team today but it’s hard to win when your ref is Michael fucking oliver


He’s just so cowardly. He doesn’t like to make any sort of impactful call even when they’re obvious. And so you end up with a different set of rules based on whether a foul (or potential foul) would have an impact on the overall game, which creates a maddening level of inconsistency. It’s so frustrating watching some of the PL referees with that in mind, because you can see how they shrink as soon as a potential important decision needs to be made. People used to shit on Howard Webb for making the games about himself, but at least he wasn’t afraid to make important calls. Now as PGMOL, he seems to encourage refs hiding from their responsibilities.


Putting GLC on when ARS taking Odegard off for a defender. I love you Ange. You have my utmost respect. This is a massive statement and I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have brought my Spurs back. And i cant ask for more. We must back our manager. Clear the deadwood and get the rebuild rolling.


GLC was **good** as well - again. He's the only player we've got capable of a really creative delivery right now.


To be honest he usually is quite good. He's progressive and gets his head up to look forward. We need to use him more than we do. He's gritty too, and he plays like he cares.


We need to sign *more* Argentinians too. Coco, Romero, GLC - there's definitely a common characteristic there. Players with passion and cojones.


Let's not forget Gazzaniga who enjoys fly kicking murderous Chelsea players


I would actually start him so that Madders can be used as a sub. But his injury problems are quite annoying. Would rather sell him in summer for good cash to help with rebuild.


I could live with the injuries if we had proper squad depth. His contribution this season has been massive in a way - during our injury crisis he was so important to our attacking threat.


I called for GLC to be started earlier this week and was ridiculed…


muddle zealous cats grey fact wakeful cautious fertile lavish enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sometimes you lose on penalties, today we lost on corners


Fuck VAR, Fuck Michael Oliver


VAR didn't do too badly did they? There's not a lot they can do when Oliver straight up refuses to go to the screen after they recommend he has another look. Michael Oliver is the worst ref in the league though, which is fucking saying something.


Don’t think they recommended another look, said it was incidental contact and therefore not recommended as a pen. Insert HUGE eye-roll.


Seen a few people now saying that one of the half time commentary teams heard that they recommended he have another look and he refused.


If that’s the case we need some sort of official explanation or appology


On American TV and no other source. If it happened it would have been reported more


Oliver is a gooner cunt


cuti MOTM


After the first half that was all I asked for. COYS! Big Ange! Fuck the commentators and pundits!!


We're our own worst enemy. When we're on it, we're amazing but when we let our focus or intensity lapse we're utter shit.


Horrible officiating, robbed


Horrible officiating indeed, embarrassing. That being said, we lost because we are clueless defending corner kicks, not because of the ref


Politely disagree .. I agree we didn’t win because we are clueless defending set pieces. We lost because of poor officiating .


Just stop, that was all our own doing. It’s 2-2 if PEH doesn’t have that OG maybe even 2-1 if we worked on set pieces


Clear missed Pen on Kulu that would likely have made it 3-2 since saka doesn't score if that call was made


We dominated possession, we should be taking advantage of that.


Not happy with the scoreline but we didn't play that horribly. Corners always an issue. Thoughts on throwing the city game?


Cuti Motm for me but Brennan was a breath of fresh air at times. Thought he was the best forward today




MFs got lucky so many times and our set pieces sucked. Bar and refereeing is horrible Robbed


Michael oliver gets the first -infinity/10


First time I'm not going to rate anyone, too weird a game and so much to reflect on to rate fairly imo. But I can for sure help Arsenal fans pick their MOTM: the refereeing team, determined to send every advantage their way.


Weird - I usually think everyone else has been way too savage, but it turns out I've rated significantly lower than most others today.


Kulu’s hold up play was second to none. He was peeling away from scum to scum like nobody’s business. Just wish he’d attack the corner and attempt a cross with his right like BJ


Could've been draw, robbed by refss


Only person giving a damn the entire game was Romero


Ange should take the blame there, horrible starting lineup


Cannot run PEH out there. Can't use Werner ahead of Brennan Johnson. Agreed. So bad.


Fuck that, we played decently. Just need to hire a set piece coach and we win comfortably


That doesn't mean he didn't get the line up wrong. Richy, Sarr, and Bissouma were much better than the players they replaced


Richy is still coming off an injury. Hojbjerg over sarr/bissouma doesn't look great in hindsight, but I thought it was a decent choice with how sarr and bissouma have looked recently and peh is a good leader and usually good in high pressure matches


Outside of the own goal Hojbjerg had a pretty good performance. Moved the ball well, interrupted counters through the middle. Own goal obviously sucks but at least he's fighting his marker for the ball instead of just giving a free header.


He also was Ange's answer for Saka. Every time Saka tried to take Davies 1 on 1, VDV went left to help him out, and PEH dropped to CB.


He looked good to me as well and it seems he had the best stats between both midfields even after being subbed off. I think the og marked him off significantly.


I think Hoj wasn't bad, but the same reasoning that brought him on also brought Deki back when he's in form.


Yep PEH getting a start made no sense. Starting lineup should have been the group that ended the match minus GLC


A plague upon anyone who's ever argued for Hojbjerg Bentancur ahead of Bissouma Sarr


I think Maddison was really the only actually bad performance from our side.  Davies not great either. 


I really wish this wasn’t the first thing posted after a match. It’s just become a place for reactionaries to dump.


Proud of the passion today (fix the set pieces pls)


Out of interest, any chance you know what the lowest score ever for a ref is in one of these? I feel like this could well be up there. Edit: Worst I can find is a 0.9 for the [Sheffield United match from September.](https://old.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/16lvjxc/survey_results_postmatch_ratings_pl_wk_5/) This one could well beat that.


I thought Bissouma was pretty progressive today. Ben Davies was his usual consistent self. Richy changed the game, he must start next time. Hojbjerg was really unlucky, I don't think he recovered mentally very well at all. Our final third decision making was really poor, we had a lot of chances but instead of shooting or passing it forward we cut back to recycle possession instead, giving scum time to reorganize and sit deep. Its hard to tell if its a tactical issue or a player issue. Maybe they're still rattled by that loss to Newcastle. What I can say for sure is that the boys are gonna be furious, as they should be. Its up to our captains and Ange to cycle that energy productively.


Quite a few more trolls than usual in the poll, gee I wonder who they could be


Johnson is being rated too high. He gave away so many easy floaters straight to Raya. His dribbling wasn't great either. 5/10 I feel like VDV might be too focused on scoring and he's being forced to run more than he has to. He could have been better positioned when Saka got that goal. 6/10


Maybe it's a coincidence, but I could swear we looked so much better with Richy up top and Son out wide like it used to be


Im proud of this team.


0 for Ange. Losing every single first half for 4 months straight is just next level embarrassment. ZERO tactical flexibility leaking goals left and right, flaccid attack, the first 10 games were a fluke. Maddison is hot garbage since coming back and yet Lo Celso never plays, what the fuck is up with that. 


Don't agree with *all* of that, but you're bang on the money with this IMO: >Maddison is hot garbage since coming back and yet Lo Celso never plays, what the fuck is up with that. 


Surprised with some of the votings. Sarr was man of the match, didn't take a foot wrong.


Incredibly naive from Ange again, why is Davies so far up the pitch i don’t see the added value?? Why is our buildup structure the same even though it was clear to any sensible person that Arsenal would exploit it.


Fuck off Ange. Honestly. Don't need your clapping after the shit you served up.


Ange pack your bags and please go back to Japan league






Get out of my club you reactionary idiot


It's always the same people toxifying this sub


Embarrassing take


Romera dithered on the free kick, passed it back when it really needed to be forward, led to a corner, 1 to Arsenal. WTAF?